133 – stain

The sound made by spitting, white foam in the mouth, and bloodshot eyes.

There was resentment there.

What made Austin like that? It is not King Zhou’s main pitch. In the dozens or possibly hundreds of battles in the throne room, Henry always fought with reason. Even falling down was a noble lineage, and that’s why he was remembered as a thorough villain.

But the Austin in front of me… I don’t know.


Austin took slow steps.

Blood flows like a waterfall from the shoulder that was cleanly torn off. An unbelievable amount of blood comes out from the withered body, soaking the floor, and the body, which should have already collapsed and died, walks as if possessed by a ghost.

It is a phenomenon that deviates from reason.

So the attention is taken away.

Everyone who had no choice but to watch the situation here looked at Austin with eyes full of fear.

There are numerous speculations. It may be the second coming of the devil, the coming of an apostle, or perhaps the coming of an evil god.

The constantly pouring blood and the evil energy that engulfed the space made Austin seem like something transcendent.


As for Shiron, I saw Austin as he really is.

“What is he saying now?”

Siron adjusted the hilt of his sword and exhaled. I felt complex emotions about seeing this damn disease for the first time in my life, but I didn’t feel any more emotions than that.

Austin is just a person who is lucky enough to have the power to pick up a good piece of equipment. I haven’t trained my mana for a long time, and I’m not a strong demon from birth.

“If you’re going to go crazy, you’re going to go crazy. I muttered to myself, I’m so mad.”

So, I didn’t give up thinking that I could kill him enough. Siron widened his eyes and pointed the holy sword at Austin.

This time I won’t finish with just my arms.

Breathing, gait, gaze, whatever information I can get. I will kill you more thoroughly and surely than ever before.


Austin raised his cane high. A thick and cloudy energy gathers at the tip of the raised tip. The energy that made all things crumble overflowed, staining the entire area with the energy of a curse.

Austin constantly radiated curse energy.

However, even though the curse energy was radiating so much, the curse did not reach Siron.

A slow attack that simply emits curse energy. The moment I decided that the attack would never reach me.

Light burst out.

A flash of light engulfed the curse and other evil shadows, and a line of light rushed into Austin’s neck.

The holy sword, swung with all its might, tore Austin to pieces.


Austin couldn’t even scream. By the time I realized something had touched my neck, my vision had already flipped.


A pure white head rolled on the floor.

As Austin’s head falls, the curse that has not disappeared swells. Siron had no intention of letting the curse that had no place to go explode.


The holy sword radiated light again.

A holy light that burns away all the cursed energy that filled the throne room. The energy of correcting the principles erased the wronged flames as if they were burning them.

Light that erases unclean energy continues to emanate. It wasn’t just the flame of the curse that was erased.


A fountain of blood gushed from Austin’s neck, but Siron was not covered in it. I did not allow the holy light to pollute Siron.

The divinity that did not stop at light turned into flame. The blood that spurts from the bottom up cannot fall down from the top.

Divinity was the essence of healing, but Austin could not receive healing. Light did not regard him as a human being, but recognized him as a being that should be destroyed. As if to prove him, the by-products that came out of him were consumed by the sacred flame.

Light filled the space.

‘oh my god.’

Devialet muttered softly at the sight.

It didn’t matter when I first became conscious. In the sensation of watching a play on stage through a huge glass window, the cardinal felt as if he had seen a scene from an icon that had been translated from the Bible into a painting.

A sword of light and overwhelming divinity.

A scene exactly as written in the Bible was before his eyes. Devialet’s eyes filled with tears.


For some reason, the darkness on the ceiling could not be erased. Sweat appeared on Siron’s face as he felt the injustice that he could not erase. Siron gripped the holy sword even more tightly. The intensity of light becomes stronger. However, no matter how much light was emitted, the darkness on the ceiling did not disappear.

It’s a strange thing.

‘…A darkness that cannot be erased by the light of the holy sword?’

It wasn’t just poetry that felt déjà vu.

Even Sera, who maintained spatial magic, was very wary of that darkness.


Seira’s eyes narrow.

Unlike shadows that are created by the absence of light, darkness swallows up light just by existing. Although it was a very long time ago, Seira remembered it clearly.

How could I forget?


The energy radiating from the darkness was so ominous that it reminded me of him.

Soon, the darkness that had dyed the ceiling black began to come together.

The darkness that became one rotated and formed a ring.

Siron’s face, which was emitting light, became distorted.

Siron was clearly aware of its existence. So the light shined even brighter. To drive away negative energy. I stuck the holy sword into the heart of a decapitated corpse that wouldn’t fall and didn’t stop spewing out holy power…

I couldn’t stop it.

Siron watched with open eyes as the black ring descended from the ceiling toward Austin. Above my head, which wasn’t even there, a black ring was floating as if measuring the distance.

Shiron lost his senses over the situation unfolding in front of him.

They say it’s a mountain beyond a mountain.


Shiron laughed dejectedly and stopped emitting light.

