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Chapter 214: 1 Roshan

Fang Qian sighed, "Everything was ruined. I have worked hard for more than ten years. This laboratory is the most advanced and complete. My scientific data is stored here, and now it is gone."

Du Qinglei comforted her husband: "Lao Fang, cheer up, we are not discouraged when humankind is facing extinction. What is the difficulty? We can redo it without experimental data. As long as people live, it is more important than anything."

Chu Xiang walked into the laboratory to look around, Fang Qian asked Du Qinglei to remind him, and he also went into the laboratory to find the line, hoping that f adhesive could be found, otherwise this time he worked hard to return to the laboratory and ran away for nothing.

Du Qinglei as Fang Qian's main assistant, she also went into the laboratory to help find it, but all the research samples were broken. Various drugs were scattered all over the place. Although they were inactivated, they did not wear protective clothing. I didn't dare to come in, but there wasn't one thing to look for was to imagine with f binder.

Ah, Fang Yuxuan exclaimed, and then Xu Huai and He Yaohui also exclaimed. The sound of thumping guns rang, and Chu Xiang immediately jumped out of a group of refrigerators, only to see Fang Yuxuan being lifted by a monster in the air. Xu Huai was also entangled by a monster. Although he did not break the gun to shoot, the monster was shot with no pain and no itch at all. He Yaohui was hanging one foot upside down in the air, and he took out two swords from his back. But unable to fight back.

Huh, two monsters came out of the shadows to greet Chu Xiang. Chu Xiang slashed his bone knife to cut it off. The two monsters quickly withdrew after being injured. Chu Xiang did not chase after him, and his bones winged upward. After breaking the monster that bound Fang Yuxuan, he jumped up and hugged Fang Yuxuan and cut off the monster that was entangled with He Yaohui's feet. Xu Huai let the monster get out of breath, Song Jun stepped forward with an ax to cut the monster. Fortunately, this monster seems to only want to catch people, otherwise it would be very troublesome to pierce the human body.

Alas, the monsters after the injury were evacuated, and He Yaohui was chasing after being angry. Chu Xiang stopped him and said, "It's important to find the adhesive, since both sides know each other's existence. We should not entangle it now."

Fang Qian came out of the laboratory: "There is no wire in the laboratory, I think this matter must be found by Zhou Wang. Since he has swallowed the adhesive, I don't think he can put it in the laboratory openly.

Chu Xiang said: "Also, if you don't find him in the past, maybe he killed the monster just now."

Everyone's hearts were tight, and the monster seemed like a rope. But it is stronger and stronger than a rope, and it is troublesome to be entangled with it. Others in the laboratory may have been poisoned by it.

Fang Qian thought for a while: "Go to Zhouwangdi's bedroom, there is his only private space. As long as he has never left the laboratory, things will be hidden in his bedroom."

Chu Xiang said: "Okay. Just go to Zhouwangdi's bedroom. But be careful. Walk beside each other. Pay attention to your feet and overhead. The monster is very long. Judging from where it appeared twice, maybe it There is still something under control at the end of the ground. We must not be careless. "

The staff bedroom is still deep. This is very dangerous for people who don't know what is happening under the laboratory. However, the importance of f adhesive is well known. And at present, it does not have the ability to reproduce. Therefore, you can't give up searching for it unless you have to.

The ground power in the laboratory was more severely damaged. After turning a corner, it was completely dark. Fortunately, everyone brings a flashlight. But the place where the flashlight can't shine is always dark. This makes people can't help but fear that there will be a monster there to entangle themselves.

Chu Xiang and Song Jun moved forward leaning back to back. They dare not miss a spot. Always watch a few times before you dare to move on. Lest the monster run out of unexpected places. This will greatly affect the speed of travel. It took fifteen minutes to reach the rest area. Fang Qian pointed out the direction to the crowd to a single dormitory.

Song Jun opened the door with an axe. A moldy smoke burst inside. The flashlight flashed in but it was a mess of food. After Chu Xiang and Song Jun carefully determined that there was no danger, they dared to let Fang Qian approach. Fang Qian threw piles of moldy food outside the door. He said: "Strange. Does Zhou Wang know that the laboratory will be in danger of preserving food in advance?"

