Reset of The Apocalypse

Vol 10 Chapter 700: :test

Biquge, the fastest update to restart the latest chapter of the last days!

"One hundred thousand black city coins, how many women are enough for me to play!"

"I heard it was Princess Jinyue's life was in danger, and the bloodsnake snake horn was badly needed to save her life!"

"Damn, the daughter of this city owner is different. A life can cost 100,000 black city coins. It is really worthwhile to die, I am grass!"

"Blood tendon snakes are not a good thing. They are venomous and hard to catch, and the long-horned blood tendon snakes are all grown-ups, which is equivalent to the ninth-order physique of human beings. Cooperation is not to think at all! "

There was a lot of discussion on the square, and they were extremely envious and sighed.

The little girl frowned slightly, glanced at Lin Chao secretly, and saw Lin Chao's expression calm, no intention to move, and then he was slightly relieved, whispered: "This money is not easy to earn, shall we not go?"

Lin Chao glanced at her, and the cleverness of this little thing surprised him again. Although the money for this reward is high, but according to the survival rules of this world, unless Lin Chao has a strong background, he will immediately turn in the **** snake horn. Being secretly executed and want to get one hundred thousand black city coins? Dreaming!

"Let's go." Lin Chao turned and left, came to the square, and took a Murcia humane of the Third Age: "Where is the accommodation?"

The man was suddenly stopped, annoyed, and when he saw Lin Chao's cold eyes and innocently asked, he immediately changed his face slightly and said with a strong smile: "There is an intersection turning left in front."

Lin Chao snorted coldly and turned to leave.

The man was relieved, only to feel a cold sweat on his back for a moment, and quickly left here.

Came to the hotel at the intersection, Lin Chao did not stop. Going straight in, the hotel is pretty good, relatively clean, and the air has no smell. An Atlanta waitress in the hotel lobby saw Lin Chao, and her eyes lit up. From the clean appearance of Lin Chao, she could tell at a glance that this was a rich owner, and immediately stepped forward to show a sweet smile, saying: " May I help you? "

Lin Chao said indifferently: "Give me a room. Clean."

"It's no problem." The Atlan woman really thought, and the smile on her face was a little sweeter. She immediately led Lin Chao to the front desk to register. Because Lin Chao was an outsider, she performed an iris scan and recorded her identity information. After paying ten days of accommodation in black coins, the room card was given.

Seeing Lin Chao's black city coins, the Atlanta woman and the middle-aged man registered at the front desk looked more respectful. After completing the procedures, Lin Chao followed the Atlanta woman up the stone ladder and passed some While on the floor, Lin Chao clearly smelled of the odor and the pungent smell of air purifier. Obviously "low-cost housing".

Soon, before coming to the rented room, Lin Chao gave the woman in Atlanta a tip for the white paper money he found. After two changes, Lin Chao already knew that a white paper money was equivalent to ten black paper money. Coins, which surprised the latter, and even a little bit at a loss.

She seldom met people who would tip, and extremely wealthy people dismissed them. It is dirty to give money. People who are generally small and expensive are reluctant to reward. After all, money means survival and life, not to mention such a generous reward.

"You have something to tell." The Atlanta woman's cheeks flushed excitedly.

Lin Chao waved: "Retreat."

"Yes." The Atlanta woman immediately resigned with respect.

After entering the room, Lin Chao glanced around a little, the environment was acceptable, the main thing was that there were no monitors and bugs hidden, he withdrew his eyes and said to the little girl, "Let ’s start now, I need a drop of your blood."

The little girl had been mentally prepared and reached out her hand.

Lin Chao's nails pierced her finger and collected a drop of blood, which penetrated into the skin, was absorbed by the evolution tree, deconstructed the genes, analyzed ... After a moment, the information of the decomposed gene fragments was obtained.



Two capabilities information emerged, as well as specific roles and equal order.

