199 – Golden Alert

What fell into the Colosseum was neither the armor of the god of corruption nor the monarch of the land of the dead.

So, it was natural for Shiron to frown.

‘What is that?’

golden armor.

I couldn’t see it. No matter how much I searched through my memory, the armor with such a sophisticated shape was something I had never seen or heard of when I was playing ‘Reincarnation Sword’.

“Where is my dear friend, Berian?”

So, until he heard the voice, Shiron didn’t even know who that bastard was.

“Varian!!! If you can hear me, answer me!!!”

Unlike the armor he had never seen before, the resounding voice was familiar. The booming middle-aged man’s voice belonged to the Temple Keeper Corax.

The armor of the god of corruption? Who is the ruler of the kingdom of the dead?

Was the turn advanced because of the changed scenario? I could have thought so, but Corax of the ‘Reincarnated Sword’ didn’t wear such conspicuous armor.

It wasn’t just the appearance that changed. Shiron has met the apostle three times so far. Jaganata is not the main body, so don’t hit it twice.

But now, the enormous momentum transmitted from the center of the Colosseum was a phenomenon that had never been experienced before.

Murderous intentions dotted with rage. Shiron didn’t believe in living, but that was the only way to express the momentum he was feeling.

‘Was Varian so precious to you? The armor of the god of corruption and the lord of the land of the dead. To the extent that I skipped the two invasions and went on my own after wearing an armor I didn’t know about…’

‘not good.’

Corax is spewing out enormous murderous intent and is threatening to turn the entire area into dust at any moment. What should we do to kill him as efficiently as possible? After understanding, Siron immediately took action.

“Your friend? Oh, you mean ‘this’?”

Magic is slow. So Siron decided to carry out a mocking provocation.

“Did you hear that? He’s your colleague?”

“I-I don’t know that guy! I don’t know!”

The effect was significant. Corax made eye contact. The murderous intent that had been scattered randomly was focused entirely on Siron, and Siron immediately had the strange experience of being suffocated.

Amidst the sensation of thousands and tens of thousands of blades rushing to cut into flesh, Siron turned his eyes to Corax.

I saw Lucia.

Ten battles against a progressively stronger enemy.

The struggle of the past two months has turned Lucia into a sharp knife. Instead of being a peace-stricken Lucia, she has regained some of her senses as the swordsman Kylie who dominated the battlefield.


Lucia could not clearly understand why Siron made such a provocation. If I thought about it a little, I could have found the answer quickly, but not now. I couldn’t afford it. My instincts, strengthened by countless experiences, and my senses from 500 years ago were screaming that I should swing my sword right away, not when I had to think.

As he was quick to judge, he was also quick to act. Lucia immediately awakened the Star Sword. Sirius was covered with white steel, and at the same time, a brilliant blade rushed into the back of his golden head.


It wasn’t the sound of a blade cutting something. Should I have looked for the chink in the armor? That thought occurred to me for a moment, but the facial area I saw just moments ago was all the exposed skin. However, that was no reason to stop the blade.

Lucia burned her dantian with the intention of cutting it off with the armor intact. Corax barely regained his senses, which had been paralyzed by anger.


Buuung! The hammer in his hand, the orphan maker, rotated at high speed. The slash that was pressing in front of my nose was deflected. Lucia was not embarrassed and changed her direction.

Masses rotating at high speeds and equally fast swords collided with each other. Dozens or hundreds of sums were exchanged in an instant. Corax created a stream of gold to prevent the blade from digging in, and Lucia pierced the sword cavity through the gap as it rotated and swung thousands of times per second.

Druk, Druk!

Buwaaa! I hear a creepy sound. The movement of hitting, digging into, and piercing the air was something that could not be fully expressed in sound.

‘What is this, you bastard?’

Lucia’s eyes widened. The golden armored figure was rotating a huge hammer as if swinging iron chopsticks. It’s not just about being strong. You can’t perform this skill just by being strong.

Both strength and agility are at a high level. I tried to come to that conclusion, but my instinct to see through my opponent made me aware of the rotating center of golden light.

The entire wrist was rotating.

‘How did this joint come to be?’

The secret to spinning thousands of times per second lies in a body structure that cannot be considered a living thing. Corax was also surprised by Lucia, who was trying to take advantage of the gap.

“You’re not human.”

Corax muttered with a distorted face. Even though I didn’t shout, the air carrying anger rumbled. The golden armor and orphan maker respond to Corax’s will. The output was increased to a higher level, and the heated drive shaft was caught in a storm and became cold.