Du Qinglei knew that there was a filter in her protective clothing or she covered her nose and went into the bedroom. "His selfishness is good. It's not strange to hide a house of food. But where can I hide the adhesive?"

Song Jun and He Yaohui turned the door one by one, and the rest of them went in and rummaged. Fortunately, they were protected by protective clothing, otherwise the moldy smell was enough to smoke people, but everyone turned it over and said nothing. And even a vial was not found.

Fang Qian also worries, does it mean that Zhou Wang did not swallow the adhesive at all? However, the raw materials and achievements do differ. How can Zhou Wangdi's selfishness be explained if he is not selfishly swallowing it? In addition, where have the people in the laboratory gone? If Zhou Wang is still there, you can find out and ask if you ca n’t consider it. , But no one is born or dead, but this is how to do it.

Whistling, a sudden wave appeared in the air. Song Jun and He Yaohui, who were on guard outside the door, shouted, "No, more monsters are coming!"

Looking at the probe, Chu Xiang looked at the light mango and saw at least two dozen monsters rushing through the corridor quickly. Song Jun threw a row of steel arrows in the past but to no avail, they didn't seem to have the key to provide. The blow can only be subdued by cutting it off, and although He Yaohui has a pair of swords, he needs to fight close to him. Once he fights close, he can't deal with so many tentacle-like monsters.

Chu Xiang pulled Song Jun and He Yaohui into the house and closed the door deadly, banging, banging, there was a knocking sound outside, and the thick steel plate door was actually bumped out, and the space in the bedroom was not large. Now everyone was crowded again, and it was more crowded. Fang Yuxuan stepped back and backed away, her body was tightly against the wall, she pressed her hands randomly to support her figure, snapped, and suddenly a small dark box popped out. .

Fang Yuxuan took a flashlight with surprise, "There is a dark grid here!"

Fang Qian squeezed over immediately, he completely pulled out the dark grid, and saw that there was a pile of valuable things, and there were several memories, but there was no such thing as a medicine bottle. What kind of information was in the memory? He couldn't see it now, he had to put it away first. And the pile of ornaments was left untouched.

Chu Xiang thought he really found the adhesive, but it turned out to be only Zhou Wangdi's private treasure chest, and the sound of the impact outside the door was even louder. The steel door began to loosen, and Chu Xiang told Song Jun: "I go out to lead them away, and you take everyone away from here."

Fang Qian said: "But the adhesive ..."

Du Qinglei said: "Lao Fang, we have done our best, even if we are punished by the state, we must admit it, because we have indeed caused irreparable losses to the country, and now we have both the laboratory and the bedroom in Zhouwangdi. Where do you think there will be hope? If there is no hope, we must withdraw, otherwise we will be killed by monsters. "

Fang Qian was helpless, Zhou Wang could not find it, and the underground laboratory was completely destroyed. Now it is useless to stay here again. It is the most important thing to be able to leave safely, so he closed his mouth and stopped mentioning the adhesive. .

The sound of knocking outside the door suddenly weakened again, and it stopped after a while, Fang Yuxuan said in surprise: "They retreated, let us take the opportunity to run."

Chu Xiang waved his hands and said, "These things definitely have some wisdom. I'll go out and see first, no matter what happens, you must run back to the exit as soon as you have a chance. Don't worry about me, I naturally have a way to get out."

Chu Xiang gently opened a door slit, and flashed out with a flashlight, quietly, as if no monster had come here, but the clear collision marks on the steel door indicated that it had indeed been attacked just now. Chu Xiang leaned against the wall and looked forward. He had two eyes in total, and couldn't see. The stumble was actually attacked. The monsters were hiding in the dark waiting for the people in the room to come out.

Chu Xiang's bone-winged crickets were swept down, and two monsters were cut off and bounced on the ground. However, these two monsters attacked the other monsters, and other monsters popped up like bamboo shoots from the rain. Li can't show it, he can only swing left and right with a bone knife. But these things are more and more crowded. And they don't have obvious attack points like the human body, they drill with seams. Especially after the monster that was cut later sprayed black liquid and blurred his vision, Chu Xiang's cutting became weak, and eventually he was dragged forward by them.

