As for the test results this time, Fatty Li was pretty sure, after all, his academic performance was also very high.

Today’s exam time finally came. The students were very scared. When the bell rang for the exam, the students opened the exam papers with trepidation and looked at the questions. The students’ eyes turned green. This is What is it with?

These topics don't seem to be mentioned by their grade group, but why do they appear at this time?

Is it because the teacher is testing their learning ability? Or does it mean that the teacher took the wrong paper?

But all these things seem impossible.

Anyway, let's just answer it indiscriminately. I saw Lin Chuan quickly answering the question on the paper. From Fatty Li's point of view, Lin Chuan was obviously making a fool of his answer?

But what he didn't know was Lin Chuanzi. How could this be a false answer, but he answered every question very correctly, even he himself didn't know when he would have such a result.

"The test score is 10¨ "0"

The system report is undoubtedly a congratulation to Linchuan.

Fatty Li was still laughing secretly in his heart. Maybe Lin Chuan's grades will be the bottom of the class when the exam is over. After all, what kind of grades can such a rookie achieve?

I can't say for sure. I am a famous student in the class. I recognize it in the eyes of the teacher, and the students acquiesce in their hearts. Maybe this is the benefit of the student.

The on-site exam loyalty is unforgettable.

When the teacher took away the exam papers, several students were whispering to each other to see if their answers were correct, but the results of their interaction seemed completely different. What's the situation?

Does he have different answers to these questions?

Ben wanted to ask Lin Chuan, but because Lin Chuan was a rookie, he ignored him.

All the results can only be known after the teacher finishes the papers to know the truth of the matter, but the waiting time is so tormenting. Lin Chuan didn't care about these things. It seemed that he was interested in eating and drinking. After all, her temper was like this.

When Lin Chuan came to school on this day, the students were all whispering, because today is a day for results, everyone is worried, and some of them are not too worried about studying well. They think this exam is just It's a piece of cake, so in terms of exam results, they are pretty sure about it.

This day the teacher took the papers and stood on the podium very seriously, looking down at the students below the stage.

When the teacher sees it this way, the students feel a little hairy in their hearts. .

Chapter 491

The teacher wants to give the classmates this sense of oppression, and they also want them to study hard, don’t hug them, and the teacher is very disappointed with their test scores. I didn’t expect that this period of negligence on them would let them get this kind of experience. score.

How can this be good?

Half of the courses in this semester have been finished. It seems that they have not absorbed well during this semester, and he has to talk about the remaining half of the semester.

"Today's test results are very unsatisfactory. I am very disappointed with you. What is the situation? What have you learned during this period of time? Did you just care about fun and neglect your own study?"

The teacher's righteous words made the students seem so frightened.

However, some of the well-studied ones did not have such expressions, and immediately after the teacher's words, they poured cold water on them.

"I thought that bad grades were just like that, but now these few good grades are not too good. Are you infected by them?"

Hearing this from the teacher, those who did well in their studies couldn't sit still. Could it be that their grades are also behind?

How many people are thinking in their minds, or is the teacher scaring them?

"After the test results, we will hold a parent meeting"

When I heard that there was a parent-teacher meeting, the classmates seemed to explode. They also know that the purpose of this parent meeting is to discuss with their parents about their academic performance. If they let the parents know what their grades are, then the parents have to go back and peel themselves off. They can imagine the serious consequences. Know.

This teacher really asked them to say something.

When the teacher stood on it, he saw the expressions of his classmates. He was also very proud of him, so that you are not afraid that I will go back and let your parents take care of you. Maybe you will know who is great by then.

"Next, I will read the grades, and the students who heard the grades will get the transcripts"

"Fatty Li 80 points"

Fatty Li was surprised when he heard the teacher call his name. Why did he score 80? Obviously, the previous scores were not like this. They were all above 90. But what is the situation today? Those questions are pretty reliable. Did the teacher make a mistake?

I won’t work for a while. I have to check the papers. If that’s the case, I have to reason with the teacher.

Thinking of this, Fatty Li got up from his seat and picked up the paper from the teacher. The moment he picked up the paper, he was surprised when he saw the question inside. Isn't it the result of this question?

Seeing Fatty Li's astonishment, the teacher also knew the general reason. He must have felt that he made a mistake because of a certain question and wanted to reason with himself. Since this is the case, it is better to tell him first.

"Fatty Li, do you think I made a mistake in this question, or did I not give you full marks for this question?"

Fatty Li nodded when he heard the teacher's words.

"You don't have to doubt this. In fact, you only did half of this question right, and you didn't do half of it, so I didn't give you full marks."

The other half didn't make it by myself, why didn't I find out?

Or that there is a hidden condition in this question, and I didn't understand it. If it is really like that, then it is really not worth the gain. .

Chapter 492

The students were surprised to hear Fatty Li's grades like this. Fatty Li's academic performance in the class is also quite good. Why did he get such a small score?

It stands to reason that no matter how difficult these questions are, it is a breeze for the student bully.

Fatty Li's grades are all like this, so how should they deal with those with poor grades?

"Qin Lan, 85 points."

Listening to the teacher calling her name, Qin Lan also stepped forward in front of the teacher. He was 5 points higher than Fat Li. Qin Lan was somewhat relieved to see such a result.

"Your usual grades should not be like this. Is there something bothering you during this period of time?"

Qin Lan was a little overwhelmed by the teacher's words, and didn't know how to answer. During this period of time, he usually pestered Lin Chuan to say something irrelevant. If it weren't the case, his grades would not fall to where it is today.

"Teacher I didn't perform well, I will definitely work hard next time."

After hearing others say this, the teacher didn't say much. After all, students who study well in this way might improve their grades by a step next time.

Now the teacher has called the results of other students separately. Looking at the results, it is no wonder that the teacher has such a gloomy face. This time the mid-term exam is the biggest test for the students.

But even though there seems to be a classmate and teacher who didn’t call, that is Lin Chuan Lin Chuan. The rookie appearance does not seem to have much influence on the classmates, but for Fatty Li, this is the biggest one. Challenge.

He originally saw Lin Chuan not pleasing to his eyes, but for this time, he wanted to step Lin Chuan under his feet.

"You have finished reading the grades of the teacher's class, but there is one person whose grades you haven't finished."

Hearing Li Fatty say this, the teacher was also very angry.

"Fatty Li, if you use this energy in your studies, why did you get such a point today? Lin Chuan's grades are higher than you." The teacher said that Lin Chuan's grades were higher than his own, but Fatty Li was still surprised.

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