The assassination of Baekryunghyo!

I felt embarrassed at the words of one hundred. I already knew that she had an antipathy to the current Paekkyunggyo, but I did not know she would hear it directly. I thought carefully.

“You are asking because you have that strength.”
“That’s not a reason.”

I looked at her straight and said.

“I do not have a reason to play rheumatism because I have strength. I and he did not want one-sided. ”
“That’s right.”
“But why are you asking too much for an unreasonable request?”

My question is one of the hundreds.

“The dragon incarnate may not have met the Raccoon, but he is very dangerous. It seems to be calm at first glance, but it is a racialism that is united by insanity and commitment. If the avatar of the dragon wants peace of the world, then it will not collide with him eventually. ”

I was thinking about it at the end.

‘You know that?’

It seemed that Han Byeong-jin was talking abstractly, but I had to sympathize with him as he went through the rhetoric himself and watched his tent. Han Baekryeong understands and analyzes the propensity and beliefs of Baekryungyo. But I did not get the tee I knew and continued to speak coldly.

“That’s what you know when you go. I can not hit anyone because of things that have not happened yet. If I do not have a story to say anymore, I will go. ”

When I told him decisively, he said that he was somewhat difficult. Then he said.

“Is it possible that Rajin is more powerful than the evil Shaman of the Imperial Palace that was defeated this time?”
“… … ”

Know. If the Buddhist priest is released and the Imperial palace is suppressed, then the Buddhist priest will find Luo ‘s lawlessness even if he takes up Luo and serves the old ruler. And as one hundred emperor spoke, he would become an apostle of the evil one. I know all about the nature and plans of the Baekryunggi I could not deny the words of a hundred.

“I want to hear more details.”
“What story do you want?”
“Tell me how you know it, and specifically why the rascist is dangerous.”
“It will be a little long story, would you mind? It is the visa inside our Baekryunggyo. ”
“I am ready to listen carefully as it is a serious matter.”

He nodded and started talking.

“Hyunjoo, Dokgo and Yuncheon were originally unclaimed. At the time when the present law lion, Lee, Joon-joon, Yongbyeon, and now a deceased, but Lee, Hyeon-woon, was born in the world, he was so small that he could not even exist in Baekryung-gyo. The only thing I do is study books and research magic that is unknown in the ruins. However, when the lieutenants were competing against each other in order to take over the position of the lord, he showed up at the endlessly and showed me the inner workings of Wuhan, and he took the position of the lord as well.
“… … ”
“It was a power you could not get in your hands in the normal way. I can not have a genius of radiance that surpasses Lee Hyeong-woon, and I can not even exist because of infinity. ”
“if so… ”
“Yeah. His powers are not magic, but magic and magic. He is almost certain to be associated with beings called masters. Who is not a mortal person is leading a ryuchikyo? Moreover, he does not see man as more than a tool to achieve means, and will soon bring forth a huge stumbling block. ”

She talked softly, but I knew she was right.

‘ All… That’s right … ‘

It was frightening because she could not figure out how she figured it out. I have already seen his true face, which I learned only after I had passed through my past life and dying at the side of the rhetoric.

I tried to poke around.

“As it is said, you are a spiritual leader of your law-enforcement officer, and the inner workings of Wuhan are obtained by the power of the Ma?”
“Do you have any evidence?”
“All the lions, including me, did not get the strength of this spirits by normal training, but by passing through a suspicious magic ritual. There is no such thing as nothing. It is a shame as unmanned. ”
“Well… ”
“But there was no choice because we could not keep the wave if there was no leader.”

She felt a sense of self – loathing. I wondered.

“But… Do not you have the absolute power to overwhelm all the might of the stronghold and the expedition by getting infinite inner strength? ”
“This force does not make much sense in front of anyone who has ever been on the horizon. Because quality is more important than the size of force at the level of controlling the laws of the world. On the other hand, we do not even know what the cost of this power is. ”

Han Baekryong was speaking.

