172. Chapter 172 New Drama

    “Get here today, class.”

    “goodbye teacher.”The little girls are in the same breath.

    Irene closed the textbook and watched the children out of the classroom—the house originally belonging to a noble, but was collected by the feudal lord after the Months of Demon, and has now been converted into a school. Upstairs and downstairs, the partition wall of the small room is opened, and several large rooms are connected. It can accommodate four to six batches of apprentices at the same time. According to the division method of the textbook, it is called “class”. During the day, the class is mostly children, and at night it is an adult.

    She had thought that she wanted to be a teacher’s application for a long time before she could pass it to City Hall. I didn’t expect Fern to report the matter and I got the permission message the next day. Then go to the City Hall to register, receive the materials, and get a placement.

    The subjects she is responsible for are basically children of the town. In order to let the group of sluts listen to the class well, she spent a lot of time. There is also a chapter devoted to how to maintain classroom discipline. The tricks inside her open her eyes, in addition to traditional verbal criticism and rattan corporal punishment. There are evaluations first, divide the group, set up the team leader and the squad leader, let them manage themselves and so on.

    The person who wrote this textbook must be an elder who has been studying for many years, so can he consider it so well?

    Out of school, Irene saw her at the door waiting for her Knight, Fern Schilt.

    He no longer wore shining armor, holding a shield embroidered with a lion emblem and a long sword, but still handsome. A simple leather coat set off his straight figure, with a line of five features, even the empty both hands, is the Morning Light in her memory.

    After giving him a hug, Irene noticed that Fern’s look was a bit wrong.

    “What happened?”she asked.

“……”He hesitated. “His Royal Highness invited us to go to the palace for a refreshment in the afternoon.”

    Irene groaned, “We?”She immediately guessed what the other person was worried about, patted his back and shook his head. “The prince has never seen me, how could it be like Duke…Besides, isn’t there still you? ”

    “Well,” Fern nodded. “This time, I will protect you.”

    In the afternoon, Irene simply dressed up and chose a decent dress to go to the feudal lord castle with her husband.

    Being introduced to the living room by the guards, it didn’t take long for an ash-grey hair man to appear at the door. There is no doubt that he is the Western Region feudal lord, His Royal Highness Roland Wimbledon. He is also followed by a lady who is about 30 years old. His posture is calm and capable. From the full-fledged facial features, she can be seen that she must be a beautiful woman when she is young. The two quickly got up and bent down to salute.

    “Welcome, Schilt,” Roland sat down in the main seat. “These are all court dishes on the table, even if you enjoy it, you don’t have to be restrained.”

    “Thank you for your invitation, it is my pleasure to come here for refreshments.”Fern replied according to the noble etiquette.

    “This lady is called Scroll and is the head of the City Hall Ministry of Education. I think you should have seen it already.”

    “Yes,” he nodded to Scroll, paying tribute. “I haven’t thank you yet, Irene won’t be a teacher so soon without your permission.”

    It turned out that she helped herself, Irene thought, and cast a grateful smile on her.

    Just chatting for a while, Fern asked tentatively. “I don’t know why my Highness called us here. What is it for?”

    “It’s about education,” Roland he paused, looking at Irene. “I heard that you used to work in the stronghold theatre, is it a theatre actor?”

    “Ewww.”Irene didn’t expect his Royal Highness to ask himself this question. “I only performed one show.”

    “This is the case, I plan to play a drama in the small town square every weekend,” the prince said directly. “As for the script, the screenwriter, the conductor, there is only a lack of performers. You don’t have a lot of classes, and you have experience in drama. I want you to star in this play. Of course, there will be extra pay. I wonder if you are willing? ”

“……”Irene looked at His Highness incredulously, confirming that the other person was not joking, she nodded excitedly, “Esteemed’s Highness, I am willing!”

    Standing on the stage has always been her wish. After leaving Longsong Theatre, she knew that she might never have another chance to perform a drama. When she faced Fern, she did not show any regret, but she hid her wish in her bottom of Heart. Unexpectedly, she actually had a day to return to the stage.

    “These plays are all shown to the masses, so the requirements are not high enough to tell the story clearly. then it will be alright. Do you have such a friend at Longsong Stronghold – have a certain understanding of the drama, but do not have a chance to go on stage? If you have one, you can write a letter to them, saying that in Border Town, there are performances every weekend, and the salary is the same as that of the stronghold theater. ”

    “Can they even have them? I know a lot! ”Irene likes to go out and say, “When I go back, I will write to them. If you can get a chance to perform, I think they will be happy to have a look at small town! ”

    “Very good,” Roland handed over three books. “This is a script with numbers on it. Your performance begins with the first story. The content is adapted from Scroll and is very close to the lives of ordinary people. You can take it back and read it carefully. If you don’t understand it, ask Scroll. ”

    “Yes, Your Highness! Thank you,Irene is in the body.


    “is this okay?”Scroll asks, “Those stories are clearly what you think of.”

    “What’s the relationship, in their eyes, the prince can’t write such a vulgar thing.”Roland stretched out. “And without your final modification, the script is not likely to be completed in a short time.”

    “I don’t think the story is vulgar,” she shook her head. “Although I don’t know why you are so clear, but those things happen to the people, touching and thought-provoking, the show will definitely be very popular.”

    Of course, it will be very popular. Roland thinks that the first two scripts have changed from Cinderella and Midnight Chicken, which have been tested by the people. The former describes the love between the civilian class and the royal family, while the latter It is the struggle of the people at the bottom to resist unscrupulous landlords. Of course, they have been localized, such as the witch in Cinderella turned into a witch, and the landlord in the middle of the night became a fierce little noble. Roland intends to release the third work “Witch Diaries” after the last two dramas have a profound impact, which is his real purpose.

    This is a script entirely conceived by him, telling the story of three children who became witches, but each embarked on a completely different path. Instead of mentioning Church directly, he focused his attention on the fateful journey of the three: one child was abandoned by his parents, one was used as a tool, and the last lucky parent still loved her. And to save her life. In the end, the three people came together in a coincidence, defeating the enemies who wanted to put them to death, and gained their own happiness like ordinary people.

    Roland intends to make “Witch Diaries” into a series to reshape the three views of the outsiders. In the twists and turns of drama, the loved ones implanted in each person may become witches, and they are not the concept of the evil.

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