With the seasonal festival approaching, the atmosphere in each class of <Delayten> started to heat up, just like the temperature getting hotter and hotter.

The [Cheonggang] Peninsula was no exception, and as soon as Lane went to school in the morning, the class president and vice-captain rushed in and explained the situation.

“That’s why the theme for our class this time was ‘Haunted House’… … Confucius needs your help!”

“A haunted house?”

“We dress up as ghosts or monsters and make fun of people! But no matter how hard I try, I can’t make the background scary… … .”

Aha, that’s why both men and women were making such strange costumes… … Same with black curtains.

“Could you lend me the magic that Gongja-nim used during the senior match?!”

Magic during the senior match?

Is that the one that uses the rune of three?

“Hmm, are you going to use it like that?”

“Can’t you?”

The class president and vice-captain looked at Lane and swallowed dry saliva. I was worried that it was an unreasonable request.

It is an era in which the use of such special magic is regarded as an individual’s property. It would be irresponsible to want them to simply share it.

However, Lane’s answer was refreshing enough to blow away those worries.

“What’s wrong?”

“… … !”

“But there is a problem. The amount of mana this takes is no joke, but can you handle it? Even during the festival, I have student council work, so I won’t be able to help much.”

The reason the magic was activated without difficulty during the final exam was because the caster was head professor Marhena.

I honestly don’t know if 1st year chicks can activate it.

As if to say not to worry about that, the class president clapped his hands and smiled.

“There is nothing that cannot be done if all classmates rush at it! And we have Hubert!”

Uberra, well, come to think of it, if you have him, there will be no problem.

Drawing a large magic square on the blackboard and lecturing on the formula using the three runes, the class president and vice-captain began to write down the formula enthusiastically in their notebooks.

By the time I finished my speech, it was time for the Executive Committee meeting. Christina, Gertrude, and Cassena were not present as they had already moved.

“I have to go now, so ask questions later if you’re not sure.”

To be honest, there was no way I could understand it properly after hearing it once, so on the day of the festival, I would have to draw it myself like a scroll.

“yes! Thank you, Gongja!”

As I moved down the hallway, every classroom I passed was noisy with laughter.

In the past, the teaching assistants would have stopped them, but during the eve of the festival, everything seemed to be forgiven.

I saw Logan and Nora gathering ideas in the center of [Changrang] class, and in [Sohyang] class, I saw Lillian trying to get along with her classmates despite her awkward movements.

“… … .”

Is this the expression of people preparing for the festival? It was a sight I had never seen when I was Rin.

Every city or village I heard was engulfed in a sense of despair ahead of destruction, so there was nothing to call it a festival, and most of it was a prayer ceremony to pray to the gods for salvation.

I wondered if Rista, who said she had taken up her sword to create a world where everyone could laugh, would have been very happy to see this scene.

“The guardian of the seasonal festival has arrived. Let’s welcome the Guardian with enthusiastic applause.”

When I arrived at the student council room, immersed in such thoughts, Valencidis suddenly started a fight.

However, it was impossible to counterattack because the organizers, such as Cassena, who did not know his dark intentions, innocently clapped and clapped.

All I can do is feel the embarrassment of not being able to do anything about it and move to my seat as if running away and scratch my cheek.

The executive committee, which I attended in 11 days, had an astonishing amount of work done.

On the other hand, the three newly elected 3rd grade organizers on behalf of Maya, Lowwinbelt, and Yors worked hard for ten days, while Sandra Keppel soothed her mind and body exhausted by playing magic volleyball.

From noble mtl dot com

Yes, the moment that person becomes the student council president next year, <Delayten> will be ruined.

“Have all the rehearsals of participating clubs been confirmed?”

“Yes, Chairman. The document is a list of items that have been selected and organized only for clubs that have definitely been prepared.”

“What about the Ministry of Education’s budget review?”

“If that’s the case, he said he’d come inside today.”

After glaring at Valensidis’ astonishingly skillful meeting conductor, I checked the minutes of the meeting, which summarized what had happened.

[Lovely, Cutely, Bravely! BAMM the strongest magic in the Empire to your chest!]

After staring blankly at the festival slogan on page 1 of the minutes, Lane’s head tilted nearly 90 degrees.

Something like this… … festival slogan?

What kind of guy made a suggestion like this?

Perhaps mistaking those eyes for moving eyes, Christa coughed intentionally and spread her chest and shoulders wide to appeal to her as her achievement.

‘What are you so proud of? … ?’

As if there was a competition there, the minutes of the meeting suddenly went over by telekinesis, and one paragraph swelled up as if it were emphasized.

[‘Lovely, Cutely, Bravely! ‘BAMM!’ was added at the suggestion of Cassena Paige in ‘Empire’s strongest magic in your chest!’

When I raised my head, Cassena shrugged and gave a thumbs up from over there.

no, you idiots… … .

A dry laugh naturally flowed out, and I was certain of one thing. If this festival goes down, these two are the culprits.

“Memories come flooding back. Youth is burning hot, should I say this feeling?”

Then, there was a soothing voice from above.

The most ordinary and everyday… … It was a voice imbued with outstanding magical power that made the listener feel that way.

I was startled and turned my head to see Doran Slade grinning with his characteristic friendly smile.

“Even when President Kavan and Vice President Brim were preparing for the festival together, they were so lively. It seems Valencidis is doing a really good job as president.”

It was said that he was the chief of the special affairs department, and his skill at silently intervening in the gaps between people was truly outstanding.

No one, not even Christa Warden, who was right next to her, was doing her business without noticing Doran’s arrival.

