As the name and legend suggest, the Byeongseon Base (Battleship Base) was a place where half-destroyed military ships were converted into bases.

Despite the fact that the waist was cut off, it was hard to believe that it was larger than the site of <Delayten>.

Is this the warship of the gods… … .

“The captain wants to meet you.”

However, how could they have borrowed ancient equipment, but couldn’t use technology?

The entrance door guided by Frisvia’s subordinates looked shabby compared to the splendor of the base. It was nothing more than a temporary door attached to a crack in the waterline of a military ship.


After crossing the entrance, a space elaborately constructed with steel appeared, where Frisvia was waiting for us.

“I told you to come in, so you came in obediently, are you fearless, naive, or are you making a sinister plan again?”

Frisvia, an inorganic cynic, was dressed in plain clothes unlike before.

As she got closer and closer to the military base, Cassena, who had been cheering in a daze, now seemed to have lost her voice for a moment, perhaps overwhelmed by its majesty.

what do you mean by that… … While he was trying to understand Frisvia’s intentions, Cassena’s eyes brightened.

“Are you really Frisvia? I really wanted to meet you!”


“I saw it time and time again in the book! He said he analyzed ancient ruins and techniques found in Harvadonia and taught them to the people!”

“Ah, that’s what you mean.”

Then Frisvia let out her characteristic hideous laugh that made her opponents feel hostile.

“At that time, I needed some money. If you give me the skills that I no longer need, stupid people will give me money while messing around because it’s sponsorship or support… … hehehehe.”

“huh… … ?”

When Cassena blinked in embarrassment, I interrupted the conversation.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t have time to talk about it right now.”

Frisvia seemed to stare at me with cold eyes, then turned around with a smile on the tip of her nose.

“It must be that he came to bewitch me just like he bewitched the beastman and the wolf. I know everything. I’m also a little interested in how they seduced them.”

“… … .”

“Come with me if you want to talk. This is not a good place to talk.”

The stuffy impatience was spreading to every corner of the cell, but I had to bend over. Because the decision-making power of this consultation was with Frisvia, not us.

“Do you guys believe in God?”

Prisvia asked out of the blue as she stepped onto the iron stairs going up.

“Our children are rational enough to bring tears to their eyes, so they don’t believe in God. Heh, I only believe in science and technology that I can see.”

“… … ?”

“Can you see the meaning of the fact that we revere and worship <the things that came>?”

A steel staircase led to a workshop located on the lower deck, which was illuminated at a level far inferior to that of the ship’s structure.

As soon as we entered the place, thin goosebumps ran through our bodies.

Huge flasks were lined up everywhere, and the inside of the flasks containing humans and animals were filled with an unknown culture medium.

“The technological prowess of <Things That Came> is truly unknown, heh, it is at such a level of fear that one feels awe. a thousand years? No, perhaps a civilization two thousand years ahead?”

“… … ?”

“You all heard that the gods gave beastmen the power to face the abyss, briefly as a concept like a blessing, but in reality it is not.”

Frisvia gave a creepy sneer and knocked on one of the flasks as if it would break, but there was not a single crack in the glass surface.

“The race of beastmen can be said to be biological weapons created through biological experiments. This was the laboratory.”

what the hell is that… … ?

I couldn’t understand it, so I only blinked my eyes, and Frisvia chinned the line of flasks on the other side.

A cold goose bump ran down his spine. Like stuffed specimens, things with animal traits added to human bodies wriggled in the culture medium.

“therefore… … Are you trying to say that <the things that came> are not actually gods, but beings of a highly developed civilization?”

“hehehe, it’s true that you have what you call a miracle godhead, maybe. Not only that, but it also means that you have the technology to match that power. This is the treasure house.”

Frisbia passed through the engine room and climbed onto the deck via the second iron staircase.

On the deck, there was a structure comparable in size to the size of our Belwyn mansion, not the level of a bridge, and it was said that Frisvia was using it as a private room as the control room of the military base.

As soon as I opened the door, the strange and disgusting stench of chemicals stung my nose. For a moment, Cassena freaked out and grabbed my arm.

“Sorry, doesn’t it smell like a dead body? hehehehe.”

Frisvia looked back at us with a cool sneer.

There were bodies everywhere… … Some were covered with tarpaulins, and many were dismembered or dismembered on dissecting tables.

There were beastmen, humans, and just beasts, but the brutal sight was enough to convert the entire body into a combat posture in an instant.

“What the hell are you doing here?!”

“It’s nothing, hehehehe. I was just experimenting with trying to make a biological weapon just like Karenden had done.”

Frisvia began to put on the mechanical armor in one corner of the room in sequence. Breastplate, Backplate, Lower Armor, Gaiters… … .

“I am sorry that I did not succeed properly. In fact, we haven’t looked into even 10% of the technology here.”

“… … ?”

“But you lured the Ancient One here, so now we have to abandon this base? Sending prisoners here, you must have decided that this way you could use me as you please, right?”

Prisvia’s tear-jerking smile was covered with bloody thorns that shriveled her whole body.

“That’s not it… … ! Now, this is an emergency! I thought I should get any help!”

“Without getting the other person’s consent? The logic of your actions doesn’t fit at all? Heh, then you should have just taken the beastmen to the wall from the beginning. Negotiate with the wolves later.”

