
I immediately headed to the headquarters of the Baekryunggyo. And I asked for the hyeonju before. The elders of the senate wandered among them for a while, and after a while, they took me to the priesthood.

She was not behind her feet. I was still standing there, thinking of something in the garden. There were no escorting lions around. As I observe the image of the goddess, the senators retreated out.

It was a long time since he was talking to me.

[Baewong. What are you looking for?

I knew from now on that the game will start. Even if I am a saint, I will not be able to expect my choice from now on, so I do not know the reaction. But I felt the need to take an adventure in this life, so I came here without running away.

I opened my mouth.

“Shepherd. I can not accept the Tenryun. ”
[Does it mean humility?]

She said that she had a headache.

[Sambo] If you want to learn more about the season and polish it, do it. I thought it was too early.]

He is not aware of my condition now. That’s because I’m hiding the power of the Moon. As in the past when demand was unleashed, it was possible to conceal the power of the user at will. If it is possible to use force only when it is necessary, I will not know that I am the owner of Chilho, even though it is the prince.

‘ no… Maybe I’ve noticed but I do not. ”

Even so, it is already spilled water. I have no choice but to continue.
I replied.

“no. Even if I have gotten to Samwo˘o season and reached a higher level, I will not accept the Hanwol dynasty. ”
“… … ”
[Baewong you know that the end of the sky is infinite. Therefore, I know that I was aiming for the power from the beginning that I joined the school. Why are you now giving up the Tenryun?

It was not surprising that I felt something unexpected in my mind. No anger or embarrassment, but a very slight change of tone was not seen. It was not that it was inhuman, but that it was close to perfect nature.

“I found out that the Star of God is the power of God.”
[… … ]
“And I have learned that the side effects are also extreme, because I am not a normal force. How am I supposed to receive a spiritual leader?”

As I speak, my stomach tingles.

I had to be nervous because I knew that I could be thrown into the capital in an instant. It is not a man who slaughteres as he does, but he did not know when he would change. When I swallowed the saliva, the sister hooked and bloomed the flower of the dandelion that was holding in some new hand.

Dandelion spreads out into the sky. The gentleman who watched the scene for a while said.

[Then why are you here?]
“What do you mean … ”
[You would not know that I can take your life at any time? There is a convenient means of transportation called Saebul Sang, so why not leave the Baekryung Bridge and come back here?

I answered simply.

“Your master will have the ability to summon the lord to his side.”

Prior to fighting with the moon in past past life, I had seen the scene where Jiajoo recalled the lieutenant. As long as I have the ability, I am now in the palm of the goddess, who has been appointed as the lieutenant.

[I found that up.]

It was a sign that the chaplain did not deny and calmly responded. He was too nervous to get into my heart, but I was speechless.

“Shepherd. Will you allow me if I want to leave Baekryunggyo? ”
[It can not be done.]
Now you are one of the most important powers of our racial school. Without you, I think you will not win the war against the twelve Lord. You can not allow yourself to leave the bridge until you knock it down at least twelve weeks.]

I felt a considerable wall in the words of the chaplain that answered nicely. I already knew all the pitfalls of the pagoda, so I was going to do something like that. It was possible reaction because it is absolute person. I wondered if I was going to be ignorant of my words without any hesitation.

We have to throw away.

I said firmly and prepared.

“I’ll give you one. Why do you push the man into the crucible of life-and-death? ”
[… … ]
“Those who have a heavenly tortoise suffers in the aftermath of the devastation of the evil spirit. Are you saying that you do not have a handful of guilt when you use them? ”

The Lord of the Rings was a way to think for a moment. Then slowly responded.

[Baewong. Do you know what happens if a person dies?]

What the hell is this?
But this place had to be careful, so I shook my head.

“I do not know.”
Even death is not salvation. Human wholeness is potentially a toy of the [old ruler].]

The lord with such luck was saying.

