It all started 300 years ago with the young Archmage’s body encased in ice.

The boy’s peers believed him.

I promised to come back, so I will definitely come back. no matter when it is

The hero, Lista, stayed by the boy’s side until the end, even in the midst of a short delay in death.

Kies, the palace, trained numerous disciples to bless the path when the boy returned.

Pride, the shaman, promoted the stability of the world with one desire to show the boy a beautifully changed world, and personally took the boy’s disciples and raised them as one shaman.

Pipi, the sun parrot, began waiting hundreds of years with no promise at Snow Peak alone. but.

“Is it right to wait? Is it right to just wait like this?”


“Master’s way is wrong. Not only Master, but also Lista-sama and Kies-sama! Those two don’t have shamanic wisdom, but how could Master leave Master alone? In that cold frost?”

The first and last disciple of the boy archmage, Turena, did not believe the promise. Strictly speaking, I did not believe in the degree of perfection of Zhu Yeo-so-gye-dae-ban.

So I thought I should help. Just as a mother bird helps a baby bird break out of an egg, we have to help it get out of the ice… … .

The abyss approached such a girl.

The darkness that deceives and humiliates the human heart, which collapses in mortal destiny, has swallowed that fragile heart for hundreds of years.

* * *

“Is this Turaina?”

The old wooden statue stood in the middle of the village, benevolently looking down at passers-by. Many flowers and incense are still blooming in front of him.

To say that it was made by a master craftsman was not enough, but the old hat and smoking pipe embossed with the shape of a dragon could not be recognized even if one wanted to.

It’s just like the illustration in the book… … Pipi must have had the same thought, and he barked affectionately over his shoulder and over his head.

“About 40 years ago, when I was still a green young man. It was in the spring when the ‘yellow cat’ was rampant. When every child and old man on the continent perishes in that great plague.”

“… … .”

“How could a village like ours not have been able to visit witch doctors, witches, or yellow dragons. I thought all that was left was to die… … At that time, the shrine maiden personally came to our village.”

Turaina cured all the plague-stricken inhabitants with centuries of honed medicine. without receiving any payment.

I didn’t even have to listen to the next story. According to the book, Turaina created a spell to cure the ‘yellow cat’.

It is said that the plague was completely suppressed by having the witches under his command spread the magic all over the world.

“This is just a minimal courtesy to him. Every year I hope for rest for his soul.”

“It’s rest, why?”

“At that time, he had a very sad look on his face. He was so sad that he seemed to have no emotion at all.”

“Is it?”

“Oh, I still can’t forget that face. Maybe it’s because I’ve never seen such a sad face in my life.”

If I could have seen my expression then, I would have seen it with a sadder smile than ever.


Aki, who had been held in my arms, stretched out her hand gropingly, as if she were curious about the wooden statue of Tureina.

I smiled and inadvertently stroked Aki’s warm head with a trembling hand.

Aki and Turaina might have become good friends… … That guy was just as annoying as Aki.

‘You think so too? I was so close with Pippi too.’

After offering a sad farewell prayer in front of the wooden statue of Tureina, she told the village chief who was arranging the flowers and incense at her feet.

“Then let’s go now, Chief.”

“No, are you leaving already? I want to treat you to something more. I subdued all those evil beasts, but how do I send them away?”

No, that answer is enough.

With a wry smile, I looked at the incense burning in front of Tureina’s wooden statue.

Tureina, just by praying for the tomboy’s soul to rest, just by remembering and remembering that child, it overflows… … .

“That would be a nuisance. This is because the body cannot stay in one place for a long time. Especially in such a fragile village.”

I had already eaten lunch and dinner yesterday, and even slept at the village chief’s house, so it was unusual for me to stay for quite a long time.

On my journey to the south, I did not use any of the highways of the Empire, and always moved only through the mountains and forests.

Since Yeriselica said that the time has come for the eyes of the abyss to keep an eye on everything, I decided to be as careful as possible.

I hadn’t seen the pursuer until now, coming down from the central to the south, but I could feel that the times had definitely changed.

Ominous rumors spread throughout the village. There were also frequent cases of monsters suddenly raiding villages in groups.

The Witchbeasts were anxious or delighted with something… … Hmm, seeing as my parents didn’t say much in the central part, it might be that the strange phenomenon is concentrated in the southern part.

“Thank you, magistrate.”

“I hope the gods will bless your future path.”

“Aki, don’t get sick and be healthy.”

Receiving sincere thanks from the village chief and villagers (I received a lot of food such as dried fish and beef jerky), I rode out of the village.

By the time the last rays of the sun shone, I could see the Rose Road stretching majestically to the southeast from a distance.

If you follow that road, you can go back to Deliten and go back to your daily life with them, but… … Now that the 100-year journey has begun, the body cannot do that.

– The top graduate of <Delayten> gets the right to have an audience with Rin’s corpse. There is a note left by Rista.

Skalge Ludwig said so.

However, the White Dragon Corps tipped off that Rin’s corpse disappeared during the Sunspot Incident. So now I have no reason to go to that school and I have no time to spare.

Let’s put an end to regret.


– You can inherit the ‘unique magic’ research progress in the surrounding environment.

– Progress 69.8%.

When I was camping, I used to check Rin’s notebook every time I went to bed, but there was nothing special.

It was 69.8% when I first entered Trident Point, but three months have passed since then and there is no progress at all.

Is it because you didn’t fight like a fight? Didn’t it stick well with the magic castle?

It’s not like thinking about this isn’t an answer, so after covering the notebook, I hugged Aki and Pippi and went to sleep sharing each other’s body temperature.

