

I arrived at the castle where Woo Hee was last. It is a castle near Hachihang (鍨?涓?, and now there are no people to manage it, it was just a ruin of the castle. In ancient times, it would have been the place where the end of the fierce superhero was taken, but now there was neither the hero nor the army.

Woo …

I used the trick of Thunder to call powerful souls nearby. However, there was no one with a name that was called, and it was the characters who were a load of the dragon usually in the submarine. I would have fought in the last battle with the Han military. I was surprised to see that the load of Hangwoo was being repeatedly called.

‘There were quite a few of the soldiers who were unknown to the history of Hangul. But why lose? ‘

It means that he was far superior to the culprit in terms of power, wisdom, and talent in his lifetime so long as he was invited to the nerve. It would have been at least a thousand talents to be able to do it. I was wondering, and he asked the man who came with him, he said.

“At that time, the whole world was leaning on Han (Han), but there were many talented people, few were already meaningless. And he did not make good use of talented people who are self-righteous and growing up. Hopefully, if you tried to recover from Gangdong beyond Dongsung and Ogang, there would have been hope, but I gave up on my own. ”

The moat sighed.

“The innate heaven was the highest of all, but his walk was nothing but a renunciation of the master of the world, and the question is meaningless. The Hangul subcontractors who were summoned now are also getting fired … ”
“… … ”

It seemed that he did not appreciate Hangul well. I felt something strange.

‘ Something鈥? It takes a while … ‘

The evaluation of the net amount can be considered as the opinions of most of the writers and scholars in the present land. Hangu is a loser who has just wielded his powers and has been destroyed by himself, and does not have the capacity as a ruler. However, the person I met personally was a very cool and insightful person and was not a person who would make a mistake.

Above all, the power alone alone is enough to deal with hundreds of thousands of troops. Was there any reason why they were killed after they were driven by human forces?

Anyway, that was not the important thing right now, I asked the lieutenant who said that he had done the last time.

“I’m a fan of Hangu. I want to know what happened to Woo Hee. Did she really commit to not being a hindrance to Hangu after he called the pilgrimage as he was told in history? ”
[… … ]

Vidram said something with a big agonizing expression.

[Do not make any noise. If I blaspheme my lord and her honor, I will not answer even if I go to hell.]

It was a very powerful person. The reason I was invited to the Gangneung is because I was afraid of the postwar world, so I bet I go to the heavenly place, and that is the loyalty of the degree of success! I thought that I would have been a considerable person in my life, and I said politely with an example.

“It was the rumor that I heard. I apologize if you were rude. ”
[I will accept it.]
“If you know Woo-hee’s act, can you tell me?”
[She left alone to the Lord after receiving “strength”.]

Maybe the power is that you have been given the power of the innocence from Hangu. I wondered.

“At that time, there would have been hundreds of thousands of armies surrounding Hanhae, but how did the woman alone penetrate the siege?”
[I do not know that. But all I can imagine is that my lord and the breasts have made some kind of a close bond with her. I think the Han military did not stop her.]
“Uh … ”
[We do not blame the Master for the matter. At that time, he already gave life and death to the lord.]

Do not you think Hang-woo negotiated with you to let go?
It was quite different from the historical facts that I knew, so I felt nervous. When I was troubled, the man who was next to me said.

“Baewong. Now it ‘s better to find the breasts and call him a piece of cloth. He would have been the party that sent him. ”
“Hanko’s breast … Where will he be? ”
“This is where the grave of the Han Sangsil is located. Near Luoyang. I know its location, let’s see. ”


I arrived at the grave of Seung – chan Han with Mangyang. The royal tombs of the Han were still well preserved and the people around them were not so rare. I wondered and looked around.

“I did not know there was such a place near Luoyang.”
“Baewong. Maybe if you search through the Chun Nerve, the emperors of the Han Empire will come out all the time.

I did as I said. After a while, dozens of ancient Han emperors were perceived to me as I was told by Mangyang, and I looked for someone with a strong dragon. But I did not find such a person, so I looked up.

“No … ? ”
“It’s strange. Then I will try. ”

The amount of manganese was also able to use the technique of the tunnel nerve by training the technique of the tranquillizers. Soon he gathered energy in the nines and found his soul and said it was absurd.

“Well鈥? !! Not really. ”
“Is not it because the breast has died and the energy of the dragon has been lost?”
“No way鈥? There is no possibility. But鈥? ”

The mumbling was like a sudden thought.

“… There is one possibility. ”
“What is it?”
“After the death of the breast, it may have returned to the body, the red dragon.”
“… what? Such a ridiculous … ”
“It does not make sense. We thought that the breast was just a strong human being, but in fact, if it was the true ryung’s incarnation according to the rumors of the world … It is possible that the incarnation returns to the body. ”
“… … ”
“Yongpo’s words were true.”

He was scratching his head and saying.

“The problem is, what is the existence of a red dragon that gives strength to the breast?”
“Shouting. Do not you know that you are bright in doctrine? ”
“The existence of a dragon does not exist separately in the Taoist hierarchy. There is a dragon, but among them there is no god who can be identified with a dragonfly. So I have always thought that ‘ryongyu’ is a metaphor. ”
“It is meaningless even if the identity is known in private, but it is a secret existence that does not want to be known to the world. If the name is known to the world, it may be that the difficult person sprinkled the incarnation of the breast. ”
“Well, what is it … ”

Something smells of intricate conspiracy.
I thought it over and said.