Because I realized it was useless. Although he didn’t like giving up, he didn’t have enough stamina left to engage in meaningless efforts, so he decided to face the being in front of him.

decapitated angel.

First Apostle, Zagagatha.

I lowered my reputation to avoid the apostle, but I ended up facing it.


‘Reincarnation Blade’ looks like a real-time action game everywhere, but it has a unique system.

‘Rather than the player looking for the boss, the boss moves in search of the player.’


The Apostle is a boss that you encounter randomly in the field. These uncertain elements were intertwined with Wimyeongdo, a system of reincarnation and swordsmanship, to create a unique charm.

[The higher the prestige, the higher the probability of encountering an apostle, and the lower the prestige, the lower the probability of encountering an apostle. Players, please keep this in mind.]

But, what are the numbers in front of it? First of all, it is not a measure of strength.

The 2nd Apostle Camilla Rhodes was the first to be killed, and he cut off her head himself, but Siron did not consider her weaker than the 5th Apostle Bernoulli.

[Numbers are assigned to the apostles in the order in which they heard the demon’s voice. Therefore, Jagannatha is the first apostle.]

A phrase I vaguely remember.

However, the important thing was not that the being in front of me was the first apostle.

Jagannatha is the strongest apostle. Of course, I met him here.


“The tribute has become useless.”

The decapitated corpse spoke in a low voice. This is not a sound that comes from a head rolling around on the floor. Black rings protruded here and there, vibrating on the severed neck, as if vibrating the air.

“You made it that way.”

The decapitated corpse, Jagannatha’s consciousness, turned towards Siron.

“You cut off the tribute’s head with that white sword. It must not have been easy, but ah! It’s a sword of light. I can tell by looking at the sword of light. I never thought it would be in a place like this.”


“Has it been 500 years? You’ve finally appeared. I’ve been looking for you for a long time. It’s been a long time, and I’ve been waiting desperately for you to appear. Hero. Why haven’t you been seen before?”

Although many words were poured out,

Siron did not answer the question.

I couldn’t answer.

The only thing in Shiron’s mind was confusion as to why this guy was here, so he didn’t even have time to answer.


No matter how much I thought about it, I couldn’t come up with an answer to my encounter with the first apostle.

From noble mtl dot com

“Focus on me.”


Shiron’s mind flashed at the words of the decapitated angel. Confirming that Shiron was concentrating, Jaganatha continued.

“Why, after searching so much, couldn’t I recognize your existence?”


“You don’t answer. Then you have to find out yourself.”

Shiron saw the angel’s ring twisting.

this situation,


For some reason, Shiron felt like he had to stop thinking useless. And the ominous hunch came true.

“Your soul is biased toward negativity.”


Siron let out a hollow laugh.

“So that’s why I haven’t seen it before. I found something interesting.”

The decapitated body didn’t even notice, but it was looking straight ahead.

“I feel sorry to say that it is a corpse with its head cut off. This person must have had a name since he was born.”

“…What suddenly.”

“This soul, whom our God took pity on, was destined to become an apostle of God’s will.”

A conversation with a decapitated corpse was not like a conversation.

He gave only fragmentary information, as if he was only saying what he wanted to say.


However, with only fragmentary information, Shiron had no choice but to open his eyes wide.

I didn’t know that Austin was going to become an apostle.

“Chiron Prien. I have no choice but to know.”

Before he knew it, he even knew the name he hadn’t said. Are you searching through Austin’s memories? Or was this information revealed? Whatever it was, it was extremely difficult. Even if you try not to show it, your eyes twitch.

“Because it’s a fact not written in Prien’s prophecy, as you can see.”


“Are you going to keep keeping your mouth shut? You probably know that it’s no use. Or maybe you’re frozen in fear. I think that’s possible.”

At that moment, Jagannatha took a step back.

“Well, I wanted to talk a little more.”

He spoke something incomprehensible. We haven’t even had a single conversation, so what are you talking about?

This time too, Jagannatha spoke something incomprehensible.

“An imperfect body cannot endure. Let’s finish this.”

Finishing it? It was a moment when I had that question.


A pillar of light fell in front of Siron’s nose.

The darkness quickly collapsed, as if it had been a lie that had swallowed up all the light of the Holy Sword.

There was nothing left where the light fell.

Both Austin’s corpse and Lord Wu’s body.

That’s how intense Seira’s bombardment was.

“Kid… are you okay?”

An urgent voice that trembles slightly. Before I knew it, Seira came next to me and asked how I was doing.


Instead of saying it was okay, Siron expressed gratitude. And then, I turned around and headed somewhere.

“Kid! Where are you going!”

He heard a voice calling him from behind, but Siron did not stop and ran towards the door of the throne room.

What I had been paying attention to all along was the golden eyes that had been watching Shiron through the crack in the door.


Siron opened the door with all his might and lowered his gaze.

The red-haired girl was trembling, holding her head.



Even though I asked in a kind voice, Lucia did not answer. Instead, she lowered her head deeply.

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