The next day, dark clouds seemed to be heavy from dawn, but it started to rain.

Despite being pushed into Ceresia’s apron to keep out of the rain, Aki managed to stick her head out and look out at the world where the curtain of rain was waving.

“You caught a cold then.”

It was already early December in the world, but the season was still summer. The rain in the south was as warm as it was in school days.

Was that kind of rain amazing, or did I like the feeling of warm water washing my body like pipi?

Unlike usual, Aki kept her eyes on the raining world.

“Did I say I caught a cold?”

The problem was that it was not just a shower, it was the rainy season, and it rained lightly all six days down the road to the border.

Thanks to that, mucus drips from Aki’s nostrils, and he sneezes in succession.

If this happens, I will have no choice but to change my plan and stop by the city… … At the crossroads, I turned left and turned my horse’s head towards <Landkief> Fortress.

“Ew, what an ominous rain.”

“Fire, flame, flame.”

“Boo-wookie! Boo-wookie!”

* * *

In the midst of thick dark clouds pouring down rainwater, a majestic light like fireworks shone on the surface of the shrine built of red stones on the cliff.

This is Shinhwabong, the largest and highest peak among the peaks of the Red Mountains.

Originally, it was the place where the fire dragon Bel’Dakidun stayed, and it was a holy place where a shaman lived and taught the dragon’s teachings until the republic’s theocracy collapsed.

“… … .”

A woman with a smoking pipe in her mouth looked up at the shrine with empty eyes under a hat where the rain water flowed endlessly.

As if to prove that the age of dragons is coming to an end, the red dragon that once ruled this peak was not even a shadow.

Only the weather-beaten dragon statues watch as she and her seven heretics walk up to the shrine. It was then.

“““The power of spirit that moistens the air, the energy of salt and lake dwelling in the sacred mountain, release yourself here and now at our command and dance!””

The outline of the conical hat worn only by witches seemed to be visible in the lightning, and the language of multiple incantations ran through the rain.

The sequence of recited holy words adds an unexpected twist to the providence of the world.

The valley collapsed, causing large and small rockfalls, sparks rose from the ground, and rainwater that filled the air turned into knives and poured down.

“… … It couldn’t have ended with this.”

As the dust from the explosion rose thickly, a witch murmured out of breath. Goosebumps ran right down the back of my neck.

The three-star magic chanted by twenty witches at the same time… … It was completely blocked by the barrier opened by the man wearing the dark blue iron mask.

Not only that, there were obviously eight of them, but there were only five down there. The moment I realized that was the last moment.

“Uh, ugh———?!”

The three witches’ necks were wrapped in whips in succession, and their bodies were melted into slime by the miasma that flowed in through the whips.

After the Sunspot Incident, before a group of black witches called the Seven Scars appeared on the surface, she was a woman known as ‘Number 4’ among her colleagues.

Without even a chance to be astonished, this time the black witch appeared behind her back and as soon as she took off her clothes, her body completely changed into a shaggy dark blue haired beast.

She was called ‘Number 5’.

The monster’s teeth and claws tear the witches’ limbs apart… … The witches, who were reciting the chant in response, stiffened up all at once, spewing crab bubbles and convulsing.

“Isn’t there a pretty girl who can steal her body and enjoy it?”

A young man in a dark blue robe who appeared with a smirk on his face, namely ‘Number 7’, touched the dice in an obscene manner.

Those with high magical power sensitivity will see that the young man’s magical energy is grabbing and violating the witches’ souls with tentacles rather than tentacles.

It took less than a minute for all the twenty-four witches guarding the Shinhwa Peak to fall while Yuliana, the shaman of the Northern Republic, was away.

“It’s done.”

“It’s over!”

As blood, bone fragments, and flesh tangled in the rainwater, forming a puddle, something grabbed the woman with a hat, who was crossing the valley of death.

It was a witch who painfully vomited blood, but all the skin and bones on her lower body had been torn and her spine was sticking out.

The witch managed to roll her tongue as she overcame the agony of her final death, her consciousness dyed red.

“two… … Turaina… … sir… … What the hell, why the hell… … .”

In the shadow of the hat, the eyes of the priestess, who was a disciple of the old great wizard and the legendary priestess, were filled with something that was both cynical and sorrowful.

“For love.”

It must have been the last remnant of humanity, the cigarette smoke that Turaina exhaled flowed into the brain through the witch’s respiratory system.

The smoke instantly put to rest all the pain, suffering, and sorrow, and led the witch’s soul to death quietly and comfortably.

When the witch died, all her subordinates were gathered under the wide and large stairs of Belakior (Blessing of Fire), the temple of Shinhwabong.

“Gwen, attend the master at the altar of Polantir.”


Originally, the Polantir Altar was a place where offerings were offered and prayed to the fire dragon Bel’Dakidun, and it was an altar where the old divinity dwelled.

At that time, a crow of magic flew in from somewhere and landed on Gwyn’s shoulder. The feathers he scattered soon turned into strings and spread out in the air.

Gwyn immediately reported the contents.

“I have found the dragon guardian.”

“Belita and Ashu go now to secure the body of Jinryong. It will be a daunting opponent, so be sure to use this when fighting.”

Numbers 4 and 5 politely received the bamboo tube (sealed with a talisman) thrown by Turaina, but Number 7 grinned and interrupted.

“hahahaha, can I go too? Of course you’ll give me permission, right? Master Tureina, who is so kind to the point of greatness.”

After staring at Number 7’s arrogant and irritated face for a moment, Thurenna clicked her tongue disapprovingly before turning around and stepping on the stairs.

“Do whatever you feel like.”

Now, it begins.

it’s just starting

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