Tampa Oze (三皇 五帝)

It is because of the [former ruler]
Have you ever talked about this at the Huangshan wave meeting? When we looked at him in surprise, he answered calmly.

“As I said, our predecessor is the Imperial Palace, but it is precisely the clan that is in it. When I investigated the rocks of those people, I found out. ”
[ Right… I feel sympathy for you.]

The Paekryonggyo was short-lived and lamented.

You said to me a few days ago. There is something more important than fixing the tragedy. What is it?]
“It is the application of the power of chilo (七曜).”

Mang said, staring straight at him.

“There are very few clues we have about the disease. It is a clue to the myth that is like a cipher, and even if you tell it, it will be very difficult to find. So, I have come to this point to give you the direction to pursue the Baekryunghyo in the future. ”
[Chil … The direction … ]
“Could you hear me?”

Baekryunggyo said quietly for a moment.

[I would like to hear from you before that it is a clue of mythical age.]
“Yeah. If you find a black and white lotus, which is a circle of spirits, it is possible to heal the disease.
[… It’s hard to find it.]

Baekryunggyo was a little idle. Perhaps it would have been the same reaction, even if the eastern perfection was normally returned to the Rajik with this clue. It was a quiet speech.

“More importantly, if you have the power of chilo, you can solve the curse of [the old ruler] even if you do not have black and white collar. Also, it is a power that transcends cognition.
[Chilyo … I’ve heard there is one in Haeundae.
“You seem to have something to say … ”

As the horses hung horses, Baekryunggyo said.

[Hyeon Chunju. What did you do to the East?

It is without core!
It may have been simply handed over, but the Baekryunghyo seemed to have inferred how we got the information. I looked up at the mine with nervous appeal, but Mangun answered unexpectedly without lying.

“Now he is protecting us from the Hanseo Blade.”
[Hmm … If so, there should be more information to tell me.]
“If you’re talking about the Longhua tree, it’s hidden in the continent at the southern end of the world. It is said that it is asleep by the side of Bibo of fire of fire of chillies.
[ Right. Eventually, it was the result of chillo.]

I could not follow their conversation.
In other words, the Baekryunghyo became aware of the kidnapping and confinement of the Oriental virtue, the lion of the Baekryunghyo, However, he was calmly speaking without killing him because of his anger or our anger. And the mangas tell the truth, as if it were a prediction.

Raji said.

[You seemed convinced that you could deliver better information than the East.]
“That’s right. It is the only thing that can bring us to the old ruler that we have brought the information to the municipality, but it can not be done. ”
[ what do you want?]
“For the future, I would like to leave the general duty of Chiloe’s exploration and treatment of the Minority disease to our Hanseongbang. Instead, we would like to have a friendly alliance with Baekryang-gyo. ”
[… … ]

Baekryunggyo was silent for a long time seeming to fall into thought.

I did not know what the gambling was like. He was negotiating with the Rajik, seeking to pursue the will of Chiloe, and at the same time trying to form an alliance with the Rajik in return for his intelligence! Of course, this is the best way to get the Bancheon to the top of the strongest force group, but if it fails, all three of us will die at this place.

The Lord of the Rats opened his mouth after a while.

[Mortar] Your name is the same as someone I know. What are you going to do with the gangster? ”
“I am his disciple.”
[Is it too. It’s funny.]

It seemed to know the leader of the Baekryunggyo. He seemed to laugh for some reason, but he was speechless.

[As you may know, there are two ways to break the curse. One is to acquire the divine powers of divine power, such as spirits of the beginning, and the other is to discipline the curse master. Why do you think I did not choose the latter method?]

I was confused and I gave a certain answer.

“Because I can not kill the curse lord.”
[Correct answer.]

The new model of Baekryungyo became a form of lying down slightly. He was speaking.

[It was a few decades ago … I have a fight with some divine being and I have a fight. He had destroyed his physical reality in the face of the existence. The presence was powerful but it was not my opponent.]
“… … !! ”

At that moment, I and Mangyum opened my eyes.

‘Mi … crazy!!’

Have you ever been in a battle with a [former ruler] ?!
A ghastly godless man who can not touch even in the heavenly world?
I did not even think about it at all, so I opened my mouth.

[But he fled to his soul without reason, and it disappeared somewhere, and after that my son, Soo-ji, was put on a terrible curse.
“… … ”
[I wanted to track down the existence and completely destroy it, but there was no way to chase someone who had already become a soul and disappeared.]

Mangyu thought for a moment and then replied.

“I think it was probably the incarnation of the [ruler] of the old ruler. Since the existence of the old ruler has already passed [Death], when the incarnation dies, the body will return to the other world called the dark heaven. ”
I know. I have also investigated a lot about the Yi and the old ruler since the incident … ]

The Lord of the Rats gave a sigh.

