196. Chapter 196 Church Disaster

    Lehman and his group rode through the streets of Longsong Stronghold.

    After the end of the battle, the residents in the city hid in the house, closed the door, and the half-personal shadows on the street could not be seen, and it seemed a bit deserted.

    “Sir Lehman, your hand is fine.”Asked by Knight Levin.

    “The problem is not big,” Lehman Hawes shrugged. “At least it can move.”However, this action made his brow wrinkled.

    Last night’s battle was very smooth. The guards who stayed at the East Gate of the stronghold were only twenty people, and they never expected the enemy to attack from the city.

    Although the horn was blown, the reinforcements arrived at least a quarter of an hour, and fifteen mercenary taking the pill rushed to the city, killing the guards one by one, and Lehman led Knight to open the city gate. In the dark, he did not notice that there was a side door on the side of the wall, and there were two guards in the cold, and one of them rushed over to him with a hammer.

    In order to facilitate the rotation of the winch, his weapon has been collected into the waist. Under the rush, Lehman had to use his arm to resist. At about the same time, Levin on the other side handed out the sword and stabbed into the guard’s waist. Affected by this fatal blow, the falling hammer lost more than half of the force, but still left a dent on his arm.

    At that time, Lehman didn’t feel much pain. After he took the city gate, he found that his right arm was difficult to lift, and he untied his arm. He saw that his forearm had swollen like a rolling pin.

    “I hope there are herbs in the church that can be analgesic,” Levin said. “They often prepare some weird things.”

    “For example, meatballs.”Another Knight Duane came up with a smile.

    Thirteen Knights broke two people in the night attack, one was seriously injured, and now lying on the camp, it is estimated that it will be tonight. In general, such losses are acceptable, Lehman thought. Now that the militia troops have entered the city, stronghold is completely in their hands.

    After a while, the group came to the church door, a group of more than 100 people militia has been waiting here, see Lehman, have revealed a look of desire.

    “Give them the pills,” Lehman rolled over and saw that everyone had taken the ball before they led the team to the ladder and walked to the main hall.

    “Stand up,” the two goalkeepers shouted. “The sacred land, don’t wear a weapon!”

    Levin pulled out the weapon, and both hands handed it. “Know it, will this work for you?”Just as the believer reached out and prepared to take the sword, he suddenly grasped the hilt with one hand and slammed it up, and the other two hands fell.

    “Ah–” The screams of the believers have not yet emerged from the throat, and Knight has pierced the tip of the sword into his throat.

    Although Levin’s nickname is a strong shield, the first-hand fast sword is a rival.

    Another believer was also cut off by Duane’s throat, and Lehman kicked the door open and walked into the hall without expression.

    Who are you?!A middle-aged man in a blue-breasted priest’s robe greeted him, facing the bloody sword edge without fear. “Dare to break into the church!” Children, grab them! ”

    Lehman sneered, and now most of the townspeople are staying at home. The number of believers in the church is only twenty or thirty. In the face of Knight, who has fought in battle, the rebel has only one dead end.

    Before he ordered, Duane had already smirked and pulled the sword and chopped up a rushing believer. The others soon joined and fought, and the church suddenly made a mess. When the situation was not good, the priest shouted, “Children, take elixir and let gods give you the power to defeat the mob!”

    Timothy Your Majesty Guess it, Lehman has a heart, and there are pills! I saw that the eyes of the believers suddenly became red, and the face was covered with blue veins. During the medicinal effect time, an ordinary person can explode the power and speed beyond the limits of the human body. The narrower the terrain, the harder it is to cope. It is a pity that it is not only you who have such a thing, he thinks, taste your own strength.

    “Let’s get off,” he screamed, “militia team meets the enemy!”

    The latter militia heard this and couldn’t wait to swallow the Dual colored pill, and then smothered it with the mad believers. Until then, the priest finally changed his face. “Why do you also have…!”

    “elixir?”Lehman bypassed the two groups and held the sword close to each other. “This is the gift of Church’s. If you are not the one who is stalking, Your Majesty may have unified the Greycastle.”

    “Your Majesty?”The priest’s eyes widened. “You are Timothy’s-“

    The sound came to an abrupt end, and the sword in Knight’s hand had pierced his chest and penetrated his heart and lungs.

    The battle of disparity in power quickly ended, and more than 20 believers were slaughtered and the bodies were lying on the ground. After the efficacy subsided, the militias made a heavy breathing sound, sat down with the body with satisfaction, and did not mind the blood flowing freely.

    Lehman felt more and more heavy on his arm, and the sword just made him feel the tearing pain. Sometimes he also wants to swallow the black pill to make himself ignore the fatigue and pain in his body, but every time he sees the ugly state of the drug taker, the thought is taken back.

    Lehman has a deep understanding of the two pills that Church sells. For a healthy person, the pill can only take effect three times at most, the first time is about a quarter of an hour, then the duration will be shorter and shorter, and a strong dependence will be formed. If you don’t take the medicine for a long time, your body will gradually decline until you die.

    Using this feature, he unified the militia to take the pill before set off, forcing them to obey their orders, and the thirst for drugs can turn the weakest and incompetent farmer into a bloodthirsty beast. Now this hundred people are taking it for the second time, and they only use it once.

    ButEven if the drug is continuously replenished after three times, it can only alleviate the pain and cannot reverse the process. In other words, as long as you eat the first pill, it is equivalent to one foot has stepped into the coffin. Of course, Lehman will not tell this group of people.

    There is no doubt that the two-color secret drug is Church’s conspiracy, and Timothy Your Majesty clearly recognizes this, so any Knight is prohibited from using it. But it is also a weapon of the unified kingdom, or…It is a must. Without it, Your Majesty couldn’t beat Garcia Wimbledon, who also had pills.

    When he first heard your Majesty mention the matter, Lehman was unbelievable, and he could not understand why Church to support two royal blood for the throne, but the ensuing series of changes made him increasingly agree your Majesty’s judgment, now in western R Egion’s church also saw the pill, and he no longer had any doubts about it–church did not intend to help any prince to the throne, they wanted the whole greycastle.

    “There were pills in the basement, four large boxes, and there were thousands of them.”After thoroughly searching the church, Levin replied with enthusiasm. “The gold royal, the jewels and the satin are also quite a few, and should be donated by believers.”

    “Take away all the ones that can be taken away, and all that can’t be taken away,” Lehman told. “It’s all done by Roland Wimbledon anyway. We just helped Church to suppress the rebellion.”

    Since the secret drug must rely on Church, it is not a complete tear, and pushing to Fourth Prince is a deadly testimony. In order not to be suspicious of Church, Your Majesty himself stayed in the north, pretending to follow the illusion of the other party’s instructions, but sent himself to carry a small amount of Knight, calling for a large number of militia to capture the Western Region.

    Now that Church’s strength is concentrated in the Kingdom of Wolf Heart, there is no time to ignore the situation here, so it is necessary to unify Greycastle as soon as possible in order to draw strength to resist Church’s offense – Timothy Your Majesty believes that it is sooner or later to attack Greycastle. Before that, store and collect as many pills as possible. At the same time, he also ordered the Kingdom Capital Alchemy Association to study the secret drug component in an effort to imitate it as soon as possible.

    Now that the pill is in place, the last step in this mission is to completely destroy Roland Wimbledon.

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