367. Chapter 367 The first step in building a city

    Petrov stepped out of the cabin and did not smell the expected smell of wood. The trestle on the side of the ship was obviously new. The old dock was more than doubled, and the pedals were no longer audible. It’s a reassuring humming – it’s obvious that the joints between the boards are very strong and the materials are quite thick.

    Immediately after walking down the dock, several guards in uniform uniforms came over. The first person looked at the family emblem hanging on the HMS Lion Heart mast. “Is you…Hull adults of Honeysuckle Family? ”

    “Yes,” Petrov nodded. Such an inquiry made him very useful. “I am Petrov Hull, and I am here at the invitation of His Royal Highness.”

    “Iron Axe has already told us about it, please come with me,” the guard made a gesture.

    WalkHe gave a slight glimpse.

    “Yes, the horse has been dismantled,” the other party said with a smile. “Reassured, the road in the town is very good.”

    Petrov quickly understood that the “good go” in the guard’s mouth was What does it mean.

    The dark streets are flat and spacious, and the snow above them is swept away, so there is not much water. The road seems to be made up of many black stones, with tiny gaps in the middle. After soaking in water, it looks smooth and translucent. What surprised him was that there is more than one way to see a straight and staggered martyr in every hundred steps, and the degree of regularity is like a square drawn with strokes. After walking for a quarter of an hour, I didn’t see a muddy land.

    Petrov was surprised to find that this small town was completely out of sync with the look of memory.

    “Adult, this is really…Border Town ? ”Seth widened his eyes and looked around. “Isn’t that this place is just a temporary place to live for mining?”

    “It used to be the case,” the guard said with a smile. “But since the temple has come down, everything has become different.” Like the roads in the town, they started construction six months ago. Every day, thousands of people were busy, and they could build one in almost a month. ”

    Petrov noticed that he had a disguise in his tone, as if he was proud of being a member of small town.

    ButThis is incredible! On both sides of the street was a large, evenly arranged tree, and he could imagine that, once in the summer, the lush foliage was obscured by the scorching sun, and then the houses–the low mud houses and the tattered wooden hotels–had disappeared, surrounded by angular brick houses, each with two to three floors, almost identical in design, It is obviously the same batch of stonemason masonry.

    In a year, how can he transform a barren small town into this look!

    With astonishment and incomprehension, Petrov followed the guards into the castle area, and the guides were replaced by a Knight wearing armor, and their own attendants were all left outside the wall.

    It was not until the footsteps of the Feudal lord castle that Petrov found the feeling of a year ago.

    It doesn’t seem that there is much change here. The prince’s castle is obviously much smaller than the stronghold Duke’s fortress.

    Knight pushed the door of the sitting room and made a request. He quickly saw the prince sitting in the main position.

    His Royal Highness Roland Wimbledon.

    “Welcome to Border Town,” Roland smiled. “Mr. Ambassador. ”

    It seems that there is no change in His Highness, and Petrov is relieved inexplicably. He raised his hand and raised his chest, and he bowed respectfully. “Honeysuckle Family pays tribute to you, Your Highness.”

    “Sit down,” the other nodded. “I told you to come because of a very important event.” This matter is related to the entire Western Region’s future, and naturally includes Longsong Stronghold. ”

    “You please say.”

    “I plan to build a city here, with the city range to Hidden Forest to the west and Longsong Stronghold to the east, including half of the Western Region. At that time, stronghold will exist as a stronghold in the east of the new city, and it will be the first line of defense against the Church army, not a city that is now independent. ”Roland stated in an orderly manner, “In this vast territory, the same law must be practiced to unify the management of the new city government. Any noble can’t intervene in the city, Western Region Five Major Families is no exception. ”

    Petrov only felt a shock in his heart! A year ago, he had the idea that Duke Ryan would move the Evil Beast’s line of defense to Border Town and use the land between the two places. But I did not expect that the prince actually adopted this method after one year, and the means were more thorough than I thought. Turn Longsong Stronghold into a part of a city? Just imagine, you can understand how amazing the scale of the city!

    He subconsciously wanted to raise a question, but he just swallowed it back when he heard it. Since His Royal Highness told himself about it, there is no doubt that he has made a decision. No one can stop him from implementing this plan.

    Petrov never thought about rebelling against the prince…Duke Ryan’s fiasco gave him too strong impression, and he even thought that the ash-grey hair man was impossible to win, at least…impossible was defeated by himself. The only thing that can be done is to seek your own interests in this huge change.

    “You said that Five Major Families can’t get involved in the city, how can Honeysuckle work for you?”

    The prince was silent for a while, until Petrov felt a little uneasy, he laughed softly. “You really surprised me, Mr. Ambassador, whether it was before I redeemed stronghold, or the positive attitude that I showed now, It’s a wise decision that is rare in noble.”

    After sighing, he only smiled and said seriously, “As long as the Honeysuckle Family is willing to accept my governance, you can continue to assist me in managing the Longsong area.”

    “Whether I am my father, I have always followed your will-“

    “I am not talking about individuals, but the territory.”Roland interrupted, “In the future, I accept the noble of my refuge, only the ownership of the territory, and the lack of governance of the territory – whether it is law, law enforcement or other policies, are subject to the decree issued by City Hall.”

    “This…”Petrov hesitated.

    “The territory can be inherited from generation to generation. Just like the title, your family can also run farmland, workshops or other business. These industries, together with the land, belong to the Honeysuckle Family and will not be invaded by others – this is also me. Promised blessing. In addition to the right to governance, the land you own has not changed in the past, and even under the stimulus of the new policy, it will develop even more prosperous. ”The prince continued, “Of course, you can also choose to return to your own territory, and then do a fief noble in the traditional sense. However, when I complete the expansion of the new city and expand outward, the area occupied will no longer belong to its original owner. ”


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