Even if I was strong, it was impossible to go to the female cancer tongue beyond the dimension to find the existence. So I have to find a normal way of healing in the former way.]

I could see what happened. Although the Lord of the Rooks struck the old ruler, the curse left by the former ruler was taken, and he was struck by the tragedy. I understood the situation roughly, but I thought that there were many unanswered questions.

If so, why was the plague that the [alchemist] shed on the capital suffered from the mad cow disease?
What is the difference between the progress of the killing and the variation of each person?

Said Mang.

“I want to know more details. Why did the princess fight the old ruler? ”
[It was the chance that the blue eyes of the Gentiles came from the west area.]
The gentleman suggested to me that if he had an unnamed librarian, he could get the world. But I ignored him because I was not interested, and he summoned the old ruler for his life before he died.

My name is my librarian!

I looked at the mud. He also nodded when he saw the snowfall.

Perhaps the stranger in the West was a magician like Alchemist and seemed to come to the middle ground to get a powerful book, an unknown librarian. And he did not mention himself, but he would have sent a healer to him, and the magician seemed to summon his [former ruler] by devoting his soul to the crush before he died.

The net amount asked.

“Do you know that the Imperial Palace borrows the power of the Yi emperor and that the emperor seeks to burn by their own strength?”
[Of course. Until now, we did not have a direct connection with us.

Baekryunggyo has grasped the rocks of the Imperial Palace. However, it seemed like ignorance because humanitarian service rituals and activities on the Imperial Palace were not directly affected by the rites. But it would have played a big role in the urgent situation of the treatment of microblogging.

Mang said.

“They can find both the unmarked librarian and the cure as well as looking for the chiloe’s work. Please believe us. ”
[Do it. Thank you in advance.]
“Thank you.”
[However, I will send the eastern union here. I have to give him a reward for his efforts.]

The story went smoothly. I was terrible because I wanted to be killed by the Rajin, and it was so flat that I felt stupid. I was intimidated, but soon realized that I was betting because I had a chance to win. It is necessary to have a group called “Sangbyeon” which is fully aware of Yi and Yi books and takes the place of the search process, rather than believing and moving only one piece of information about the East.

“And if you join the alliance, there is one favor … ”
[ Something?]
“At present, it seems to be trying to check the brain of the ginseng, but it may be a big blow to our Hwan Cheon, who is training with the brain. I want you to stop it. ”
[Our school’s law school is not so naive.]
“Of course, do not the bottoms move with a lot of loyalty? I did not know that there would be a problem in finding a cure for bovine spongiform encephalopathy. ”
[Hmm … Maybe.]

It was a political conversation.
I do not know what you are doing, but in fact, you will know what the feng shui is all about. So, the mangyu [the head of the department does not know] shifted the story of the secretly, the rhapsodic ridiculous is to pretend to accept.

I thought it was over, and I stood beside him and asked the Lord.

“Stir … May I ask you one question? ”
[You said it was white. Please ask.]
“It seemed like you were looking for Yonghwa as a remedy for the disease. Why did you think so?”

It was not simply a species, but a tree that Buddhist master Shakyamuni liberated. In other words, it can be said that the existence of the divine powers. Of course, Baekryunggyo may have thought that its origins are related to Buddhism as well as being a spy, but I wanted to know more details.

The Paekkyonggyo seemed to be rubbing his chin as if it were an unexpected question. And then he said.

[Motherless mother (unmarried old mother).]
“… … ? ”
[It is the name of the great god we serve. The venerable mother, the innkeeper, promised to send Maitreya to this world, to take away her scattered children, to honor the evil spirit, and to realize a peaceful millennial kingdom in the human world. Do you know the doctrine of this Baekryungyo?]
“I’ve heard it before.”
[Actually I had gone to the most powerful liquorist I know to seek advice to heal the disease. At that time, the spokesperson could not help me, but he said it was Tianyu.
“It’s a fairy tale?”
[The magic of the old ruler could curse the whole of the Baekryunghyo, but it could not have been done because of the blessing of the motherless mother. So I thought of the way to devote the greatest sacrifice and merit to my unhappy mother-in-law.
“Uh … ”

The blessing of the motherless mother!
I could not believe it easily.

Of course, although the Baekryung-gyo is a religious group, it has been thought to be a group of devotees who have so far been wearing religious rituals. In fact, it was the first time in the Gansu era that it had scrambled the pagoda, and the Baekryonggyo took the spot. However, when he heard the rhetoric, he sincerely believed that he was a mother-in-law and that he felt a great identity in their religion.

At that time, the amount of bangs bounced.

