Tampa Oze (三皇 五帝)

The choice of snare was ‘to send a lion’. Although Alchemist fell down, the intimidation of the Zegal department was still intimidating, so the intention was to open the intention of the Zegal department. The messenger sent a lion, and after a slight attack, the lion came back.
The lion descended from the horse and walked in the barracks of the manger, and suddenly his eyes turned white. And a dark voice came out of the voice of the lion.

[Are you convinced that you have won the supremacy?]
“Why not sure?”

Perhaps the Zeegal department borrowed the lion ‘s body and seemed to be delivering his doctor from a distance. It will probably be one of the tactics. Zehal has been silent for a while.

[I did not know how he stole the portrait, but it was a mistake. You have touched the backward scale.]
“It is a flare. What is a dragon? you? It was called “Man-jung Ryong”.

Zengal replied, “Yes,” he replied.

[There is a terrible truth in this world that human beings can not imagine. What you have done has drawn the attention of the presiding officer of the truth. So even now I can not predict what the future city will be like.]

The complexion of manganese has changed.

“Does it mean that [the old ruler] is directly involved?”
[ No way. But soon you will pay for it.]
“… … ”
[He warned me in advance of my blood, Hyeon. I will go to the way I will live.


After a while, the body of the lion wobbled and the complexion came back. It was a kind of ninja and necromancy when I saw that the eyes returned to the original. The mangos passed out the lion and immediately went to the leader of the dragon with the crown of thunder.

Mangyang said to the leader of the army.

“General. You have to defeat the army until you are dead. ”
“Until? That makes sense. ”

Leader Hwang Yeon made an absurd look. Now, Luoyang is in front of the city and surrounds Luoyang City as a large army. Even though he can correct the Emperor, retreating Baekryeo is a choice to get rid of Chun Jae-il’s chance, so Hwang is forced to panic.
However, the amount of money said carefully.

“So far I have done all I can to do with the power of man. But now it is time for the power of heaven to work, so you should avoid as much as possible. Please consider that. ”
However, If the soldier is slaughtered until the words are given, it is no different than giving the Emperor the time to repair his power and run away. Do you mean to tolerate it? ”
“It does not matter now. If mythical beings move, there is no human race. It will be irreparable damage. ”

General Hwang Yeon was troubled for a long time. Then he shook his head.

“I can not tolerate it.”
“I trust you, but I can not make concessions. Only four or four thousand troops will be defending Luoyang, so if only one day is slaughtered, it will fall into your hands. It is not too late to talk after securing the emperor’s recruits. ”
“It’s not possible! That’s the worst choice … ”

Leader Hwang Yeon looked at Lee Gwang, who was beside him.

“slum. You were owed me a debt. ”

At that moment, Lee Kwang’s face hardened to a pale light. However, he recovered his temper and replied.

“That’s right.”
“Let me pay my debts now. Let the enemy resign for a while. ”
“… Okay.”

What a joke!

I jumped in the moment and blocked the front of the net. I spread my hand as if to protect the net, I stepped back a few steps and stared at the brainpower.

“This light! Did not you decide to share your fate with Him? Please believe in the amount until the end! ”
“… … ”

Lee Kwang was silent, holding a window shut. Then he said.

“I have a life of debt to General Huang. And I decided to give it back to my life at any time. He said, “I have to follow.”
“crazy… !! Do not you know which is right, too ?! There has never been a mistake in choosing the right amount of money !! ”

Lee Gwang looked at me with his cold eyes.

“A soldier is a soldier. If you do not step back, I will. ”

I bit it. I reached out to the boiling water in my cheek, and at that moment, the dragon ‘s shape came out and made my movements pause. There was no real forcing, but if I touched the boil as much as I could, I would immediately attack with a stormy offensive.

I heard an echo of Lee Kwang.

[Give this place to you. I think it is stupid to retreat into words. Do not you have to make gambling in your life a great success?

Ikwang also knew that the words of Mangyung were right. When mythical beings begin to intervene, they know that big affairs will blow. Nevertheless, I had to pay back my debts with one unmanned person, so I persuaded myself to persuade myself. I was frustrated and opened my mouth.

‘Why do you live that tired?’

But I could not get it to play right now. I had no choice but to encourage the momentum with a sword.

“Sabu. If I have to die in this way, I have no choice but to go to the same place. ”

Kuo Oo

At that moment, my body ‘s energetic momentum triggered and oscillated within the barracks. The body of Gene Socheong, Lee Gwang, Myeolwol, and Deokwol that surrounded me was tantalizing for a moment. I have liberated my inner work as much as possible, so it is not a human being. I felt a grieved expression on my wall when I felt the level of my office.

