I was in the middle of acting with the twelve – week party, and I took a gentle phrase. And I tried to talk to Mang. It was possible to speak in the mind.

[I can hear you.]
[The situation is now … ]

I explained to Mangai what happened so far. I was silent for a while, and I was talking to Jeegal, who was next to me, and said to me through the net.

[Baewong. Zegal is annoying.]
[… … ]

It feels like it burns.

[But I do not think it is a dangerous situation yet. First of all, try sealing with Yuljoo and try to escape by boiling whenever you are at risk.]
[All right.]
[Another thing, it’s a message from Zegal … ]

I nodded at the advice of.

[All right.]


During the conversation, the twelve elites, including myself, were reaching the pirate island through the pathway of wind created by the windbag. This place, which was once ruled by Blooddo, had been completely wiped out and lined with a carcass and a skeleton. The twelve Lord commanded the three.

“I go right through. Open the way. ”

Then Unsa (雲 師) came out and reached out with both hands and memorized the order. Suddenly the sea off the coast of the pirate island began slowly to split, and the bottom of the sea was exposed. The sea, which has been divided to the horizon, will eventually create a whole path.

Massive tactics!


And twelve elites began to run along the road. I followed them, and suddenly in the seawater splattered on both sides came a strange shade that attacked us.

[Chiak! ]


The response was immediate. The twelve-year-old Poonwon (风 原 流) witches used an invisible memorandum to destroy an assailant. He frowned upon seeing the blue blood rising in all directions.


It was evident that there was poison in the green blood, and the floor where the blood was scattered from the monster sounded a bad sound and made a smoky smoke. And the one that fell dead on the floor was an alien, a tribe I had seen before. The twelve – year – old, who looked at it in a glance, said.

“Among the clan of the Kaesin, the warrior class lives in the body with the blood stream. When you do them, do not let the blood bounce. ”


On the other side of the road where the twelve elites ran, each of the riders began to rush with trident, window, ax and sword. Suddenly, dozens of dogs were attacked and attacked, and the fishermen walked in front of the road and filled the road. The numbers seemed to be at least a thousand units.

I was tired of seeing it.

“What is so many?”

I quickly cut off five of my throats with a thunderbolt, but I did not get any more than the number of enemies. It was a feeling that I came to the battlefield where hundreds of thousands of troops had encountered. The twelve notes responded to me in a nutshell.

“Those who are pureblood are able to fight right after 2 years of age. There must be at least ten thousand troops. ”

With the sound of jumping, it seemed that the fishermen had become clumsy and bursting. He seemed to hang the defense method around him.

Kaga River!

[Kue eek.]
“Die, monsters!”

The twelve monsters and the elders of Manhaji were one and the same pastors. They demonstrated their martial arts and fought over dozens of times as much as they could against a bottle of fish. But the numbers were not disadvantageous, so I screamed.

“Can not you just go into the city far away with the trickery of the three?”
“I wanted to, but near the city is protected by the horse power of the sea, so I have to go to the front and release the badge.”

Suddenly, the twelve so said, he pulled out his Galaxy verse.


“In the name of Habakkab I command you to freeze everything!”

The silver side of the galaxy blossomed blue silvery. The galactic phrase, which was set up immediately, was wriggled as if it were alive, and it swung around in a big spiral.

What a joke!

“… … !! ”

It was an instant thing. Bingryong (氷 龍) completely freezes the air, and then all the outer walls of the road to the horizon was frozen! The fishermen who protruded from the wall of the sea fell frozen as they jumped and fell on the ground, as did the fishermen who were standing before us. They all became frostbite statues.


The land on which all the monsters were frozen was even bizarre. What is strange is that even in the midst of the melee, the enemy of the twelfth rate did not attack at all with the glacier. It was great to be able to select only those who would attack, even when the enemy is fighting back and forth.

‘It’s a tremendous force … ‘

I was thrilled with the power of the galaxy passages. To freeze the whole ocean to the horizon, however, meant that it instantaneously surpassed the top of the goddess of the lord. When the galaxy was started, it was the power of invincibility.



