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Chapter 205: Breakout of life and death

The company commander's surname is Niu Shui. It is said that the fortune-teller's fortune teller lacked water in his life, so he got such a strange name. Niu Deshui can be a company commander. It is very simple. His father's comrades-in-arms are not small. Officer, division commander, so he was first sent to the military academy by the army, and after he came out, he became the company commander directly, but it did n’t last long, and soon he encountered t virus riots. Now he can only fight life with zombies every day.

Niu Deshui is not a bold person, so when he heard that the zombies surrounded the troops, he was very panicked. He originally thought that he would win after going out of the Beijing base along the express highway to Zhangjiakou. Who knows that he first encountered a sandstorm and was surrounded by zombies. His heart was completely panicked, and upon receiving the request from the camp to break out, he could not wait to put all the people on top so that he could take the guard out of the siege.

Seeing Niu Deshui losing his temper, Hu Hao pulled Yu Hai aside and motioned him not to ask anymore. Even if it was better to go to the camp, Yu Haiqi whispered authentically: "The company commander, fighting is not a solution to the problem. We do n’t know the situation and we cover our heads. It is likely to cause more casualties to the troops. "

Niu Deshui's face was so cold: "Yu Hai! I am the company commander or you are the company commander. I am carrying out the order of the battalion. You immediately organize your people to charge me from the flanks and cover the main force of the company."

Yu Hai looked at Chu Xiang in embarrassment. Chu Xiang climbed up to the roof of the car. He looked around. The dark sky was still gray. This shows that the sand storm did not disappear. Although the searchlights were shining, the penetration was weak. The situation is not clear, only the outpost in front may know what kind of zombies, because the gunfire of the battle has been ringing.

Chu Xiang jumped out of the lane: "No way, let's rush it. I hope there is no t3, t otherwise it will be very difficult to fight with them in this kind of ghost weather."

Chu Xiang was carrying Fang Yuxuan, Yu Hai and Lu Gang were covering the front. Everyone ordered Niu Deshui's order to break through. "

Founder said in a puzzled way: "Are we turning around right? Aren't we going back to the Beijing base?"

Chen Zhengdong said: "Shut up, you are about to come into direct contact with the zombies, be careful."

Sun Wei said: "If everyone breaks out in the direction of Zhangjiakou, then the zombies haven't taken us all by themselves, so someone must break away from other places to distract the zombies. Now we are the five heroes of Langya Mountain."

Wang Zhixiang said: "The five heroes sacrificed and there are corpses. I'm afraid we can't find even the bones. Will someone commemorate the monument by that time?"

It didn't take long for everyone to mingle with soldiers from other places. Quickly contacted the Zombie forward. The machine gun clicked. Because zombies are not firing. So don't hide it. In this way, the machine gunner carried a machine gun and fired wildly into the dust.

At this time Chu Xiang could see clearly. These zombies are neither t3, t4 nor t2! Here are some hairy hybrid zombies. I encountered the kind of ground when I was in Beijing Huangdu Hotel!

conspiracy. There must be a conspiracy. Chu Xiang shouted in his heart. It was the first time such a zombie had seen him for so long. They do not have the characteristics of t3. But the capacity is between t2 and t3. More critically, their intelligence is higher than t2. They don't let people fire like t2.

Fang Yuxuan said on Chu Xiang's back: "How could this be a zombie. Do we have so many foreigners here? Look at their faces that don't look like Chinese."

Chu Xiang said: "Maybe they were originally Chinese. They were just transformed by t virus. You hurry up. Don't let them take you away."

Fang Yuxuan laughed: "Are you afraid they will rob me to be Mrs. Zhai, then you have to take care of me yourself, I am afraid of those hairy monsters, I close my eyes and don't look, be careful yourself."

If I had known it was this kind of hairy zombies. Chu Xiang will definitely not let Yu Hai and others break through rashly. Instead, the main force should stick to a steady retreat, because these long-haired zombies will find favorable terrain as a cover. They quickly avoid the bomb and approach the troops quickly. Now all companies are dispatched. The forces broke out, that is, the forces were scattered and allowed to be attacked by hairy zombies.