“In conclusion, I do not know who the breast is currently.”
“The only certainty is that the breasts were not human since birth.”

It was a horse.

“I have to discuss with the priest some more. Let’s go back. ”

I went back to the southern continent along with the mine. Then they shared the facts that they had learned with Cheon Woojin and Jeegal. Then Chun Woo Jin said.

“As far as I know, the most famous red dragon is the southern red dragon.
“Dead Sea Dragon King (鍥涙捣 榫嶇帇).”

After he nods his head, he replied.

“But as you know, the Dead Sea dragons, including the Dead Sea dragons, have been on the rise in the heavenly world, and the Dead Sea dragon has become obsolete. I think the reason is probably the aftereffect that prevented the end of the dragon.
“At the end of the end, the dragon killed the Dead Sea dragon. Then there will be dead. In such a situation, even if he summons the King of the Southern Red Light King, he will not be able to accept it. ”
“Hmm … ”

At that time, Zegal, who was next to him, laughed.

“Is not there one more famous red dragon?”
“… Are you referring to Hwangryongjin? ”
“Anyway, she is a red dragon, too. It is probably stronger than the individual of the Dead Sea dragon if it regains power. ”

Then he shook his head as if he could not make sense.

“She does not exist as a body, but an incarnation of a dragon. I have never heard of the incarnation of incarnation again. ”
“Big gangs often do something similar?”
“It is possible because it is a semi – demon whose existence is irregular. There is a strong possibility that a strong divine being like Hwangryongjin has done such a thing and the existing style will be disintegrated. ”
“It’s annoying.”

Zegal said yawning and said.

“Why do not you ask your master of the jungle to write a black card for you to save Woohui?
“… … !! ”
“That’s comfortable.”

How did you do that ?!
I thought it was plausible, Mang said.

“Uncle. It is a waste of good power to do one favor of Hangu. It’s the ability to shake the heavens … ”
“Well, what a waste. I actually wanted to use it to save the other guy. ”

He was telling his appetite again.

“But you really want to find out the soul of Woo Hee and get into the world of mine? I see that the word has been evangelized. ”

I agreed with that.

“Well鈥? I do. ”

A tree.
The world where the souls of the dead converge.
The ghosts seemed to have a faint guess of what the world was like, but the original singer could not go to that world. Zegal also said that he was not special in this world. Moreover, because it is a world closely linked with the celestial world, it is likely to be caught in the hands of Tampa Ozai by mistake.

“At one time I would die, but it would be nice to go to the top of the world and go around, but the purpose of this life is cancer, not cancer. It is too inefficient if you go to the mysterious state without dying and ready to go to the arm cancer. I’ve been flying for decades. ”
“Hmm鈥? ”
“It’s a shit if you save it. I think it’s better to wear a blackboard. ”

It was a sign of thinking about Geumgang and Cheonwoojin in the opinion of Jeegal. After a while, he said.

“There is a risk. I’m talking to you on the assumption that Woo Hee, who has a brilliant character, is revived by the power of black, but what if it is not? ”

When Zegal learned the word, he laughed coldly.

“Fuhu! It’s more funny. The era of superhero is close to 2,000 years from now, but is she alive now? ”
“I can not rule out the possibility. I have shared the power of the constellation. ”
“The fact that Wu-hee is not in this world has already been confirmed by the nation’s ability to do so. If so, Wu-hee can go to this world and live for 2,000 years, and can it be human? ”
“… It is not. Anyway, it will be beyond humanity. ”
“Do not be bothered to talk about it, but let’s write black. What’s hard? ”

Zegal was an irritating phenomenon.
But I thought that Jejal’s opinion was impatient.

‘ right. As she said, she may still be alive … ‘

What if I ask you to call a living being?
I can not rule out the possibility of killing and killing Woo Hee, who was living alive.
It is because [the ruler of the jungle] does not think as much about human convenience as it is, [the old ruler] who just plays with the world for his own fall. However, we can enjoy seeing that we are desperate because of the suppression interpretation.

And if you fail to do so, you will not be able to make an ally an obsidian so that you can become a co-worker. It was dangerous to expect the power of the [old ruler] and I had to be careful.

I thought it over and said.

“I think the proposal is good, but I want to leave a little. I want you to do it when Hwangryongjin finds strength. ”
“Are you going to ask Hwalryeongjin about the dragon?”
“You can do whatever you want, but you do not want to waste your time too much. It is not entirely possible that the Rajik will come to the southern continent, and he does not know what number to use in the future. ”
“It’s more than that, Jeegal. I have something to ask.”
“Teach me to move the law of the law (閭硶).”

In my request, Zegal spoke a sigh of laughter.

“It would be very difficult because it was a reclamation using the relics of this world. Can you learn? I learned it harder. ”

It is really difficult to say that it is hard to say in the mouth of the company. But I did it badly.

“I should.”
“Even if it takes decades?”
“But I’ll learn.”

I grasped my fist with a determined expression.

“Anyway, I have to learn it, so I will be able to find the future of the Baekryonggyo.”

This should not be done.
I realized that while I was running the national flame in this life, there was a high probability that something was scattered around the world other than this world. However, I was limited to this situation because I was able to move to Jeju by the help of Jeegal.

I need to have the ability to search for myself, and I will be able to find mythology as well as searching for a ritual.

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