178 – Cleanup



‘…Who calls this body?’


‘…I don’t know who it is, but right now, my body is enjoying a sweet sleep, so I can’t respond.’

-Yuma. You’re not going to wake up?

‘I’m starting to get irritated. ‘Who on earth are you to interrupt a happy time?’

A sense of faithfulness felt for the first time in hundreds of years.

Let’s check the face of the person interfering with this. In the past, the woman who was called Bloody Yuma opened her eyelids, emitting eerie magical energy.


“Ah, good night, master.”

Yuma opened his eyes and stood up in a cold sweat. Shiron, who had already changed his clothes, was looking at Yuma with a worried face.

Yuma hurriedly withdrew the magical energy he had unleashed.

I’ve lived for hundreds of years without being woken up by anyone, and I’ve even forgotten who I slept with last night.

“I didn’t wake you up for no reason, right? You kept frowning, so I thought you were having a nightmare, so I woke you up.”

“No. Rather, was I frowning?”

Yuma, who had pulled the blanket over his chest, asked cautiously.

“Perhaps… I said something strange. If so, I apologize.”

“No, everyone has nightmares. Don’t worry about it.”

Shiron Han, not paying attention to Yuma’s sleep talking, put the damp towels in the basket. His hands were busy as he had to practice magic again today.

“There’s a dragon urging me to come out, so I’ll go first. Wake up leisurely.”


Yuma waved his hand slightly at Shiron as he left the room.

After being dazed for a moment… Yuma made a pleasant noise and stretched.

Perhaps because of the strenuous activity last night, my entire body, including my groin, feels numb. But this is a medal for having fought against the master. Rather, thanks to these aftereffects, only happiness filled her mind.

It took a moment for me to smile so proudly. Yuma shook his head and shook off any remaining sleep.

No matter how much she and her master shared love and longed for each other’s bodies, her main role is as a guardian of the family and a maid who serves them.

I have no intention of acting as a housewife just because I played with fire one night. First, Yuma got up from the bed to tidy up the master’s room.


Then, Yuma suddenly felt a sense of discomfort in his lower abdomen and felt his groin.


The bare mountain is soft and fluffy.

Even after going through such a difficult task, the lower body is clean and without any moisture. Yuma tilted his head at that and stroked the bedsheets she had been lying on just a moment ago.

Unlike the bare mountain, the bed sheets were damp here and there.

If you look closely, there are some dried marks.

‘…Surely you, Master?’

Yuma recalled the existence of the laundry basket that Shiron was carrying.

A soft, bare mountain,

damp towels,

Even the final greeting telling me to wake up leisurely…

Soon, Yuma’s face was so full of blood that it looked like a red apple. Even though it was dawn, with no heating on, her body was covered in cold sweat.

“……Such a mistake.”

Yuma held his head in self-destruction and shame that came later.

I was so caught up in the pleasant aftereffects that I left the cleanup to Master. He barely made contact in the name of giving a reward, but wasn’t this a prodigal son who only valued his own pleasure?

Yuma slumped her shoulders and criticized herself as a lewd and unsophisticated woman.

‘Still, you didn’t make the bed sheets.’

Let’s sort this out. While Yuma was making his bed without even putting on any clothes, he felt several figures approaching.

Yuma hurriedly looked around to get dressed. But unfortunately, when he came to Master’s room, Yuma was barely dressed.

Yuma, who belatedly realized his mistake of having prepared a change of clothes in advance, had no choice but to cover himself with the bedsheets.


Just then the door opened.


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“It’s a good morning!”

“Congratulations~ Congratulations~ Congratulations on removing Yuma’s cobwebs~”

Maids rushed into the room. What was so fun was that they made a fuss and even sang a song.

“…What are you guys doing here?”

“What is it? Of course, I want to hear what happened last night.”

Encia, who was at the head of the group, put on an excited face, and not to be outdone, the other maids also surrounded Yuma, leaving him with nowhere to run.

“So, how does it feel?”

“Is it the same as described in the book?”

“If there were any differences, what were the differences?”

“Did you really put a pepper on your butt so that Yuma called it ang and the master just liked it?”

“Boss, was the pepper really that big?”

The maids were all pouring out questions they wanted to ask Yuma.

Encia and Roseline, who were usually fussy, even Dorothy and Ophelia, who maintained a calm demeanor, sparkled their eyes and urged them to answer.

“Please answer quickly, quickly! I’m getting dizzy!”

“Who started first? You, too?”