The elites of the twelve began to beat the frosty cloth with the weapons of the frozen cloth and the frozen monsters. It is not as easy as getting rid of frozen enemies. I pulled out my hand and helped me to destroy dozens of them at once, but surprisingly, they were frozen to death, and they died completely. It meant an extreme cold that would freeze organ or blood in an instant.

I ran like an airplane and talked to Mangum about the power of the Galaxy passages. I was surprised to see how much it was.

[It ‘s a power that is hard to see even with the trembling. Galaxy passages seem to be a special wear.]
[Could it be that this ability can be revived?]
[I do not know unless I ask myself … I think that there is a limit to the number of times when I see the spell of the order daringly.]

Along the way, the altar of human sacrifice, which was said by Donji, was visible. Around the altar there seemed to be a human bone buried here and there, and it seemed that the fishermen were eating them alive. The twelve weeks saw the altar and said coldly.

“Break it down.”


The twelve-year-old rulers used the rainstorm to destroy the great altar. Then, smoke from the altar flowed out and headed somewhere, and the twelve lord, along the smoke, once again made the sea route and made the ramp.

Before long, we reached the town of the Inhins that Blood Don told. The deep darkness was spread out because it was deep and the fire lawyers summoned the light and announced the vision. Among the twelve-year-old twins, Changryongmun uttered his sword on his shoulders and mumbled.

“The height of the two walls is huge … How deep is this place? ”

At that end, the neighbor of the alliance, who was beside him, looked up the heights and said.

“I think it will be more than fifteen degrees in depth.”

Changryongmun feared.

“Oh my gosh… How can these monsters build a city from the bottom of this deep sea? ”
“So it’s a monster.”

The twelve states told Samson when they were talking to the strange landscape that they had never seen before.

“I will break out of bondage, and make a new bondage so that no one escapes.”
“And listen to the elite of the Twelve Heralds and Manchuria.”

When the attention was focused on the twelve Lord, he looked around the house and said.

“Kill all the monsters in this day without leaving any grain. All their eggs and eggs must be destroyed. Keep in mind that if a monster is alive, ten people will die by that monster! ”

The twelve – year – old rulers cried out in a raging voice.

“Your name!”
“Your name!”
“Your name!”


As the twelve Lord cast a tremendous momentum on the Galactic Verses, the enormous complexity of the city was surrounded by a transparent film. And the twelve monsters and the elders of Manhaji entered the city as if they had waited and began to kill themselves.

[To the embroider!]

The fishermen screamed bizarrely and ran or fled, but all the gathered in this place were great observers. The foundation of the body of the fish is strong. In addition, there were no gaps between them because the drillers of Manhaksin assisted them by using the top technique.

I watched the slaughter scene where the blood was scattered everywhere and the necks and limbs of the fishers were flying.

Twelve weeks came and told me.

“Do you hate massacre?”
“Why is it killing monsters? I think it is clean. ”
“It’s like me.”
“But if it was this kind of thing, I would not have been better off dragging Koryo’s army.”

My honest impression was biased towards efficiency rather than genocide. Because at least tens of thousands of urban fish are seen in sight, no matter how strong this power is, it is physically exhausting to kill tens of thousands of people. If so, I would rather have thought it would be better to bring thousands of Koryeo troops.

Then twelve lords said.

“This is the first war and consciousness.”
“Is it a ritual?”
“Twelve-year-old monsters are rich and strong unmanned people who have struggled with the biceps, but they are less willing to stand up to the bishops of the bishops. We are going to break the enemy without knowing that we are going to [war] with them. ”
“recognition… ”
“If you do not do that, the longer you fight, the more likely your mind will fall into the evil aura of the Bie. The madness of the battle and the banquet of blood, we must prevent the fall by turning our minds. ”
“i See… ”

I thought the twelve-point note was true. Because of the intangible energy that makes human beings fearful because they are human beings, even if they are strong, it is easy for them to have an abnormality when they encounter them for a long time. So the twelve-year-old had set out to stop the tragedy in the spirit with the insanity of the massacre. I feel sympathy for myself when I feel the evil energy of the Yi many times.

“But still. Now is the time to pursue efficiency? ”

When more than a thousand bodies were broken on all sides, the twelve Lord shook hands as he cried out to heaven.

