We headed to the wide square of the Imperial Palace where one hundred emperors were waiting. And the reverberation of the loud battlefield seemed to be membraneous and the temperature was lowered.
In the battlefield where the kumma was fighting for the support of the mangas, the adherents of some new incarnations flocked to the Imperial Palace soldiers, Moreover, the Han Buddhist monk already showed the power to process the Han dynasty, and the Imperial Palace lost all the fraud and scattered like ants. Eventually, the gods and generals who commanded the Imperial Dynasty ordered the retreat and their backs were visible to me.

Power of incredible power!

It was a great thing to defeat the army army that guarded the Imperial Palace, even though the elite of strongest corpses came. But now I could not care about it, so I talked to a hundred acres.

“How do I defeat that monster?”
“… … ”


One hundred emperor stood out with his arms folded and looked at the huge monster that continued to extend the tentacles from the manchu. The thing was bigger than the first, and it became bigger than the small garden in the beginning. Said.

“The cloak. Was this your prediction? ”


The rim of the body, which had a blood-box, flew to this side with a quick light. He seemed to do a lot of killing while organizing the alumni. He spat out his spit.

“… I did not think there would be such a thing. ”
“huh. It was also a fact that we were going to try to engage us once. ”
“Now is not the time to look at it. Do you know what that monster is? ”
“I do not know either!”

The decisive word, Han Baek-ryul, turned his head at me.

“Baewong. I know you brought your co-worker. Where is he? ”


The mangrove walked out from behind me and offered me a hundred thousand.

“An example of a small number of incarnations.”
“Is he yours?”
“Unfortunately, I do not even know what a monster is. I just know that it is a vicious pet from Mado. ”
“How to defeat?”

Mangyu thought for a moment, said.

“If you can not summon it back with the corresponding magic trick, destroy the nucleus of that creature, destroy it with its physical strength beyond its regenerative power, or otherwise seal it and starve to death. For reference, the first method is not possible with my power. ”

Han Byeong-jin sued.

“There are four ways, but one can not use spirit.”
“But you have to make a decision quickly. This will expand the force outside the Imperial Palace to eat human beings, and nutrition will be more powerful. I think that now is the opportunity to germinate to fall down. ”
“I know that.”

Han Baek-ryeong seemed to hesitate for something. Then he said he decided to do something.

“Shouting. Can you find the nucleus? ”
“The shell is so thick that I do not know it now, but if I destroy it enough, I might be able to find it with a technique.”

She quickly led the disciples to retreat. At the same time, he instructed the dancers to go out of the Imperial Palace. The ridge quickly retreated without telling him what he was trying to do. Soon after that, only a hundred people and three of us were left in the intestines.



When Baekryeong called the Najik, a new type of Baekcheon for the lord of the court, who wrote the black mask in the air, appeared. He has hitherto hid his appearance in the sky with his mighty 气 (气). The helper that came from the Baekryunghyo was the dragon bichon of the gourd. As soon as he appeared, he spoke with a haughty voice to a hundred acres.

“I know what I want to say. Are you going to join us? ”
“There is no answer other than that.”
“haha… I have never seen such a monster before. ”

I even looked at the tentacles in a tired look. No matter how hard you have been through the shipwreck, you would not have been able to deal with the monster of Edo. She looked at us gently and ordered.

“The gumma. Baewoong. Protect yourself. It is a role to play the game so that it can find the nucleus by using the technique of the gun without the wind. ”
“If possible, I will make sure that there is no damage on your side.


At the next moment, Han Byeong – seong and Yong Bye – cheon were flying at the same time with no drilling. Instead of jumping into the air, he jumped over a dozen or so to fly toward the tentacles. And the two lions gathered their powers to stay in the hands of the twin swords and emit the ghastly energy like a ray of light.


Kwa Science Department Science Department

“… … !! ”

It was nothing but a grazing plant, just collecting the strength of the spiritual leader and shaking it strongly. However, the ray of light flew into the tentacle monster and converged into a blind spot of white light. I and the maunmame were able to protect the mangas in the storm by plowing the heavens, but they could not get away with the aftermath.


Indeed, the power of the Hanryeongdan was powerful. The tentacles monster in the blow is twisted and punched in the body. The kumma looked at the scene and muttered.