Lin Chao realized in his heart that this little guy had destroyed the seed of the devil flower implanted in his forehead before, mostly because of this [destroy] ability. Unexpectedly, both of her abilities are so high-end. This [destroy] ability is world-class. Remember that Fan Fan of Yanhuang Base is also a [Destroy] ability!

"[Destroy] ..." Lin Chao's eyes narrowed suddenly, and said, "This ability can destroy the Devil Flower Seeds, but also the Rose Fruit?"

When the little girl saw the blood being absorbed from Lin Chao ’s fingers, her eyes showed a deep hidden color. Before she saw Lin Chao ’s abilities, she seemed to have more than two kinds of abilities. The famous treasure evolution tree of Atlantis.

Hearing Lin Chao ’s suspicion, she quickly said: "No, the rose fruit is different from the devil flower seed. The rose fruit is cultivated by the blood of the giant **** king and has divine power. With my low-level [destruction] The ability cannot be destroyed at all. When I evolve to a higher level in the future, I have already absorbed the rose fruit and loyalty to you will not destroy it. "

"She was right." Anubis thought.

Lin Chao said: "You know? Why didn't you say it early? This rose fruit was actually cultivated by the flesh and blood of the giant king?"

"I didn't know it until I ate my head." Anubis said: "This rose fruit is also known as the golden fruit. It is something made by giants, so it has such a magical effect. There are not many golden fruit trees in the world. It is said that once There is a large piece of golden fruit, but then the giant broke out of a civil war, which destroyed a large piece of golden fruit tree, resulting in the reduction of the fruit tree, and the golden fruit is also rare. Even if her [destruction] ability is high-level, she cannot destroy the golden fruit unless she is in the ability Add divine power to it. "

Lin Chao understood that it ’s no wonder that the fruit was stored in the ruins for so many years, but it did not rot. It turned out to be golden flesh. It was immediately relieved and said: "Since this is the case, eat my noodles." Pulled out of the storage Two rose fruits.

The little girl's face changed slightly when she saw the real rose fruit.

Lin Chao dripped his blood onto the two rose fruits and allowed it to absorb before giving it to the little girl.

After a little hesitation, the little girl grabbed two rose fruits and ate them in a big bite, and quickly ate them completely. The core of this fruit was also full of flesh, and the whole was eaten down.

Lin Chao saw that she had finished eating, and noticed that her throat was swallowing before she felt relieved and said: "Now tell me about your identity, why are you here, what is your name?"

The little girl ’s eyes were dull for a while, and she gradually recovered her clarity. She looked at Lin Chao ’s eyes with some respect, but her nature remained unchanged. She threw her tongue out and said, “I do n’t know what my identity was. My childhood memories are very vague and intermittent. Yes, I only know that I ’m from the Kingdom of Ikotel, and my name is Nisha and Uruk! "

Lin Chao froze for a moment, suddenly jumped in his heart, Uruk surname? This is the exclusive surname of the people of the Uruk Empire ruled by Gilgamesh, so to speak, the ancestor of this little girl is under the hand of Gilgamesh!

"She was born with two abilities. Most of them were framed by someone's jealousy and fled to the black wasteland to escape. Injury on the way caused incomplete memory." Anubis guessed.

Lin Chao nodded slightly, staring at Nisha for a moment, and suddenly said: "You commit suicide."

Nisha was stunned for a moment, but she saw Lin Chao's decisive gaze. She bit her lip slightly. After hesitating a little, she raised her palm, and the palm of her hand showed gray and black waves of destruction. She patted her forehead hard.

Lin Chao just stared at her. When her palm fell to one tenth of a centimeter on her forehead, she suddenly shot and grabbed her wrist away, but the energy of destruction on the palm still rubbed her forehead and penetrated a lot. Blood.

Lin Chao immediately took out the quick-acting medicine from the storage and sprayed it on the wound on her forehead. The wound immediately coagulated and healed slowly.

"From now on, you will be my person, no matter what enemies you have before, are my enemies!" Lin Chao stared at her.

The little girl was startled, and she smiled and said, "Yes!" She was relieved in her heart. (To be continued.)

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