“Phoenix! Purify the darkness of this land! ”

The sky opens.
At the same time, it seemed that the spiritual ‘something’, which emits a brilliant light in the sky filled with dark clouds, slowly appeared. But it was quite different from the phoenix that I had imagined, and it was closer to the expression of a bird of light. Before long, the phoenix crashed into the middle of the city of Uin, falling from the perforations.

Huwa Aak

[Chiaki ah !!]

As the phoenix fell off, a wave of gigantic waves of light began to sweep away the ubiquitous fish. The people who were touched by the wave of light burst out of the whole body and some became ashes. Also, the evil buildings built by the fishermen have been crushed.

What was strange was that the wave of light had no effect on humans, and it felt like it was wrapped in light and the physical strength and the aura were restored.

“… … !! ”

I hurriedly pulled out the flower sword and the dragon. Then, the waves of light emitted by the phoenix strongly penetrated the Hwangryong sword, and it seemed clear that the Hwangryong sword was gradually regaining its strength. Because it is the same old lady of the celestial sphere, it seemed that the power of the cognitive power was good.

‘I think it will soon open … ‘

In this fight, I did not open my eyes to see if Hwangryongjin recovered less, but it seemed clear that he would open his eyes in the future. I began to devour enemies by concentrating on the recovery of the monster.

How much did they fight?

When the battle was over, the battle was over. The twelve-year-olds went round and they were all finishing off without any mercy. When the work was over, twelve weeks looked at me.

“We have to seal.”

I nodded at the look of twilight and watched the fierce giant sword. And he pulled out the powers of the nation and concentrated his efforts on the new Sword of the Dragon, and awakened his strength. Then, after a while, a gigantic fire was poured out from the god of fire, and it was felt that power was gradually amplified.

The twelve throne received the ancestor of the Hwangryeon New Sword and entered the seal work with the three. The seal was not over until half past it. The twelve-year-old was murmuring as if she had turned a breath.

“Now one. I will not see a fish in this area in the future. ”
“Do you have to do this five more times?”
“Yes. This is the first time, but it was a little difficult. ”

We sealed the first city and headed straight for the next destination. The next destination was near the island of Goryeo, which is called Tamada Island. I once again received the power of the phoenix to restore the monster of the Dragon King and to lend power to the seal.

It was almost sunny when I sealed those five places. Everyone was exhausted because they repeated the battle while still fighting against the fisherman for six full strokes. It was a matter of course that we slaughtered tens of thousands of fish.

‘I’ll be resting today … ‘

I thought I would take a break and do a subjugation. But twelve states that people are not in very good shape, he said.

“I’ll have to recover.”

The twelve-year-old reached out to the ground without saying Katabuta.


Then the twelve-centric body poured green light all over the place, and after a while the light of green light came up and covered the people. As the green light shook down, the twelve-odd-numbered monsters and Manhaji inscriptions seemed to have regained full strength at once.

I asked in absurdity. I could not help but have to recover because of my physical strength and intuition.

“Uh, what did you do?”

I have a lot of knowledge, but I did not know how to recuperate so many people at once. It was not even a knowledge of the branch line, nor a technique which was not in the witchcraft. The twelve lord shook his seat and said, standing up.

“The plutonium is through the world ‘s rhododendrons, and we have found the vein of this land and temporarily connected it with the new plutonium. If you do so, you will be able to draw the power of Shin Seung-soo even if you are far away. ”
“… … ”
“It’s a lot weaker than writing in the neighborhood.”

Although it is easy to say, drawing the power of Yongmaek is not a magic sword. The usual technique of dragon does not draw the power of the dragon, but it is a sensation even if it is practiced on the mermaid. Moreover, it was a terrible place to use it as a mediator.

‘Until now, I have summoned a phoenix … ‘

I thought I knew something great now.

As the Twelve Sayings say, he is close to an invincible fighting on the ground! If you have the ground, you can draw the power of Shin Seung-su, anytime and anywhere, so you can practice the miraculous technique and you can recover as you want. It was obvious that he had the same ability as Won Young Shin.

I also noticed one fact.

‘You can not fight a twelve-week state near absolute Shinshi!’

Even if there is no third party, he will be invincible. Twelve states said while I put the information in my head.