Song Jun opened the door and yelled to everyone, "Run!"

Fang Yuxuan said in the direction that Chu Xiang was being towed away: "I'm going to save him!"

Song Jun took Fang Yuxuan and said, "Listen to Chu Xiang, let's withdraw first."

Fang Yuxuan struggled: "Brother Chu is in danger. He needs our help!"

Song Jundao: "But we can't deal with that monster. If we go, it will only help us!"

Fang Yuxuan said anxiously: "What should we do, don't you just watch Brother Chu killed by them?"

Song Jundao: "No one can kill Chu Xiang, I believe he has a way out of danger, otherwise he is not Chu Xiang, let's withdraw quickly, don't you believe in your brother Chu's ability!"

Song Jun's trust in Chu Xiangdi is blind. He doesn't talk about any reason or reason at all. He just feels that Chu Xiang must have a way. Song Jun's obsession is exactly the opposite of his usual quietness, but every time he Intuition is always verified, which makes Song Jun believe that Chu Xiang is omnipotent!

Fang Yuxuan understood that she could not spray flames in this narrow space, so an unhealthy person might ignite herself, but she did not have any fighting ability. The safe retreat made Chu Xiang have energy to deal with those monsters. Perhaps this was correct, so she was with her parents. Ran out from behind.

The monster did his best to deal with Chu Xiang and did not harass other people. Song Jun took everyone back to the exit. He said to He Yaohui: "You and Xu Huai took everyone to the ground, and I will answer Chu Xiang."

He Yaohui didn't say anything: "Everything, but she stomped her feet and turned to climb the escalator. This is not a stubborn and mischievous occasion. Leaving the dangerous place immediately is what Chu Xiang wants her to do.

Chu Xiang has never tried what it feels like now, even when it was swallowed into a giant earthworm belly. Those giant monsters like tentacles could not be cut at all. They were densely packed in a narrow corridor like a giant bundle of wires. Chu Xiang had one Feeling trapped in a cotton pile, he was dragged forward by these tentacle-like monsters to the power chamber at the bottom of the base, where a small nuclear reactor provided power to the base.

At least forty or so monsters with thick arms were entangled in Chu Xiang's body. They were wrapped one layer at a time, like a mummy, which exploded Chu Xiang's lungs and tentacled monsters through densely. Chu Xiang dimly saw a human face, where there was already light. But how long the monster was covering in front of him, Chu Xiang could not see clearly for a while.

Suddenly, a strong fishy liquid sprayed over, entangled Chu Xiang's tentacle monsters one by one, and those fishy liquids had a huge stickiness. Chu Xiang's hands and feet were trapped in one of them for a while, even bone spurs and bone knives could not be used. Even if he tried his best to draw a stab, but the slime was scraped off before the head and then put together again to no avail.

This is a very serious situation. Chu Xiang originally thought that this underground laboratory was not simple. Now it is finally confirmed that high-tech has created a high-level monster. This time, he is desperately trying to fall into this powerful and nowhere. How can he fight desperately with it this time?

Through this layer of translucent mucus Chu Xiang found that there are many cocoon-like things that surround the human body, but the mucus should have hardened, and the human body inside is motionless. Looking at their surviving clothing and work cards, this should be this place. No wonder the staff of the underground laboratory couldn't find them. It was originally caught here by the tentacle monster and wrapped up.

Chu Xiang turned hard and made himself look back, because he found that all the tentacle-like monsters radiated from somewhere behind him, and it took Nine Tigers and Tiger Tigers to turn back to his body. He was taken aback by this look, and he saw an obese and astonishingly giant standing in front of the nuclear reactor. How could he describe it like a pile of foaming foam, but with a person on the top? Just the head.

And thick tentacles were born everywhere on its fat body, and it was these tentacles that caught Chu Xiang. The monster's face was also very fat, and it was almost impossible to identify its appearance. I saw one tentacle rolling up the first human cocoon, and the other tentacle digging through the shell of the cocoon, and then the front end of the tentacle broke open. There was a pair of sucking organs inside, and the tentacle-like sucking organs were inserted into the human body in the cocoon. Alas, the human body inside the cocoon dried up after a while.

