Tampa Oze (涓夌殗 浜斿笣)

According to the recommendation of the gumma, it was appointed as a municipal municipal government and began practicing the next day. It seemed to me that I would teach me one-on-one in a quiet parade where all the people were bound. He told me not to look at me.

“I thought about you for a few days after you went, but it seemed to be in a different order.”
“What do you mean?”
“If you can not hold on to the limits of physical strength and energy with hell training, it means that your horror is not so high. It’s likely that you will not be able to try a year or a decade instead of a month in the same way. ”

I felt terrible when I heard the word. This is because it was the most representative word that symbolized the martial arts. There was a great lack of me in the area of 鈥嬧€媘ental-inspired instinctive inspiration. The saying goes.

“But it does not mean that you do not do it at all. I’m writing unconsciously. ”
“Are you writing?”
“The seizures and secrets that you use are in fact most of them can not be embodied by the physical ability of the human being. The fact that you can use it well is that you are unconsciously reinforcing your thoughts around yourself. ”
“Ah鈥? !! ”
“What you lack now is a skill that consciously utilizes your ideals, itself.”

I seemed to know why.
Although I can not consciously use the idea in the form of technology, I clearly understood his dedication when competing with Jing. It would have been the result of the combination of concentration and intention. Said the kumma.

“I would rather think of sitting meditation (sitting meditation) for you.”
“Left meditation?”
“Did not you meditate on your left wing meditation?”

I pondered the process of training the brain and I responded.

“I think it was very occasionally.”

The basic training process of the brain was the practice of polishing and physical training. The training of the flag was dealt with separately as smoke (姘旀皵), and there was hardly any practice of meditation only in the full-fledged meditation. Because I lacked my talent, I had a lot of time to learn skills.

He smiled as if he understood.

“You are not a starter. It is a master who has reached a considerable depth in regard to Mu (姝?. It seems like it’s been a long time to lead a training with a simple physical exaltation. ”
“How can I do meditation on the left?”
“You can stay. But that’s surprisingly difficult. ”

After the explanation, she heard a wooden sword.

“I will explain some meditation methods. First of all, I’ll give you a testimonial from the sword. ”
“Checked? Are you talking about the unclean inquiry? ”

The term “testimony” refers to the whole herbivore of swordsmanship. That is to say, to learn the action.

“Then you came to the commandment of our ministry.”

It was a gumma that seemed to be natural. He stretched out a wooden sword all the way forward.

“Look good. This is the season of the spleen of the body, and it is an uncircumcised sword. ”

After a while, the body of the kumma moved softly and classically. The movement itself was slow enough to be seen by a young child, but each of the seconds that he did not have a single error and did not feel a waste. It seemed as if a thousand and a thousand times were made only by the spermatozoa, and the myrtle and the annual ring seemed to be felt.

Su …

The maim finished the demonstration of the unclean divorce method by a gentle motion.

“How are you?”
“I’ve seen it well.”

The kumma laughed at my answer.

“Ha ha ha ha. Is that all? Do not you feel any more? ”
“Well鈥? ”

I was embarrassed. It seemed that she wanted to see something different from the previous demonstration.

I rolled my head desperately, and I remembered the experience of witnessing countless hours of fighting by the daughter of the maim. And I compared the Seomunghae ferns and the black ferns in my head.

“It looks like a shadow.”
“Yes, it is. That is the characteristic of the uncooling. ”

The kumma replied that he was satisfied. I thought I was just the right answer and I took a sigh of relief into it.

“Actually, it’s two pieces. Because it unfolds the unscarred sword method and the despotic sword method at the same time, it is called the uncircumcision sword.
“Yeah? So you do not … ”
“Yes. The shadow of the sword you saw is actually a divorce. ”
“… … !! ”
“The opponent is regarded only as a sword, but in fact, the method of divorce is spread out in the arms, and without the rumor of the other, the opponent’s power is taken away. That’s the essence of the blindfolding. ”

I had no choice but to open my mouth.

You can develop two guilds at the same time!
Such ideas have never been heard or seen before.

If it is said, if you block the blindfold, you will be hit by the blindfold, and if you block the deflected blindfold, does that mean you will be blindfolded? But when I saw it, it was only once that it was demonstrated that it was a demonstration, and there was no sign that it would develop. When I was confused, the kumma laughed.

“The white gate is open. Let’s do the Dalian for a while. ”

After a while I took a sword and began to compete with the black and white. Of course I had a lot of experience with kumma, so I wondered what would make a difference.

