138. Chapter 138 Forming Ministry of Agriculture

    As the woodland on the south shore of the Scarlet Water River is gradually cleared, the days of farming are getting closer.

    In order to facilitate people to and from the two sides of the Scarlet Water River, Roland ordered a floating bridge on the nearly 100-meter river. The lower part is dozens of rafts built by carpenters, connected by thick hemp ropes. He also specifically explained the carpenter, the ends of the scorpion should be rounded, so that the resistance to water impact will be smaller. The two ends of the hemp rope are wound around the four round wooden piles that are driven into the shore, so that the position of the raft is as fixed as possible. Four long planks are laid in the middle of each raft to fill the bridge deck, and after about two meters, they can be used by four people side by side.

    The raft floating bridge is very simple to set up, and its service life is not low. As long as the river does not rise or collapse, the rope is broken. It can be guaranteed for two or three years. The trees in Hidden Forest are excellent, such as small town dock. The trestle columns and pavements are made from giant trees in the forest, and their lifespan is almost the same as that of small town. Despite the creaking on it, there are still no signs of collapse.

    Crossing the floating bridge to the west, the first piece of land that is opened is the experimental field of the Leaf. The surrounding area has been surrounded by wooden boards, and the soldiers of the First Army are guarded at the entrance. Leaf For several days In addition to eating, class and sleeping, the rest of the time is spent in the experimental field. From the window of the third floor office, Roland can glimpse the scene in the wooden fence – the wheat is growing wildly, the green wheat in the morning, and the golden ocean in the afternoon.

    Golden No. growing on magic power 1 The seeds are accumulated almost at a speed of one day. If they are seen by outsiders, they may kneel down and shout miracles.

    Seeing that the land, population, and seeds are all ready, Roland decided to make up the last ring: supervisor.

    He recruited the Assistant Minister Barov who was too busy recently.

    “Your apprentice should be able to be alone,” Roland asked. “I need to build two new departments at City Hall.”

    “His Highness, this…Not enough people. ”Barov is not.

    In the past, you all agreed to let go, and then slowly discuss the details, but now I learned to complain first. Roland’s heart was awkward, but the surface was indifferent. “How could it not be enough? Didn’t I just give you a batch of Knight?”

    Roland’s first round of screening screened out more than 50 qualified and readable Knights. The teacher couldn’t have so many people, so Yuzhong chose the best, and finally picked out nine Knights as junior teachers, and the rest were assigned to City Hall, starting with apprentices.

    “His Highness, those who are both dragged and lazy, are slow to respond, can copy a few copies of the information, and are unqualified as apprentices.”

    “How to discipline them is your business,” Roland knocked on the table. “If you don’t obey, you can directly match Northern Slope Mine then it will be alright.” But these two departments must be built. ”

    “Well, Your Highness, you have the final say.”Barov is helpless.

    Roland said: “The first is Ministry of Agriculture, which oversees the cultivation and production of crops in the territories.”

    Barov stunned, apparently the first time I heard that City Hall had to manage the land. “His Highness, this kind of thing is not tossed by the serfs themselves. How do they know how to collect them?” The amount of tax will be will be alright.”

    “So you guys…No, I mean that the crop harvest in the past will be so low. ”Roland took the cup and drank it to cover up his own mistakes. “A responsible City Hall should be managed by the people who eat and drink.”

    “Eat and drink Lazar…Are you kidding? ”

    “Of course not. The consumption of eating and drinking will not be said. It is the dereliction of duty of City Hall that I can’t let citizen eat. It is also my dereliction of duty. As for the second half, is the public toilet project not built for this purpose? ”He took a relaxed tone and said to Barov, “I don’t know how the city Hall of Kingdom Capital works, maybe it doesn’t matter to them, but in border town, I’m building an all-powerful political institution that has to do with the Territory and All the situation of the people are well-versed in order to gain citizen wholehearted support, and the decrees issued can be executed efficiently. I am going to talk about the composition of this department and the tasks that I need to undertake. You have to remember. ”

    “Yes, Your Highness.”Barov wiped the sweat on his forehead.

    “You go to the archives and find out three or four people who have done farm work and are included in the Ministry of Agriculture. Two apprentices were transferred to record and count the work, and six people were almost enough. ”

    “WaitDo you want civilians to be City Hall officials? ”Barov was shocked.

    “They are not only obedient, but also motivated to do things. Why can’t they serve as officials? Officials are not equal to noble, and Ministry of Agriculture also needs some professionals to guide future farming. ”

    “But most of them don’t even know each other…”

    “So you need to send two apprentices to help with the paperwork,” Roland interrupted. “And this situation will not last long. I will soon implement an education popularization plan in the territory, with the aim of making all People can read and write, and when you don’t have to use it, you don’t have enough.”

    Obviously this news surprised Barov more than letting civilians enter the City Hall. He opened his mouth slightly and couldn’t say a word for a long time.

    Roland, no matter if he can accept it, continues to say: “When you return to the Ministry of Agriculture, the serfs will inevitably have uneven levels when they cultivate their own land. For example, some people turn deeper. Some people plant more densely. This is an excellent opportunity to observe. The Ministry of Agriculture needs to number the segmented farmland and record every step of the serf cultivation. The depth of the soil and the interval between the sowings are detailed. I will give them measurement tools and teach them how to use them. ”

    “You mean…VSBarov may be more old-fashioned in some respects, but his brain is still moving faster.

    “Yes, the first time you don’t need to care too much about the harvest. Continue to maintain food imports and…Using some new varieties of wheat seeds is enough to ensure that everyone is not hungry. I need to find the most suitable one among these methods and write it into a manual. Wheat cultivation is carried out in this way, and Ministry of Agriculture is responsible for promotion, guidance and supervision. ”

    Roland doesn’t know much about farming, but it doesn’t prevent him from using scientific thinking to summarize a set of best practices. With this plan, whether the expansion of cultivated area or the addition of new farming population can maintain the average output of land at a higher level.

    Barov nodded and then hesitated and said: “His Royal Highness, I don’t understand. After the serf was promoted to a free person, why did you only charge 20% of the crops as a land tax? Even if you ask for 50% of the payment, you can leave 50% to them, and it seems that you are very good. ”

    “Because the coins piled up in the basement didn’t make any sense,” Roland explained. “After paying 20%, I will buy the rest of the food at a fixed price – in Border Town, the grain trade belongs to the franchise of feudal lord. As a result, the castle received food and they were paid. With some savings, they will want to buy something…For example, farming cattle, iron farm tools, beef, cotton clothes, and good brick houses, and these are only available to me. Residents in the town want to buy food, which can only be purchased from the castle. So in the end, the coins will still flow back to my pocket, but in the loop, it will make everyone’s living standards continue to improve, so you understand? ”

    Barov frowned, and there was no answer, and it was obviously in a state of puzzling.

    Roland smiled and shook his head. “I don’t want to understand. I can go back and think about it. Let me follow what I said.”

    Assistant Minister stood up and walked over to the door and suddenly turned back. “For the Highness, you just said that you want to establish two departments, what is the other?”

    “Ministry of Education,” Roland replied. “This will be my responsibility.”

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