“What the hell is it possible to build up my mind?”

Lee said shortly.

“Fighting is not only done by myself. It is a mistake to think that it is possible that we have been able to coexist with our ability. ”
“… of course. But it’s really possible. ”

I am confident. This is the result of Baewoong result in a brain, and if you look at the glaze, you will be able to multiply your attack power by several times. If it is the force of that time, I think it will be possible to coexist with those who are here. I was convinced in my voice that my eyebrows wriggled.

At that time, the snare behind my back said with a sigh.

“All right. I am lost, so let me bow. ”

The machete sent me an all –

[If there is an unavoidable flow, I must follow it first.]
[ But… ]
[You will soon find me again soon. Do not worry.]

I shed a sword and crushed speculation. Then the crowd came around me, and I clung to me with a cord. After a while I and the mine were trapped in a dark, temporary arsenal.


As the door of the temporary weapons gate closed, the pole arc turned on. When the torch rose, the great arm put a torch on the wall and sat me in front of me. He came along as a role to watch over us.

Said the police.

“Do not worry, I do not feel bad. I just do not get the opinion. ”
“I think so too.”

Mangyu answered naturally, saying.

“Extremely. If there is an outburst, let us loose. Please. ”
“I’m sorry, but now all of the Brahmin ‘s disciples are supposed to follow the command, so they can not do that. I will never let you go before Sabu or Chief of the army comes directly. ”
“I will not believe your judgment.”

He just laughed. The superhero seemed to be frivolous and selfish, but actually the brain was spinning fast, cool and strong. The best person to arrange for a surveillance station is deployed. Said the police.

“I’ll tell you by reference, but you should not think about escaping by boiling it.”
“Why the death penalty?”
“If you want to write, I can not stop you with my niggles, but you will not get our trust twice again.”
“Right. But what can not you do in a situation where trust is already shattered? ”
“Trust is broken? If I did, I would have put together my request. ”
“Uh … ”
“We still believe that you are on our side, so we end up with imprisonment. Otherwise it would have killed both of them. ”

When I was annoyed and gave a blunt answer, the polar arc opened my eyes.

“Do not provoke me. I do not have thin ears and my patience is not that strong. ”
“… … ”

If you say that much, you have to be in good shape. Because the extreme horizon had a violent temper in the inside like a thunderous disciple, a big division will be born.

We sat bound and sat waiting. I totally asked Mang.

[Mortgage. What do you mean by that Zegal guy? ”
[The Zechariah ran away. There will be no ties to defend the Imperial Palace.]
[Why are you running away … ?]
It means that there is a strong presence in Luoyang that can easily grab him and kill him. And the presence will soon attack our army.]
[It is powerful, but the army of this army is well over 100,000 people … ]
[I do not even know what kind of being will appear. I just have to leave it to fate.]

So about a day has passed. He was sitting in a silent position, guarding us as if it were an ultra-high-tech man. At the very extreme, I could still boil and escape with the mine, but the mine did not seem to want it. I also had to be forced to seal my own movements.

It was then.

Kugugugugu … .

I heard something happening outside. He said to us that he felt something unbelievable and woke up on the spot.

“Wait a moment.”

Suddenly out of the hurricane rushing out of the half-angled, he jumped into the army. He swiftly swung the window and cut off the postseason that tied us up, and threw me a sword into the mine.

“Come on! It was a big deal. I have to go to the army leader! ”
“What’s going on?”

The extremist murmured this.

“As you say. A strange monster appeared !! ”

Saa ah …

Everywhere seemed to be covered with a fog. I wondered if my vision would be only three, and I felt like the fog was alive and moving. In the midst of that, the great leader did not lose his sense of direction and led us to the barracks of the army leader.

In the barracks of Hwang Yeon – jung ‘s army, there were crowns of crusaders including halo. Hwang said with a pale face.

“Shouting. The monster appeared in Luoyang province, and our army became paralyzed. ”

The moat said with a sigh.

“What about the damage situation?”
“There have already been more than 10,000 deaths. I’ve ordered a retreat now, but this strange fog is not delivering the command properly … ”
“Who is the monster?”
“That is… It’s a veteran. ”
“Soldiers made of clay are constantly rising and attacking like immortals, and it is a bloody white bubble that controls them. It looks like. ”
“A white foam lump.”

He said, “It’s a lot of money.”