But it was the moment when I competed against the gumma for about a dozen seconds.



I was trying to stop it because of the unfolding of the second half of the blizzard, but at the same time the inspection came from an unexpected direction and hit my shoulder. I realized that this blow was such a horrible herb, and I shivered and shivered.

‘ Oh my gosh鈥? If it was a battle, the arm would have been cut off! ”

It’s a wooden sword, and I did not carry a swordsman!

At the same time, I realized that in the past I have been giving a lot of amazement to the amazon when I danced. Even if I do not use a sword and do not use a sword, I will be able to cut my throat within fifty seconds. I was stiff because of the shock, and the kumma gathered his own sword.

“Come on. You have grasped the sword of the uneducated sword, but you have not seen it at all. I do not know what you’re going to do.
“… … !! ”
“Each of the swordsmanship and despair are not so powerful, but the synergistic effect of combining the two fences into one’s mind is so great.”
“That鈥? i See.”

I could see why the gumma could control the Sapa Moorim.

‘Who will be able to stand if the gumma is determined and unfolded and unfolded?’

I do not know if it is known, but it did not seem to be known to the black world. Although the reputation of Mao PALMO is very high, it was a secret in the past. And if you are the first opponent in the black-faced divorce, you have the power to process deadly blows, and no one in Palma will be able to fight you.

‘Wait. Then, I can develop the same time as the unofficial blind maneuvering I learned? ”

Then the gaze saw my face and said it sharply as if I had read the hearing.

“What if you mix the other gambling methods like an ancestral divorce gambling method … You’re thinking. ”
“Ugh … Sorry.”
“K haha, no. Most people who have encountered an uncircumcised divorce law think so. However, it is very hard to get the maximum synergy effect by mixing two gambling methods. It is impossible unless genius classes are studied and developed throughout the society. ”

Said the grumpy kumma.

“From today, I will teach you the testimony of a castle. And I will meditate on the left time. This is the best training method I think. ”

From now on, I go to a proper training.
I swallowed my hands as I swelled in anticipation that I could get stronger in the future. Then I thought about it and told him.

“Oh, I see that I want to show you … ”
“Huh? Something?”
“This is it.”

I pulled out of my bosom and handed it to the gumma. The maim looked at the O-ring and muttered.

“This is unprofitable. Where did you get it? ”
“My brother got it from Dongying. But I was worried because there was no clear training method. ”

I mean it was true.
There is something like a sword fight or an injunction law. However, most of the sound of catching a whiff of what should be done while cutting somewhere is difficult. If you practice this skill in the field, you will be caught in a coin and die.

“… … ”


I learned how to listen to my words and did not listen to my mind, concentrating on the bookshelf of Oirun slowly one by one. I could not help but notice that the kumma was sweeping over the olyuan.

During about half the time, the amazon was silent and read the book and covered the book.
And I was sighing.

“He who built this is really, really great!”
“It’s a terrible mistake … But I have no confidence in learning. ”

What is this sound?
Let’s look at the blacksmith with the eyes I want to explain, he said.

“It does not seem to be a neutral player, but this is a really great game. But maybe I will not be able to learn you either. ”
“I do not know what you’re talking about. This is such a great non-emergency? ”
“sure. You can come to the world if you learn the secrets of this book. ”
“But can not you learn?”

I questioned.
Even so, I was a genius and engaged in the sword. I do not understand why I can not learn the skill of the O-ring while admiring the greatness of such a gum. Then came the kumma.

“It is a two-sword that uses two swords. It is not the same, but the reverse is also the reverse. ”

I had already heard of the Incarnation Ido from Mangyung, so I already knew how to distinguish it.
The position of the iso is divided into two types according to the positions of the large and small islands, and the two are divided into two opposite sides. In the left hand of Jung – do, he takes a small sword in his left hand and a large sword in his right hand. If the foot of the hand with the big hand goes forward, if the foot of the hand with the small hand and the small hand goes forward, it is a reverse.

“This station needs tremendous martial arts talent and reflexes. In addition, it is under the premise that the non-artisan itself is based on the idea that an overwhelming genius born of natural talent trains in one’s mind. If the talent of the law is not extremely good, it will not be allowed even to enter, and it will not be two or three people to be able to learn it in the heaven and earth. ”
“… … !! ”
“I have learned to sword and have been training so long that I can not change my finesse according to the skill of this owl. It ‘s an adventure to throw away all of the past. That’s why I can not learn. ”

Is that what the O-ring did?
This kind of dancer needs dictatorship, bumblebees, rushes, even some kind of giftedness, and the need for specialist skills.