[ anyway… This is the same case. As long as the composition of the world is organized according to the intentions of the [former ruler], eventually everything is ruined and unhappy. Dharma, the founder of the world, knew it from the beginning, so he wandered the world in search of a way to liberate the regeneration while he was constantly … So he made the law.]
“… … ”
[Baek Woong Woo. You may have thought that the vigorous old mothers who are faithful in our Baekryunggyo are fictional, but the existence is existent. The way that Dharma chose was to realize the incense of the vacuum by borrowing the power of his mother-in-law, and all the rebirth was saved. I am just trying to do his will.]
“I do not know what you’re talking about.”
[The same story … ]


Suddenly, Dandelion, who was holding the slave, rolled round again. It was as if the seeds that were scattered in the wind were backing time. I looked at the ranch with my astonished eyes, he said.

“If Michele does not descend in the form of a vacuum, then five hundred years later Lerux and the Terrible will destroy all the mortal. I think that if the law enforcement officers do all their best to do that, they will have the best results. I always have a heartfelt gratitude to law enforcement officers.]
“It is. Who is sacrificing for want? Is that the sacrifice that the soul suffered forever? ”

I forgot that the Lord of the Rats might kill me right away.

“Do not force anyone to sacrifice. Is it just such a sneaky excuse that Jihoo pushes the owner of the kingship to the pain of eons? ”

I remembered the above work of the past gold. They slaughtered innumerable people and made a living hell by taking advantage of their self-interest with the excuse that they were for the sake of the country. They were rubbishes that put others in pain without their willingness to sacrifice.

[It might look like that. It is certainly my fault that I did not tell you the price of the Tenryun.]

The chaplain replied in a calm manner.

[But if it is a sacrifice, I bear also. no… There is still a burden on me.]
“what… ”
[The cost of Won Young Shin is not less than that of Han. It can be said to be several times bigger. However, even if I bear the burden, I had to get strong strength by integrating the enemy army. Even if he suffers for eternity after his death … ]

The gentleman who was so grateful looked at me and said.

[Baewong. If we succeed in realizing the incense of vacuum, everything is saved. At that time, the worst cost of Won Young Sin and Han Kwang – Because at that time all the worlds are gone, and [the old ruler] is also gone. ”
“… … !! ”

This, what is this sound ?!
I forgot to carry out the plan at the moment, and I was almost overwhelmed by the words of the chaplain. This is because the realization of the idea of ​​the vacuum furnace, which is the final goal of the Baekryunggyo, which the lord spoke with his own mouth, was unexpected.

The annihilation of [the old ruler]!

Even Jeegal, who had been quietly observing from within, stumbled on whether he was surprised.

[Stand, do not … I did not say that but I really … ]
[Jeegal Company. Do you know something?]

Zegal was silent as he disgusted what he did not like. In the meantime, the chaplain’s words continued.

[This is not a story.]
“In order to realize the incense of vacuum, is it necessary to collect all of the lawyers’ statements?”
[ Yes. But there is no way to find out where it is scattered by human power. So, it is trying to gain the power of God. God knows where it is.]
“… … ”
[Baewong. Now I might look strange. But I believe my method is the only best.]

At that moment, I felt that the appearance of Jojanggul Yurryong in the state of the Baekryeonggokgwanggwon was overlapped.

Why do two people look like they do not resemble each other at all?

[Do not doubt me, follow me.]

There was a sincere conviction of the paganism. So I felt my heart shake violently. I know all of this, even though I have come to this place.

But I took all my heart and told my lord.

“I can not do that.”
[Do you mean to be my enemy?]
“no. It just changes my relationship with you in the future. ”

In my words, I felt a sense of looking at me with a splash. At the same time, I raised my power by recalling the moon.

Career Ring

With the clear sound, the moonlight of the month was made near me. When the power of the Moon was raised, I felt a tremendous amount of power that I could not compare with until now. I also felt that my power was being enhanced.

[This power is … ]
“Shepherd. I became the master of the month. And I got some more strength. ”

I pulled the power of the mascot bracelet and the power of the national army again while keeping the Moon monster around the body. Then, as the spiritual power was amplified in several layers, it seemed to be a moment, but it reached to the unprecedented level. My essence remains the same, but the power I can use has instantly overtaken the lieutenant.

