756. Chapter 756 magic power tide

聽聽聽聽Roland groaned. “Is there any problem?”

聽聽聽聽Here’s how it works.Felice hesitated. “I heard that in your territory, only one witch was awakened last year?”

聽聽聽聽He pulled out a list from the drawer – it was Wendy’s statistics, which recorded the awakening day and the coming-of-age day for each witch, lest he miss the second new life of the witches.

聽聽聽聽鈥淚t should be right,鈥?Roland looked through the list and nodded. 鈥淎lthough Months of Demon joined the two witches last year, White Paper was awakened as early as three years ago. It鈥檚 only a year of awakening. ……And her awakening day happens to be the coming-of-age day. 鈥?/p>

聽聽聽聽“This shouldn’t be, Your Majesty,” Felice frowned. “How many people were there in your city last year? 20,000 or 30,000? 鈥?/p>

聽聽聽聽“There should be 50,000.” When it comes to the population, Roland can’t help but be proud. “The number of Neverwinter City has exceeded 100,000 this year.”

聽聽聽聽“The 100,000 words are almost the same as the early Anlieta. Before the exit of Fertile Plain, Taqila was only about 250,000, but…Do you know the number of awakenings in the two Holy City each year? 鈥滷elice whispered, “Even if it is the poorest period of magic power, Anlieta is no less than ten people, and Taqila is close to three times this number.”

聽聽聽聽“magic power ……A period of poverty? 鈥?/p>

聽聽聽聽鈥淵es, the magic power that fills the world is ups and downs, like the tides.鈥滱gatha explains, 鈥淭he two years after the arrival of Red Moon are also the most abundant moments of magic power, and new witches appear almost every day. Then the free magic power will slowly weaken, and the time between the two Red Moons can be regarded as a poor period, and almost only wait until the Months of Demon will appear awakened. 鈥?/p>

聽聽聽聽The more powerful the magic power is, the easier it is for the witch to wake up. Roland also mentioned Agatha before. Only he thought that magic power would usher in a peak every year. I didn’t expect it to fluctuate wildly for hundreds of years. “But we are not far from the third War of Divine Will. 鈥?/p>

聽聽聽聽鈥淭his is the most worrying issue,鈥?Felice said with a worried color. 鈥淭he emergence of Infernal Dread Beast means Red Moon is coming, the magic power trend should be more active, and according to Celine鈥檚 tests, the truth is true. in this way. But why is the number of wakes in the witch so low? Even if no one is awakened in the city, there should be many witches in the suburbs and villages. For example, in the Taqila era, the surrounding territories provided more witches than Holy City. In general, the larger the total population, the more the witch, which is the rule that the Federation has summed up for hundreds of years. 鈥?/p>

聽聽聽聽鈥淚 thought at first that Neverwinter City deliberately abandoned the woman when recruiting people. Later, she thought that Church’s influence made the new life witch not easy to express her identity, and they did not immediately join Neverwinter City…The result does not seem to be the case. 鈥滱gatha said slowly, 鈥淧arsha also discussed it, and the final conclusion is: Perhaps there are factors that affect the awakening of the new witch, and there is a tendency to gradually expand.鈥?/p>

聽聽聽聽Roland pondered for a while before he said, “Assuming this guess is correct, do you have a way to find out what is causing this?”

聽聽聽聽The two looked at each other and simulated their heads.

聽聽聽聽“If you can’t solve it, let’s take a break as a gods,” he said. “In any case, no matter how the probability of awakening changes, we have to drive Devil out of the Land of the Dawn, isn’t it?”

聽聽聽聽Fortunately, once the industrial production has laid the foundation, the demand for witch is far less strong than that of the God Punishment Army or Heaven’s Chosen One, otherwise it is really a terrible news.

聽聽聽聽“What you said…It鈥檚 true,鈥?Felice probably didn鈥檛 expect Roland鈥檚 confidence in fighting Devil to be unaffected. It took a while to come back. 鈥淚n any case, we have to beat Devil. 鈥?/p>

聽聽聽聽鈥淭his is the case,鈥?Roland smiled. 鈥淥h, yes…I was looking for you before I wanted to ask about one thing. 鈥滺e told himself about the possible dangers of witch awakening. “How did Federation handle such incidents when in Taqila?”

聽聽聽聽鈥淚t鈥檚 very simple, Your Majesty,鈥?Felice鈥檚 tone was more Esteemed. She no longer looked directly at Roland, but lowered her head slightly. 鈥淓veryone in that era understood the rule of the quarter.鈥?/p>

聽聽聽聽“Half quarter clock rule?”

聽聽聽聽“Yes, the witch is not without warning before the awakening. The magic power will flow from the free state to the awakened body. This process will last for about a quarter of an hour.”Felice replied, 鈥淚n the beginning, the abdomen was tingling and burning, and then it became stronger until the first backlash appeared. The specific pain level varies from person to person, and the physically strong person does not even have much influence, but The slight tingling sensation is still detectable.”

聽聽聽聽She is paused, “and the rule of a quarter of an hour is: as long as the witch announces that he is about to wake up during this time, the people around him must leave her immediately. If there is no casualties caused by avoidance, the mortal must not ask the Federation for compensation. If a loss is caused to a fixed place, it will be paid by Federation.”

聽聽聽聽This is a fresh approach, Roland conceived, on the premise that everyone is very familiar with witch, especially the little girl who is not adulthood. When encountering a sudden sting, the first reaction is to make a declaration, not a doubt. I have eaten my stomach.

聽聽聽聽“If the injured are the same witch?”

聽聽聽聽“If you don’t announce it in advance, the new awakened will face punishment – whipping or money, depending on the consequences. If you have announced it in advance, the Federation will assume full responsibility. However, such a situation is rare. After all, the combat witch itself is a minority, and there is even less ability to cause harm at the beginning of the awakening. 鈥?/p>

聽聽聽聽In other words, in the Taqila era, if a mortal does not avoid it in time, he can only admit that he is unlucky. In the special era of the witch’s superiority, it is understandable that they do this. Roland obviously impossible to copy this method, but can be used to some extent.

聽聽聽聽Undoubtedly, aside from the penalty part, the semi-circular rule has its advanced point: it at least advertises a concept that makes everyone understand that witch is born inside human beings, and that every unadulthood woman is possible, whether accepted or not. Awakening to witch. This is like the red light of the later generations, the green light line, all you can do is to follow the rules to avoid damage.

聽聽聽聽Of course, the complete exemption is impossible. Roland thinks, if you take another step in this rule, treat the witch and the ordinary people equally, and hand over the damage after the announcement to City Hall, without making a declaration and causing serious consequences. In accordance with the fault of the man who died…Or specifically to develop a law that stipulates the behavior of witch, just like the traffic laws of later generations, it may be able to alleviate this contradiction to some extent.

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