“Would not we need help?”

The net amount was rather pale.

“… Baekwong, what did that alchemist recall? He’s … You have your own inner self! ”

After the end of words, the tentacles suddenly swept away from the wound and again created tentacles. And as soon as black blood dripping like blood began to flow into the earth, they began to be born into an unidentifiable wasteland. I thought that they were similar to what they were summoned by the Guardian of Walloon.


The small things gave a strange sound, and each began to spread their wings or scattered all over. The lions were floating in the sky, so they did not need to worry about such beaters, but the volume was different. He gathered both hands and shouted to him.

“Chin of the drunkenness!”


Suddenly, a giant door was summoned and buried in the ground with the roar. The door did not move further as the small things that ran like crazy as if they were functioning as an alliance. I and the hammer started to grab one by one of the small things that we are heading towards us, but they were not usually gloves made up of demons, and at least we had to use a checker. I cleaned up the monsters that ran around and asked Mangai.

“Self-control? What do you mean? ”
“I just looked inside him when his body was greatly broken, and he has a different body in the physical and the spirit worlds. And when one breaks, the other will complement. It is possible that there is a self-connection between the material and the spirit world within the body. That’s a great high-tech procedure … ”


I shouted as I shattered the small things that I kept pounding with the Seven Emerald.

“I have bad hair, so please explain easily!”
“So the body is two outlines! We must destroy both the physical body and the body of the spirit body at once, but we can never eliminate it. ”
“The nucleus is also in the spirit world. so… ”


When the mob was shouting, hundreds of emperors and dragon bichon spewed a terrifying flame and enchantment again. The tentacles, who were more powerful than before, screamed and seemed to rupture more than 40 percent of their body. It was a sight that this person was overwhelmed by anyone but it was not so good to see that the monster continued to reproduce.

The six-piece sculpture of the miniature mausoleum calmly said.

“Even if the lion is pushed to the ground by the force of power, will it continue to resurrect?”
“That’s right.”
“Is not there a way?”
“Not at this time. The things that come out of the blood of that guy will attack the creatures around him to supply him with life, but that’s all I have to do to stop him. If not, he will gain regenerative power and power that exceeds the speed of destruction of the lord. ”

It seemed to be a good thing to call for sure. It would have been impossible for a small thing to spread around if it had not been brought in, and the tentacles would have grown out of hand, leaving only the victims. Besides, Mangai did not give us his strategy anyway!

The maimas thought for a moment and said.

“How long can you stay with that drunken knee?”
“This is a confrontation, and it does not last for long. It’s a long way … ”
“I’m going to have to put in a half-turn.”

Nana Dwarves may be stronger than their melee counterparts, but they can not play a widespread battle like a mage. I had to figure out how to get rid of him somehow while he was keeping his gin.

I said I did not understand.

“He’s less destructive than Moon’s Guardian, but it’s more difficult and stronger. How can this be? ”
“I suppose he had been preparing for this moment from the moment XuGaal and XuGaal disappeared. I have been robbed of my uncle’s librarian by the quarry stone, so I would rather be touched by mine before I was killed to enjoy eternal life. ”

When I heard that, I realized that I had no idea.

“He is not an alchemist’s pet, is he alchemist itself?”
“Right. Because the Tsushima Saint-Germain had transformed itself for several months, it would have been possible for me to have a superstructure. ”
“crazy… !! Why that choice. ”
“… … ”

The mine shook his head.

“Now is not the time to think about it. I will think about how to destroy the spiritual body once, so please give it to me as much as possible. ”


And for a while, empty voids and light stalks poured out of the battlefield, and the kumma dies and wields the sword. If a melee is destroyed or damaged, it will destroy the gates of the melee, so it is necessary to keep the melee somewhat. Mangyu began to find a way to grab the horses while rolling his head desperately while keeping the jeans.

In addition, the lions who seemed to shake off the tentacles by pouring their attacks into the infinite inner workings of floating in the air seemed to feel something strange. Han Byeong-jil quickly flew to us.

“Why does not he think about dying?”
“that… ”

I explained the situation to a hundred acres. Then Han Baek-jung seemed to have no words.