Alas, the first hairy zombie finally rushed into the army, and its hair in the dust seemed to have a sense of insidiousness. A soldier shot a gun at it. The hairy zombies raised their arms to block the bombs. The shell was not fired by its skin. It seems that these zombies have not evolved to the point where they are inaccessible. It's just that they can't hit their brains and pose no threat to their lives, so they are really difficult to deal with.

The warrior's shot was gone, and the long-haired zombie screamed and jumped up, slamming. It knocked out the two soldiers next to it with one palm, and then kicked the soldiers who were changing bombs with a kick. Blood splattered next to Lu Gang. With a look, Lu Gang yelled wildly at the hairy zombie and shot at the hairy zombie, plunging the zombie to the ground.

Whispers, a large number of long-haired zombies are constantly jumping and dodging shells, and the number of zombies rushing into the team is increasing rapidly. As a result, the defensive formation is even more weak, so more zombies jump out of the sand and they hug The soldier bit, and a warrior's neck was severed by him. Before he died, he rang a grenade and banged, and the two of them died together.

The hairy zombies yelled constantly. They were taller than normal humans, and their fists were naturally much larger. They were a bit as strong as northern bears. Two fighters fought against one zombie and did not gain the upper hand. A fighter The bayonet stabbed the zombie's chest, but the zombie did not retreat. The bayonet stabbed to the end but the zombie also bullied him before the soldier's eyes. Wow, the zombie opened his mouth and even stabbed the soldier's half of his head. Dripping.

"Yu Hai! Back, direct your landers back! We can't rush out, go back to the highway and use the supply vehicle as a barrier. Let's stick to it!" Hu Hao ended a long hair zombie with two shots. He gave a loud command, and the scene is now very chaotic. Many fighters have never fought in close quarters, plus long-haired zombies have nothing to worry about. They use their own bodies to fight with the fighters. Often the result is that the fighters sacrifice and they still survive.

Yu Hai's face was also purple. He had never encountered such a dangerous scene. He had also been besieged by t2 before, but those t2's stupid actions were slow and didn't know to avoid, as long as he calmed down and aimed. One shot will end them, but now these long-haired zombies keep jumping and dodging, they are extremely powerful, and the soldiers are not opponents at all. After a while, more than a dozen soldiers fell in a pool of blood.

"Sun Wei! Wang Zhixiang! Follow me and cover, and everyone will retreat!" Yu Hai ordered, and Chu Xiang shot his hair to kill only the hairy zombies. He ran to Yu Hai and said, "I'll cover everyone. Hurry up and retreat."

Yu Haidao: "Okay, you have good marksmanship, Xiao Fang asked me to carry it. Everyone depends on you at the critical moment."

Chu Xiang knew that it was difficult for him to use bone wings in this kind of scene. Many soldiers are fighting with zombies, and they may be hurt if they are not careful; the second reason is that he does not want to expose his bone weapons in front of these people, but the Yuhai people can say something better, but other people, he I really don't understand.

"Okay," Chu Xiang handed Fang Yuxuan to Yu Hai, and Yu Hai passed Fang Yuxuan and handed his pistol and ammunition to Chu Xiang. Lu Gang and Fang Zhenghe also replenished the ammunition for Chu Xiang. It was not the first time that everyone cooperated with this team. Shape, so it is very tacit to form a half arc. In the middle is Yu Hai carrying Fang Yuxuan on his back. Chu Xiang is at the outer periphery. His left and right are Sun Wei and Wang Zhixiang. The main task of these two people is to assist Chu Xiang, defend when he changes bullets, and handle the long-haired zombies that Chu Xiang has not had time to shoot. Slow back. Suddenly some soldiers around saw such a tacit team gradually approaching, and quickly retreated to the high-speed public.

At this moment, the grey sky had shot out the dawn. Chu Xiang boarded the roof to observe, and saw that there were scuffles everywhere. Many soldiers were bitten and torn, but they still rang a grenade and held it before the infected corpse changed. The long-haired zombies are all gone, even Chu Xiang has noticed that Yu Hai and others have prepared a glorious bullet in front of their chests, and they will kill one at a loss when the zombies come to the ground. Although they are all recruit eggs. Although they were scared, no one was crying. For a while, Chu Xiang paid strong respect to the rise of the PLA.