Chii profit!

White vapor came out from all over the joints of the armor. Just as my vision was about to be obscured. A storm blew in from outside the field of vision and blew away all the hazy fog.


Corax spoke to the human outside of consciousness. Siron did not answer, but softened the ground Corax had stepped on. Muddy – the center was twisted. Lucia did not miss that opportunity. The sharp slash targeted the gap in the armor and the face.

Damn – contaminated blood is spraying into the sky. A brief gap allowed the sword attack, and Corax gritted his teeth at the absurdity of the situation.

‘I feel like I’ve become a hunted animal.’

It wasn’t just the meddling magic of poetry that was absurd. Jagannatha’s support was needed to overcome the one-versus-many force, but no helping hand was extended to Corax.

This is because the passage he passed through a moment ago has disappeared. Corax couldn’t understand why the passage had disappeared, but he could at least make a vague guess. It was probably the hero shooting magic from behind that did something.

I feel out of breath at the unreasonable situation. But what is even more dangerous is that Corax’s goal is not to kill all his opponents.

Berian’s rescue.

And return together.

Varian didn’t seem to remember Corax, but it didn’t matter. If I were to tell you an old story about how our friendship blossomed together, I would definitely say it. Corax had no doubt that if it was Varian, he would remember.

That’s why Corax took a step back. Even if it meant taking a step back, I had to get closer to my friend.

It was the right decision. If the only person he had to kill now was the woman in front of him, he would have taken a step forward, but behind him was not only a warrior with a sword pointed at Varian’s neck, but also an elf wizard wearing strange clothes.

A warrior, an executor of the gods believed in in the past.

Corax was the last to be appointed an apostle. His oldest memory was only 400 years ago, so Corax did not know the past 500 years ago, but he was able to get tired of the story of the warrior even when he was young.

The dwarf village where he was born and raised also had a statue of a warrior erected there. A trace of justice that destroyed the demon army. God’s sword that protects the weak and destroys evil. Absolute goodness!

From noble mtl dot com

‘Are you sure this is a hero?’

Corax was appalled at the hero’s cowardice.

Justice that supported the collapsing humanity against the pouring army of demon gods. That was a hero… He took Verian, who was innocent and just wanted to continue his research, as a hostage and tortured him endlessly.

Therefore, even though he should have been focusing on the woman in front of him, Corax’s consciousness was directed towards Siron. It was an action that should be criticized as carelessness, but it had to be done.

A little while ago, I understood the situation at first glance while struggling.

Than the dazzlingly shining river. A brilliant sword that shines more beautifully.

The holy sword was aimed at Berian’s neck.

Every time Corax retreated further, Siron plunged the blade deeper into Varian’s neck. If I cut off Berian’s head right now, I would have let go of the unachievable hope long ago…

Corax’s anger toward Siron grew more and more.


In the end, Corax could not retreat any further. The only way he could choose was to destroy the woman in front of him and then rescue Berian.


The orphan maker resonated with Corax’s will. The output increased by one level, no, two levels higher than before, and gas that added force in the desired direction was emitted from the nozzle on the joints and back.

Kwaaang! Quang! Boom! Even if the swinging hammer did not touch the sword cavity, it made an eerie roar just by hitting the air. However, that enormous strength stumbled as if it had nowhere to go. Attacks that lose one’s composure do not work on Lucia. Lucia’s mind was like a calm lake, and she was able to fully reflect in her mind the enemy in front of her.

Corax became anxious. The heat is about to explode. Although cool-headed judgment is an essential element in battle, my constantly heightened emotions prevented me from maintaining my composure.

“Hero! Hold the holy sword and fight proudly!”

So, he launched a provocation against Shiron.

“Hidden behind a little girl like this! What justice is there in taking hostages and threatening them? Do you still think you are worthy of being called a hero?!”

I left reason behind and ended up acting emotionally. In a battlefield where life is at stake, the goal was to point the finger at the moral flaws of the opponent and make them lose their will to fight.

Corax tried to cling to the hero’s approval.

-A colleague is going through a difficult situation, so why aren’t you offering a helping hand? Is this their justice? Shame on you!

I used the same logic written by the warrior.

“Isn’t it shameful of you? Taking a powerless elf as a hostage and torturing him is not enough! Even now, he has a sword stuck to his neck! How could he be a hero who enforces justice!”

Siron quietly listened to the cries full of anger and sadness, then calmly opened his mouth.

“your mother.”

Corax’s anger exploded.

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