The squirrel was speaking with a hollow eye.

“The problem is that I have once met the negligence of this O-ring.”
“On the day that your brother, Baek-woong, rescued my daughter, I was going to compete with Wang Dongying.”

He dropped a sword.

“At that time I was trying to make a disciple by admiring the talent because the warrior used a technique that was very good. But he was a bully, so he killed him. This is the same as the one used by Dongying Musa. ”
“That’s right.”

I put on my arms as if the kumma had trouble.

“Uhm. Maybe there is a station in Dongying. It would be a small modification. ”

Although the maunmame did not say anything, I seemed to break my head.
It was because of the fact that it was out of nowhere.

‘ This鈥? Miyamoto Musashi is the Oirun stand. But if so … ‘

Muhammad Miyamoto, the writer of the Oirun, is actually at least two or more than that, as long as the kumma judged it to be a tremendous admiral. However, Miyamoto Musashi himself was murdered when he was dyed with kumma. It is a must to say that you have been killed by a great deal of neglect.

What the hell happened?

I once defeated my home in my head and asked the damma carefully.

“Do you think I can learn the book?”
“You are probably a flock. In other words, this is an unkindful book of wisdom that only challenges the description of the heavenly kingdom. It is probably a disadvantage because I am a genius who does not have the same person who built it. ”
“Uh … i See.”
“Well, there is room for research. Will not you give me this? ”

Should I give the owl to the kumma?
If you give it to the gumma, you might study the o-ring, and you may know that the gumma is going to rise, and that the gumma is telling me how it is derived from it. But it was a question of whether you could trust the gumma. Whatever it is, it must have been a tax-free work, and I can not be responsible for what will happen if I give it to the gumma.

I hesitated and the amazon woke up bitterly.

“Well, I guess I do not have that much trust yet.”
“What is it? If you need it later, consult me. ”

The maun handed me the Oirun. I felt that there was a little more confidence in the figure. If you feel that you are in a state of emergency, you may be able to steal it or hide it with force or without force.

‘I can trust you a little more.’

And I started to learn the testimony of the uncultured sword and the divorce method for about three months under the guidance of the kumma. The learning of the seconds and the motions itself is not so difficult, so I was able to get the test before three months had passed.

In the meantime, while meditating on the left side, I was feeling stable and calm. I did not think I got the idea, but it seemed like I could catch some sense. In the words of the kumma, the meditation of the left is a slow but sure way to wake up.

“If you do it, you can certainly learn how to use your ideals for about three years.”

Three years.
It seemed long, but it was not that long considering I had a previous life. Of course, I was not alone in meditation on the left, but I was constantly teaching me how to draw my motivation while giving a map. I worked hard to make the most of my ability to take this opportunity.

It was at that time that an urgent lion came to Hanshein.

“Soo Woong! Please move quickly. ”

The lion was a member of the Hanseon-gun who had seen his face a few times before. He was obviously a life and death writer, but he was originally a jerker in the first class, but he was a culminator after he was given an infantry medication.

It was white and white, whether it came to the horse for many days. He said, wiping his sweat.

“I want to see you quickly.”

I was embarrassed and questioned.

“When I saw it three days ago, I did not have much time.”

After I practiced at Woo Young-moon, I went to the boiling gourd song about 7 times a day. In case something happens, it was to hear it. I told him to concentrate on the training, saying that he was still alright when he visited the mangrove three days ago and told me the current situation until now. Did it suddenly work?

Then Saito Filipujung said.

“Please hurry. It is too urgent, so the counselor has sent me. ”
“Well鈥? All right. ”
“I saw you in my usual place.”

As soon as the speech was over, the lonely people got out of the room. Said the geisha who was listening from the side.

“I think you are in a hurry. Let’s hurry. ”
“Sorry. I do not know when to come back. ”

The kumma smiled after all.

“Do not worry. You can come at any time. ”
“Yeah鈥? ”


I moved from outside the moonlight to boiling.
And when I arrived at the Ganggang Song, I was standing near the Daechung, fully dressed and dressed, waiting for the harassment. Mang told me as soon as I saw him.

“Baewong. It was a big day. ”
“What’s going on?”

At the end of the conversation, I became dizzy.

“The Lord of the Rats has made a nonaggression with the emperor.”

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