Hu Hao didn't know when he would return. He still had six soldiers beside him, and there were fewer than twenty people on the side of the sea, and there were injuries to the ground soldiers. Obviously they might have been infected, but No one wants to point their guns at their comrades, except at the moment when they are dead.

Hu Hao bandaged a warrior whose arm was torn, but the fast blood banding was useless at all. Hu Hao ripped off the gauze, and he yelled, "Hygiene! Hygienist! Hemostatic forceps! I want Hemostatic forceps! "

The soldier next to him fired with a gun and said: "The platoon leader, the pigeon is dead, let the zombie penetrate his chest!"

The broken-armed soldier said intermittently: "The platoon leader, don't care about me, you, you guys rush out, letter, letter, help me carry the letter back, ..."

Bang, suddenly there was a gunshot behind him, Chu Xiang stopped shooting and looked back, but the soldier with the broken arm shot at his head with his other hand, Hu Hao finally shed tears, "Hu Yi! You let How can I tell your parents! "

Sun Wei also lay on the roof of the car and shot around. He told Chu Xiang: "Hu Yihe and the platoon leader are neighbors. It is said that they still have relatives. This guy usually can't see it. Now he is really a man, brother Xiang. If I am torn off an arm, please give me a shot, I'm afraid I can't do it timidly. "

Hu Hao cried out a blood-stained letter from the jacket of Hu Yi ’s jacket. The letter was written to a girlfriend who had just made Hu Yi virus before, and a girl in the town. At that time, Hu Yi also promised everyone to visit relatives. I'll take it back for everyone to see, but who knows if the letter should be sent now.

Chu Xiang jumped out of the car and pulled up Hu Hao: "Hu Hu, we should follow the main force of the battalion to break through. These zombies are powerful, and the scattered forces are very bad for us."

Hu Hao wiped his tears and said, "But the order we received was to break back and turn to Zhangjiakou."

Chu Xiang said: "You must know better than me how many zombies are behind us. Forcibly breaking out is only possible if we take these soldiers to death and follow the main force of the battalion."

Hu Hao said: "Don't that attract the zombies to the main force? It is likely to cause a lethal threat to the main force of the battalion."

Chu Xiang said: "There is no way, unless you are willing to stay here for a generation, but I think it will last for a few hours at most. After all, there will be light when we play. We will follow the main force. If we are lucky, we may rush to the Zhangjiakou base. There is a possibility of rescue at that time. "

Of course, the main force of the battalion is to break through along the highway. But the company chose the direction after the break, and the company retreated in a row on the top, and now it has less than half of the soldiers in a row.

Hu Hao bit his teeth and said, "Okay, I'll take on this responsibility. Let's move forward, but it's best to keep a certain distance from the main force of the camp, so as not to transfer all the pressure from the zombies to them."

Chu Xiang had no choice but to carry all these people without being transferred to the main force of the battalion, but Hu Hao would not agree with this. She Xiaojia and everyone are a principle of soldiers. With them behind those zombies, they will not easily pursue the main force of the camp, at least after they are eliminated.

The supply vehicle started, and most of the people got on the vehicle, using the body of the fire to prevent the waves of long hair from rushing by relying on large fire. The sky is getting brighter, the dust is much lighter than yesterday, and the wind is much weaker. At least people are fine on the roof of the car. From a distance, there are at least tens of thousands of zombies in the distance. In the field, long hairy zombies also kept coming. Looking forward two kilometers away was the main force of the camp. They also walked very hard. The zombies around them were very dense, and the sound of machine guns rang.

Look at the other troops who broke out to the left and right. After being strongly counterattacked, everyone has returned. In this way, the zombies crushed this unit on the high-speed public. They only need to build a strong force to destroy humans in one fell swoop. Chu Xiang quickly shot the long-haired zombies that rushed up and kept watching around. He firmly believed These zombies are under command, as are long-haired zombies. There must be a high-level zombie inside, similar to the one outside the Royal City Hotel, it must be directing the zombies' attack.

Sun Wei nervously handed the gun to Chu Xiang, while Lu Gang was constantly loading magazines. Below, soldiers dismantled ammunition from the carriage and transported it to the roof. The shell fell all over the place. Chu Xiang's shooting was fast and accurate. It can be said that he had not wasted a single bullet since the first shot was fired. The intensive zombie impact caused him to shoot left and right with two shots. Piles of zombies were left where the supply vehicle drove.