She also raised the momentum against me, knowing that fact.

Kugu Gu …

A huge momentum was encountered and instantly neutralized. On the contrary, I felt like I was being pushed out. I felt the real power of the goddess, and I instantly felt the fear of the god.

‘Crazy … ‘

How is this power? One month alone, human beings often exceed their power to accumulate for a lifetime. I assure you that I am a victorious lion and I was confident to win easily. By the way, Ji-sung was not able to overcome my strength lightly, and now he is dominating more than 80%.

He said that he was ridiculed in the air and mocked me. Around the body of his hand, the gigantic wave already exceeded the power of the lieutenant. There is a potential to wipe out hundreds of stones on one stem.

[I do not think it’s enough to beat me.]
“That… That’s right. ”

I was forced to laugh with a cold sweat.

“But… If I do it with all my strength … You will not even be able to become a japanese … ”
[What base?]
“I can liberate the life and death palace with Daicha’s death.”
[… … !!]

It was the first time I was wondering. I smirked and laughed as I was trying to get rid of the pressure of the master, but the facial muscles seemed to burst, but I continued to smile.

“Of course, if I release the palm door with this strength, my body will blow in one second, but … Can the chaplain completely block the blow? ”

She was the one who pondered my questions. Then I answered briefly.

[It is unavoidable.]

Da’ara ruin!

It was the last Fahrenheit of the Fahrenheit of the Fahrenheit of the Gwangmyeong Shinhwa sign, and it was the worst of the Fahrenheit of the worst, passed down only to the Caesar and the immediate family. If the councilman could not make a living, he used to sacrifice himself to save the people around him, but the reality was a suicide that opened up the life and death of the human body and brought all abilities to the pole.

But the effect is higher than any other non-existent in the world, and even though I was at the height of the peak level in the past, I had freed the palm door by Dae-rae, Now, it is tens of times stronger than it is now, and it has the power of moon and treacherousness.

It was a suicide attempt, and at the same time, too much power was imminent on my body, so I was not likely to use a maximum of one second.

Nevertheless, it is acknowledged that the power of its potential – the power of the Rajikyo – can not be met.

I stared at him with a sneer.

“I can not follow the slaughter of people who use the tsunami and plunge countless people into suffering. But it is also true that we have to cooperate with the present ruler. So I am going to propose a temporary alliance here. ”

I nodded.

“I will be with you only until you break down the twelve weeks. Until then, I will help you with all my strength. But after that, please do not disturb me for what I do for my beliefs, but please let me go out of the racial school. ”
[… … ]

She said she was silent.

[Do you have to chuck me out? I do not think I’ve ever complained about it.]

I said firmly.

“This is to protect my soul. Because I knew the truth of Tenjin. ”
[Even if you do not transplant the star of the sky?]
“If I did not come out like this, would you have listened to me? I would have tried to put a keel tongue in the name of being for school. ”
[ Right… So it was … ]

The lord, who was sighing, said.

[ good. Accept the alliance. I will not hurt you until I bring down the Twelve Lord by my name. There will be no compulsion to the Han dynasty.]
“thank you.”


She was blown again by blowing Dandelion into her mouth. Said Ji – joo, who was watching the scene for a while.

[Baewong. I like the guy you are. The premiere of your own death, the advice and protest you gave me always felt fresh. I thought you would understand my cause. ]
“… … ”
[I hope your thinking will change in the future.]

The new form of the jongju disappeared without sound. I did not want to talk to me anymore. It was an unattractive attitude of the Baekryeonggyo, who tried to get all the information shamelessly as usual.

‘You have a horn.’

The reason why I accepted my proposal despite the overwhelming power of the japanese –

It is because I can not consume the power to knock me down even though the strongest enemy is the twelve Lord. The chances of me winning the battle against the chaplain are almost desperate, but if I am willing to commit suicide and feed the chaplain, I could seriously injure him with the extinction. By using force, he succeeded in forging a relationship equal to the sisterhood.

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