Cooing. Cooing. The obese body went up again, alas. The monster's belly even hit a full stomach. It glanced in the direction of Chu Xiang, and then a tentacle reached over to pull out the mucus in front of Chu Xiang, and a vague word came from the body of Jufei.

"You cut my hands so much, I want to punish you."

Chu Xiang shouted out to the monster of Feicheng Roushan while his mouth was open: "You fat, what kind of ability do you want to punish me, there is a kind of you who fights me with a good fight."

Roshan said angrily: "Do you dare to call me fat? I will eat you raw now! Anyway, I still have a lot of food reserves, I will leave after eating the food here, and no one should try to lock us in again It's dark underground! "

Chu Xiang's heart moved, this guy was greedy and was good at pulling reserve food. Is he the one who hides a house of moldy food? Most of the time, Fang Qian didn't tell anyone when he left the underground laboratory, and he closed the laboratory's exit directly, so the staff below thought he was abandoned.

"Zhou Wang!" Chu Xiang suddenly yelled, and Roshan's tentacles had reached his forehead, and the front end of the tentacles was about to crack. Perhaps the next step was to pierce Chu Xiang's brain and drink his brain, but Chu Xiang shouted Give the tentacles a meal.

"What? How do you know my name?" Roshan admitted that he was really prosperous! In addition to being selfish and cheap, this guy has a set of scientific research. Except for Fang Qian, I am afraid that he has the most power in the base. However, being locked in an underground laboratory makes him psychologically unbalanced. Maybe this is what caused him to look like this. One of the major reasons.

Chu Xiang now relies on his wit. These mucus are so strong that none of his weapons can be used. "Of course I know your name. I also know that you must obey Fang Qian's words. He is holding f adhesive. Run to Beijing to invite me and leave you in this lonely underground laboratory. Do you want to let him go like this? "

Roshan yelled, "No! I won't let him go!"

Chu Xiang said: "Okay, now he's looking for f-adhesive in your bedroom, you should hurry up and kill him!"

More than a dozen tentacles came out, and suddenly they were collected again. Roshan laughed buzzingly: "I won't be fooled by you. There is no f adhesive in my bedroom. You want me to catch him. You have the opportunity to escape. "

Chu Xiang said: "I want to return, but you also have to see how I look like this. Your slime is the most powerful weapon in the world. There is nothing to resist. You are now invincible. I am right The five bodies you admire. I want to bow to you to pay tribute to your great family. "

The fat flesh of Roshan laughed, "I like to hear what you say, well, I can satisfy you with a request before I **** you."

Chu Xiang said with a smile on his face: "I know that if I beg you to let me go, you will definitely be unwilling, so I just want to see what the f-adhesive really looks like. Suffered. "

Roshan said: "You know you know you can't escape, okay. I will meet your request. The surname Fang thought that he could throw me aside if he swallowed the adhesive alone. He was very wrong and I glued f The effect of the agent is enhanced, and then injected into the body ... "

Chu Xiang was taken aback, "It turned out that you were deformed because of the adhesive!"

Roshan Road: "What's so strange about this is that I am very satisfied with what I am now. The so-called f-adhesive is nothing more than a bacterium. It has the same root as the t-virus. I can help it get a powerful force. Now I am already invincible. I can eat whoever I want, even if I hit a cannonball. "

Chu Xiang casually said: "I kindly remind you. There is a small nuclear bomb behind you. You really shouldn't stay in such a dangerous place. Hurry up, in case the reactor explodes, it will be troublesome."

Roshan said: "You don't want to cheat me. No one can go over me to detonate the reactor. I stay here because I need to get the radiation power of the reactor. I will leave the laboratory when my power is stronger. , Then no longer fear anyone. "

Chu Xiang said scornfully: "It turns out that you do n’t have f binder, so I know that all these are rumors. What subjects and studies are all deceiving. If you eat yourself into a meat mountain, you say you are the greatest in the world. Inventor, this kind of person is really shameless. "

Roshan is very angry: "Nonsense! Who said that I don't have f-adhesive, and this one on my hand is still intelligent, it blends with my body. Now it makes my power extremely powerful. Who is the great inventor of the comer?