“How to pay for strength. In this way, all our lions will be destroyed, and the followers of us will be destroyed at the same time. That’s why I’m trying to beat Raccoon. ”
“Right… ”

It seems that Han Byeong-jil does not know what kind of contract he is and what price he will pay. But using logical thoughts, intuition, and reasoning, he knew that he had an unimaginable trap. So, Lee has tried to find a way to get out of the hands of the Paganist from the time of his death until now.

I pondered and said.

“I know why you have to be a princess. However, no matter how you think, you can not hit the rhetoric with your words alone. It is true that the Lord of the Rats is incredibly strong, and now I have a lot of work to do, but I can not increase unnecessary enemies. ”
“Even if we give you all of our incarnation?”
“I think it can not be a hostile value to the Raj. He is the closest to the first person in the world, and he is never the kind to think easily. ”

I was silent for a moment when I refused to speak. Then he said.

“I know two of his weaknesses. If you punch that weakness, you will be able to easily win the victory by greatly weakening the Lord. ”

What a joke!

I was surprised at the words of one hundred. It was not surprised by the unexpected fact, but it was not able to grasp the extent to which the one hundred emperor was grasping.

‘… Certainly, you are talking about the backward scales and the small horses! ‘

If you are able to defeat those two weak points, it is easy to get into the gods. It is still not known whether or not it is a weakness of the ruler, unlike the anti – corruption. When I lost my word, a hundred acres spoke.

“You are an avatar of a dragon. If you only give us the japanese, you can get the full moon of Luoyang as well as our incarnation, and then all of the Baekryunghyo and the Nakwon Moorim. I’m not suggesting a floating cloud. ”
“… … ”
“If you agree with the proposal, I will tell you the weaknesses and specific plans.”

I was troubled. Then he replied to a hundred acres.

“Give me time to think.”
“When is it?”
“I’ll give you an answer in ten days.”
“I’ll be waiting.”

Han Byeong-il showed up again picking up the tobacco. I told her to look at her.

“How are you doing well?”
“He is the friend of the dragon, and he is gracious. He’s been learning hard all the time about the evil spirits. ”
“I want to talk to him for a while.”
“I’ll show you.”

I watched Han Byeong-il suddenly swoop around and fly around with no skill. Hanbai – jung, who fled very fast, told me in Chunryosan.

[Follow me.]

I felt a bit embarrassed because I could not use it, but after all, I followed the traces of reading the hundreds of icons. Then, after a while, I found that I was in a secluded place away from Hanns Sega. At that time, someone was wielding a sword.

The kumma seemed nice to see me.

“It’s been a while!”
“Well… how are you?”
“I’m doing well.”

I gave the story to a manma just before. It was in a state of being heard by hundreds of people beside him, but he did not talk about it because it was meaningless anyway. The gumma, which he heard about before and after, thought for a moment and said.

“I can not tell you anything.”

But this is just a superficial statement. In fact, the maunmame sent me a very short moment.

[Jeegal, let’s discuss with Mangyang.]

It should.
After confirming the safety of the maimama, I went out to Hanseongsega and came back to my home village, where I was boiling. And he explained to me about the things I had just experienced.

Zegal spoke with an annoying face.

“huh. I do not think I’m going to go to the book without any love. ”
“Ugh … sorry… ”

I apologized for not having anything to say, but Mang said to me by the side.

“Baek-woon You always remembered that you could accept as a colleague even a hundred. When you get her trust later, your actions will be good. So you do not have to think too badly. ”

Zegal was nervous.

“what the. If you do, you’ll be obsessed with that person right now and you’ll be our guy. What is it like sitting on a rabbit fighting against a heart field? Why are you afraid that you will not be able to buy a grudge from Han Bai-young and try from now on? ”
“… … ”
“Ignore it because it sounds crazy. There is no such thing as a ritual and fighting. ”

Zegal has once dismissed the proposal for the assassination of one hundred people. In fact, Zeegal’s words were the most realistic. It was too great to be hostile to the Rajin in the situation where it was not finished yet to find Canghil.

I was worried about the amount of money I had sitting next to him.

