617. Chapter 617 Cold Wind Ridge’s Rose

    Back in the room, Iffy listened quietly to Tilly, talking about the beginning of the Blood Tooth Association and the real purpose of Hetty Morgan. When she heard that Anne was handed over to noble by Sky Fire, she felt something was pinched.

    “Hetty…What about her? ”

    “I have been punished as it should,” Ash, standing behind Tilly, replied, “In addition, during the arrest, Sky Fire tried to resist and also walked the same path with Hetty.”

    “Really?”Thank you!Iffy is soft.

    The fist she had just pinched couldn’t help but loose, and suddenly felt a little lost.

    Although the culprit causing all of this has paid the price, she did not feel much relaxed, but instead gave birth to a sigh of relief because she lost her goal of hate. And as the only person who has not been punished, her sin is even deeper.

    “I hope you can help Sleeping Island get back on track,” Tilly paused for a moment and said, “The rest of the Blood Tooth Association members are like you, who are deceived and framed by Hetty. They should not be implicated or discriminated against. . The combat witch’s bullying of the support witch is a mistake, but the reverse is not going to be good. ”

    Without much hesitation, Iffy nodded. “I am willing to help you.”

    I didn’t think she would agree so quickly. Tilly looked a little surprised. “You can promise that would be great.”

    How can I contribute?

    “Talk to other members of the Blood Tooth Association about the story of you and Anne, then it will be alright, and Hetty’s crimes will be made public to everyone.”Tilly said, “When I completely eradicate Church, I will send people to Wolf Heart to search for these noble-trapped witches. If they are still alive, Your Majesty Roland will be responsible for saving them.”

    I understand

    If there is any way to alleviate this sin, she will try her best.

    “You…Are you ok? ”Tilly suddenly bent down and rubbed his hand to wipe Iffy’s cheek, which suddenly felt a warmth on his face.

    “It doesn’t matter,” she blinked. “I’m just some…Sleepy. ”

    Fifth Princess looked at her for a long time in silence. “Don’t be too sad, take a rest.”

    It wasn’t until the footsteps of the two went away that Iffy was unable to lean on the bed.

    She did not cry.

    This is just the natural reaction of the body, she told herself.

    No sadness, no weakness.

    But she misses Anne’s proof.

    Tears flow faster.


    Roland sat at his desk and flipped through the Adviser Department’s evacuation statistics report. The candlelight swaying at the table made him dizzy – he hadn’t tried to read the lights for a long time, and now he’s a little uncomfortable to use. I thought I had pulled civilization into modern times ahead of time, but in Quiet Valley Town, everything was returned to the model.

    No shower, no soap, no lights…There is nothing better than when you first arrived in Border Town. The beginning of industrialization is only a sharp tip in the Western Region. There are still many jobs to be done to make the chimney and the boiler full of the country.

    Roland put down the report and just wanted to blink his eyes. A pair of soft invisible hands had reached his forehead and gently pressed.

    “Thank you,” he made a slap in the face and continued to look at the report.

    On the days when Barov was absent, Sir Schilt worked very well as an office assistant. At least in terms of statistics and reports, he did a great job, no less than the specially trained guys in City Hall.

    “How many people are willing to travel to the Western Region?”

    “At least 70%, Your Majesty,” Sir answered. “Cold Wind Ridge is not a place to live. I asked Duke, if not for the purpose of monitoring Church’s, there would be no town at all. The remaining 30%, most of them have their own farmland or industry in the northern region. ”

    “Very well, you can make plans now. Try not to let the ships go back empty. Every time you pick up a group of people and bring them back to the Western Region.”

    “But, Calvin Duke is over there…”

    “I will explain to him,” Roland drank a cup of tea. “After the war, no matter whether you win or lose, you don’t need to send someone to camp on Cold Wind Ridge.”

    “What is it, Your Majesty?”Schilt wondered.

    “No…Nothing,” Just as he had just said that no matter whether he won or lost, Nightingale suddenly grabbed his mouth and let him slam the words back. “In short, I would do it will be alright.” ”

    “Follow, Your Majesty.”

    Just as the old jazz was about to leave, personal guard Sean pushed the door away and came in.

    “Your Majesty Roland, a woman outside the castle wants to see you and is stopped by the guards. But she was kneeling on the ground and said that she would never leave without seeing you. ”

    Now,He subconsciously looked out the window, and the entire small town had fallen into a quiet night.

    “Yes, she seems to have deliberately waited until this time. I saw her twice in the castle area during the day, and…”Sean hesitant, “She calls herself Mrs. Wimbledon.”

    Upon hearing this answer, Roland almost didn’t get caught in the saliva. This is impossible! As far as he knows, Fourth Prince has never been to Northern Lands, how can a lover come out of nowhere! However, after talking about it for a while, he decided to call her come in to ask questions. First, he could dispel the doubts of Nightingale. Second, he was really curious. If the other party is noble, it can be said to be in pursuit of the wind and snow. Romantic, but she is just a civilian, this lie is a full felony.

    When the woman walked into the study, Roland suddenly felt bright.

    Her appearance is not particularly outstanding, but the five senses have a unique charm. The short and thin body has a kind of inexplicable stability and softness. In plain language, it is obviously not big, but it is like a wife who has full skills. The dirty mud on the long skirt is the perfect reflection of this weakness and strength.

    “Esteemed Your Majesty,” the woman bowed her knees, “Cold Wind Ridge’s Olivia is like you.”

    “I want to know, what is your so-called Mrs. Wimbledon?”Roland went straight to the theme. “Listen to personal guard, do you deliberately wait until late at night to come to the castle?” If you want to lie in this name, you should know the consequences? ”

    “Please forgive me, Your Majesty. If you don’t say this, you won’t see me at all,” she bit her teeth. “I can’t be your brother’s real wife, but we really loved it.”

    Sure enough, just a liar, wait…Roland slammed, what did she say? My brother?


    She shook her head.


    Olivia blushes and falls down on the ground. “I know that Gerald had an attempt to the throne, but he is dead now…Your Majesty, can you help me with his help? Please! ”

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