It is more than enough to be a sharpshooter with Chu Xiang's current mental strength, fast response speed, and strong muscle tissue. What's more, he also received the highest level of training during the period when he lost his memory, although he may not be able to reach the course of Xu Huai. But his fast shooting is that Xu Huai can't compare for the time being.

This overbearing supply vehicle was moving at a medium speed, because there were many zombies in the public, and the speed couldn't be faster. Some soldiers who failed to break through saw the supply vehicle forming an unbreakable barrier. They One by one, they moved closer to the car. With the cover of their firepower, the defense net of the supply car was even stronger.

Fang Yuxuan was also nervous to help sitting in the cargo compartment of the car. She was mainly responsible for dumping the founder and unpacked ammunition into two and a half boxes and sending them. A whole box was heavy, and it was difficult to deliver it to the roof of a moving vehicle.

This unbreakable supply vehicle quickly attracted the attention of the zombies. Chu Xiang had already seen four hairy zombies that were larger and ran faster and rushed to this side. All his shots were avoided by them. Chu Xiang knows that today will be a **** battle, and without the zombies rushed up from the roof of the car, whether these people can withstand or not is still a big problem. At least the supply vehicle may not be able to fight while leaving, because these soldiers The shooting accuracy needs to be improved.

Banging, Chu Xiang's several shots at high-level long-haired zombies were unsuccessful. The bombs were bounced back by their hard skin. These four zombies are the same level as the one outside the Royal Hotel. They have evolved very high, ordinary. The bombs couldn't be dealt with at all, but Zhou Muqing didn't follow, otherwise a beam of ultrasound would end their lives.

boom! A long-haired zombie leaped to the front of the car, smashed the cab with one punch, stopped the car, Chu Xiang threw his two guns at the long-haired zombie, and the four long-haired zombie ignored the other soldiers. They Encircling Chu Xiang, let the soldiers ignore the shooting, because the bullets could not hurt them at all.

Hu Hao shouted to the soldiers: "Don't bother with them and continue firing! Yes, Chu Xiang and four long-haired high-level zombies can no longer shoot at ordinary long-haired zombies rushing up, they rushed to them Before the destruction of the supply vehicles, fortunately everyone's firepower was fierce enough, and under Hu Hao's command, it was easy to force them back a few meters.

Chu Xiang found that the four senior long-hair zombies were almost the same as him regardless of speed and strength. In addition, four siege all together, and his body had not fully recovered. He didn't dare to hide his strength any more, and the use of bone spurs, bone wings, and bone knives was a draw with four. With Chu Xiang's current b-level lieutenant colonel's strength, I am afraid that two t4 are not his opponents, but the four are Mao Zombie even hit him with a difficult counterattack. These long hair zombies are really powerful. I am afraid that their level is not below t4.

Fang Yuxuan was sitting outside, she was dumped out of the car, and threw herself to the ground. Fang Yuxuan's painful bite cracked, but Chu Xiang was fighting fiercely with the four long-haired zombies. She didn't know what happened later. Fang Yuxuan didn't dare to distract Chu Xiang's attention. Had to climb back to the supply vehicle. Otherwise staying here will surely die.

Huh, a hairy zombie jumped from the sky, it grabbed Fang Yuxuan's leg, Fang Yuxuan yelled, Lu Gang swept over, the hairy zombie was beaten back two steps, Sun Wei stepped forward Pulling Fang Yuxuan's arm to save people, whistling, another two hairy zombies jumped over, Lu Gang was too late to change the magazine. Sun Wei could only let Fang Yuxuan shoot. And behind Fang Yuxuan, there was another long-haired zombie, which opened his mouth and bite at Fang Yuxuan's back.

Alas, a saber pierced the belly of the zombie biting Fang Yuxuan. Although Fang Zhenghe's ammunition had also been burned out, he had a saber around his waist. Seeing that Fang Yuxuan was in danger, he jumped at all costs. The hairy zombie was stabbed with a knife and there was no earth reaction. It stretched out his hands to catch Fang Zhenghe, and Fang Zhenghe could only abandon the knife and lift the gun butt, but how strong was the hairy zombie. Raised the gun, then opened his mouth to bite Fang Zheng and under his arm.