“Soon, tens of thousands will be destroyed in the fog.”
“What the hell is that?”
“Mythical presence … It will. ”

It was a painful expression.

“The probability of survival should be good 3 … Please prepare your mind. ”

Then he looked around and looked around at me, including me.

“Fighting against monsters is a suicide. Help me to prepare for the organization of all the people right now by lowering the command. I do not know what to do, but I do not have to fight a white foam lump, which is the source of liquor, and I have to flee. ”

The moon gods of the gods, Mellwol and Deokwol, bluntly spoke.

“Run away?”
“Do not you fight a monster?”

He said it was natural.

“What if there is a ranchist beyond the fog?”
“He’ll run away.”
“It’s like that.”
“… … !! ”
“It is not possible to fight an ancient existence as a human being, so it is impossible to use it.”
“… ”

There were complaints in the eyes of the moon and dew. I would not like to be fooled by an unidentified monster who is not a person who does not fall to Lee Kwang. After a while, the thunderheads were dispersed to lead the soldiers to protect the chiefs of the various places.

I came out and walked through the fog and found a place where blood was thick. And as I moved to the place, I could see a terrible sight.

To give

촤 Alas …

[The big aa … ]
[Uh … 겍 … ]

The monsters made of earth called entombs were poking the body with a sword. When they came up from the body, they rubbed their mouth and sucked their blood. Some of them digested the inside of the body by hand and chewed it well.


Some people, not the illiterate, tentacled tentacle monster, crawled over the body and tentacled the tentacles. As the body of the tentacled body poured water out, the worms, like worms, began to grow up in the wound. It gradually became like a mushroom shape and slowly lifted the body using mycelium.

“… … !! ”

This kind of cruelty may be crazy for ordinary humans. But I watched calmly and noticed that this scene was similar to the time of human service. The things of this world were eating human beings happily.

I ran up and cut through the tombs and tentacles.


[KIT benefits!]

The veterans seemed agile and mighty, but my sword was swiftly washed away. Though it was weaker than I thought, it seemed that it was hard for the general soldiers to bear these guys. It was when I was looking around to see if there were more enemies around.

I’m sorry!

Miho suddenly transformed in the form of a necklace and appeared in front of me. It was a half-person half-figure, and Miho used half-combat. Miho told me with a face full of fear.

“Baewoong! Stop it and let go. ”
“What are you talking about?”
“Can you feel this terrible yogi? There is no time to escape if it is later! ”
“what… ”

Miho was seriously afraid. She said she was groping beyond the ominous fog.

“A nonsense gangster … Beyond that! I have to run away! ”
“The Great Yogi? What is the Big Bang? ”
“Uh … There is no time to explain! Write boiling. ”

Miho’s fear of this is the first time since he encountered the guardian of Moon. I did not even know that it was different from human because it was a sensitive vigor that was resistant to maggie. I took out the boil as Miho said without a star.


Me and Miho appeared straight in the barracks of Mangyang. Mangyu said that he was organizing the data.

“The situation is serious.”
“It’s already late. Let’s run away. ”

We first decided to search for the celestial heads. It was a bit of a hard work to increase the number of survivors, but in this situation, the life of the brain was also dangerous. Fortunately, the Brahmin ‘s adherents were able to join easily because they had a strong flag.

When all the members of the superpowers except Mwolwol and Deokwol were joined, and the leader of Hwang Yeon joined the group, Lee Gwangwoi frowned.

“It is annihilation. There was only a body. ”
“So fast … ”
“Where are the laws … ”

It was then.

[Big aaa !!!]

A tearful scream sounded. We turned to the origin of that scream almost at the same time. At the same time, a huge brain and fire flashed out, fogging for a moment and increasing the visibility to near ten.


When the destruction sound was over, there was unbelievable sight there.

The moonlight and the dewar, which were the master of the throne and the master of the world, who came to the world! They were caught in the air because their heart was punctured by a whitish white. If you look at the shedding of blood in your mouth, you will still have a chance to survive. It is because he was penetrated the heart.

Mellon cried out with all his might.

[Run away … !! This guy … The price is different … !!]


It was a will of the moon. The pure white silvery tail was swiftly swung, and the new type of the red moon and the red moon was decomposed like a prank. It was like a lie when a piece of dead body flowed through a hole and a piece of body was scattered.

The fireball splashed in the eyes of Lee. He grasped it and took his window.

“This guy … !! ”

I followed Jinyokcheong to the side of Leegwang. Speculation has been widespread as it has been quite angered by the death of Jeong Socheong and the death of Dowell. The amount of cries shouted urgently.