Chu Xiang said: "I believe you if you come up with evidence."

A tentacle in Roshan suddenly reached out from behind. There was a small bottle curled up there, and there were some colorful powder inside. Chu Xiang was unknown. Besides, he had been talking about distracting Zhou Wang's attention in order to escape, at this time, there was nothing to talk about.

"A kaleidoscope? I've seen F's adhesive from others. It should be white. You are obviously fake."

Roshanqi snores: "Ignorant humans, what do you know, this powder has no color at all! The reason why the eye can see its color is because it has a halo of power. The brighter the halo color is, the more energy it has. The stronger the white energy ring is the worst! "

Chu Xiang still disdainfully said: "The brighter it is, the stronger it is? So what energy does Zhou Zhou have in his body?"

Roshan roared: "My energy is just to eat you!"

Chu Xiang said: "You have no use for people but you also want to go out to dominate the world. Dream it. As far as I know, people who are better than me are everywhere. I only get stuck for a moment, if you really Fight with me on your own, you don't even count an ant! I can flatten your head with one foot! "

Roshan was completely enraged. He is still Zhou Wang's head, so his thinking mode inherits Zhou Wang's greed and selfishness, lest others look down on him and strive to win everywhere, especially he thinks that he has super power, and he cannot allow a Ordinary humans look down on him.

"Okay, let me see what you have. Do n’t think it ’s great to cut off some of my tentacles. My tentacles can still grow out. You ca n’t help but fight with me. I let you out and you compare with me. Chu Xiang was ecstatic in his heart. Although this Zhou Wang was known as a family member, his social experience was inadequate. It may be that he overestimated his own strength. Moreover, Chu Xiang had nowhere to use bone weapons in the corridor just now, which also made Zhou Wang I think Chu Xiangji is just like this. Whether he can escape or not, this is always an opportunity to try.

Zhou Wang's tentacles didn't know what was going on. Chu Xiang's inability to open the mucus even opened it. Chu Xiang was already ready to go. As soon as his body was free, he waved the bone knife in his left hand and pulled out the one in front of him. The slime's tentacles were cut off, and then his body leapt and slashed his sword to Zhou Wang's tentacles who rolled the bottle.

"Okay, you play in the shade," Zhou Wang was angry, and woke, dozens of tentacles rolled over his back like rows of mountains, and the tentacles had suction tubes at the front end, which made it clear that Chu Xiang's life would be taken Although Chu Xiang lied to Zhou Wang to let go of himself, but he was not sure that he could escape, so he put his main target on the wrist that touched the bottle of Zhou Wang ~ ~ Zhou Wang's The tentacle speed is very fast. As soon as Chu Xiang cuts off the tentacles wrapped with the medicine bottle, his body is drowned in a pile of tentacles. Huh, Chu Xiang's bone wings are spinning fast, and the spurs on his buttocks are stabbing everywhere. Zhou Wang was defeated for a while, but he quickly mobilized more tentacles to participate in the battle. Those tentacles swept the sky and filled the surrounding space in a while. Chu Xiang's more and more battles became impossible. Hands and feet were finally squeezed to death.

Chu Xiang sighed. It seems that God is determined not to let himself escape, but it ’s a pity that this bottle of enhanced f-adhesive was grabbed for his life, so come all together, let Zhou Wang also Nothing, he's so selfish, he will be furious!

Chu Xiang crushed the medicine bottle in his hand, all the colorful powder was sprinkled in his hand, and at this time, Zhou Wang's tentacles went crazy and bored holes in Chu Xiang's body to drink blood. He wanted to kill Chu Xiang. He drank into an empty skin, and tentacles suspended Chu Xiang's body upside down. Several tentacles penetrated Chu Xiang's chest, not even wanting to pry open his mouth directly into his stomach!

Chu Xiang's hands were tightly tied to the belly, those colorful powders were washed down by the blood flowing from Chu Xiang's wound, and finally the wound that reached the chest penetrated into the skin and disappeared.


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