I had no choice but to keep my mouth shut. It is true that such thoughts were at the base of the judgment… … .

“I’m glad Arakish is dead. Heh, if I had stayed by your side to protect you even now, I wouldn’t have been able to vent my anger.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“Heh, hehehe, hehehe, didn’t you know? No, it’s actually a face you knew but denied? After all, humans are not rational.”

The corners of Frisvia’s mouth, staring straight at me as the blood drained from her face, were torn even longer, and now it looked as if her ears were torn.

“What, what nonsense! Arakish isn’t dead! It’s alive!”

Ignoring Cassena’s fierce resistance, Frisvia continued to look at me.

“Human kid, why do you think he gave you that basket? huh?”

“That, that… … I thought it was a hindrance, a hindrance, so… … We have to fight with all our might.”

“hehehehe, Arakish has never removed that dragon egg from himself. For 20 years since I came here, all the way. But did you give it to you, who had just met you?”

It looks at me without blinking its eyes that are endlessly deep and dark like a cavity. It was as if invisible tentacles were crawling out of those eyes, those eyes, and choking me… … out of breath, out of breath

“I decided I couldn’t win. He was sure he would die here. Heh, they say Jinryongs see the future as an intuition of fate.”

“… … .”

“Why are you pretending to be desperate? hehehehe, you actually knew that.”

My heart was pounding and aching, and my breathing began to speed up on its own.

The last time I saw Arakish’s smile… … And the ominous premonition that I kept raising my head in my mind, but forcibly turned away… … .

It felt like the basket of dragon eggs on my back was hanging down indescribably heavy.

“Or what, did you pretend you didn’t know because you didn’t want to admit you abandoned it?”

Cassena grabbed Frisvia’s wrist as she came closer and grabbed my chin and forcibly met my gaze.

“One more time, one more time, say that nonsense about Arakish dead… … I won’t let you go, I won’t let you go!”

Frisvia let go of my chin and looked back at the half-weeping Cassena with interest.

“I won’t let you go, how will you not let me go? I wish I could show you some. I am really curious.”

As Frisvia donned the optical helmet, the teeth of the mechanical armor meshed together as if resonating with it, emitting fierce steam.

OK… … My heart trembled as the muscles and bones of my body trembled with overwhelming pressure.

The blatant killing spewed out by the second-strongest being in the platinum rank, that is, the second strongest among existing adventurers, was not something Cassena could handle.

“Show me everything you can. That way, you won’t regret it after you die.”

“what… … ?”

“Isn’t it about time you noticed? hehehe, I’m going to break your neck here. It’s been a long time since I’ve been very angry.”

It was the moment when the uncertainty and suspicion I had vaguely felt since entering this place became reality… … Cassena and I stepped back almost simultaneously.

not good.

Not really good.

It’s not that I’m afraid to fight Frisvia. Even if you’re not sure you’ll win… … The problem is that there are real enemies.

“Are you a descendant of Emmitsa? Heh, it’s the gene of the existence that Karenden cherished, so I want to take a good look at that flesh.”

A strange weapon resembling an arrowhead protruded from the wrist of the mechanical armor worn by Frisvia, and cold sweat dripped down her face.


What weapon are you using?

If you don’t know the weapon your opponent is using, you have no choice but to improvise the way you deal with it. But Frisvia knows that we are wizards, that is, it knows the law of reciprocity.

“First, the weak side.”

With a thump, with the sound of the copper plates on the deck cracking, Frisvia rushed in fast enough to leave an afterimage and hit Cassena’s face.

Jigsaw Jigsaw————!

However, that death’s hand was repelled by a lightning that roared furiously as it unfolded into a blue force field.


At that very moment, it was due to the lightning barrier that Rain had built with his hands, but Rain immediately pulled Cassena back and fired a fireball.


Instead of dodging the fireball, Frisvia struck it with whatever equipment was mounted on her gauntlet… … My eyes opened wide.

From noble mtl dot com

what is that?

The fireball exploded powerlessly as dozens of small cogs collided with the rotating gauntlet. It left black soot on the surface, but there was no effective blow.

“This is the first time a wizard has responded to my speed.”

Damn, I don’t have time for this… … It was the time when the one-step move of an intense match that was breathtaking was about to move on to the next one.

– Warning, warning, danger to users detected.

I heard the mechanical sound of a woman, a bizarrely old-fashioned gore chain, and then, Gugung, Gugung… … A red emergency light came on from the ceiling of the control room.

– Activation of organs, operation of defense control facilities.

At the end of the age of the gods, it was the moment when the military base that had been dormant in this snowy field for eternity was awakened.

Over a hundred windows floated above the long table Frisbia used as a dissecting table, providing a complete 360-degree view of the outside of the base.

Speaking of familiarity, this must have been the same in Backbone’s command and control room… … .

– Insufficient electric power to activate the engine. Please link the Celestial Nucleus.

At that moment, a dazzling black light broke through the fur from a corner of his chest, and at the same time he felt unbearable heat.

I was so surprised when I pulled it out… … It was the black sheep. Scary of that, Cassena did the same thing as me and stared blankly at me.

Watching Frisvia stare at the whole situation incredulously, I made a decision in a shudder.

It is now.

Only now.

If there is ever a chance to turn this formidable foe into a reliable ally, there is only now.

“I’ll make a deal with you, Frisvia.”

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