It was close to gambling to walk the possibility of the fact that summoning a bunch.

It is quite probable that at the present time, Yongjo has already recognized us as ‘enemy’. Perhaps he was planning a secret plan in the subterranean basement. And if you have hidden your actions, you might have tried to find out what my identity is all about. If the attempt was successful, I might have found out my identity.

However, before he was afraid of the feud, it was also true that he was the only clue to find out Cangil’s actions. Moreover, is not it the existence of the trifling Oze Jeon-wook’s present hand and Da Ra’s freshness? I can use the fact that I do not respond to this summoning, so I can breathe into the celestial world that it is priceless.

Because there were not bad things in many ways, I immediately started preparing to go to the village of Mangyangjang to summon Banjo. However, the company was braking immediately.

“awhile. Please wait. I have to go check it out. ”
“All right.”

Zegal spoke silently for a moment.

“Baewong. Have you ever thought how strong Cangshil or Fangzhong would be? ”

It was an unexpected question. I paused and replied.

“Well… Maybe the degree of freshness. ”
“Damn it. Good to ask too. ”
“It’s not that much. I like to think that they are at least apostolic. ”
“… … !! ”

What is this sound? When I opened my eyes wide and looked at Zegal, Zegal sat slightly lowered and said.

“Of course, the name of the celestial world, whether it is Changhil or Fang, will be fresh. Because there is no designated higher rank hierarchy other than Samcheong and Da-rae fresh. However, according to the information you gathered from your previous life, Cangyul was an ancestor of the emperor ‘s politeness and ancestor in the era of ancient Eunju. They are very likely to have more than apparent class power. ”
“Besides. Fenghos are at the head of the Black Brotherhood, and they are related to Friday and the Holy Land … Is not it very suspicious? ”
“… … ”
“Fang Joo knows a lot about Friday (金 曜). Maybe he had taken the gold that was originally in the middle ground to the West. ”

I carefully carved the words of Zegal. In the next decade, I had to go to the west because of the absolute sense of urgency to find Chengchul, but I was surely pointing out the part that I could not think of. I pondered and asked.

“Fengho’s hand to grab his hand to raise his power?”
“It may be, but I do not know until I ask myself.”

Zegal laughed and laughed.

“They are a strange combination. It is famous in the mythical period recorded in the mountain sea of ​​Changhil or Fangzhong, but the significance in the actual myth is low. The fact that such people are now exposed as black-and-white means that the myth of the Tampa-Oze era that we know is intentionally distorted. ”
“I do not want to know that it is so complicated now. Even if they are strong enough to be apostles, I can deal with them anyhow if I use the power of Chiyo! ”

I was firmly speaking.

“I do not think I’ll be able to easily get information on Cangill even if the crawler responds to the summons this time. How can I get the information out of him? ”

In fact, this is what I want to hear most from Zeegal. Zegal shook his head.

“There is no such thing!”
“What… ? ”
“You can not do that. There are too many uncertainties for now. However, there is a guess that he has responded to the summons, so you can just do your best to talk to him. Maybe surprisingly well untied. ”

Before long, Zegal explained about the things I would talk about. It would be nice if Jejal put me in the way of watching divorce law from the distance, but it would almost immediately notice the sign of divorce law if it was Tian Wujin. In the end, I had to do it all by myself.


When I was ready, I went to the village of Mangyangsa and met Chun Woojin. Chun Woo-jin looked at me with a glance of looking at me.

“please… Please go … end.”
“… … ”

Cheon-woo Jean has regressed.

“I’m sorry, please!”

I do not want to be so disgusted.
Anyway, when I had a chance, it was recognized as a leech to borrow the power of Chun Woojin. But I could not retreat, so I sighed.

“I’m sorry, but I have to see the captain.”
“If you want to see me, do you think I will move out? There have not been many who have been ashamed of you and come here many times. Please ask me to leave here. ”

He seemed quite desperate when he saw that he was writing ‘thank you’. If I get tangled with me anymore, would it have been a premonition that it would be annoying because of rubella in the world of Sabah? But I said coldly.

“I came with news about the guardians of the West. So I must meet the guardian of the Taoism, Mangyangsa. ”
“Uh … ”

Tianjin jumped for a moment. Then he said he was resigned.

“Shit … Master also allowed you to come in. ”

Just before, Mangyangjang gave me permission to come in. I went to the village and went to the shrine of Ye – bin. And after a while, the familiar sleepiness poured in.

… …

I came into my dream. In the meantime, the captain of the ship was approaching from the side of the trail in the form of a black cat. The captain of the ship came to speak slowly.

I’m putting up an excuse for staring. It seems to be fluent on the occasion, is it an experience or a talent?

Why are you suddenly wondering about that?
I felt like I was feeling good. So I told Mang Yang Ji.

“Mangyangsa prefect. West is hell. ”
I already know what you want to say to me. So much so that the protector of the west station was sealed to protect Friday.

The reporters, who replied like that, brightened their eyes.

[All of that is a plot and plot of the wicked being. The purpose is to open the door of the eastern door … ]
“… I do not know you well. ”

I have forgotten that I had to find out something from Mangyangsa. When the cat was talking with such an intention, it would be easy to ignore it and ignore the person. So I decided to just say honest feelings.

“I am sealing a sleeping horse in Luoyang, and a guardian of Taoism and a universal being? And amnesia? What the hell are you? ”
[You just explained it in your mouth.]
“no. This is just a modifier. I still have no idea who you are! ”

I shouted in frustration.

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