280. Chapter 280 Scarlet Water River ambush (top)

    The enemy fleet approached the Scarlet Water River ramp for half a day longer than expected, until the afternoon of the fourth day, ten sailboats slowly appeared at the end of the field of vision.

    The Van’er, who received the message, passed through the six compartments in turn, issued a preliminary order to the gun group he was responsible for, and then returned to his own position.

    “Where is the enemy?”Rodney picked up the window baffle and looked out.

    “At least a few hundred meters away from us,” Cat’s Claw, who was observing the signal flag, yelled at the sky window. “I can’t even see their shadows here, there are too many weeds on the roof.” ”

    In addition to the shooting window, each compartment also has a hole in the top against the wall. You can easily see the situation on the Scarlet Water River by climbing the two-story stairs.

    “Speaking of weeds, the ability of the green-haired witch is incredible,” Jop wiped a rusted cannonball. “Where she went, the thin grass was as long as the hair, and the bunkers were covered. Strict and realistic, it looks just like ordinary earthen bags.”

    “What green hair witch,” Van’er scolded. “That’s Miss Leaf. The first time she confronted the Duke Knight group, she helped us to plant vines in the woods on both sides, making Knight unable to bypass. Otherwise, the shovel will be able to get through the woods to the back. ”

    “Which is more common than magic?”Rodney shrugged. “Building a bunker overnight, letting vines and weeds cover the ground, flying freely in the sky, and even changing into a huge pigeon – these are not things that mortals can do.”

    “The most amazing thing is that I choose Miss Nana,” Cat’s Claw was full of enthusiasm and expectation. “I don’t know if this will be glorious.” If I am injured, I can see her at a close distance, and maybe I can still hear her comfort. ”

    “Give me a good look at the enemy!”Van’er frowned and said, “Don’t dare to talk nonsense, I will punish you to go back to the toilet!”

    Cat’s Claw spit out his tongue and explored his body.

    The artillery Captain sighed in his heart, and now the guys have lost their sense of tension and will never be as shivering as they were on the battlefield a few months ago. He could not say that the change was good or bad, that he was too contemptuous of his opponent, but that he could not reprimand his men too much, for he was no better off–since he had become a soldier of His Highness, Van ‘ er’s understanding of the battle had changed dramatically: bloody cruelty fight seemed to have nothing to do with strength, skill, courage, They only have to repeat the steps that they have memorized during training, prepare according to the regulations, meet the enemy according to the regulations, and fire on the regulations to win.

    Especially in the small town against the new King’s militia team, it is clear that the opponent is an amazing force, not afraid of the dead humanoid beast, but the battle only lasted for one hour and ended. When he cleaned the battlefield, he discovered that he had no sense of fatigue. As if he had just done a warm-up exercise before training, the enemy had already collapsed.

    In this way, will there be a day when the battle will become impossible to see even the enemy’s face, just operate these metal machines, you can annihilate the enemy thousands of miles away?

    Just as Van’er was thinking, Cat’s Claw’s warning sound pulled him back.

    “I saw the enemy!”

    “Filling ammunition!”Van’er gimmicks, throwing distracting thoughts behind his head, and screaming.

    The compartment was busy all the time. This step has been practiced too many times. Now everyone can put the medicine bag and the shell into the cannon with their eyes closed. The shot can be fired once in a twenty-second period without regard to the situation of resetting and adjusting the angle of incidence.

    Van Gogh, the battle plan of His Royal Highness Roland and Iron Axe, has long been familiar with it – similar to the Border Town defensive battle, and the observer can see the red flag of Miss Lightning before the camouflage baffle in front of the window can be pushed and fired. The nearest No. 1 and No. 2 guns from the river bank used a munition to sweep the deck, while the other guns bombarded the cabin with solid bullets.

    He waited quietly for the arrival of the red flag.


    Now, without the telescope, the lotus can see that the fleet of the pseudo-king is approaching the setting point a little.

    These vessels are much slimmer than the three- or four-masted sailboats that sail on the sea. There are no high side and fences, and the low hull looks like a river. In addition to the inflated sails, there is a row of sailors sitting on both sides of the deck, slowly pushing the paddles in their hands.

    Until then, His Royal Highness has not given any orders.

    She couldn’t help but be anxious. The observations were set on the top of a higher hillside. Although it overlooked the entire battlefield, it was far from the river. Now that Lightning and Macy are not at the side of His Royal Highness, it will take time to upload the instructions to the various teams. Later, I am afraid that it will be too late to stop the fleet from passing through the Scarlet Water River.

    Seeing that the sailing boat in the front is about to pass through the earth house, the lotus can’t help but ask for an opening, and a loud bang suddenly rolls over the river. It seems that the attack signal is generally sent out. There are more than a dozen thick smokes in the earthen house mixed with fire, and the thundering thunder is continuous.

    What’s going on?

    Lian regained her gaze on the river, and then could hardly believe her eyes—she didn’t see any of the fighting Knights or mercenaries, but the deck of the first sailboat suddenly exploded. The wood chips fragments and the broken limbs of the broken limbs splashed around, and the sailors of the paddles were killed and wounded in an instant, and a group of blood was fogged up, and the deck was stained with scarlet.

    After losing half of the power, the speed of the boat quickly slowed down, and the roar did not stop. Not long after, the masts in the center of the hull were cut off by a group of black shadows. After shaking them two times, they crashed into the ground and knocked two Knights who had just climbed out of the cabin onto the deck.

    Under the impetus of the water, the sailboat began to slowly recede. Other ships were scattered and avoided. Many people heard the movement and then drilled out of the cabin. They looked at the leader who had become a hell. Something is overwhelming.

    Then the horrible blow came to the second ship.

    The crowded deck made the blood fog more turbulent, and the lotus could see that after the rolling thunder, the enemies that were next to each other had a few bright red spaces, and the unlucky ones standing in the open space were beaten. Broken into a number of cuts, some people still have not died, dragging the intestines flowing out of the pain wailing. Others who have survived have jumped into the river to escape, and are no longer willing to spend more time on this horrible deck.

    She finally understood the meaning of what they said, “They can’t go.”How did his subordinates do this?

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