I drank tea with dirtiness. I have only come to sleep in this temple sometimes or came to wash my body in a nearby waterfall, Uncertainty has made our minds clear, whether the tea is good or the fragrance.

It was said to be euphoric.

“In fact, I was expecting this to happen. I thought your martial arts would never be so low, you would. It’s just a little late. ”
“But I am satisfied because I learned.”
“Huh. First, enjoy the car. This is a famous car made of ganmulsoo only in the dragon song.

Definitely tea was delicious. Although it was slightly tasteless, the tea was originally delicious because it was originally delicious. The silence of the dining room that flows through the tea, and the uneasiness opened the mouth.

“As soon as I reached the horizon, I was told to tell the story of the New Testament.”
“It was.”
“Actually, it may not be that important, but will you listen?”

I nodded.

“I want to hear.”
“Fuhu. I have been hanging on this mountain for decades, and I want to boast about what I have learned from anyone. ”

I have been picking up a book on the bookshelf as a method of self – conscious laughter. The book was a very old book or an old book. Insecurity refers to the title of the book, he said.

“It is said to be a barley.”
“i See.”
“Do you know what Barley means?”

I remembered the memories of the days I was studying while I was pondering.

“I know that I will see the enlightenment that comes from performing in the Buddha.”
“right. There was a tree called Bondi Bori-su, which was related to the tree, and in later times, the barley itself became a symbol of enlightenment. ”
“Is the book Buddhist?”
“I thought so too.”

Did you know that?
When I looked up, I said hysterical.

“This book is an essay about the things that the Hateh Shin-eik had thought about in the last years of the Yong Wang Song. So it can not be called blasphemy. ”
“Well… Is not that right? It is a disgrace that the high priest holds his chatter … ”
“He had a high reputation, but the virtue was not a high priest. Of course, I have no reason to call this book an essay, not a blasphemy. ”

Insomnia was silent for a while, he said.

“There is an ancient impossibility. It was said that Shin Sue and Hye-in had competed when they took over the steps of Oojo Hong-nin from Dharma. The teachings of Shin Soo have been led to the pace of gods and the merits are one of the investigations of Zen as you know. ”
“At that time, the high priest who was fluent in the interpretation of scripture, Shin Soo gave this interpretation of barley.”

He wrote a slowly writing on the stone floor of the temple by inserting a finger in his finger.

Bodhisattva Bodhi
Heart 如 明鏡 台
Hourly wiping

“The body is barley demand, and the mind is myth. I will pour out diligently to keep it from dust. This was the interpretation of Shin Soo. ”

The poetry that slowly wrote the interpretation started to write another letter next to it.

菩提 本 無 樹
The mirror
An original thing

“Barley is not a bordeaux tree, nor is it a vine. There was nothing original, but where the dust would rise. This was an interpretation of merit. ”
“… … ”

I looked closely at two lyrics. Clearly, the two interpretations differed. And it was the part where we could see the difference of viewpoint about ‘enlightenment’ of gyeongjong and Zen sect. I did not study the invisible scriptures in depth, but I could feel the approximate feelings. I wondered and looked at the self-consciousness.

“Well… But is there any problem with this interpretation? ”
“As I said before, the New Testament was a disciple of Bondi, but he remonstrated to become a disciple of Hye – in. It was the opinion of the Saints that he would have been more attracted to Zen’s teachings … It was not like that. ”

Insomnia bitterly laughed.

“According to the essay, he was a snob that turned the monk ‘s shell over. It was also the intention of the Zen Buddhism to use the atmosphere of Zen Buddhism as an intangible and ambiguous teaching. Actually, the nobleman Shin-eon had a reputation as the great priest of Zen Buddhism and carried out all sorts of corruption and corruption.
“… … ”
“It is an essay of the last year, and it is a memorandum, not a fake.”

The mysterious illusion sat down for a while. And it was a horse.

“However, after having built such a wealth and reputation, the dignitary priesthood finally turned down and built a small temple in the dragon song of the dragon screaming extremely out of this Sichuan land.”
“… That’s weird. ”
“Yes. Bondi was planning to use his fortune to secretly make a dual identity so he could enjoy a wealthy movie near Chang’an. ”
“Is there any reason why he had to stay in the dragon song?”

Uneasiness nodded.

“It was because of his teacher, the Harmony Harmony.”
“… … ? ”

I was wondering. I thought about it for a moment and then told my guess.