Doran perched on Lane’s table, as expected, and with his chin resting on his clasped hands, he skimmed the minutes with interest.

“That’s an interesting slogan. I like slogans full of fighting spirit, personally. It must be rewarding that Rain’s forgery protected the festival.”

“What did you come for again this time?”

When Lane responded with a sigh, Doran smiled and brought up a serious story in an otherwise unserious situation.

“I came to say thanks to the forgery. You cooperated with my men to defeat a powerful warlock.”

Doran’s eyes opened slightly as he watched Lane startle and her pupils constrict.

This is Doran’s specialty, drawing new clues from the reactions of others.

Thieves don’t openly interrogate how their feet go numb, but if they lightly bring up a sensitive topic as if they knew everything like this, the culprit’s reaction is usually honest.

‘Eyeball contraction, and instinctively pulls back and distances itself from me…’ … .’

Is that reaction right now that he didn’t know about the death of the special affairs unit, or is it a reaction that doubts how he knew it?

I know that Lane is not a warlock. But if, as Doran speculates, he really took part in that fight, then we need to find out why.

Why did they try to cover up the fight, why didn’t they tell Doran… … Until the corpses of his men decompose and are eaten by wild beasts and become food for maggots.

“It’s really sad that my men are dead, but it’s a small consolation that Lane Wijk is still alive.”

“… … ?”

“If something happened to Wijak, he would have no face looking at his seniors.”

As Doran had intended, Lane’s head was drenched in cold sweat as countless thoughts were jumbled up in his head in less than a second.

‘what? How did know? Have I underestimated this elusive human’s investigative abilities?’

Come to think of it, I didn’t think about it at the time because I was distracted by Valencidis… … That the special forces wizards were Doran’s favorite subordinates.

Should I say I’m sorry?

Of course, it will happen someday, but if you don’t know everything right now and just stab it… … .

Doran’s mouth was slightly wrinkled as he watched the reaction carefully.

‘Let’s go slowly. You just have to carefully pull out the next reaction.’

Just as Doran was about to ask the decisive blow to Lane, whose facial muscles were stiff, the sound of a huge pile of papers piling up in front of the desk tore the tense moment apart.

“I’m sorry, but the Executive Committee is prohibited from entering except those involved.”

When he turned his head, Valencidis was looking down at Doran with his signature sneer.

Doran, who was staring at Lane with half-open eyes, clicked his tongue inwardly but let out a sigh as if he didn’t know at all.

The eyes, which leaked cold yin energy like snakes, were closed with a smile again.

“Oh, was it? It’s been such a long time since I came to school, and it seems like I’m just excited. There are two familiar faces like this.”

“I’m also glad to see you, but right now I’m busy with this subtraction or committee work, so please talk to me later.”

“It’s been a while since we met, but you’re so immersed. By the way, Valencidis’s enlistment in the Special Division has been approved. All you have to do is graduate.”

Valencidis is the special forces unit… … ?

Didn’t even Doran catch on to Valencidis’ identity? If you don’t know for sure, it’s a talent that you can’t help but be coveted.

“I don’t think I ever said I was going.”

“You can’t miss a talent like Valencidis. The special forces department always needs good people.”

Doran’s smile remained the same, but only the temperature in his voice went down blatantly. It was a voice that could hardly be called friendly.

If it was a natural treatment, it was a treatment.

Doran had been looking at Valencidis with suspicion since freshman year. He is definitely the one to be caught, but there is no physical evidence.

The reason for forcing him to join the Special Affairs Division is to keep him close and monitor him, not because he sees his ability highly.

“And this time, two talented people were also reduced.”

Valensidis cut off the flow of conversation for a moment with silence at that sharp answer. Then he deliberately bowed his head and expressed his condolences.

“I’m really sorry about that.”

I could see the smile disappear from Doran’s face for a moment, as if he was trying to confirm his true intentions.

‘I can’t read the feeling so much that it’s creepy. Who was this guy trained by? He’s so young.’

In the fierce battle of nerves between the two, Lane trembled and stepped back slightly.

As I listened to the conversations of people I couldn’t understand, I even felt a chill like two snakes entangling my ankles.

It was Doran who ended the war of nerves that led to silence. He smiled as if he had never done that and pointed at Lane.

“It’s a pity. What did Valencidis do wrong… … Anyway, you won’t be lonely even if you come to the Special Affairs Division. In two years, the forgery of Lane will also come in.”

“I don’t think I ever said I was going either.”

After resolutely dismissing that reckless request, Doran smiled and stood up, putting an old bowler hat on his head.

“I have really high expectations for you two. I am looking forward to this festival as well.”

It was only after seeing Doran wave and leave that a lump of breath came out of his throat. For a few minutes, I felt like I couldn’t breathe.

Did I think this was too short… … .

It was just too far ahead of me. You don’t think what kind of mind that uncle is. But did you really know the truth of the case?

“There is no need to thank you. I have to give this much help to my commendable junior who respects me.”

The flow of thought was interrupted by Valencidis’ teasingly thrown words.

“I really can’t. Come to your work.”

However, cowardly, he immediately returned to the student council president’s seat.

The student council executives on both sides are guarding them like escorts, and everyone’s eyes are focused on them… … .

And when I saw her provocative smile of victory, I really felt like I had to put five fireballs into that face to make my self-confidence clear.

“Why do you keep beating me up! Aren’t you going to pay for this?!”

Cassena’s ears were ringing as if it had approached before she knew it.

Only the two of us know that Doran has come… … He touched the goose bumps on his arms and picked up the student council seal. He is a really scary human being.

In the midst of such an eventful repetition of daily life, the seasonal festival of <Deleiten> has finally begun.

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