“Isn’t it obvious? It’s a cliché for a sassy master to attack a maid.”

“No, it could be the other way around. It’s also a cliche for a mature lady to not be able to control her heat one night and attack the master.”

“Actually, I overheard a noise in the next room…”

When Yuma, who felt dizzy from the chattering, did not respond, they started talking in front of the party about what was going on and what had happened.

“There was no moaning, only the sound of “Gogok, Gogok!”

“Not Ang, but Ngogot Ogok? How can you be so vulgar!”

“It’s vulgar! It’s vulgar!”

“Yuma-sama, I didn’t look at you like that!”

“And then, uhm… Master. Please lie down with your head on this side. I will be your mother just for today… Isn’t this what it is?!”

“Huh oh oh!”

“I saw that. [Stepmother suddenly becomes nice] That’s the line from here!”

“Totally bad!”

“Yeah! Don’t! Jjujju!”

“Damn! Damn!”

“Stop it!”

Now they even fabricate. To stop the misunderstanding from escalating out of control, Yuma raised her hand and shouted at them.

“be quiet!”

“Damn… Jjujju!”



Yuma had been feeding honey chestnuts to the man who spoke childish and vulgar words from earlier. The same goes for those who spread fabrications that don’t even exist.

“First… I’ll correct the misunderstanding.”

Yuma, who confirmed the momentum of the grass break, cleared his throat with a reddened face.

“I didn’t even moan, ‘Ngogot, Ogok,’ and I didn’t even say anything presumptuous about becoming a mother to you, Master.”


“It’s true, Jaina. So stop asking embarrassing questions. It’s embarrassing for everyone who hears it.”

“But, even if I asked the master, he told me to ask Yumamang…”

“That’s right, Yumamang. I’m curious.”

“It’s Yuma, not Yumamang! Are you going to keep saying strange things?”

Yuma made a ghost-like face and shouted at the maids. But that didn’t mean I couldn’t understand the feelings of the maids who were so excited.

They have been trapped in this boring place for the past 500 years. The only thing they do is kill intruders, clean up the surrounding demons, or raise humans safely.

Meanwhile, the story of a captain who became infatuated with the human he had cared for since childhood was an interest that could not be compared to anything else.

Yuma also felt pitiful.

No matter how much Encia pushed it, looking back, I realized that I pushed it too recklessly and without any respect for myself.

The Yuma of last night was a beast, to the extent that it can only be explained as the demonic nature that had been suppressed for 500 years bursting out. It was truly a female in heat.

Even she, who thought she had lost her temper, was like this, but it was clear that the children in front of her were just as stressed out as Yuma.

“Really. Did you tell me to go?”

“Is that so? I said I had to get to the training ground quickly and I kicked him out in frustration!”


Yuma nodded, wondering if that was really the case, and the maids were anxious to see how she would react.

“Then, I’ll tell you a story. Let’s move to any wide area.”

“Wow! Yumaman, the best!”

“Yumamang! Yumamang!”

The maids shouted and started rinsing Yuma. Yuma tightened his grip, afraid that the blanket covering his naked body would come off.

“Well, of course, except for Encia and Ophelia.”


“Of course. Aren’t you already having fun outside?”

“That’s right! You two are out!”

The maids who were their colleagues burst into laughter at the two who couldn’t keep their mouths shut, as if they felt a great sense of betrayal.

“Please clean the master’s room.”

“That’s right. You two go clean up.”

The maids surrounding Yuma left Encia and Ophelia behind and moved to the banquet hall.


Meanwhile, on the mountain behind the Dawn Castle, Siron’s magic practice was in full swing.


It was supposed to be busy…


Latera, who had been outside for the first time in a while, rolled around in the snow. Siron felt indescribable trouble when he saw that.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know you would be watching.”

“Shiron is right, half-angel. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes. Not being able to see your surroundings due to desire is also a mistake.”

Demodoras also added words to appease Latera. This is because I felt the sadness of seeing the face of an angel for the first time in a long time, as if I were the head of the world.

“You can say that the hero is tainted! But… but!”

Latera, whose face was drenched in tears, poured out words of resentment clearly even as she cried.

“How! How can you forget my existence and hang out with the devil? And that’s when I’m obviously rolling my eyes!”

“So, it was too late at night. It was already time for the children to go to dreamland?”

“I don’t know! Hero, you idiot! Nymphomaniac! Idiot! Nymphomaniac! Bastard!”

Latera’s anger, sadness, and remorse did not subside until another half a day had passed.

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