395. Chapter 395 Deep in the Snow Forest

    Leaf is walking through the treetops and green leaves looking for Lightning and Macy.

    In fact, it is not accurate to say that the original body has been integrated into the dense forest, and the movement is only the sight.

    This feeling is very wonderful, she feels that she is still more comfortable than the birds – at least the birds will fall to the ground without flapping their wings, but she will not. As long as she maintains this form, she can rush to the end of the forest from the end of the fusion forest.

    Of course, compared to the full picture of Hidden Forest, the scope of the Leaf control is still only a drop in the ocean.

    Since the evolution of her abilities, she has set her sights on Hidden Forest to the west of small town.

    If you can take this vast forest into control, whether it is against Evil Beast or collecting materials, you can help Roland. She can return to her where there are not many places. In addition to improving crops, this is the only thing she can do.

    Compared to the back garden of the castle, this place is a real forest, and its complexity is far from the ecosystem of olive trees and vines. There are many living creatures hidden in every inch of land. If you look down the roots of the plant, you can feel dormant animals, creepy reptiles, corrupted corpses, and tiny water sources that flow.

    In order to avoid losing consciousness, she carefully expanded her site, starting from the west line wall, blending a little every day, and then adding a piece of woodland after fully adapting.

    At this rate, after two or three years, she was able to cover her consciousness throughout Hidden Forest.

    In a short while, Leaf found two people hunting in the woods – if they were not flying against the treetops, but walking in the snow, she could feel their position faster.

    “I found a prey,” Leaf said as he shook the branch.

    “Ah,” Lightning first trembled, then patted his chest. “You scared me.”

    “gu gu gu !”Macy nodded again and again.

    “Sorry,” Leaf let his figure emerge from the trunk, like the same new branch. “Will it be better?”

    “Well, at least not talking to the ghosts,” Lightning landed lightly on the ground. “Can you appear anywhere in the forest?”

    “As long as it is the area I control,” she nodded.

    Macy ran straight on the back of the Leaf, took two steps back and forth, and squatted at the junction of the body and the trunk. “You actually grew into the tree!”

    Leaf felt itchy on his back and couldn’t help but laugh. “This is my ability.”

    “It feels a bit strange.”

    “You also like to say that others are strange, you can become Devil giants,” Lightning glanced at the pigeons, then looked at the Leaf, “Where is prey?”

    “Follow me,” she turned her head.

    Since it is impossible to maintain the human form when moving, the Leaf simply puts a vine on the ground to guide one person and one bird forward.

    “What kind of prey is it?”Lightning asked.

    “A big wild boar, running from the depths of the forest,” she answered. “Do you really want to do it yourself? I can bundle it directly with the vine and throw it at the foot of the wall.”

    “Of course, the explorer is not just the result,” the little girl said first. “The process is sometimes more memorable than the result.”

    “As long as there is meat to eat, hey!”

    Leaf couldn’t help but raise his mouth. Before he even merged with Hidden Forest, the two were already regulars here. The way they practice magic power is to hunt in the forest, and the prey obtained is all returned to the castle by Macy. Half of the meat on the table today is provided by them.

    “Hey, there,” said Leaf.

    I saw a huge wild boar squatting by the stream, glaring at the cold stream. The fangs on the lips are thick and sharp, and the bristles on the body are almost as long as the fingers, which is very tricky. If the hunter encounters such a beast, he will generally shun the house, but for the witch, the other party is just a good meal.

    “I am up,” Lightning pulled out the dagger.

    “Don’t you have a gun?”Leaf is awkward.

    “That’s too challenging for sex.”She touched her nose with confidence and rushed straight toward the target.

    “Come on!”

    The figure of the little girl is like a golden light. In the blink of an eye, she rushes from the rear to the top of the wild boar. Then, as soon as she rises, the target suddenly shakes her head and bursts with a high scream.

    No hits? No!Leaf noticed that one of the wild boar’s eyes had turned into a blood hole. It seems that Lightning intends to use its flexibility to eliminate the enemy’s counter-attack threats and then use the war of attentiveness to loosen the vitality of prey.

    In the face of Lightning’s air superiority, the wild boar was as clumsy as a stone, and it took a long time to lose its resistance and stumble in the snow.

    She whistled, “How?”

    “Good job,” Leaf controlled the vines to entangle the rear legs of the wild boar and hang it up. “Let’s put its blood clean first, and your high-pitched meat is better. ”

    “Hey,” Macy swallowed. “I can have a good meal tonight.”

    “WaitLeaf suddenly felt that another creature had broken into the forest. She turned her eyes to the edge of the control area and saw that two gray wolves were coming together.

    Something was wrong, she frowned. This kind of beast is generally active in the depths of the forest, and even in winter it rarely ran so close to Border Town’s place.

    I was hesitant to tell the news to Lightning, and suddenly a familiar figure appeared in front of her eyes – Leaf felt the cold hair of the whole body stand up, and the tragic battle of quite wasteland came back to her mind.


    She saw two burly Devils slowly moving towards the wall, wearing no magic stone on their arms and no spears on their backs, as if they were not carrying weapons, but Leaf noticed that they all wore A black iron glove – that is the weapon that killed the red pepper.

    Why is Devil coming here?

    With great fear and uneasiness, she gathered her consciousness back to Lightning. “Get out of here, Devil is here!”

    “What?”The two gave a slight glimpse.

    After the Leaf saw the scene briefly, he urged, “Come on, they don’t have mount, they can’t catch up with you two, and I will follow.”

    To her surprise, Lightning hesitated for a moment and shook his head. “I want to stay and fight with them.”

    1BucketLeaf stunned, “Why?”

    “If you run away with the enemy now, how can you defeat them in the future?”The little girl took a deep breath and pulled the pistol from her waist. “Dad said, where did you fall from, where did you get up?” I won’t run away anymore. ”


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