276. Chapter 276 New Cannon R&D

    Lucia took the ore to the prince’s way, and still whispered around Nightingale.

    I have to say that she was shocked by the calm attitude of the other party.

    Although I don’t understand the feelings, but the witch and the prince…Is it possible to be together at all? In this way, shouldn’t you carefully hide your mind in the bottom of heart and let the other party know?

    Moreover, why does she even feel as if she is a listener?

    Stand at the door of the office and take a deep breath, Lucia pushes the door inside.

    “His Royal Highness, I brought the ore.”

    “Let me see,” Roland yawned.

    The Border Town’s ruler seems to be in peacetime. The sleepy look should be just waking up from the nap. He leaned back on the back of the chair, and he was natural and easy-going. He was not as aggressive as other noble.

    Lucia’s inexplicable mood also relaxed a lot. She took out the ore particles found in the Northern Slope Mine from the skin and placed them on the desk.

    After the ability to decompose, the particles look almost the same, the color is not silver or gray, probably only the prince of the versatile prince can tell which mineral is this.

    I saw the prince frowning for a long time, one by one in the palm of his hand, and looked at the sun behind him carefully, and finally waved, “cough cough, these ores I will hand over to Mr. Schuire to identify, you Continue to the Northern Slope backyard to practice your abilities. If you don’t understand, ask Anna.”

“……”Hey, don’t even know your Highness? Lucia quickly bowed his head, “Yes.”

    Just as she was about to leave the office, Roland stopped her again.

    “Right, you have a good test score this time, and the sixty-eighth place is ranked ninth. It’s not easy to follow the example of everyone’s experience for a month. It’s not easy to keep it. AndHe is paused, “When I test the next time, I hope that the bell can also participate with everyone.”

    “Yes!”Lucia was excited.


    After watching the little girl happily linger, Roland sighed at the metal particles on the table.

    Oneself or is too naïve, full of thought decomposition into a simple substance, may be able to understand Chu Northern Slope Mine in the end of what is hidden in what vein, but the fact that he understood the huge gap between mechanical engineering and geology-these stones will eventually differentiate between three to four kinds of metal, The most-preserved can be thought of as the ore of such metals, but they are almost indistinguishable in color and shape, such as iron, aluminum, magnesium, and potassium are silver-white metals in high purity, and it is too difficult to discern by the naked eye.

    Still give this problem to the chief alchemist to solve it. After all, verifying the material properties through chemical reactions is much more reliable than guessing.

    After processing this, Roland took out a piece of paper and began planning how to deal with this year’s Months of Demon.

    Seeing that summer is coming to an end soon, the three months of the fall is his final preparation time. In addition to defending the Evil Beast from the west, I have to keep an eye on Timothy and Church in the east. No more than the last year, he has been under the rule of the population and income has been greatly increased, iron production is gradually improved, witch more than more than 10, fully confident that the western region into an insurmountable bastion.

    According to the previous year’s combat experience, the biggest threat to the city wall is undoubtedly evil Beast Hybrid, especially when the enemy has a heavy carapace, bullets difficult to wear, or buzzed use dynamite, or send witch out of town combat, regardless of the countermeasure, the risk will greatly improve.

    In addition, he faced most of the same kind of enemy mainly cavalry and infantry, has not seen this era of seige weapon. If the other side can set up a torsion trebuchet, or a more advanced counterweight trebuchet, I am afraid that I will encounter a lot of trouble – after all, the cannon is very inconvenient to shoot down, and the muzzle needs to be lifted again every time it is filled. The shells are also easy to get out of the cannon.

    It is imperative to develop a more powerful cannon.

    Roland thought about putting the indicators he needed on a piece of paper.

    First, it should have enough range and power to penetrate the Evil Beast Hybrid’s shell one kilometer away. Second, it must be post-loaded ammunition, free to adjust the pitch angle, and have the ability to shoot quickly. Finally, in order to reduce the repetitive development time, it should be considered as a multi-purpose design, that is, it can be used as a fixed turret to suppress the enemy, or it can be directly pulled onto the ship as the main weapon of the shallow water heavy gunship in the future.

    So it should be a heavy caliber with a large caliber and a long body.

    Roland first thought of the fifteen-and six-inch behemoths on the battleship, with a range of up to tens of kilometers. He could dig a few meters of deep pits on the ground in one shot, but he quickly rejected this unrealistic idea. Although there is no problem in processing, according to the current material level of Border Town, at least nine cannons will be blown up in the ten cannons. Even if the pipe wall is thickened to more than one meter, the things created will be lost because they cannot move. value.

    He can only produce wrought iron with higher purity and ordinary steel at the most, and the plan is still conservative.

    Roland finally set the calibre to the sacred number of “152 mm”.

    Cannon uses a vertical wedge breech, similar to a door that can slide up and down. When it is lowered, it exposes the cannon, and the cannonball is loaded. After the reset, the lock is locked, and the gunpowder gas is ejected forward. It has the fastest firing speed and the principle is simpler than the screw ejector and cross wedge breech, and its mechanical structure has long been familiar in his heart.

    However, in order to achieve fast firing, the cannon has to be equipped with a retracting mechanism, which is simply like two inflators, one filled with oil, one with a reentrant spring or gas. When the rear seat of the muzzle pulls the two-bar linkage, the oil and the re-entry machine are compressed at the same time, the oil is used to buffer the recoil, and the re-entry spring completes the accumulating force, and the barrel is pushed back to the original position after the shelling is completed.

    Finally, the shells.

    Since the use of the holy cannon, naturally can no longer be satisfied with the poor solid iron ball and paper bag shots – Roland decided to develop two fixed cannons at the same time for stability, one is the enlarged version of the bullet, the warhead is Solid metal; the other is a explosive warhead with a trigger fuze, which is a later howitzer. After all, the latter has certain technical difficulties, and it is necessary to repeatedly test the reliability of the fuze. It is impossible to guarantee the assembly of the troops before the Months of Demon. Therefore, it is necessary to first produce the former to solve the problem. Even solid warheads are a breeze to deal with the slow moving Evil Beast and fixed siege equipment.

    Of course, no matter what kind of shells, you need to consume a lot of smokeless gunpowder. The new cannon can only be used as a special weapon before the two acids are not mass-produced. It is impossible to achieve a hearty gunfire coverage.

    Just then, the personal guard pushed the door away and came in.

    “His Royal Highness, there is a secret letter from Kingdom Capital.”

    Roland put down the quill and unpacked the envelope. The letter was not signed from beginning to end, and the handwriting was very strange, but the content of one sentence indicated that the letter was undoubtedly sent by Tasa.

    “A team of about a thousand people left Kingdom Capital today and headed for the Western Region.”

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