712. Chapter 712 Military Parade

    The next day Roland got up very late by convention. When he woke up, Anna was gone, only a few linen-colored hairs falling from the corners of the arms, and a reassuring fragrance.

    There was a breakfast next to the bedside table, apparently she brought it from the kitchen. There was a note on the plate with a short line of words: “I know you like to sleep late, I will not accompany you.” “

    I can’t forget the work at this time, get up on time…Can only say that she is indeed a serious person.

    Roland shook his head helplessly, turning over and getting out of bed, even if the castle was full of heaters, leaving a comfortable bed in the winter was a difficult process. Anna’s washed tub still exudes a sigh of heat. He simply washed the face with the warm water left in the basin, then took the breakfast and walked gently to the third floor office.

    Pushing open the office door, Barov and Edith are already waiting for him. Nightingale stayed in the old place, the exclusive lounge chair by the fireplace, while watching the witch comic strip, chewing the dred fish, the cozy expression looks the same.

    “So early today?”Roland pretending to say nothing, “What’s the matter to sit down and talk about.”

    “Cough cough,” City Hall Premier Minister seems to have long since cleared his throat. “Your Majesty, the logistics preparation for the attack on the Extreme Southern Region has been completed, and the recruitment of the prepared soldiers is also going well, until next spring. First The total number of Army is expected to reach 7,000, which is an unbeatable force in Greycastle.”

    “Just in Greycastle,” Edith said coldly. “Your Majesty is not dealing with the stupid Knight and noble.”

    Roland smiled and opened the report on the table. “It is true. If you want to fight against Devil, population expansion and army building cannot stop. Under the situation that does not affect production, the First Army recruits as many soldiers as possible. ”

    Although slightly dissatisfied, in the situation where King had already opened, Barov had to respond to it and glanced at Pearl of the Northern Lands.

    According to common sense, the recruitment and logistical logistics of the soldiers should be done by the First Army. Whether it is Iron Axe or several of his generals, most of them are of low origin, and they may be able to fight for the battle. They will not know anything about finance and administration. . Therefore, the issue of money and food is still to be completed by Barov.

    In the future, the size of the First Army will be further expanded. This kind of staffing will obviously be difficult to continue. The simple management framework established by the original head can no longer meet the future development. Perhaps it is time to make a new round of reforms to the military system.

    Roland took his attention back to the report, and according to Iron Axe’s plan, the soldiers who attacked the Extreme Southern Region were around a thousand – Neverwinter City dispatched 500 veterans and joined the 500 recruits stationed at Fallen Dragon Ridge. Then follow the Silver River Oasis to Iron Sand City.

    As long as you carry two 152mm stronghold guns, there should be no major problems with such a force to overcome Iron Sand City. But the key to conquering Sandpeople is not the siege, but the sacred duel, so the First Army’s more role is to escort and maintain order.

    The logistics of a thousand people has been handy for City Hall, and the details involved have become more and more complete. In the past, the situation that required one thing to be personally gone is gone, and even some details are beyond his expectations. The scope is obviously the experience accumulated after several actual combat.

    “Very good, just do it,” Roland closed the report and looked at the Pearl of the Northern Lands. “Do you have anything to say?”

    If you only report logistics, Edith should not come with Barov.

    She has never been the kind of person who likes to grab a job.

    “Yes, Your Majesty,” Edith nodded. “I heard Iron Axe say, are you going to hold a cannon exercise?”

    “Well, that’s right.”

    “What I think is…Can the people of Neverwinter City also participate in the onlookers? ”Her second sentence made Roland’s eyes shine. “If your people can see such a spectacular sight, they should be able to greatly enhance their enthusiasm for joining the army. In the future, Devil’s battle will inevitably be full of confidence.”

    “How can this kind of thing involve the public?”Barov frowned. “You haven’t seen the scene of the explosives exploding. What if they were scared and thought it was the heavenly punishment of gods?”

    “That is also heavenly punishment controlled by Your Majesty. As long as the propaganda work is done, the scare can be minimized,” Edith bluntly said. “Even if it is a fief feudal lord, there will be occasional public performances to decide which Knight is more brave.” In addition to some fun for the nobles, there is also the intention to declare the military force to the citizen. ”

    “Cannon is not a wooden gun in Knight’s hand!”

    “We can divide the viewing position on the wall and send the police to maintain order. Considering the limited number of seats, it is a more reasonable choice to enter by ticket. The two silver royal fares can prevent people from coming in and add extra income. ”Edith talked about it and obviously made a comprehensive consideration of the proposal. “In addition, the onlookers should also screen. The age of the ticket buyers should be between the ages of 15 and 30. This is also the future industry of Neverwinter City. The main players, raising their beliefs, will help against War of Divine Will. And some key departments, such as City Hall staff, I think should be mandatory to participate…”

    Roland is very moved in the heart. Isn’t this the parade? It is possible to link live-fire parades and performances, earning money while at the same time being politically sensitive, and the talents lacking in military reform may be in sight.

    When he thought of it, he nodded. “It sounds good. Just do what you said.”

    Neverwinter City really needs a little exciting news.


    May carrying a basket of Bird Mouth Mushroom through the square, I found that the field was full of people, even if there was a small snow on the top of the head, it did not prevent everyone from gathering around the bulletin board.

    She curiously followed the past, only to see the promoters shouting in the crowd, “Esteemed’s His Majesty The King will hold a public artillery drill three days later, just west of the city wall, against the Evil Beast’s front line! Want to see first-hand how the First Army’s latest sharp weapon smashed the Evil Beast? Want to feel the shock of the skyfury? Sign up now at City Hall! As long as you meet the conditions, with the ID card and two silver royals, you can get a close look at the Western Region people’s chances of fighting! The location is limited, the opportunity is rare, if you miss it, you have to wait until next winter! ”

    This is another new idea that Your Majesty has come up with. Even the propaganda words are so unique. May grin, and Carter will probably be interested in it. However, she did not need to go to the City Hall to buy tickets, as Chief Knight, will certainly be able to attend this exercise with Your Majesty.

    As for herself, she never likes these things related to killing.

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