“This is a really ridiculous fight.”
“But it is a reality.”
“Hmm … ”

Han Byeong-jil said he was going to beat Ami.

“As I said, I will hold on until the unity is lifted. But fighting more than that is a fool, and from then on we have to figure out another way. ”
“what… ”
“It is not enough to fight millions of years with immortal monsters. Think about giving up Luoyang. ”
“… … !! ”

Before Han Byeong-gil heard the answer, he flew back into the sky and began attacking the monster. I thought it might be more realistic. Now if Mangyu is figuring out how to get rid of monsters, what if there is no way to do it? At that time, it was better to give up fighting and to think about how to confine or seal monsters.

‘Damn it, then to Jeegal … But… ‘

If you are an admiral, Zeegal, you may give me a number. But now, Zegal is not aware of the unconscious librarian. I could not gamble because I could have had worse results.

I repeated my thoughts and told Mang.

“Shouting. I am going to use that spooky spell to him. ”

The ability to invoke the power of the throne and to break off the opponent’s magic defense has already been confirmed by the apostolate. In all likelihood, the spirit of that monster will also be smashed.

“No way!”

The mangas were terrified.

“The spell can only be used once in your life, and is a valid attack on the apostle. It’s too bad to be used in such a place! It’s hard to get more than that. ”
“But if you can not do it … ”
“Please wait. There must be a way! Let’s think of it as the last resort. ”
“Okay … ”

It was the moment when I felt frustration and at the same time pulled out the fireworks and the fire dragon swords from the armor for the stronger planting operation.


‘ Ugh!’

Suddenly the heart ran strongly. And I felt a feeling of flowing lavender blood in my body and a feeling of polarity in the inside. As I was perplexed by sudden changes, my vision suddenly changed, and I was in a strange new spiritual world.

The land of the red flame which is full of the hot river and the lava flows like hell!

I could see that there was an entity standing across the site. The being was wearing an ancient garment and holding a dragon sword in one hand. I was also staring at me with cold eyes, as if I had drawn a picture like a picture of absolute beauty.

[You are chosen as an apostle. I’ve been watching you for a long time.]

The presence said, dragging the dragon god sword toward me.

I have to make a decision. You must judge whether you can fight for justice. However, no matter how you think, you are not good or evil, and you are close to chaos. I have not been able to give you strength in the meantime.]

I had an idea and asked a question.

[Are you a Dragon King?]
[ Yes.]

She answered with a glare.

[I am the incarnation of the Taoist dragon, and the Dae-rae of the celestial soul, Hwangryong Jinin!]
[… … !!]


At the next moment, human form was washed away, and a gigantic fire dragon (dozens of pieces) appeared in front of me. Yulin (dragon scales) wriggled and showed off the mighty power. I was the first to see a true dragon, so I looked at my soul. The Huanglong spat out a breath of fire for a moment and said.

[That thing is the crisis of the human world. Therefore, I, Hwaryeongjin, will acknowledge you as a leader and bear causality. I will be with you forever. Your apostle Baewong borrows my strength to overcome the crisis!


When the dragonfly turned into the powder of light and disappeared, the dragonfly sword was in my hand. And the illusion broke.

‘ This… ‘

When I got back from the spirit world, I felt a big change in my two hands, which caught fireweed. Until now, I have been forced to hold on, but I have felt a slight heat, but now I can feel the cold of the handle. In addition, the connection between Hwangryong Shin Sword and Huayo disappeared, and the huge heat that was cruising my body was concentrated on the sword.

Hwangryeongjin was speaking in my head.

[Apostle Baekwoon, leave me to myself! I’ll show you how to write a fierce sword.]

I thought it was right. It was an opportunity to see the talent of Hwangryongjin. But he hesitated and said something.

[The … There it is.]
[ What?]
[Once upon a time … If I am a boss … Is not it? Why do you keep … ]
[Is this the end of the line?]

I nodded, and the goddess Hwangryong said proudly.

[I am an incarnation of a dragon dragon under the favor of Emperor Triple Ox. Even if you are an apostle, it is a human being.
[… … ]

I became a dumb nectar and turned over to Hwangryongjin.

I guess what I expected …

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