“Was it actually a legendary martial artist? Dharma is the first survey of Baek Ryun-jong. ”
“surely. He was not a mistress like us. ”
“Was it a drunken liquor that was highly skilled in the impossible tricks?”
“It was not. A monk is a person who learns illegality but does not want to build up his strength with his skills and skill like our mistresses. Even if it is a great monk called ugly … ”

I was speechless with a strong sense of self-dismissal.

“Harmony has continued to teach disciples from Joachim Mountain until the end of the year and preached awakening. His words were revered to the scripture called “Dankyeong”. However, the dignitary Shin-eui, who was watching the process closely, feels terrified and flees. ”
“… … ? ”

I was terrible and questioned.

“Did I hear wrong now? Fear? ”
“Why do not you be afraid of such a snob by a monk who does not even know how to do non-military drills?
“It seems to be because of the uncertainty of the Bodhisattva’s interpretation of the Bodhisattva, and the increasing confidence in it.”

The barley interpretation on the floor pointed to darkness was a dark horse.

“He said that he had watched the sight of Hyeon directly writing barley interpretation on the wall. It is when there is only two. At that time, however, I felt an atmosphere of darkness that transcended human beings.
“… … ”

I felt the horses hitting the word. I do not know if I know my reaction.

“I do not think everyone knew, but it was not for the dignitary priest who lived with snowballs. He used to use his senses and tried to eat, but he felt a lot of heterogeneity. ”
“It’s a feeling of heterogeneity … ”

I decided to listen quietly because there was something stinking. Insomnia looked at the interpretation of the barley hilariously and said.

“In the writings of Hatekh Shin, there is a speculation that Ozoh Hongin would have been the same kind as Hegye Hyehwa. Because only the Oho Hong himself, who did not give an eye to the perfect interpretation written by Shin Soo, understood his writing. ”
“I understand … ”
“Anyway, he started to do the wrong thing by pushing the anxiety. One day, however, he was astonished when he watched the sermon of Haejong at Jochyeongsan. ”

Insomnia was a momentary moment, he said.

“Whenever he said a sermon, chaos swooped into the sky, and before long darkness wandered all over the mountain, witnessing the domination of a horse. There are records that thousands of believers have been controlled by the words of Him as if they were sleepwalking. ”
“… … !! ”
“It also says that the body of the heavens has often turned into something [reminiscent of darkness or chaos]. So he felt a lot of anxiety and horror about the feudal lord, and eventually he abandoned his wealth in Chang’an and flew to Sacheon, where he lived in the most remote place, Yongwang.
“… … ”

Silence fell in the intestine.
I thought carefully and said carefully.

“The word is … Do you mean that the Harmony of Harmony was a person who was external? ”
“In all likelihood.”
“Is it possible that he was a gangster?”
“It might have been a giant, but it’s a low price. It is strange that it is not possible to catch the eye if it was a monster that was supposed to be a successor in the head of the denial.
“He said that he would have been [something] even transcendent. It is so powerful that it protects itself by distorting human perception. ”

Uneasiness put on his arm.

“You do not know, but in this world often things that are not human are popping up … They can not be classified as gangster. I have seen the miraculous thing that I used to occasionally appear in Baekryunggi with my own eyes, and I believe in the world behind. ”
“… … ”
“I do not know what those beings are, but I can understand to some extent if it was from [his side].”

That side.
In other words – the world of the Yi and Ma and the old ruler.
I knew the world so horribly well, and because I was often in touch, I was able to accept the present information more than despair.

‘That’s right. perhaps… ‘

I thought that it was more plausible because I think that Harmony is the successor of Dharma. In the beginning, Dharma was the first person of Baekryunggyo, the man who knows the darkness and truth of the world best. In the end, he was in madness, producing the lawless mother-in-law, and he was destroyed with chaos,

Maybe Zen’s Mack, including the Harmonic Harmony, may be aware of the lawlessness of her mother!

I suddenly said to the insane as soon as I had a reasoning in my head.

“Old man. I’m afraid I can take that essay ? ”
“Do whatever you want. I looked at it enough to memorize it anyway. ”

I was laughing because I was self – conscious.

“Haha. No matter how great things have been in ancient times, it is at least a century and a half ago. I read it like a funny house, so I hope you have fun reading it. ”
“haha… ”

I laughed without power.

