With a punch from such a weak body, Lin Chuan drove the barbarian clan chief into flight with almost no suspense.

That's right, the patriarch who was as tall as a mountain, the strongest among the most powerful refining races in the wild, was blown away by a punch like this, and he didn't even know where he flew.

The scene was very quiet for a while, and it took a full minute for the City of Hope party to burst into enthusiastic cheers.

"Brother Lin is mighty!"

"What bullshit! Didn't it get blown away by Big Brother Lin!?"

"No! Look! Brother Lin seems to have fallen off!"


Just as everyone was elated, Lin Chuan's tiny figure fell from the sky.

Li Zhun's eyesight was quick and he threw a black iron ball directly into the air. The iron ball instantly transformed into a flying robot in the air, and brought Lin Chuan back to the city wall.

In an instant of kung fu, more than a dozen people gathered around 613.

Looking at Lin Chuan's face again, he had become a little pale, but only a minute later, Lin Chuan slowly opened his eyes.

"Brother Lin! You are awake! The patriarch of the barbarian clan has been solved by you! Bai Jun is also fighting with the patriarch of the spirit clan! We won!"

Hearing this, Lin Chuan frowned and shook his head gently.

"Yet...no...that guy is not dead yet..."

As soon as the voice fell, there was a roar like thunder from a distance, and the ground began to tremble again.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! I'm going to kill you!"

A large mountain-like human figure descended from the sky and landed directly in front of the City of Hope.

Suddenly, both the Barbarian Spirits and Human Races suffered countless deaths and injuries, and there was an uproar that directly caused everyone to be lost in this battlefield...

"he came……"

Lin Chuan leaned on the Long Yuan sword and stood up with an embarrassment.

The blow he had just consumed directly consumed almost all of the aura in his body, but in any case, he was the only strong man who could be equal to the leader of the barbarian clan now.

He must stand up!


Chapter 409: The Origin of the Spirit Race! Tragic life!

At the same time, the battle between Bai Jun and the leader of the spirit race has also entered a white-hot stage.

The spirit race with a pale blue body, like a ghost, has the same weird methods as Bai Jun.

And Bai Jun felt more and more that this guy seemed to be somewhat similar to their Chaos Clan, but he was certain that he had never seen the Spirit Clan before. He had just heard of it, so where did he get to know him?

"Haha!? Haven't you remembered yet!? That guy should have been carved into your bones!"

The fellow of the spirit race shook his body, and Bai Jun felt a dizzy sensation coming.

In an instant, he remembered everything.

It turns out that this spirit clan is the product of their chaotic clan experiment.

Like Bai Jun, they were originally made weapons to fight against the ancient gods.

It's just that the stability of the Spirit Race is too low, it is easy to produce violent, and the enemy is not equal, so it was thrown away like trash by the then leader of the Chaos Clan.

In the general environment at that time, the ancient gods and the chaotic races were simply incompatible, so when all races encountered the spirit race, they would do their best to strangle them.

Even if the spirit race survived later, they were still at a very disadvantaged position.

But with the passage of time, the spirit race learned to hide and learn to accumulate thick and thin hair.

Over time, they have even integrated into the ancient gods.

However, their hatred for the Chaos Clan has increased over time.

These things, the leader of the Chaos Clan at that time did leave a hand when he made Bai Jun, which made him remember everything.

When Bai Jun came back to his senses, the fellow of the Spirit Race did not attack and kill him, but waited for him to digest all this.

When Bai Jun's face seemed a little gloomy, the patriarch of the Spirit Race burst out with harsh laughter.

"Hahaha! Now you know what kind of existence your so-called father is!?"

"The reason why I remind you of it is to make you understand how ridiculous it was that he abandoned our defective products and chose you as the inheritance of the Chaos Clan at the beginning." "!"

When the voice fell, the patriarch of the spirit clan instantly dissipated, and at the same time a faint voice came.

"The field unfolds!"


A high-level cultivation method of the Chaos family is to transmit the power of Chaos to a certain space around it.

When the power of chaos spreads to every corner, everything around is also under their control.

At this level, those laws and powers are basically unusable.

That's right, the Chaos Clan originally fully condensed this technique into the spirit race, but Bai Jun shook his head, a look of compassion appeared in his eyes.

"The failed product is indeed a failed product. After so many years, it is still standing still."

After pulling out the long sword hanging from his waist, Bai Jun said with a serious face again.

"Let you see what I have learned over the years!"

As soon as the voice of the sword fell, Jianfeng pointed out a sword light toward the front.

This sword light is extremely pure, and the speed is surprisingly fast, it just came to the head of the spirit clan in an instant.

If Lin Chuan watched it, he would definitely be surprised at Bai Jun's superb swordsmanship.

Bai Jun had never shown his accomplishments in swordsmanship before.

It now appears that Bai Jun is not weaker than Lin Chuan just in terms of swordsmanship.

If Lin Chuan did not have the same power as Pangu, it is estimated that the two would really be indistinguishable.

"Haha!? Just this is worthy of taking it out!?"

But before he finished speaking, the patriarch of the spirit race felt a warmth coming from his shoulder.

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