The heavenly world

We pressed the servant straight away to force him to answer.

“I have to look at the wallpaper of the moon. Please guide me. ”

The words of the kumma were courteous, but there was a force to force the opponent’s heart out of the moment. As a matter of fact, one servant was not able to hold the power of the current groom at the moment, and he grew in complexity and grew dizzy.

“No, of course I wear it. Of course. ”

We headed further inward along the servant. I walked about a hundred chapels, and there was a mansion that had a classical atmosphere. It seemed wide enough to live alone, but if it were a code, it would have been enough to be understood. The servant went inside the mansion and said a small bell rang.

“master. The guest came to you. ”

After silence for a while, the woman ‘s voice came from the inside.

“It’s Mohsen.”

We followed the servant into the inner room. There, a woman in a purple garment was waiting in her chair. And I confirmed her appearance and shed my voice.

“Well… ”

The wallpaper of the royal court is sure. It was a slightly sharp impression, but it was an excellent beauty woman who could not be easily seen, and her expression was extremely cold. If she laughed, it seemed to me like a strange thing to have a couple of men.
The maunmum looked at her as if she had confirmed the fact and looked at her.

“I am glad to see you here. I am called the front gate of the dam. This is Baek-woong, the corporation of the text. ”

The current songwriter of the old song, Dowang Wallpaper Award, replied without any change of expression.

“What do you think about this wallpaper?”
“I have come to seek the recruitment of Woo Young Moon because of the excellent wisdom and talent of the former presbytery. It is a pity that he died in a few years. ”
“A person is a virtue. He was also unable to resist the good fortune. ”

The tone on the wallpaper did not change the level, and it even became dark. The person who listened to her voice for the first time felt embarrassed. But for me who had already heard the words on the wallpaper, I knew that it was a unique way of writing wallpaper. So, it seemed that the gumma did not feel a big discomfort to the wall paper.

“But I know that you have been known as a gambling gambler in the past four thousand years, and how did you become the master of the old song?”

It was straightforward to dig into the problem. Then the wallpaper statue answered with a cup of tea.

“What is called is a shameful title of my past. I was acquainted with the life of the old man, and according to his request, I am taking care of the old song and taking care of it. ”

The maimasha poked her in silence.

“Now I do not want to go to the strong armor as a king?”
“You can think about it. I am quite satisfied with my life here. ”

In the calm reply on the wallpaper, the vermillion shed a silent voice. The wallpaper image seemed to be spoken without hesitation, but it is hard to judge her psychological state as a gumma after all the preliminary heat because the feeling of the emotion is not felt like a plant at all.

I told the Wallpaper because I could not watch.

“How did you get acquainted with the acquaintance? I heard that Zegal is an extremely wacky and selfish person, so there are no close friends. ”

Then the wallpaper priest looked back at me and replied expressionlessly.

“That’s right. Zegal was an intolerant and living in that good taste. But he was pretty funny, so I was often interacting with him. ”
“Was it fun?”
“I responded as a friend, but this ideal is not an example of a deceased person, so I will quit.”

It was a wallpape that cut off the story because it was polite without a time.

“… … ”

If I answer like this, I will not be able to say anything, but I have become a mute eaten honey. I did not have anything to miss because I did not miss anything I wanted to do. Then the sister who was sitting next to me sent me an all –

[This person is the master of psychological warfare. When you ask a question, you will only read this intention.
[ Yeah.]

The maunmarie said for a moment.

“Hmm. Specifically, what was his cause (cause of death)? ”
“It was a suicide.”
“How did he commit suicide?”
“It was a poison. There was no time to spend his hands. ”
“dock? Was not it possible to kill him? ”

Then the wallpaper statue answered firmly.

“I can speak with my name. I investigated the matter for half a year, but there was no chance of being killed. It is true that he committed suicide. ”
“Uhm, that’s what you are.”
“If there was a pleural effusion, I would put my friend’s righteousness to the end, but I did not, so I decided to manage the old song according to his will. There is no problem here. ”

The Wallpaper Prize implicitly reflected the eye that we wanted to go. No, I was totally disgusted at the time the story was over to Zegal’s suicide. She would be able to adjust her mind freely, and the fact that she was so outspoken was a manifestation of her willingness to let go of an unexpected intruder, even if she revealed her feelings.

So, the kumma said.

“Please forgive me for the sacrifice of today. He is a man of great power, and he is truly minded. ”
“It was nothing… Would you like to have a meal? ”
“All right. Then I’ll see you again next time. ”
“Take a look.”

And we came out of a long song after receiving a release on the wallpaper of the old song. I came out of the old song and did not understand it, so I asked kumma.

“It is strange. Would not it be a good idea to get more? ”
“… … ”

Then the kumma sat down on the flat under the tree nearby.

“Did not you feel it?”
“I had a strange feeling. I can not express it in words … Unattended hunch … I was sending a strange warning about not having a feeling of tackiness (七 感). It would have been dangerous if I had digged all the way from there. ”
“… … ? ”

What do you mean?
I had no idea at all. Although it is a climax and supply-demand situation, it is doubtful whether the present kaonma will be a point of a few seconds. Even if there were ambitions of horns on the spot, there is no fear. Nevertheless, the amazon showed a very cautious attitude and was watching the wallpaper.

The kumma smiled bitterly.

