204. Chapter 204 Tilly Wimbledon

    The two stayed warm for a while, and Ash noticed a bunch of gem-like gadgets in front of her, curious. “What are these?”

    “Come on,” Tilly patted on his side. “I will show you something interesting.”

    Ash sat cross-legged on her and saw her wearing a white silky glove on her hand with a crystal red gem embedded in the back of her hand.

    This is……Track magic stone? ”

    Tilly didn’t answer, but smiled and reached out to the open space. Suddenly, a Lightning jumped out of her fingertips, hitting the ground, making a squeaking noise, then a blue smoke rose from the ground and was hit. The position left a piece of palm-sized burnt black.

    Ash couldn’t believe his eyes for a moment, “You…Have new capabilities? ”

    Tilly Wimbledon is Exceed, magic power acts on itself, and it is the intelligence that is manifested in her, and the impulse is released like a normal witch. And the electric light just means that she has a new ability – and witch impossible has two main abilities at the same time, which is common sense that sisters understand.

    Tilly took off his gloves and handed it to Ash. “Not that I have new abilities, but this stone.”She tilted her mouth. “It changed the way magic power works, giving magic power a very different effect.”

    Ash was shocked by the gem in the center of the glove. She knew that Tilly wouldn’t lie to her – which means that non-combat type witch can also have combat capability, and the ability of the witch group to resist foreign enemies will be greatly enhanced. “How many stones are there? ”

    “There is only one,” Tilly thought as he guessed Ash’s thoughts. “And it’s not that easy to use. You can try, imagine magic power as something that actually exists, fill it with stones, and release it. ”

    Ash pondered for a long time, and there was no trace of electric light.

    Now you get it.She laughed. “We are still Exceed, and we can sense magic power by itself. It is even harder for other witches. It requires exhaustion of imagination and understanding. In fact, I have looked for a lot of people to test. About two or three people in a hundred people can quickly comprehend and release Lightning. ”

    “Are you laughing at me stupid?”Ash takes off the gloves.

    “Almost,” Tilly raised an eyebrow. “I used it only—oh—”

    Ash kissed her and let her only swear a little low…After the separation, the latter took a long breath. “Well, it’s not too stupid.”

    “What about the other stones?”Ash wish to continue licking his lips, only in front of the Fifth Princess, he will completely relax. “Do they all have different abilities?”

    “It’s a different performance,” Tilly corrected, leaving a blush on his cheek. “It doesn’t make the average person have a witch-like ability, only magic power can motivate it.”She paused, “This made me have a question.”

    “What question?”

    “What is magic power?”Tilly’s slow mood, one sentence at a time, explains, “For a long time, the ability of the witch has varied, showing extremely high uncertainty, and it is different under the perception of Exceed. But this strange stone completely unifies the magic power. Any witch through it can release the same ability, so I probably thought of the wrong direction before. Magic power itself may be an all-powerful force. Witch has only one form of expression. ”

    “What about these magic stones?”Asked Ash.

    “Can only be released, but can not gather magic power. It’s not clear whether they are artificial or natural,” Tilly said regretfully. “It is said that they are all excavated from ruins. Most of them are now in the folks. I can collect only so…I heard that there is an ancient ruins in the Eastern region forest of the Sea Wind Region. I really want to see it in person, maybe I can find more information about magic power and historical faults. ”

    She is saying that she can’t understand, and Ash reluctantly thinks, as long as he can live, who cares about what is more than 400 years ago, “It’s best not to, Sea Wind Region is probably the most dangerous place for Greycastle. one.”


    “Before I took the boat off from the Port of Clear Water, I heard the sailors talk about it. Garcia Wimbledon’s Blacksail fleet has all been dispatched. The destination seems to be the Sea Wind Region – there is Timothy’s site, she probably wants to take advantage of it. The advantage of flexible and concealed at sea directly hits his rear camp.”Ash persuaded, “I will have the opportunity to leave Hong Kong after the martial law has been lifted. If their message is accurate, I am afraid that the Sea Wind Region is in a state of flux.”

    “They are still killing each other,” Tilly looked worried. “This will only make Church sneak in. If you can’t unite, Greycastle will be all absorbed by Church like Eternal Winter.”

    This sentence made Ash stunned, and Fifth Princess quickly discovered her strangeness. “What?”

    “Nothing,” she blinked. “You just looked a little like Roland Wimbledon, and he said the same thing to me.”

    Oof… You actually saw him? ”Tilly came to the interest. “Right, you haven’t told me what the harvest of this Western Region trip is. Let me tell you!”

    “I heard the News Association’s message to Border Town’s, and Hidden Shadow should have told you,” Ash put the other into his arms. “There was a result when I found out that the so-called search for Holy Mountain turned out to be Roland. A scam, he took over the Cooperative Association and secretly recruited witch…”She briefly told what she saw and heard the following week. “In the end, he told me that we must unite to resist Church’s offense. If you can’t stay in the fjord, he always welcomes us to Border Town.”

    Hmmm…Tilly pondered for a moment and suddenly said, “This person is not Roland Wimbledon, he was replaced.”


    “You said that he gathered a lot of witches around, right? I guess there is a witch that controls him, or simply changes to his appearance. ”Tilly said bluntly, “I grew up with Roland and I know it better. – Compared to the other two brothers and Third Royal Sister, what he is least good at is concealing. When lying, it is also full of loopholes. It is absolutely impossible to disguise. Another person. As for the weapon you said against the God Punishment Army, it proves this…A person can hide his character, but he can’t forge knowledge. The court tutor has never taught these things. How does he know? ”Tilly said bluntly. “There are no people in the world who can be born, so he will not be my stupid and annoying brother.”

    YesIs this the case? ”Ash frowned.

    “Be that as it may, I still need to contact them,” Tilly sighed. “Roland Wimbledon is my brother after all. Although I don’t learn nothing, it’s not incurable in nature, compared to others. He is the most harmless one. I hope that the Operations Association’s witches have not buried him in the soil. ”

    “I don’t think they will do that.”Ash couldn’t help but think of Wendy. “And I left Macy over there, and by the end of the month, she will bring us more news about small town.”

    “The only way is this. After all, our current focus is not here,” Fifth Princess stood up from her arms and walked to the garden with her arms open. “Since you are back, the cleaning plan can be implemented.” I want to have no trace of Church’s existence on the fjord, and eventually the fjord islands will become the home of the witch. ”

    Sunlight shines on Tilly from behind, as if she had a gold edged on her profile. The long gray hair touched her cheeks, like a light golden silk. Her expression was full of confidence, and she could not knock her down as if she had any difficulty.

    “I am willing to serve you, my Queen.”Ash smiled.

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