Reincarnation: I Married My Ex’s Brother

Chapter 460: Want to call me grandpa

When Fang Yusheng was still blind, he was particularly stinky and his aesthetic was very strange, which can be seen from the fact that he kept tossing his hair. He has tried many hairstyles, long hair, short hair, short hair, small Buddha braid, and now big back, all of which are actually manifestations of his love for stinky beauty.

In this regard, he was inherited from his mother.

What kind of person is Lisa?

She is actually a grumpy person, but she is able to pretend that she was always dressed stylishly and beautifully when she was still teaching at school. She was also voted as the most fashionable teacher by all the teachers and students of the school. She goes out to buy some food, and she also has to dress nicely.

Even Fang Yu was so angry that he was chasing him around the world holding a pan, but he was helpless because he was still wearing house clothes and was not beautiful enough and temperamental. And she resignedly returned home holding the pan, changed her clothes, and then went to the neighbor's house to take Fang Yusheng back.

In this world, Fang Yusheng seldom convinces people, but when it comes to pretending to be the index, his mother is called second, and he dare not call first.

Therefore, how could Lisa, who is so stinky and pay attention to her image, wear slippers to meet her son and daughter-in-law!

"No, I can't go to see my son and daughter-in-law like this. How can I wear slippers to meet my family." Lisa hurriedly pushed the door of the car, and ran back with graceful and eager gaze under the stunned gaze. room.

After a while, she came downstairs.

She took off her skirt and wore a black temperament suit with a dark green double-breasted coat. Her hair was pulled up and her temperament was dusty. As she got closer, under the light, her eyebrows became clear, with two crow's feet at the corners of her eyes.

The years are not a pig-killing knife on her body, but a carving knife, carefully carve out two charming traces.

He looked a little fascinated.

Lisa got in the co-pilot and said to Chi Guangguang, "Look, what else is wrong with me?"

Slowly shook his head, "perfect."

Hearing this, Lisa relaxed a little.

On the plane, Lisa was still very nervous after seeing Lisa, his eyes getting colder and colder.

Could it be that she is really lying, that child is not his child at all?

When I was thinking about it, I heard Lisa say, "Actually, I should be a dead man now."

"What do you mean?" Chi Boguang didn't understand what she meant.

Lisa said, “I don’t know why. In the past few years, someone kept coming for me. They said that you left something for me. That thing should be important. They even threatened me if I didn’t teach it. Come out and kill the child. I..."

Lisa gritted her teeth and said guiltily, "In order to protect Yu Sheng, I had to pretend to be dead." This death was eighteen years.

Hearing this, he narrowed his eyes, "Oh, did you give them anything?"

Lisa shook her head, "I don't know what they are looking for." She tilted her head to look at Chiguang, her eyes suspiciously, "What are they looking for? Is the thing really here?"


Lisa was taken aback, "Where?"

Chi Boguang shook his head without going into details.

After getting off the plane, Chi Boguang was a little nervous.

He actually has a child!

Get in the car, rent a car, go to the hotel, put things away. Thinking that I was about to see the child, I just called and asked the people in the clothing store to give me a more formal set of clothes to put on. Before leaving to meet Fang Yu, Chi Boguang suddenly asked Lisa, "I gave you a necklace back then, is it still there?"

Lisa thought for a while, then said, "You gave me more than ten."

"The green one."

"That emerald necklace?" Lisa said, "It's still there. When I died fraudulently, I didn't leave anything. Yu Sheng took everything away. He was a little money fan, such a precious thing, he It must be kept."


Lisa is not stupid either, after he mentioned a little bit, he guessed the problem. "What they want is that emerald necklace?"

"No, it's what's inside."

After he finished answering her question, he turned his head and looked out the window.

She didn't even know the existence of such a thing, so that said, maybe she didn't really write the letter back then. She didn't even know that thing, how could she betray him to those people. The people who know his research and development projects are the people he trusts most.

One is Lisa, the other is...Ping Jue!

Thinking of what Lisa had said before, Chi Boguang felt a little vacillating in her heart.

The younger brother who looks very sensible and grew up wearing a pair of pants with him, will he really betray him?

After hearing this, Lisa was thinking, what's in the emerald?

They thought with each other, the three words "Longgangwan" can be seen faintly in front of them...

Fang family.

Qiao Jiusheng went to work in the shop, and Fang Yusheng stayed busy in his studio.

There are only Aunt Jin and two little guys in the front yard.

Aunt Jin is preparing lunch, Fang Zikai says he wants to eat celery stir-fried small intestine, Aunt Jin is cleaning the small intestine. This is a disgusting job, but Fang Zikai is very easy to learn. He squatted beside Aunt Jin and asked her humbly and innocently, "Grandma Jin, why use a chopstick to poke the small intestine?"

"Because the fingers are short."

"Then why don't you use the knitting needles?"

"The head is too pointed, it will pierce."


Fang Zikai looked at it for a while, smelled a bad smell, and asked, "Why is the pig small intestine the color of powder?"

"Because... the pig is very kind."

Fang Zikai accepted this explanation, and after a while, he asked again, "Why does the sun disappear?"

"Because, the other side of the earth also needs the sun."

"Then, why does father always hug mother?"

Aunt Jin explained with black lines, "Because...because only people who truly love each other can't help but want to kiss each other."

"Oh, it's no wonder that my brother refused to give me a goodnight kiss because he didn't love me." Fang Zikai was a little bit disappointed.

He sat on the small bench, thinking of something, and then asked, "Then why does the sea water ebb? Anyway, it's going to go back. Why not high tide?"

Aunt Jin didn't know how to explain.

This question is beyond the scope.

At this time, a low-pitched, magnetic-sounding man's voice sounded behind them, and the man said, "That's for us to learn to say'one more time'."

Hearing the sound, Aunt Jin and Fang Zikai looked back at the same time.

Inside the house, Fang Zicheng was also alarmed. He jumped off the sofa, trot out of the house, leaned on the door and looked at the stranger in the courtyard.

Fang Zikai looked up at the people behind him.

It was a young man, but he was very good-looking.

Fang Zikai thought: This person must have looked good when he was young.

"Hello." Fang Zikai nodded and greeted him.

Chi Bo Guang was taken aback by the child's actions. He recovered and nodded at him, "Hello."

Fang Zikai straightened up, his face was cold, he looked at Chi Guang on alert, and said viciously, "Uncle, did you come in over the wall?" None of them heard the doorbell.

The belated person who came in over the wall said, "I want to call my grandfather."

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