“No! Calm down! If you fight now, die! ”
“Funny sounds! You only have to defeat him! ”


The next moment, Lee Kwang and the new type of Jin-suk-gong were ejected into the white foam lump. Their disappearance from the fog showed that they were fighting a mighty enemy within a short distance of a huge gulf.


I felt my head hurt while the brain was ringing softly.

“Large … ”

He comes.
I felt a sense of intention to fall in my heart. Unlike heretofore, Yeobin was in touch with my soul in a very cautious manner, and I also tried to match her spirit and violence.
Youngbin spoke to me.

[Smoker with … I am a slave … I did a thousand exits … This time, it is hard for me to say the odds … Will you still let me do it?]
[The witness line. What is that white foam lump?]
[It is not a bubble. The presence of a downward force, with too strong a potency, does not even allow observation of its appearance. ”
[… … ?]
[I will ask you again. This is the superlative one among the myriad strongest people I have ever met while on my way to exile … But I will leave the life of the lady to me!]

I was troubled.

‘If you fight with all your power, will you die?’

There is precedent. I am very likely to die. If you can ask me for your permission, you can not risk it. However, I foretold that if I let it leave in this situation, I would die to death to Gwangwha and Jin.

I do not know Lee, but I can not let him die. I responded to this in a bad way.

[ Okay.]
[ good… In the age of … You must repel the absolute devil (魔王).


[This is the second step of the … Beyond Shin is to respond to salt.

Suddenly the lightning bolt fell from heaven and earth, and I struck down the sword I was holding. But I felt power in the whole body rather than being electrocuted or stunned. Perhaps Yeobin was casting the ability to borrow stronger strength from the sky by using witchcraft.

‘I’ was changed to the state of Yeonbin. Yongbing looked at Miho next to me and Miho once, and said to Miho.

[The waiter told me to go back to the claimant.]

Miho shook her body and said to her.

“What do you mean?”
Do not get involved in this. Then in a hundred years you will come back to heaven.]


I left the word ‘I’ jumped into the battlefield.

Shou Woong …

When I went into the fog using a flying suture, I could see the battlefield at a glance. There were bodies of soldiers dying all over the place everywhere because of the intoxicated and tentacled monsters, and on top of them, Socheong and Ikwang were attacking the white bubble mass.

“Haaat !!”


When the gentleman approached and thundered the thunderstorm, the lump of foam was shaken and it fell off the ground. The attack was an offensive attack and the bubble could not stand still.

After a while, an audible sound resonated in the intestines.

[Have you made me reckon one of my nine tails on a human subject …? ?]
“Shut up!”
[Ah ha ha ha … ]

It was the next moment.


Something whimsical was passing by, and suddenly, Socheong and Yiwang’s arm fell off one by one. And Jean Soche avoided the additional attack because of the difference of the time, but Lee did not.

As if pretending to be playful – Lee’s throat flew into the sky.

It was the last of the second trilogy of succession of the superpowers and the attainment of the occupation. Gene Socheong was staring blankly for a moment when he could not believe the scene, and then quickly Yongbing flashed and took his body and landed on the ground.


“Uh ah … !! ”

Jean Socheong just stood up and tried to attack, but Yeonbyeon overtook the blood transfusion lightly. The head of Jin – cheong broke down, and he threw Jin – cheong away. Perhaps it was intended to make it possible for other gods to accept it.

As Yeobin jumped into the intestines, a white foam lump came to the horse.

[Is it the eight line? You are still trying to fight useless.]
[I know that you are the king of the age of appeal. But you can not keep your hand over any longer.]
[Fushufu … It would not be enough for all of your arms to come in. Are you alone?

When the white foam lumps out, the kender Seo Dongbin replies, staring at the lightning sword.

[I should stop it … ]

In the end, I felt something was wrong.
And as the power of the brain sword became stronger, the white foam lump was lifted, and soon it became known that it was a pure white silvery ‘tail’ which I thought was a bubble mass. And the substance beyond the tail was the appearance of a huge evil fox like a mountain.

Oh Oo –

[Aha hahaha !!]

‘It’ seemed to shake the heaven and earth to eat. At the same time, I was able to feel stronger power than any other enemy I have ever seen. It looks like Miho, but Miho has an absolutely wicked and wicked person who has a huge gap between them, distorting all things in front of his eyes.

The Taegeuk is distorted.
It was also felt to me that I was determined to die, Yongbin, a prosecutor, who was an ambassador.

[Sweetness (? 己)!]

And the battle began.

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