466. Chapter 466 reappears

    “Asia is it…Don’t worry,” Wendy stepped forward and took her hand. “Witch Union is not what your family thinks. You don’t have to stay in the castle. ”

    “Really?”She whispered.

    “Of course it’s true,” Wendy smiled. “We live in the castle because there is nowhere else to go…Before the Highness did not contain us, all the witches lived a homeless children’s life. The family was either fragmented or the sisters were strangers. So, you have a family that belongs to you, and you are already lucky enough. ”She paused, “Let’s go, it’s big here.”

“……Um,” the girl lowered her head and followed her into the castle.

    “This is the newly awakened witch?”Scroll has already waited at the door. “What is the name?”

    “Asia.”Wendy looked at the guard. “Can you help me to inform Ms. Agatha and let her go back to the castle?” Just say that new town has a new witch. She should now be in the chemical laboratory by the river. ”

    “I am happy to help you,” the guard turned and left after the ceremony.

    “Indeed, if Nightingale and Silvy are not there, only Agatha can distinguish the magic power type and size,” Scroll nodded. “What is her ability?”

    “I don’t know yet,” Wendy touched her head. “How old are you this year.”

    TenEighteen years old. ”Probably seeing a few strangers in front of her, she was a little nervous.

    “18 years old?”Speer said differently, “Isn’t that already adulthood?”

    “When did you find yourself awakened as a witch?”Scroll asks, “Let us explain the process in detail.”

    “at……Three days ago, at the night of the adulthood, “Asia replied in a fine voice. “My brother took a fish from the river and wanted to give it to me. I was taken away by the second sister. I only left half of the tail for me. I cried for a night with my quilt at night, and dreamed that the fish had returned to the bowl. When I woke up, I found that the fish was still there, and I had an older sister. ”

    “More than one sister…What does it mean ? ”Wendy was surprised.

    “A second sister sat at the table eating fish, and a second sister was scared on the ground, but soon the fish and the second sister disappeared…”Asia recalls, “I was able to feel…Those extra things should be related to me. But when I told them, I was beaten by my father and said that I should not scare my second sister. I really didn’t mean to scare her, who knows that dreaming will become true. ”

    “That’s not a dream,” Wendy said. “It’s the call for awakening.”

    When magic power is collected in the body of a witch, it is also called awakening day. In this process, the witch can not only feel the vision of changes in the body, but also because most people can not suppress the strange magic power, it will also lead to spontaneous Sexual ability to display. So the main reason for the loss of witch in the past is that apart from the extremely difficult-coming-of-age day, the second one is awakening day–the unconscious public show the singular effect of magic power, and everyone knows what will happen.

    But awakening day and coming-of-age day happen to be the same day, but it is a situation that Wendy has never seen before. Of course, this is not impossible, because the coming-of-age day itself is a more special awakening day.

    “Afterwards, the second sister said that I was a witch and could not stay at home. My brother said that witch has anything to do with it. There are so many witches in the small town, and the family has had a fight…”When it comes to the back, Asia’s voice is getting lower and lower. “Last they decided to send me here.”

    It seems that even the southern region who just came here has already begun to be influenced by the promotion of small town. Fortunately, she will not be tied up to Church like many sisters. Unfortunately, the family can not fully accept one. Name witch. But Wendy believes that such things will change over time… Small town locals are the best example.

    After she continued to ask some details, Agatha walked into the hall.

    “This is the new witch in small town?”

    Wendy nodded and briefly explained the identity and awakening experience of the other party. “How does the Federation test the ability of a witch?”

    “It’s generally divided into two parts,” Agatha took a magic stone out of her waist pocket after listening. “One is the specific form of observation ability, and the other is the balance of magic power using balanced magic stone.”Then she looked at Asia, “close your eyes and feel the magic power of the body.”

    “Do you need to cooperate with each other?”Wendy worries, “She only became a witch three days ago, I am afraid I can’t understand magic power.”

    “No,” Agatha whispered. “I just worried that she was scared.”

    During the speech, the stone filled with magic power bursts into a pale green glory, covering Asia. On her chest, a mist appeared gradually, and the center was pale yellow, which seemed to be able to dissipate at any time.

    “She didn’t lie,” after a moment of observation, Agatha interrupted the operation of the magic stone. “It is indeed a feature that awakening day and coming-of-age day happen on the same day. The type of ability is magic energy…That is, you are familiar with Summon type, magic power level…extremely low

    extremely lowWendy groaned. “Is this coincidence happening in Taqila?”

    “Federation has witnessed the awakening of thousands of witches, and things like this are not rare,” Agatha said with a little pride. “For a witch that wakes up at the end of the adulthood, there is no equivalent-of-age day. .”


    “Their magic power can’t form its cyclone, it still retains its shape before the adulthood, and naturally there is no unique branching ability and steady increase in the coming-of-age period. I don’t know if such a witch can produce a high rank awakening, but if it can’t go any further, the magic power problem will bother them for a lifetime. ”Speaking of her here paused, “Let’s take a look at Asia’s ability to talk about it. After all, the magic power stock is only one aspect, and the ability itself is the place to determine the value of the witch.”

    “Agatha !”Wendy frowned. Any one of the witches should be sisters who are brothers and sisters, not the ability to measure each other’s value.

    “This is the case in Holy City,” Agatha said at first. “Of course…I also believe in His Royal Highness that any abilities have their own unique uses, but they still have advantages and disadvantages. ”

    “you guys……What are you fighting for? ”Asia opened her eyes and looked confused.

    “Nothing,” Wendy smirked at her and smiled. “You try to show your ability to show it to everyone.”

    “hmm…The little girl held her breath and slowly extended the both hands. Soon the four saw the change – I saw the coffee table in the hall, and Wendy, Scroll and Speer’s appeared again. Although the two were talking, but the two were talking, but They can’t hear anything. White Paper, who had already left the hall, appeared next to Wendy and slowly climbed into her arms, revealing a sweet smile.

    Wendy subconsciously reached out and explored to himself, but the fingers crossed the figure, as if there was nothing in it.

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