‘I know that there is a world behind, but I do not know the fear.’

I put my meeting in my arms and drank another cup of tea. And then he said to innocence.

“Old man. I’ll go back now. ”
“Yes. Please work well. ”


I came back to Jangryonggye and went to Gegegwangsa with a crawler. Then he was not in his seat, and Zegal sat and read a lot of paperwork. He laughed when he found me.

“Have you had some accomplishment?”
“I have reached the point of the shadow.”
“Ohh. I’m doing pretty well now. ”
“How much is it?”

He rose from his seat and said.

“I am now going to the old territory of Bohai to investigate the sculptures of silver phoenix. However, I am afraid that the investigation will be completed soon after I send a letter. ”
“I’ll gather people together and talk to them. What happened in the meantime. ”

Soon all the colleagues in the song were gathered. I looked at their faces for a long time and I was so happy that I could not see any of them.

“What is Lee?”
“I went to the escort of the captain.”
“You are in the area of ​​the current twelve, so you might be tired of being in trouble and facing you.”

That said, he was speaking.

“Baewong. This was nothing new. Everyone is like a non-junior, like you, and you are like a hermit, keck. ”

Then the pole talk bluntly.

“What else is a secluded loner? Please say that you have devoted yourself. ”

I was glad to see the greatness and said.

“Extremely. How are you doing? ”
“Well, now I’m just waiting to slice the neck of the dragon.”

He said he was laughing.

“And while you were gone, Miho did not know you were stalking and came to the song of the old man?”

Did you do that?
I was amazed by the gentle pleading next to me.

“execution. Later, I was just trying to get to Miho … ”
“Oh what! He made fun of me. ”

While I was grumbling, I asked Gin and Gumma carefully.

“Perhaps… Did they both reach the absolute limit? ”

Then both of them shook their heads.

“Not at all.”

The kumma burst into laughter.

“Baewong. Because our talent is superior to you, we can not get up to the brink of a year and a half. It’s a long way from being a natural born person, even if it passes through a life-giving ceremony. It’s still far away. ”
“But you are incredibly strong compared to the past.”

I said honest impression. Not all of my colleagues were very strong in prayer, so I was not able to compare them to the ones I obtained. The kumma laughed.

“If this is not possible, the dog will laugh. Anyway, I would have to look at at least ten years. ”
“i See… ”

I felt relieved at somehow, but the future was full of feelings. I feel like a fever when I can not see my colleagues coming to the right place at the moment, but at the same time, geniuses like to think how much effort I should make to get to the absolute place where I can never climb in a short time.

When I talked about the story so far, Zegal told me.

“Baewong. Bring in the baggage. ”
“Could you bring him?”
“I think I have found a lot of stuff now. The reason why I am blocked is because I do not have enough data. I hope you can bring it to the boil quickly. ”
“All right.”

Paw !!

I went near the North Sea icebreaker close to the old land of Bohai, as I had heard from Zegal. If you go a little further north-west near the North Sea Ice Rink, you will see the Temple of Heavenly Dragon, which was the place where the old ruins of Bohai are located. In fact, I used to remember that I used to travel a little closer to the shrine, but I was not sure what to do so I was going to look at the map carefully.


I ran a few hundred pounds, and went to the land of Balhae in line with the map. As a result, they were able to reach the ruins of the Yongcheon area in about half a day.

‘Here it is.’

The ruins of the ruined capital are scattered. Even after the fall of Bohai, revival movement took place, and later powers such as late emperors, Jung An-kuk, Yeonpaekguk, Heungguk-guk, and Taebaega appeared, but it was eventually destroyed in the Kumara. But why did the successive forces seem to have never thought of rebuilding the ruins of the Yongcheon Yongcheon Department and using it as a city castle?

I ran in and went to the location of the snare that I had heard from Geegal. I was able to find a dwelling place for a long time, and waved to the manger.

“I am here!”
“Oh, come on.”

It was a long time ago that I had a beard and I was tortured. However, it seemed that the period of the snow was clear and the physical strength did not decline. Mang told me about the story I had been talking about.

“It ‘s good that you are on the brink. So please help me with this. ”
“What’s going on?”

Kugu Gu …

At that time, a devastating destruction sound was heard. The moat heard its destructive sound and vibration and sighed.

“That door is not able to investigate further.”

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