“I can not explain well. I think this is the process of opening up the goddess that Myeong Ryong spoke. My stomach was saying that it was a pathetic thing to stay there. ”
“Uh … I do not know. ”
“I can not help it. Even I was a long-term citizen. ”
“no. I believe in your choice of the door. ”
“Thank you.”

The answer was that the hippopotamus hung up to the sky in the shade of a cool tree.

“Right now, I’m suspicious of the wallpaper, but I think it is dangerous to get it right. First of all, it is not too late to think about tomorrow after seeing it. Crossing the bridge of death is probably the last. ”
“The bridge of death? Is that enough? ”

I was terrible and questioned.

“The level of martial arts on the wall is not so high. There was no ambush or punishment around, and there was no sign of Dokdo. I do not think he is the kind of person who could trap us. ”
“If you think normally, I have thought about it dozens of times to put her down on the spot. But did not you think? ”

The kumma said with arms folded.

“If Jeegal is a genius next to the snare, I would never pass on to the rookie his own song. In other words, the wallpaperist has the ability of processing to be recognized by the Zeegal. When a genius acknowledges existence other than himself, there is a reason for that. ”
“… … !! ”
“I’ve had this feeling only once. It’s time to face the lieutenant. ”

The grumpy maunm looked at me.

“Keep in mind. The Wallpaper Prize is dangerous for you to get behind your back. Be careful, you’ll have to be careful. ”

I was able to recognize the situation properly when I heard it.

‘ Right. I do not know anything about wallpaper awards right now. ‘

What you do not know is that you do not know what your intentions are and what you can do. And there was nothing dangerous enough to hide information. I had to admit that the guard was relieved because I watched the gentleman’s machi deity side by side.

“Yes sir.”

I said to myself, “I am sorry for myself.

“By the way, have not you been preached to be the final season of the frenzied fence? It did not unfold in the previous demonstration. ”
“I would have taught you that Lee Kwang is a season that goes beyond championship testing.”

I made an awkward look. Of course, I have not forgotten that fact so far in my head. However, there has been a reason why I have never been in my mouth, and I have never seen it in the demonstration.

“Yeah. I’ve been an actor. ”
“Then why?”
“uh… Did not you see it as an obsession? ”
“The memories seemed to be very short, like you wanted to hide, and it was not even clear. That’s why I ask. ”
“Ah… ”

I could see that my obsession was not misunderstood, but my mind was not wrong. If I have a memory that I want to hide or dislike unconsciously, it will be missing or shortened. It was said to be automatically installed for user convenience.

I replied to the saying.

“Beginning with the brain-spining test, we learn the test of mankind, and after that we learn various kinds of brain-spining swordsmanship. And when the mankind’s testimony sublimates and reaches the 10th grade, it will enter the throne sword. ”
“It is a crane! Is that the festivals final season? ”

I shook my head.

“no… In the words of Lee Kwang, he said, “It is true that he was a queen of the dragon. It seemed to be a problem of the order of learning. When I learned to master the Sword of the Dragon Dragon once again to the 10th grade and mastered the two fencing perfectly, it was the final season of the true throne fencing. ”
“Oh oh… !! What is it ?! ”

The kumma seemed excited. It is because it was the same thing that hearing the glow of the excellent ascension method as the same test was to boil the uninhabited soul by itself. I hesitated and said.

“… I do not know.”
“Huh? Do not you know? ”

I became disastrous and said the conclusion.

“I have not learned a lot of brain drones. Because the man’s test was not 10 stars. ”
“It was too slow to progress, so I decided to give up and finish the test. so… ”
“It was.”

I did not say anything behind, but it seemed that the maunce knew my words.

It was.

In the past, when I delivered the grandfather of the nonproliferation to the Brahmin, Lee was greatly eager to tell me the final season of the Thrill sword. So, it seemed to me that he was guiding me to the test and I thought that I was going to go to the new sword.

But it was a matter of time for my lacking talent to be heard. Lee Kwang said that I would let him know next time he was giving up on the speed of skillfulness. And then, I went into the study of non –

It was an ambiguous problem to blame for this. I was not convinced that I was still in the 10th grade of the Manseungseongjeon because it was a sword of ascension. So I can not say that I can not wait for the completion of the fencing that I do not know for decades.

And I felt that my lacking talent was embarrassing, so I had roughly handed over the memory in an unconscious way. When I came to my face because of the shame, the kumma said.

“You do not have to be ashamed. I do not think it’s important now, but I think you’ve reached the 10th place of the championship. ”
“I honestly do not know. A man’s judgment is nothing but the limit of change and illusion. ”

I blurred my horses and I smiled a pig.

“Seven years have passed since I have been working with you. I’ve seen countless times in the test. And from my conclusions, you have already learned the maneuver. ”
“Is that true!”
“Of course. Because you have over five years of learning beyond the foundation of the no-show divorce law. ”

The kumma was a horse.

“It is a speed that can not be done normally. Even more so when you think that your sword is not enough. However, the reason you have learned to master an unclean divorce quickly is because you have already become accustomed to change and welcome because you have already won the right to win. ”
“i See.”
“It is now possible to instantly enter the nuclear weapon, the brainless god sword.”

It was really good news.
Is not this the sound that I have reached the pole of superhuman swordsmanship? I forgot that I was so depressed until just before I smiled and said,

“If there is a problem, it is the power itself of a sword-finishing point.”
“Is not it great power?”

Why does the mausoleum doubt the power of the swordsmith endowment?

“… … ”

The kumma was something I did not like. Then he said.

“I think tomorrow I have to meet with dignity.”

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