
I moved a step inside with the silver path created by the young woman. Seomunghyun followed, and I noticed that the surrounding scenery turned into a starry sky full of dark clouds. And I looked at the body to see if there was anything wrong, but it seemed okay yet.

‘You are breathing.’

I was nervous because I thought the moon was also a thin space. My breath was getting better and Seo had no problem. Said the old woman.

[We are keeping survival with the help of the poetry technique. There is no problem with air.]
“. . . Ah. . . ”

I tried to say something, but I realized that all the sound coming out of my mouth had become silent. There seemed to be no sound because there was no air. It seemed impossible to talk in this place upbringing anyway, so it was better to use the whole tone from now on.

… …

I felt a sense of heterogeneity when I saw the vastly unfolding grayish white earth and the infinitely dark space. In these places, humans will not be able to live. There was another problem.


As I moved my foot, I ran lightly. I did not write a new law or artistry, but the body itself is too light. I was cautious because I knew that this phenomenon was caused by the weakening of the moon’s gravity.

‘I’ll have to concentrate on the technique.’

It is not enough to be able to use art. And it seemed that we had to be careful about jumping up. It may be thrown out of the moon and become a mystery of the universe.


I jumped together with Seo Moon – hye and looked around for about a dozen or so. But there was nowhere else that seemed to be a temple of the song, only the desolate white ground was unfolded. I even felt a sense of embarrassment when I saw the star I was living in.

Soon-kun, a young woman, said at that time.

[On this site, the influence of the composition does not feel much.]

I responded with all my ears instead of my mouth.

[Was not the moon before halfway?]
[I knew that, but it is the first time I come directly. And I can not feel the power of God on this site.

I do not feel much of my sincerity.
Does that mean the moon is not half-full? As can be seen from the example of the Manchu period, the abode of Tamsan Oze had a tremendous presence, and the soul power also flowed like an active volcano. However, even if she did not speak, the moon of this month did not feel like the triumphant triumph of Ozeki.

‘What happened?’

It is hard to find a place in this vast area. I was thinking about how to do it, but I heard Seo.

[Baek Woongnam] Something moves away from me.]

Something moves?
As soon as I heard the word, I watched the identity of moving, hiding it at almost the same time as Seo. The distance was about five or so, but clearly there was something wiggling at the bottom of the basin. I was impressed when I confirmed my appearance with a lot of effort.

‘Is it a Yi … No, I do not think that’s … ‘

It looks more like a person than a yi. The shape of head and legs was just human. But the reason why I can not say that I am a person is that my body has wings and several eyes.

Put simply, humans are humans.

If they were Yi, they would be Yi and Yi. And I am confused because I have never witnessed such a bee in my knowledge. However, it was not good to encounter it now, so I watched the behaviors of the people who were bowing down with Seo.

Even though it was an airless moon, the bee man seemed to move well with his wings. He seemed to be pulling something off the floor of the basin, but after a while he flew away with something in his arms.

I went to the branch a long time after seeing what was going on. On the bottom of the deep basin, which was about ten stories deep, there was a plant that looked like a barnacle, but it was never seen on the ground. I found that the plant stretched the stem and blossomed a cluster of fogs, and I could see that the flowers were blooming all over the place.

‘There is neither water nor air, how do living things grow?’

When I was absurd, Kwon Hyun – kwon said.

[It seems to me that it was the flower of this plant that took it.]
[What is this flower?]
[I’m not sure.]

The ecosystem of the moon seemed to be very unique if you were to say that Kuncheon-neon did not know. I picked up a few plants and flowers and put them in my armor. Then I waited near the back door to see if the liver was coming again.


It was not easy, but after about a few strokes, the liver started to fly. The problem was not just one like the one before, but rather hundreds of them, and they started picking up flowers as soon as they cling to the plants. I chased after all of them had flew away.

How long has it gone?

I noticed that as I went toward the bees, there seemed to be more and more traces of things, and there were buildings that looked like ancient ruins here and there. And the behemoths were able to find a herd of giant shrines in front of them.

I looked around and thought.

‘This is definitely a city … ‘

It is different from any architectural style that we saw on the ground. And it seemed to have been made for the existence of a variant from the beginning rather than being considered to be a living person. I watched the city I could not tell, and I could see something flying over the sky.

Pee profit

A large bird was flying around, emitting a strange sound. I found something on the bird and hid it. I had seen the bird on the bird, so I opened my eyes.

‘That’s what I saw at the ceremony, !! ‘

The being was the ear of a dog on the face of a man, and the body of an unknown animal. The appearance was, of course, a monster, but I could see that the being was a divine being because spirituality flows instead of wickedness.

A ceremony that summoned Hae Sun.

At that time, when I tried to give the enemy a secret poetry with my persuasion, I blocked him because he was summoned to his body, and at the same time he was disturbed by Sambisin, the apostle of the Orient and Grandmaster. Xabi’s body said at that time, saying no.

[JJ’s meaning is as follows. The red bow and the white arrow are also possessed by the Tian’ei. It is a blessing to fall upon the mortal. ”

However, the example sprang out his bounty with the nature, and I was able to obtain the patriarchal poetry of that life. Of course, the result was not so good, but it was impressive, so I remembered it well.

It is the apostle of JJUN that is riding on a spiritual bird, Sabie body!

