I can not deny that you are a Rookie!

I was so absurd that I did not know what to say instantaneously. So I forgot that I was in front of the Lord and I got up and said.

“I do not deserve it.”
[ Why?]
“The talent of Jin is better than I am.”

I was silent for a while.

[That is not my consideration. I want Baek-Won to become a disciple.]
“… … ?! ”

What should I do in this case? I looked at the grief and jealousy, but they were more calm than I thought. Mangyu nodded and sent me an all – tone voice.

[It’s all right. Just accept it. Anyway, you can contact us because you have a catch phrase anyway.]

The amount of mangaloo was also assumed this situation. I then found stability and prostrated myself to the Lord.

“Sorry. I was embarrassed and made a mistake. Thank you for your great grace. ”
[ Good… ]

The Paekkyonggyo blurred the horses and ran the healing of the hills.

[The amount of money shall be the friendly law to carry out the lord of the brain, and the right shall be to the left. I hope you will help each other to promote the school.
[Then I will do my first assignment.]

The first mission of Rajin!
We were touched by his orders. The Baekryunggyoju was a horse without any movement.

[Draw back the gods that are scattered in the midlands and bring them back to school.]

Should I say it as expected? It was an order of course, but a very difficult command. Right now, we have a sword in our minds, and we are in a position to accept the rumors of the superpowers of the rituals. I thought it was impossible so far, so I had to decide which of mythology and rituals to choose.

He said one minute ahead.

“My lord. I have a word to say. ”
[Talk to me.]
“It is only by force that we are forced to return the fugitives of the superpowers, and we have no choice but to overcome them. I will do my best to fulfill my duties if you can arrange something for them. ”
[Hmm … ]

At the end of the majesty, the lord was a slight thought. Then he said.

[Tell them that they will give you a high status in the school and give you a chance to study Lee. This is my honor.]
“… … !! ”
[Then most will come back.]

Although it was said to be nonchalant, the amount of money that was next to me was swollen in the forehead. It seemed to feel that fear because I had read a certain degree of sincerity. The bangs barely responded.

[And if you do your mission successfully, I will give you the Tenryuldan.]

Heavenly Star!
I had no choice but to shed a voice. It is the terminal that relay the power of God whole, and the strongest body which can draw infinite inner work! It was a temptation to deny it because it was unmanned and hard to resist. How much of this rheumatic religion did not come to find out how to learn the spirit of Han?

‘ What? The condition is so good! ‘

No matter how you think, it was not a suggestion by the Lord of the Underworld of the Underworld. Rather, it was more like a negotiation with a comparable opponent. We can not say what we are now, even if we put a rumor in the way that the Lord of the Rajik does not hang up any condition or silver, and shut up and do it. Therefore, I had no choice but to doubt the truth of the Rajin.

“I’ll make it.”
[ good.]

Baekryunggyo seemed to be satisfied, and he named me as an index finger.

[The laws are going to go away, and the lawyer Baigo is following me.]

Soon after that, Mangyang and Jeon Socheon were pulled by the hands of the senator, and I was forced to stay in the place. What do you mean you will not follow him, though he does not show up behind you?

However, after a while, the voice passed by.

this way.


I was surprised at the voice of my ear and looked at the side, but there was nothing. In addition, the new form of rhetoric in his feet had already disappeared. I realized that Baekryunggyo was passing by me in a super high speed method and left his voice.

‘It’s a monster … !! ‘

I have been practicing martial arts for the past 100 years and have reached the level of no problem even when I have already competed with the highest honoraries in the middle class. My fuselage eyesight and feelings were far beyond what was usually a mistress. Even I was able to grasp the existence of even the gilded sword of the ultra-hard corpuscle at once, but now the rhetoric of the ritual is not the ‘

Even if I gave the maximum speed of destruction, I could not assure at all whether I could exercise the new law like Rajikyo. My premonition was that I would go halfway with the new law of the Baekryunggyo. In fact, I realized one more thing of desperation.

I am the first intellectual of the present.
It is obvious that my throat should have escaped even though I had just passed one of the capital (hand 刀) as I passed.

Too high mountains. How much do you have to do to deal with such a monster? I banged my lips and moved along the paganism. In the direction of Baekryunggyo, it was not so difficult to follow because it seemed like a vast expanse of Baekryunggyo.

Did you go about fifty? I was in a garden full of flowers. It was a beautifully landscaped garden, but trees were planted all over. It was a place where the fragrance was blossomed just like a picture with a good shape.

And the Baekryunggyo stood in the middle of the garden and gazed quietly up the tree. His outfit was the same as he had seen at the Imperial Palace Battle, where he was wearing a purple jean with a gold thread and wearing a crown on his head. Also, I was wearing a mask on my face, but no face or shape was carved.

The Lord asked me.

[Baewong. Do you know what this tree is?

I looked at the tree in a gilt. When I saw the leaves and the shape of the leaves, the tree meant only one species. I responded quietly.

“It is a dragon tree.”

Although the water was not common, it was a cultivar seen everywhere. It was also called a bamboo tree, and a large tree with an impressive leaf blade. I knew that it came from India. In my reply, the Lord of the Rats said, stroking Yonghwa.

[Unlike this common one, I wanted a real one. But now it is no longer necessary and I am grateful to you for not that much.]
“… … ”

If I joined the Rajik without any information, I would have felt rhetoric wonder to the horse. However, I knew that Baekryunggyo was sent to South Korea to repair the tragedy and to collect legends, and I knew that there was a knowledge of Yinhwa ‘s talent in the background.