“We have to get rid of it all at once and start over. If you give me time, you will start to break in earnest. ”
“I already cracked five cities and ended up with tens of thousands of fish, so you gave me enough?”
“no. The cities are just a few of the cities in the ocean. It was not a big blow. ”
“… … ”
“Let’s finish it before he wakes up and cares about the situation here.”

I told the twelve Lord.

“Where are you from?”
“I do not know. I just know that moving randomly through the city and going to sleep deep in there. ”
“Hmm… ”

In the past, when I saw the illusion of boiling, I have seen a sea lion sleeping in the city near the blood donor. But when I went this time, I could not see the image of the sea. Though the twelve states did not say that they were going to fight the Kaesung, there was a time period for Kaesin to stay in each city according to the twelve-year-old saying.

We went to the city of the last fisherman. And as he had done so far, he hit the city and killed the fishermen and ended the seal. Suddenly, the monster drone began to cry.


[… Young lady!]

Hwangryongjin woke up and talked to me. I answered urgently.

[Woke up?]
[In the meantime, consciousness has woken up and I have watched what you are doing. It will be fully recovered in a little while.]
[Well done.]
[You are indeed a great hero. To repatriate the clan of humanity for human being!]

It was said by the Hwaryong Jinin who said something like admiring.

[But now I think it’s time to take responsibility for that choice.]
[What do you mean?]

Kuguuggu …

In the past …

Suddenly there was a huge tremor in the ruined city. The vibrations, as if the living thing was wriggling, quietly filled the vacuum and brought an unknown pressure. In darkness, the lawyers summoned the light to illuminate the field of view, and suddenly the light suddenly went out. It seemed as if a greater force was covering the whole area.

The darkness seems to walk slowly.
People were overwhelmed by the atmosphere and were losing their words.

“… … ”

Twelve states said.

“I’m here … ”

What does it mean?
When I was looking at my head, Hwang Ryong Jin said.

[Young woman. Today’s battle will be a great battle in the history of heaven and earth. I am proud that you are my partner.]
[ Yeah?]
[Young Dong Bin!]


Suddenly, the welcome of my sister Seo Dong Bin appeared before me. The welcome of Ye-bin was that his face was hard and hard, but he seemed nervous. Is Yeong – Bin, who has never been nervous in front of a ranch or guardian, is nervous?

I realized that something unexpected was coming.

[My teacher, I am. Do you really have to fight against that being? Does not Master know better how big that person is?

He said he was hesitant. Then, the welcome of Hwangryong Jinin appeared before Yeongbin and grinned.

[ haha! You and I have not knocked down a giant dragon to destroy the world?
[But this is … It is a great idea to change the balance of heaven and earth.]
I am here to believe you, my disciple. Do you think you will not help this teacher?]
[… … ]

Yongbin said, “I sigh as if I was off.

[I’ll help you.]

I rushed to Yeongbin.

[Yeongbin! what do you mean? What the … ]

Shish Shish

Yeongbin and Hwangryong Jinin spirit came to me at the same time. And I started to emit the maximum power with both hands and fangs. In my head, it was heard that Hwangryongjin was talking to Youngbin.

I will take care of the new liquor and magic. Yeongbyeong You have to defeat him with a pentacle tactic.]
[Only a thousand years.]

Kuwoong …

Kuwoong … .

Slowly the steps of darkness came. When the footsteps stopped sounding before long, I realized that the other side of the world was filled with darkness, and the enormous giants, whose size was several tens of laps, caught our sight at once. Even so, even the incarnation of the alchemist I saw in the spirit world would not fit the giant in front of my eyes.

The giant waved his scales in the darkness and looked down at us quietly. Even though it was only a gaze, most of this place was overwhelmed and I could not get any words out. Even the twelve-year-old monsters, who are the backers of the inverted, were just floating in their eyes, just like the unfolding fish. The presence of that giant paralyzed human reason.

The abyss eat human beings.


That is – a mortal can not afford it.
A person born as a god from the beginning.
Therefore, we can not fight against an ordinary human being.

It was only twelve weeks, three, and me that were good at this place. One of the three of us suddenly put the rest of us outside somewhere, using the space technique, and took out the chunks of galaxies.

He said in a nervous voice.

“I did not know the Haejin had already come.”

[The old ruler] The first battle with the sea began.

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