“But uncle. Now that the Imperial Palace has become a communist state of Muju, there is a good chance that Baekryeonggyo will advance to make it based on Luoyang. We need to prepare a way to check, even if we do not kill the god, as we say in the words of the Han Ban Kyoung. ”
“huh! I do not think he can do anything, but he can not move in Xinjiang. That means that if you can control or control only the guy, you can control Ryugyo enough. ”

Said Zegal, who snorted.

“Baewong. After ten days, go and tell him. To persuade them to participate in playing the goddess together. Extra to the rain. ”

The company has been ridiculed.

“One hundred thousand people will never do that! If that was the case, I would have pulled the twelve or whatever, and made a deal with the master. It’s a fox-like year that has a lot of doubts and a lot of tricks. Throw a word and care! ”
“… … !! ”
“If Han Byeong-seong keeps dragon-bionon and is struggling, both the fascination and the fruity are tied together. The only thing left is the receptionist or the senate, and they come up to Luoyang and install it. Besides, you can not come to Luoyang himself, but what would it do? ”
“uh… Yes … ”
“I will solve everything until the Baekryunggyo check!”

I thought it was not bad, though, as Zeugar talked about it like a blast. Certainly, if you throw away the challenge of emulating the forces among the forces, one hundred thousand people will be annoyed. It is not because I have accepted or rejected. It was the idea of ​​Jeegal to take off his homework even though he was hurting his head because of Han Byeongil.

Zegal looked at the mine with unappealing eyes.

“And Hyun-chi is not able to cool his head ahead of his desire to practice drills. I have to reflect as a book-maker. ”

He said that he was disappointed.

“i See.”
“Why do not you go to the sanctuary and train alone for the time being? I will not be useful until I have reached a certain level of my family. ”

In my opinion, the words of the company were too severe. Is it useless to the machete? But Mangum nodded as if to accept the fact.

“I should do that.”
“Did you know? Cool my head. I’ll make a big mistake. ”
“I know.”

Zegal was giving a blind pinch.

‘It’ll be okay.’

But I was worried about it, so I decided to leave it.

It was then.

“Now everyone is gathered.”

I heard an unpleasant middle ear. It was behind me that I heard that.

“… … ?! ”

When I realized that I was being held back by my back without knowing it, my whole body became stiff and my blood vessels turned white. I did not feel alive at this moment even though I thought I was in the attack range of the opponent.

It was the same with Gegegang. They were staring back at my back with glazed eyes. They were routinely engaged in tactics or magic, because they did not notice when the backstruck of my back appeared.

Must attack.
But I can not attack.
The moment I decide to attack, I die.

I sweated and stroked my finger on the handle of the sword. But I could not even get my foot out.

‘ No… Unconditionally, that’s fast! ”

I use my brain and mind to amplify my body’s ability. However, at that moment, I will pull my throat or death. It was also different from the wounds that had been worn so far, and there was a possibility that the whole body would be cut into hundreds. Even if the ability that Jeon Wook gave me is close to immortality, I can never gamble!

It is a different problem from the power output. He who is standing behind me will never get a sword, so even if he is a racist, I can not avoid his sword. Also, his black shields and shields can be cut off.

What kind of adherence is there?

I instantly remembered one person who would have been able to do this. So I spit in my mouth.

“Miyamoto … Musashi … ”

Then the man behind the back looked interesting.

“You must know me.”

It was.
It is Miyamoto Musashi who is standing at the back of my back and is pushing all three of us with force only to the superpower and absolute privilege of the twelfth rate of absolute magnitude! He was the strongest swordsman in Dongying and the master of the O-ring, and the founder of Ichon’s first class, he was following me without sounding rumors.

I could guess why he came.

‘… right… Musashi is … ‘

Twelve-year limbs!

Miyamoto Musashi was usually oblivious to Luoyang as a twenty-five-point speculation without anyone knowing it. His stealth ability was so powerful that he was able to notice the extent of the Enlightened Rajin because he was absolutely nothing. And this time, when the Imperial Palace was destroyed by the attack of Hwangryongjin, I kept track of the main character, and eventually came to the old song!

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