Fang Zhenghe screamed, leaving only one tendon in his arm connected to the shoulder. He loosened his hand and flung it on the hairy zombies, ignoring the blood on his arms and opening his mouth to bite the hairy zombies' eyes. The hairy zombies threw the square and was thrown to the ground. Huh, another long-haired zombie jumped to break the Founder and his chest!

Lu Gang and Sun Wei were red-eyed. The two completed the shooting of the zombies suddenly, Wang Zhixiang and Chen Zhengdong also transferred from other directions to reinforce, Yu Hai quickly pulled Fang Yuxuan back under the car, Hu Hao risked to drag Fang Zhenghe back, he was dying Now, there are blood stains in the mouth, nose and eyes.

Grunting, grunting, it is obvious that Founder and He are going to talk, but all he can do is to bleed blood from his throat and his lungs are cracked. How can he talk again at this time? He pointed to his chest and his own head, and then sacrificed as soon as he tilted his head.

Fang Yuxuan was scared at first and didn't notice what happened, but soon she understood. Just now Fang Zhenghe was struggling to block the zombies to bite herself. Fang Yuxuan shouted and climbed from under the car to Fang Zhenghe. "Fang Fang Brother Fang! You wake up, you can't die, you still have to carry me, you have to give me sugar **** to eat, I will be your sister, I recognize you as your brother, you wake up and you wake up. "

Yu Hai took a plastic bag out of Founder and his pocket, and there was a sugar ball inside. Fang Zhenghe was preparing to give his mother a land. Fang Yuxuan grabbed his hands and wept bitterly, although they only met yesterday, but Founder and He were honest, Behind Fang Yuxuan's extraordinary actions and words, he said that he liked Fang Yuxuan's arrival at Zhangjiakou base to let his mother see Fang Yuxuan, but now he can't even send sugar **** to his mother.

Sun Wei grabbed Fang Zhenghe's body and said, "Your mother b, I don't allow you to die. I haven't explained to you what it is, you woke me up!"

Lu Gang punched Sun Wei aside with a punch. "Sun Wei, you are sober and sober, kill the zombies to avenge the old side!"

Yu Hai raised his gun, Sun Wei jumped into the car and pulled out a machine gun. He rushed to the hairy zombie, "Your ancestors, come!"

The machine gun was in flames and attracted a dozen long-haired zombies. Sun Wei was surrounded by zombies when he swept away and then turned around. He laughed, and a zombie rushed over to stretch out his hand to pull the glorious bomb in his arms. Alas, his arm was pulled off by another zombie. Sun Wei was sore with sweat on his face. Another zombie kicked him in the body, and he fell back to the supply vehicle.

Everyone has been red-eyed, and Chu Xiang, the marksman, is missing. More and more hairy zombies are coming up. Several other soldiers have died. Sun Wei fell on the ground and spit a blood, seeing his life. It's hard to guarantee.

Fang Yuxuan is still crying. She has n’t cried since her brother died, but she does n’t know why. Now she is particularly uncomfortable ~ ~ How could Fang Zheng and such an honest man die? Last night he also The other soldiers persuaded her to drink that cup of hot water together, and also said that she would buy sugar **** for her to eat at Zhangjiakou Base, but now that others are gone, the world is impermanent, and the impermanence is so fast.

Sun Wei was lifted up by Lu Gang, and he spit with blood again and smiled bitterly: "Just, ... I'll explain to the old man what a wow, that guy is like a block of wood all day long. I'm afraid he will be bullied below. , Your mother gave me a good life ..., don't forget my Viagra before doing anything with my girlfriend ... "

Lu Gang cried: "Viagra, don't die, let's make an appointment to fight old hair together. You said you wouldn't be Viagra to be a great man. You have to live, you have to be a great man alive."

Sun Wei said in a difficult way: "Just, just, don't, don't be sad, Wei and great are all going to die, now and now I have done it, I and I are great ..."

Sun Wei's head tilted and he couldn't breathe any more. Fang Yuxuan saw another sacrifice of these familiar comrades-in-arms. They joked with Chu Xiang yesterday, saying that he and Chu Xiang were elopement lovers, but now they are gone Why is this so, no! Fang Yuxuan couldn't bear the heavy pain in her heart, she yelled and blasted a violent flame at the zombies.


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