245. Chapter 245 Travel Tools

    Roland sits on an office chair and looks closely at Barov’s statistical reports.

    It took a full three days for the City Hall to sort out more than 6,000 refugees. The number of craftsmen was low, and only 186 people passed the audit. Of course, this is also related to the strength of this review – because it involves the allocation of housing and the issuance of identity cards.

    In Roland’s consideration, the future must be to hold the identity card of the tenants to calculate his formal citizen, so have to firmly check, in the early numbers, better control when the core of small town to cultivate a champion, and other population growth, then use the power of the people, the other new joining Assimilated-After all, people are social animals, as long as the environment so, there will be more and more people agree with his ideas, and he can indeed bring citizen better life.

    “These houses of the craftsmen will be handed over to you, and at least one independent suite will be allocated, whether it is single or dragging the house.”Roland commanded.

    “Yes,” Barov said. “Excuse me, is it that these houses are issued as gifts?”

    “According to the rental,” he shook his head. “Indigenous people get a new home for free because most of them have old houses. It is a new home for a new home. If these people donate houses, it is not conducive to let them go out and actively participate in jobs. Of course, the rental fee can be calculated at a lower grade, and tell them that as long as they work hard enough for gold royal, they can buy the house directly. ”

    I understand

    After a moment of silence, Roland suddenly asked: “How many refunds have appeared after the ceremony?”

    “Today, there are none of the aborigines, and there are seven serfs,” Barov paused. “The eastern region refugees chose to leave more than a hundred and fifteen people.”

    “Yes,” he sighed softly and decided to push the witch to the front of the stage. He knew that there would be such a situation. In order to assess the public’s reaction and avoid accidents, Roland also arranged a musket squad to stay in a few miles away from the small town, intercepting the evaluators and counting the number of people to see how much acceptance of the witch.

    And this answer is not perfect, at least it is very good-the Aborigines have fully accepted the witch, which is close to what he expected, the serfs appear less than the estimated number of escape, it seems to be close to the bottom of life of the performance of the drama is good; but Eastern region refugees, Roland was slightly surprised by the fact that they had been treated witch and were in a ruined home, desperate situation, and hundreds of people had chosen to leave.

    “His Highness, I suggest that all of them be executed,” Barov said quietly. “The ones who are determined to leave in this situation are necessarily those who are deeply influenced by Church. For the foreseeable future, they will not stand on the side of the kingship. In all likelihood, they will be transformed into Church’s believers. There is no need to have a trace of kindness to them. ”

    “Not necessarily so…The true people who are pious to Church should be more than 300 refugees who are not willing to leave Kingdom Capital in the face of evil,” the prince closed his eyes. “These people may just be unable to change their minds and stubbornly think that witch is an evil.” I want to escape from this place. ”

    “Even so, they are also your potential enemies,” Barov insists.

    If he meets this group on the battlefield, Roland will not hesitate to defeat him. Because of the backwardness of ideas and the inconsistency of ideas, it is necessary to wield a knife to kill a group of civilians. This is a huge psychological obstacle for him. After hesitating for a moment, he finally rejected the proposal. “I will let Nightingale go to interrogate the escapers. If there are spies or spies in them, grab them and hang them, and others will expel the Western Region.”

    Barov’s eyes flashed and he bowed his head, and he was slow to respond. “Follow, Your Highness.”

    “Is there anything else to report?”

    “Not for the time being, Your Highness,” he coughed twice. “I will deal with the allocation of houses.”

    “No hurry, these troubles can come slowly,” Roland opened his eyes and stood up. “First take a few photos with me and relax.”

    PhotoSheetBarov stunned.

    “You know it right away,” the prince laughed.

    In the vestibule of the castle, he called Carter, Iron Axe and Soraya together. I saw a few wooden blocks of four or five meters long and a canvas on the ground.

    “Border Town is still not big. After that, the land in the south will be developed and connected to Longsong Stronghold. The scale will be dozens of times now. If you walk on foot, it takes a day or two to go from east to west, so there must be something that can quickly travel to and from all parts of the world. The cost of raising horses is high, and it is also impossible to make every citizen spend a lot of time learning how to ride a horse. ”Roland said as he unveiled the canvas. “I plan to promote this kind of mobility tool in small town, which is simple and easy to use, and the price is much lower than a horse.”

    ThisDosCarter was immediately attracted to this novelty. “Two wheels, an iron shelf, is it a cart?”

    “The two rounds stand side by side, even if it is a cart, it is difficult to maintain balance,” Barro shook his head. “I don’t see how it can replace the horse.”

    Only Iron Axe silently waited for the prince to explain.

    Roland smiled. “This thing is called a bicycle. I will show it to you.”He stood on the pedals and put on a standard starting position. With one foot, he rode his car and wandered on the stone slab road.

    With Anna’s finishing and Soraya’s coating technology, it’s not difficult to make a bicycle by hand. There is no difficulty in its principle and structure. The rubber part is replaced by a coating – for example, the inner tube is Drawn directly on a roll of paper tube, Roland also made a simple pump for this purpose. The tires and brakes are coated with a higher hardness cow hide. The frame is a hollow iron tube. The brake wire is made of rust-proof copper wire. The only trouble is the chain. It can only be cut by Anna. Then grow up. As for the classic bicycle that mounted the pedal directly on the wheel, he couldn’t see it at all.

    Riding down in a circle, Roland pressed the brakes and easily jumped over and looked at a row of stunned men, and couldn’t help but be proud. This is the excellent mount that the rider should have. The bicycle is much more refreshing than the horse that has to be tamed and fed.

    “I plan to open a new Bicycle Factory in the industrial zone for the production of this type of transportation tool. Not only do you need to recruit workers, but you have to do a good job of propaganda and try to spread it to the entire territory as soon as possible,” Roland explained briefly. “This is what I called you out. You must first learn how to ride a bicycle, and then let Miss Soraya draw the look of your bike on a wooden board. I want all the citizens to see that as long as they cost one or two gold royals, they can have the same mount as the feudal lord, the First Army conductor, the Chief Knight, and the City Hall Premier Minister. ”


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