598. Chapter 598 burial

    The next day, Roland told Tilly and others about the news.

    “She actually gave the witch a shameless noble as a reward?”Waiting for the Fifth Princess to open, Ash screamed impatiently. If it wasn’t for Andrea, it was estimated that he had already gone straight to the dungeon.

    “Miss Nightingale has already confirmed it?”Tilly asked calmly.

    “It’s just a simple test of two sentences, she has recruited everything,” Roland told the story of what happened in prison. “I thought I wouldn’t get the results so quickly. She was more vulnerable than I thought.”According to his assumptions, yesterday’s inquiry was only routine intimidation, and did not want to ask something. If the other party refused to let go, the subsequent interrogation was a formal meal. Because of this, he did not unlock the God Punishment Lock on Hetty, and Hetty did not know that Nightingale’s ability to lie was not based on sound, but through the observation of magic power.

    “So that’s it,” Tilly nodded. “Thank you for doing this for me.”

    “I am your brother, don’t be so polite,” Roland took the opportunity to pull. “Hetty Morgan is also a Sleeping Island’s witch. It should be handed over to you.”

    I understandTilly was silent for a while. “If this happened in Neverwinter City, what would you do?”

    Roland stared at her gem-like eyes, and saw a little sadness and regret in the gray pupil, but more of a silent anger.

    She has made a decision.

    “I will be like you.”Roland comforted.

    This sentence is equivalent to the death sentence of Hetty Morgan.

    Tilly no longer hesitated, she whispered a few words to Ash’s ear, and Ash nodded and turned away from the office.

    “Then I will leave, my brother.”

    It can be seen that Tilly’s mood is very low. At this time, Roland can’t say anything. When she is getting ready to get her back to the witch building, an excited scream suddenly sounds behind her. It is listening to the magic stone from the arms of Nightingale. Sent.

    “Here is Lightning, repeat, here is Lightning, Asia has found the time of the change!”

    The words of the little girl made everyone in the room feel awkward.

    “Hey, what did she see?”Roland asked.

    “The huge mouth, tentacles, two monsters, I don’t know how to describe it,” Lightning’s voice sounded extremely excited. “This is an unprecedented discovery, my God…Your Majesty, you’d better take a look! ”

    这是Tilly wondered.

    “They are exploring the Devil camp behind the snow-capped mountains, where the red mist dissipated a week ago,” Roland explained briefly. “These things I want to tell you today, just…”

    “I almost forgot about Devil,” Tilly took a deep breath. “But a more detailed situation, you can tell me on the road.”

    “On the road?”Roland is a little bit stunned.

    “Can’t I go with you?”She blinked.

    It is the Fifth Princess who was very strong from an early age. When faced with key events, he can immediately adjust his mentality and throw his personal emotions behind him. It is a must-have quality to become a ruler. Roland secretly feels that at this point, her talent is far better than herself.

    And with Tilly, it means that Ash and Andrea will accompany you, and the safety factor will be greatly increased. There is absolutely no reason for not agreeing.

    “No, of course no problem,” he nodded.


    Hetty leaned against the cage and waited for Roland to take her out of the area.

    The Blood Tooth Association is completely over, and Tilly will certainly not allow himself to return to Sleeping Island, but as the Morgan royal family, she has found a new path to recovery.

    That is to rely on the secular power of Kingdom of Greycastle to help them regain their throne.

    Hetty is more convinced of his own promise than the other’s promises—perhaps he just has a relationship with Tilly, and it is inconvenient to agree directly, insisting that the whereabouts of those witches is also to give an explanation to Sleeping Island.

    She firmly believes that no noble can turn a blind eye to such a big temptation – half of the heart of Wolf Heart will bring him unimaginable wealth and prestige, and his name will be engraved in history books, forever passed down. .

    As for yourself? Maybe it will be embarrassed by the later nobles, but she doesn’t care, as long as she can become the king of Wolf Heart, everything can be abandoned.

    Then she can officially launch revenge.

    To those who turned away from her, turned away from the father’s noble revenge.

    She vowed to hang those traitors one by one, hanging at the city gate to announce to everyone, this is the end of the people who framed Morgan Dagong.

    Suddenly, the iron door of the basement was pushed open, and the creaking friction was particularly loud in the silent dungeon.

    Hetty climbed up immediately and looked at the end of the passage with the railing.

    However, it was not Roland Wimbledon who appeared in her view, but Ash, who was sinking in the water.

    She suddenly felt a chill rising from the soles of her feet.

    “You, what are you doing here, Your Majesty Roland?”

    “You should know the purpose of my coming here,” Ash stepped into the cage. He took a step back and Hetty stepped back, but soon, she had no way to retreat. When you hand in an innocent witch to the noble, you should expect that there will be such a day.”

    “No!Hetty screamed, “Your Majesty Roland promised not to care about this, he has forgiven me, you are violating King’s order! where is he? I want to see him! ”

    Ash both hands Hold the iron railing and kick it open, bending over and coming into the prison. “Those witches come with a sly look, hoping to find the forerunner’s shelter in the Blood Tooth Association, hoping to catch without Church. Under the situation of sleeping, you can sleep well, hoping that you won’t worry about what you eat every day, but you fail them. Not only that, but they also sent them to hell. Witches escaped from Church’s containment, but was harmed by their own kind, even if Roland would forgive you, I can’t think that nothing happened. ”

    This guy……Did you overhear his conversation with Your Majesty Roland? Or did he tell Tilly about these things? Hetty stunnedly grabbed the God Punishment Lock between his necks, but it was completely wrapped in a hoop and could not be removed by fingers alone.

    “I will help you,” Ash approached the wall, reached over her throat and lifted her up.

    Under the huge grip, the hoop began to tighten inward, and Hetty quickly felt difficulty breathing – her body was like a dehydrated fish, and her feet were squatting, trying to find a fulcrum, but all attempts failed. Blurring, Ash’s figure has also become erratic.

    Why is that?

    She doesn’t want to die here, she is the only successor to the throne, the king of the future Wolf Heart…

    The fangs Throne seemed to be away from her, and the laughing laughter of the nobles returned to the ear.

    With the sound of kā chā, the iron ring was embedded in the soft neck, and Hetty’s struggle stopped.

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