At that time, the body of Seo Hye – hyee was covered with light. It was heard that the young lady of Kuncheon warned us.

[Be careful. We can not completely hide ourselves from the body of Sabi by means of man’s free trade or hiding. I can not hide my face for a long time, so I have to get out of here hastily.]
[Gucheon-san’s. Can you win if you fight the body of Sabi? ”
[It may not be that I can not win now, but it is because I have been given the demand to you forever and regained the power of the whole body. Please remember that Bondi is a god-like creature of the triple Oze, an apostle of the Bondi.]
[ Yes, I understand.]
And now I’m inundated, and this place is likely to be under the control of the song. It is foolish to cause confusion.]

I could feel the situation again.

In the past bongseon consciousness did not know what, what, Xavier’s body flying over the skies belonged to the apostles orthodox Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors. That was the end mean that it is possible to work in the past, just as when I received the apostles and the appointment of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors Zhuanxu received tremendous power from the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors.

‘And, unlike me, a human being, a savage body, originally a divine being, would be able to deal with the power of the Apostle freely … ‘

In addition, there is a possibility that we will catch all of us if the wrong triple Oze genesis appears directly in this place. This place should never have been taken to the Sabi body.


Fortunately, Xabi’s body did not find us. I talked to the old woman after the abandonment.

[The moon seems to be correct for half the time … If it is not half of the time, there will not be a round of patrols by Sabie, the apostle of the triple Oze.]
[… … ]

I was thinking about something.

[Then, the moon itself might be a huge dimension.]
[ Yeah?]
[The role of the body of Sabi is seen as a gatekeeper.]
[… Hmm!]

I was able to find out that the hypothesis of the young woman of Kusun is true. Then it is explained here that the apostle Sabi-san is moving around, although the divine power is not deep.

The moon itself is not a semi-king.
The moon will be the door to the triumphal door of the triple play Oze.

‘Is it like the auger was keeping the astronomical fever?’

The auger, the gateway to the Warriors, was guarded by the heat of the god of war. The fact that the man was strictly guarded in Penglai, which humans can not tolerate in the beginning, means that the Tranquil Oze did not allow the freshmen to invade. And it’s the same as saying that the text is so important.

At the same time, I was troubled when I thought of the system in which the Tampa Ozes kept the base.

‘Damn it … If you want to defeat Tampa Oze, you have to knock down the gate of the door, ‘

In fact, those gatekeepers have crossed the line of freshness, or the apostle of Tampa Oze!
In this way, there was a great possibility that he would be destroyed before approaching Tampa Oze.

I looked at the building where the bee-humans came in with suspicious eyes and glanced at Seo. After a while we entered the building and approached it with a sneaky drink, and it was not long before we could see the inside sight.

Woo Woo

Thousands of hummingbirds were gathered in a huge square, where the flowers that the bees had gathered piled up like a small garden. And among them, the necks and limbs of beheaded beings were scattered all over the place. It was a horrible sight, but a more scary thing arose after a while.

I’m sorry.

White flames skyrocketing. The white flame burned the flower grave gathered like a garden all at once, but the problem is that the bees’ bodies are burning together. And when the firepower of the white flame reached the peak, the birds appeared at the altar and began dancing. The birds were the ones that were summoned with the Sabi-cousin in the past, probably the gods under his creed.

Pai Ii

After the dancing of the frenzy, the bees began to walk away as if they were breathing. I watched a series of processes and was able to see what was happening.

‘Humanitarian service … ‘

Bee humans now serve the triple play Oze.

And because of their prosperity and fears about their composition, they are paying for their favorite flowers and killing some of them at the same time, offering them as human sacrifices.

For the maintenance of civilization.

“… … ”

I feel strange.
Is not it only human beings to give human beings?
When I learned that the Yokai, Iyi, and half – masters were also serving human beings while serving great beings, I felt confused. It was also felt that the gap between mortals and gods was huge.

‘ Well… There is harvest. ‘

So, if you can come to the moon next time, why not take that big foggy flower?
When I was thinking about something like that, I heard a blunt voice behind me. The owner of the voice was a typical bee.

” Hey. Follow.”

Humans were exactly watching us. I have noticed that even though I have completely removed my presence from the poetry and used it to hide it.

But there were separate reasons for the surprise.

It is heavy.

At the same time, Seo and Hoon looked at the owner of the voice and followed him without words. Because the voices were very familiar. After a while the bee man took us into a big house and said,

“I do not know what to say. Are you saying that you have come back from cancer? ”

There was air inside the building, and I was able to breathe without the help of a craftsman. When I looked at me with the eyes that the humans could not believe, I laughed.

“Is not it great?”
“… huh.”
“By the way, that’s what you changed into a transformation.”

My question was a humans replied.

“To that extent, I can not deceive Xabi, the family member of the song. This is not a shaman, but a trick to deceive the world. ”
“I do not know what to say.”

I was grumbling, but humans ignored me.

“The death penalty has come for you? The death penalty is safe. ”
” Yes.”
“Thank goodness. Your boy is back. ”

This guy?
I looked at the bee man with a little bit of eyes.

“You have changed a lot in five years.”

If it was the old guy, he would not have said that.


Then slowly, the appearance of bees began to return to human beings. And there was a figure of the person I knew familiar on the spot.

“Do you have a complaint?”

The owner of the tone of voice, while making impressive impressions, was Chun Woojin.

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