602. Symptoms of Chapter 602 Constellation

    Scattered Star’s both hands trembled, but it’s not yet time.

    “When the Red Moon comes down, the world will be in a disaster.”

    He naturally knows the meaning of this prophecy.

    After taking a deep breath, the chief astrologer carefully raised the head, for fear of losing this hard-won star because of the extra action of this stargazer.

    Although he closed his eyes, he could find this position again.

    “Record, between the three districts of the early summer, the six stars and the blazing stars.”

    “Yes,” he groped his own, then drew a circle at the corresponding position, which meant that there was another star on the constellation map. “What about the name?”

    “Being not.”

    TeacherA little glimpse.

    “Do as I said, don’t remember the name first.”Scattered Star repeated, “In addition, the scholars on the current star-studded stage are called together, and then the apprentices leave…Immediate

    His last voice is almost low.

    “I will do it right away,” he was shocked, and then ran to other astrologers.

    May the heavenly gods bless us, Scattered Star thought.

    In a short while, all the Scholars gathered around the chief astrologer.

    From his serious look, everyone seems to realize what it has been – since Roland visited the Astrology Association, the rumors of the World Extermination Star are no longer secret between the astrologers. The young King even suggested that the chief handed over the gold of the ancestors to all the Scholars. One is to improve their purpose in stargazing, and the other is to give them responsibility and glory. I don’t know if it is an illusion. Scattered Star always felt that Your Majesty had some disapproval of the Judgement Day tone.

    “Chief, are you…”

    He nodded. “I found a red star.”

    This made everyone breathe.

    “But I don’t know if it’s a spot, or an illusion…”Scattered Star waved, “This phenomenon is very common in stargazing, so…”

    “So we need to review it.”The Nether Star takes over.

    “Yes,” he nodded. “Start with you first.”


    After one hour, the eight astrologers were all watched again – in order to troubleshoot the instrument, they also changed the telescope twice and an old-fashioned stargazer.

    Except for the fact that the latter could not observe the red star, no matter which Astronomical Telescope was used, everyone clearly saw the dim star.

    A person may be dazzled or have an illusion, but it is impossible for eight people to do the same.

    Among the best-eyed Rose Stars, they also claimed to have seen the outline of the star.

    The existence of “Red Star” has been confirmed.

    Then Astrology Station fell into a strange silence.

    Scattered Star doesn’t know if this is the blessing or punishment of the gods. From the joining of the join, all the efforts are for this day, in order to find this World Extermination Star that shows the misfortune and disaster. But when he really found it, there was a sudden fear in his heart.

    Their efforts have paid off, and early predictions of disasters can save the lives of tens of thousands of people. From this moment on, the Astrology Association will be completely above the Alchemy Association, and this result cannot even be measured by gold royal. Their warnings are in some ways the most vicious curse.

    Predicting Judgement Day will be a heavy responsibility for the astrologers.

    What are we going to do?It took a long time for someone to ask.

    “According to the truth, you should report this to King.”

    “You mean Roland Wimbledon? Will he believe it? ”

    “He won’t disappear even if he doesn’t believe in the stars.”

    “No, I mean he may not believe in the predictions about the World Extermination Star.”

    “Well, I have to try it. After all, these instruments are still given to Astrology Station. I always sneer at us.”

    “Who knows, he was notoriously stubborn when he was at Kingdom Capital.”

    “If he is stubborn, he will not leave us in the first place!”

    “Enough,” Scattered Star raised his hand and interrupted the discussion. “The news of the red star is not to be revealed for the time being. Let’s watch it for a few more days.”

    He looked around every Scholar around him. “It’s not enough to know that it exists. I want to know the Orbit it runs, the speed of travel, and how long it may come to the world. The more clues we collect, the more convincing our predictions are, understand? ”

    “As you wish, chief adult.”Everyone went to the body.


    After a week of observation, Scattered Star felt that the star was becoming more and more incredible.

    It won’t move.

    All the stars are moving, they sometimes appear on the horizon, and then slowly rise to mid-air, and some will disappear after midnight. This change shows regularity, otherwise there is no Orbit.

    But the World Extermination Star has no signs of moving at all.

    Seven days to make the six stars slightly tilted a little – when the fall comes, it will gradually change from six horizontal lines to six vertical lines, so that the red star is moving away from the center of the two constellations.

    It is in this contrast that Scattered Star is surprised that it has not changed, as if it were not a star, but a fixed background under the night.

    Since it doesn’t move, it’s impossible near Four Great Kingdoms.

    According to the prophecy, the World Extermination Star must be born—that is, anyone can see it directly with the naked eye, and the disaster will come. If the content on the gold piece is correct, does this mean that the Judgement Day disaster will never come?

    The second point is that its light is changing.

    This conclusion comes from the Rose Star Scholar, whose record shows that the stars are getting a little brighter.

    At the beginning, when she mentioned this to her alone, Scattered Star didn’t care. After all, the stars are very stable things, unlike the moon, changing shape and luster. But on the seventh day, the Stanley, who returned from the sick, also put forward the same view. Plus, they are the two best astrologers in the association, which has to be taken seriously.

    After the discussion of the crowd that night, the female singular whimsy made people in the place shudder.

    “If the world is meant to let the people of the kingdom see it, is there such a possibility? Even if the World Extermination Star does not move, the brighter and brighter light will eventually make it surpass the Venus and become a high hanging. The torch in the air is seen by everyone?”

    This sentence blew in the heart of Scattered Star like a thunder.

    The people just don’t know how to recognize the constellation, but it doesn’t mean they can’t see the stars.

    The brightness of some stars is almost the same as that of the string moon. As long as it is a sunny night, you can always see them.

    What if the star has a unique eye-catching color?

    The answer is no doubt.

    “I am writing to Your Majesty Roland now,” said the chief astrologer, who said, “I hope it will not be too late.”

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