“Then, what kind of person do you think Miurauk is?”
[He is the one who eliminates the chain of reincarnation.]
“What does it mean?”
[The moment that Maitreya is born under the Yonghwa Water, everyone in the world is enlightened and ascended. But it also throws off the bridle of the body and the bridle of the soul to reach the supernatural … At that moment, the pain of all the reincarnation is gone.]

I was going to and I was listening to the religious theory of the religion. However, he was seriously seriously listening to his words. He pounded his chin and pondered, and kept asking.

“Then do you think that Maitreya is not God?”
Yes. Maitreya is not a god. I think it is the doctrine of the universe that exists in itself.]
“I heard the precious words. It was a great help. ”

And we were able to obtain several books of Baekryunggyo with detailed information about the magicians from the West. When I went there, I saw the Lord ‘

[Disciple of Lee Kwang. It’s a great achievement.]
“Thank you.”
[It would be nice if you could come back to our school.]

He was a little disappointed. I realized that the rhetoric of the Rajik is so terrible that it is worthy of this evaluation. In other words, it means that even the first person in the world can recognize it and covet the talent.

After that, we came to see the Bishop of Baekryunggyo. It was in a building named Tianbeodang, which was under the care of a spiritual man. I was amazed to see the environment of the bed where the minyo was lying on the side.

“This building itself is like a temple. It is spiritually stable, and the bed is made up of a great power structure. ”

When I saw the little lord close to me, half of my body was changed as an alien due to the illness as expected. However, the face of the Minority was in a state of integrity. It seemed to be less harsh than what I had expected, and now it seems to be just a breathtaking housekeeper like a plant man. After confirming the state of minority, we greeted Baekryunggyo and escaped Baekryunggyo.

We moved out of the Baekryanggyo to boiling to a distance of a few hundred yards. I sat in a nearby restaurant and had a meeting about this.

I asked the manger.

“Shouting. Then, can you stop the trickery of good old-fashioned? ”
“I honestly do not know. You can block the big foul, but there will be a small blow. ”
“Even if the Lord of the Rats block him?”
“That was too benevolent to see the Rajik.”

The net amount was short sighing and said.

“The rite of the rite will come down and the rite will stop the plan, but the rite does not want the size of the brain. In other words, the question is when will the ranch stop? If the time is too late, we may be irreparably damaged. ”
“Let ‘s be lucky to have avoided the worst form, though. I do not want to be so vile on the face of the Baekryunghyo. ”

I said to Mangyang when the machete said.

“Shouting. But why did you ask the question before? ”

Everything else was a question related to a real-world theme, but the question of the mokukwa was a bit disappointing. I wondered if it was a question that came about because of the insatiable desire or whether it was related to our survival issues. When he looked at the mine with his wondering eyes, he said with a surprise.

“It’s still a hypothesis, but you’d better tell me.”
“Tell me.”
“In a nutshell, I’m skeptical of the blindness of my mother-in-law.”
“… … ? ”

In the end, I felt like I had a head in my head.

“I have heard from Master that it is the same [old ruler], or more, that can stop the magic of the [old ruler]. I mean, if there really is a blessing of an unruly mother and it has weakened the curse of the old ruler, that means … ”

Mangyu did not finish the word, but I knew enough what I wanted to say.

“… Is it possible that the god of the Baekryong-gyo is also a [former ruler]? ”
“It’s just a hypothesis.”
“But Baekryungyo does not offer human sacrifice and it is closer to a force group than a religious group. ”
“Not every [old ruler] enjoys human offering. They are basically people who are not interested in humans, and what they want is sometimes an intangible offering. According to this hypothesis, Baekryunggyo might have gotten stronger power instead of offering something.
“… … !! ”

Mangyang shook his hand like he was reluctant to talk. He rarely said nervously.

“Anyway. Because of that I could not help asking. If so, what is the Maitreya, that is, the motherless mother sent to this world to bring it to liberation? I had to ask because there is no one who understands the doctrines of Baekryunghyo more than the pagan. ”
“He was not the god of the Maitreya.”
“exactly. Maitreya is not a god but a doctrine. That’s a really annoying answer. ”
“Because the interpretation of the Maitreya of that Rajik is the opposite of interpretation of the Buddhas of all India and of the world, as well as of the Middle Kingdom. The answer is the same as the existence of a virtuous nurse is real and the existence has the power to move Maitreya, the universal law. Besides, I want to get rid of the ring of reincarnation … It is a heretical thought. ”

What do you want to say?
When I looked at him with anxious eyes, he sighed.

“Hoo … Anyway, it’s a hypothesis. I think I should stop by Master and ask this question. ”
“That’s such a big deal?”
“Of course it is.”

I mourned to death.

“Baewong. Take me to Master. I will go back to the song later. ”

============================ Late Works ==================== ========

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