525. Chapter 525 returns to Kingdom Capital

    Kingdom Capital ! After a year and a half, he is back!

    Barov looked at the clear blue stone wall and his heart was stirring.

    In fact, he had not calmed down from the time he received the order. His Royal Highness Prince defeated Timothy as expected, and he did so cleanly. The results proved once again that no one can resist the army of feudal lord in the Western Region. .

    Of course, it is not appropriate to call Roland the western region feudal lord.

    He is now the only son of Wimbledon III’s, the blood inheritor, the legal heir to the royal family.

    The obstacles to the throne have been swept away.

    It is foreseeable that Roland will soon be crowned king.

    And he will also become the Imperial Prime Minister under power only after King…This joy made Barov immersed in the boundless delusion – what kind of expression would you show when you remembered that your “old friends” saw themselves climbing to the highs they couldn’t think of? Shocked, embarrassed, envious, even if you bite your teeth, you have to be strong and laugh, desperately please? These scenes are just a matter of thinking and making him happy. If you can let your former mentor, Minister of Finance Lauren Moore see this scene is even better.


    The cement boat slowly docked in the outskirts of the dock, and Barov walked down the trestle and, along with his fellow Cam Schuire and others, escorted the First Army soldiers through the familiar streets and into the inner city palace.

    The Twin Towers Palace is still as majestic as the memory. In the past, he could only look far away from the City Hall’s cabin, but now he can walk into the palace.

    Straight up to the high tower study, he saw Roland Wimbledon again.

    Barov is kneeling on one knee with excitement: “Your Majesty, Kingdom of Greycastle is yours!”

    “In fact, the eastern region and Northern Lands are still the remnants of Timothy’s resilience,” Roland smiled. “Get up, we have a lot of important things to talk about.”

    His expression is as always, the tone is calm, and it is easy to be close to people, as if it is completely unaffected by the imminent king. Barov is more respectful. He slowly stands up and raises his chest. “Yes, Your Majesty.”

    “The task at the top of the list is to maintain the operation of Kingdom Capital. I have already explained it in the letter,” Roland a cup of hot tea. He handed him in front of him. “Do you have a preliminary plan?”

    Barov quickly took the cup. “It’s not difficult to keep the order. You can hand me the little noble and they will know the pros and cons.” And I also brought ten of the most outstanding disciples from Bentham, some are good at business, some are good at taxation, even if I am not here, they stare at City Hall, the noble can not steal any oil. ”He paused, added, “But you have to let the left-behind First Army cooperate with their supervision work, without the military force to protect, it is difficult for supervision to play its due warning role.”

    Roland looks a little surprised. “You don’t want to stay at Kingdom Capital?”

    “Of course not, Your Majesty,” Barov did not hesitate to answer. “Neverwinter City’s government is complex and much more important. I can’t leave too long. If you handle these trivial things yourself, it’s too laborious. Please let me continue to manage Neverwinter City City Hall for you. It is my right thing to work with you. ”

    He thought very clearly that Your Majesty had decided that Neverwinter City would be Greycastle’s new capital city, so it would sooner or later surpass the city – now the population and development potential of the former have left Kinder Capital behind, with a new recruit The expansion of the plan will undoubtedly exceed the size of any great city in Four Great Kingdoms. Staying at Kingdom Capital can experience the wailing of those “old friends,” but it will be annoying when you listen too much, and these wailing will not bring power, but will gradually move away from the center of power. Only in the presence of Your Majesty Roland can he be deeply impressed, and Barov knows it.

    Roland stared at him for a moment with great interest until he whispered his head and agreed. “That’s it, but the premise is that Kingdom Capital won’t be confused by the replacement of City Hall officials.” You should be clear that I need every citizen of the city. ”


    Then Your Majesty inquired about the mining and farming planting situation in Longsong region, especially the latter, and the details of the division and promotion rules of the serf’s responsibility field were not put in place. Fortunately, Barov’s preference for Roland is clear. This aspect has been known to Petrov in advance, and the answer is very smooth, so that Your Majesty can’t help but nod.

    The afternoon passed quickly. When asked the last question, Roland patted him on the shoulder with satisfaction. “You did a good job, so I can let go of the battle outside.” Let’s go have dinner first, and tomorrow we will talk about the development plan of Longsong region. ”

    YesBarov hesitated, and he found that there was no such thing as a coronation in so many questions. “Your Majesty, when are you going to be king and tell the world?”

    “There is no such plan yet.”Roland replied easily.

    “What?”City Hall Premier Minister can’t believe his ears. “The sooner this kind of thing is implemented, the better!” It can bring you great prestige, and it can also condense the hearts and minds of the people of the land, and there is no harm to you! Why are you -“

    “Because of time,” Roland interrupted his words, got up and walked to the window, looking at the majestic city at dusk. “I asked the ceremonial officer that a complete enthronement ceremony would take several months to prepare, except for casting gold. The crown and the gem scepter will also send an invitation to Church and the other three countries to wait until their envoy arrives. Even if you remove the Holy City of Hermes, Eternal Winter, and Wolf Heart, it would take more than a month to contact Dawn, which would seriously drag down the second half of the spring offensive. ”

    “You can simplify this process…”

    “The reputation that comes with it will be greatly reduced, even negatively affected,” he shrugged. “Even Timothy followed this process, and I can’t seem to be more anxious than him. But the ambassador sent to Dawn will soon be set off, I will let him take the news with him, and wait for the exact answer, and it is not too late to consider it. ”


    After Barov retired, Roland sighed softly.

    He still has a reason not to explain to the other party, that is, it is deeply influenced by the concept of “Growing grain, slowing the king”, or that it is a big money…Now he only occupies the Western Region, and the site is still less than one-third of Timothy’s title, and it’s better to converge before Church has officially attacked the Kingdom of Dawn. If Hermes prioritizes himself, he will be in trouble— – Although he is not afraid to open his face with Church, he does not want to hate for others.

    Then he called Cam Schuire to the study.

    I hope that my chief alchemist already has a way to convince the Kingdom Capital Alchemy Association.

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