Yonghwasu is a legendary tree in which the future Buddha (Buddha) in Buddhism speaks of the end of life. The Baekryonggyo thought about how to fix the tragedy of the Minority, but as an alternative, I decided to give a big service to my mother, and I was looking for Yonghwa to be the offering. But I gave him the black and white lotus, so the disease was healed, and now I do not need any.

The rhetoric continued.

[I wonder why I made you disciples.]
“Yes, it is.”
I was able to find out as soon as I saw that the talent of the submissive was superior even though it was not talking. I have already skipped the feast season at that age, so anyone with such talent was born and only seen once.

Who is it?
When I was wondering inside, the rascist said.

[But I am more interested in you.]
[Did you know that I did not know that I was forced to turn my attention away from you? You can also imagine that Jin is a center, but you are the head of the crowd. Still, the weakness is weaker than the genius, Interesting enough.]
“… … ”

Somehow, I was sick when I was talking about the truth. Anyway, Baekryunggyo seemed to have grasped our relationship with a glance as a leader of a large organization. I said to him in vain.

“Will you kill me?”

Usually it is the custom of Murem’s forces to throw away all those suspicious. I wonder if someone who has a good idea will do it. I was blinded by the thought that the end of this life was approaching at the moment, but the Baekryunggyo said frankly.

I do not get ridiculous. If you are more talented than you are, you have the talent. Even if it is easy to remove an enemy, it is hard to make a friend, so do not worry.
“Well… ”

I felt instantly felt a bowl of rhetoric. There is absolute self-confidence and self-esteem, and relaxation and tolerance as a lie. At the same time, there was a strong conviction that we would give in to ourselves if we tried hard, and I had to die.

‘Absolutely the absolute power of the strongest … !! ‘

The bowl alone is wider than some that I have seen. Is there anything I can compare to twelve weeks?
When I was admiring inside, the rascist said.

[It would be nice if you were going to use Rape. If there is a power available, it is welcome. I should admit that I have enough competence.]
“I do not want to betray the Baekryunggyo.”
[Fushufu … ]

Suddenly the lady of the ritual who spilled the meaningless smile grasped his hand on the water.



I was surprised. It is because the beautiful water which can see the height more than one sheet is shattered in the instant and becomes the tree. I could not help but feel scared because it was a sudden appearance of life (生气) sucked.


The surprise did not end there. As the Baekryunggyo once again sweeps his hand into the water, he began to regain his vitality by wriggling so much that the distorted water was visible to the naked eye.

The power to organize life and death!

I was able to absorb and create all kinds of life freely, and I was forced to get bored. It is not an exaggeration to say that this is a legendary absorption theory, but it may be more powerful than a nuclear power plant.

Baekryunggyo once said, after showing the travels that killed and killed Yonghwa.

[Baek Woong Woo. What do you think Ki is?

It was an unquestionable question. I pondered and answered.

“It is a power spreading all over the world, a source that maintains vitality, and a driving force that generates superhuman strength.”
[Generally, it is so defined in the forest.]
“Is not it?”
[… … ]

A silent Baekryunggyo looked at the sky.

Until now, while I was practicing countless trainings to reach 武 極, I realized one thing. It is the fact that Won-young Shin, which I achieved, was not derived from Shinhwa, Taeheung.
“What do you mean … ”
[Taehyu (太虛) refers to the language (气). Tae-ga-ji-gi (太虛 卽 气), the figure is scattered in the sky.

Suddenly the Baekryanggyo said that he lifted his finger and pointed to the sky.

[ Purple. What is at the end of this world.]

I can not see anything.
I can not even understand what he says.
For me, the rhetoric was only heard by an inexplicable madman. But all of that was obviously a disgrace because it was obvious that it was referring to the absurdity of the ascension. I paused and the lyricist put his finger down and said.

[I can not understand now. But… Only one person in the world, he understood Taehu. The fact that it is coming to the 4th keun … ]
“Who is it?”
[He’s dead now.]

Suddenly the quasi – responded Paiksky was caught up in silence. It was close to a violent moment as if it were wrapped around it. Just being in the same space seemed to go crazy because of the pressure. His motive is radically stimulating my sense of danger, so his brain seems to melt!

The silence of insanity.

When the nausea was over, Baekryunggyo was disappeared like a phantom in front of my eyes. And in the intestines, the spirit of healing left him.

Please come after your mission. At that time, I will even talk about today’s story.]


“Ugh… Ugh… ”

I sat down on the spot. I grabbed the earthy hand by lifting my throbbing hand, and I was shaking my hands to such an extent that I could not help it.

“Ugh… ”

It is too high.
It is not that the Lord of the Rats did not have a flesh-heartedness, but I could not hold up in that changing form, even though I was only spreading the above in the sight of myself. It means that you can make a space as much as you want, even though you did not intend it. – It means that you can change your surroundings freely by reaching the heavenly place of mind.

I seemed to be crying.

‘Reaction. Can you really do it? Can you reach a monster like that? ”

No, it is not.
I am not worried about whether or not Jin will reach Rajin.
It is too scary to be a worm in front of a true Deity even in such a ruckus. It is because the Baekryunggyo is vividly remembering the past which was deadly to the god even though it is literally the absolute person of the forest. The goal I had to achieve was far too far.

indeed… Can I knock out [the old ruler]?

“… … ”

I grabbed the soil tightly. And once again, he gave strength to his legs and stood up with his lips tight.

“Fuck … I can not help it! ”

I should still do it.
I will do that though.
As long as this past life and my life permit, I must make a future where my colleagues can be happy. I do not want to be in a position to die in the unfortunate play of the Absolute. That is my determination.

Even if it is a joke to win God – it is the same.
Because I will not give up.

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