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Chapter 219: The capital is in a hurry

Gao Yu was taken aback by the guard's hasty words: "What? Is it really a large-scale attack?"

The security officer said: "Yes, the high-tech chief, the CMC called all the commanders to go to No. 1 as the war command room. The zombies are less than 20 kilometers away from the Beijing base. They have a total of 200,000!"

Hearing this news, Gao Yu couldn't help but care about Shang Chuxiang. He said to the warrior: "Watch him carefully and wait until I come back!" Gao Yu left.

Everyone knew that things were more serious than they thought when they were in the command room on the 1st. There are still a large number of unknown creatures behind the zombies. Because of the mutation, their appearance has been greatly different from themselves. These are ordinary animals, but now they are not good.

Hua Fuqiang's brow has never stretched. This is the first time that the Beijing base has suffered a large-scale invasion since its establishment. Those zombies also seemed to know the firmness of the base before, so they did not touch the stones with the eggs, but they called this time. How many troops are there?

"Chairman, it's time for us to move, and getting them closer would not be conducive to artillery attacks." A chief of staff reminded Hua Fuqiang that according to the formula for the battle against zombies, this distance is for missile and heavy artillery strikes.

Hua Fuqiang said: "Are there any high-tech chiefs in warfare?"

Gao Yu hurried forward and said, "Chairman, I'm here. What instructions do you have?"

Hua Fuqiang asked: "You always participate in the joint formulation of the Beijing Military Region for the battle plan. Are you sure you can deal with this attack?"

Gao Yu wiped the cold sweat on his head, and saw the zombies densely from the image sent back from the outpost. This kind of battle he has never fought, "Chairman, our plan is the most suitable one that has been proved by experts. I think we will definitely take the zombies. Staying outside the base will prove everything. "

Hua Fuqiang said: "I hope so. Now I declare the fight against the zombies! Everyone will enter a counterattack state! Be sure to keep the zombies out of the ring and protect the safety of the people!"

boom. boom. boom. Heavy artillery and missiles fired. Don't scatter money like shells into the zombies. Most of the heavy artillery is arranged on the fifth and sixth rings. The bomber was unable to take off after being disturbed by mutant birds. Heavy artillery became a substitute for bombing. Missiles can only be launched at the most critical locations. That thing is one less. It is impossible to complete the manufacturing site based on the internal enterprises of the Beijing base.

Zombies are nothing but flesh and blood. How they were hit by artillery. But these t2 don't care at all. They are here to serve as cannon fodder. Therefore, the artillery did not disrupt the formation of the zombie offensive. Instead, they accelerated their offensive pace. Soon the ring went out to the outpost and contacted the zombies.

Gao Yu explained to Hua Fuqiang: "Chairman. Our ground artillery attack killed one-half of the zombie forces. Now they have connected with our outposts. According to the plan, we will use street fighting to drag them to the Fourth Ring outer."

Hua Fuqiang was worried about the tunnel: "Unfortunately, our preparation time is short. The number of artillery deployed on the periphery is small. Otherwise, we can also consume the zombie force. Time. We need time."

Gao Yudao: "Chairman. Don't worry. Street fighting is our advantage. And we can also cooperate with short-range missile directional attacks. We support wherever there is danger. I think the offensive can be repelled at most in the bright sky."

How can Hua Fuqiang not worry. Street fighting is to take the lives of soldiers and zombies desperately. But the zombies only knew to attack blindly. They advance quickly. Artillery does not form a blockade. So you can only let them attack you.

The fighting continued, everyone in the base knew the crisis, and everyone was not as panicked as before. What to do in the morning is done as usual. While Song Jun went out of the ring while the troops continued to guard, he found the Persian cat.

The Persian cat doesn't know Song Jun. So she behaved very indifferently. She was not interested in a man who seemed horrible. Song Jundao said, "Are you a cat sister? I am a friend of Chu Xiangdi. He entrusted me to complete the transaction with you."

When the Persian cat heard Chu Xiang's name, he looked up and looked at Song Jun carefully. "Yes, why can I believe you?"

Song Jundao: "You can't believe me, but Chu Xiang has been taken away. We need to complete the supplementary support in time. Otherwise, he can only stay in the Persian cat, which is obviously not satisfied, but she considered it for a few seconds. After the bell said: "Well, say your intention. "

Song Jundao: "I want to ask you to get food and weapons and fuel today. I will be responsible for getting back the medicines you need, and we will trade at night."

The Persian cat saw the note she had handed to Chu Xiang, and she believed that Song Jun was really entrusted by Chu Xiang. She asked anxiously: "What happened to Chu Xiang? Why was it captured?"

Song Jundao: "You don't need to ask this, but those people don't dare to take him, but he has to wait for you to get things done before he dares to get away, so everything depends on you."

The Persian cat was helpless: "Well, maybe this zombie attack is an opportunity. A lot of materials are constantly entering and leaving the ring. We have the opportunity to bring the materials out and go. We enter the ring. We can't stay here anymore. I don't want to use noon Zombies can come in. "

The No.1 battle command room was full of enthusiasm. Although the zombies were sacrificed a lot, they continued to join the clan, so they never stopped moving forward. After noon, they had contact with the ring blockade. fighting.

"Beijing base can't keep up!" Everyone thinks so, as long as the ring blockade is broken, there is no longer any fear of zombies. Of course, the ring blockade is also the tightest blockade line. Zombie wants to break it. What can be done in a while.

Hua Fuqiang didn't know how many rounds he made in the command room. Gao Yu's face was as dead as imaginary. He couldn't imagine how fast the zombies were advancing. They didn't fight tug-of-war with the army at all. They only knew that they rushed forward, even in the dark castle behind No matter how much they ignore, let the bombs hit their backs.

"You must defend the Beijing base!" Hua Fu made a strong decision. "Put all the reserve forces up. All the civil servants in the central government also issued guns, and all of them are given to me at critical moments!"

Hearing Hua Fuqiang's decision, most of the people in the command room changed their faces, not that everyone did not have the courage to fight the zombies. But who doesn't care for their lives, they know better than anyone else about the battle, and those zombies have no fear. Once they are near them, unless they are completely killed, they will only be killed.

The sniper on the ring road played a big role, and the zombies rushed for an afternoon without results. They left a large number of corpses and temporarily stopped the large-scale attack. They have just been built with a look of four rings, and now they are restored to a broken state. Zombies are constantly wandering inside. Some cleaners who have not had time to evacuate are just like them. Swallow alive.

While the zombies temporarily stopped attacking, the people in the No. 1 battle command room could finally sit down and drink a cup of hot water for a meal. Hua Fuqiang said in silence, and Du Chengen, commander of the Beijing Military Region, bit his bread and said to Hua Fuqiang: "Chairman, we don't have enough reserves. Now I have prepared the reserve and the militia to fight."

Hua Fuqiang nodded. "Will the zombies continue to attack, their offensive will be very strong soon. Except for our tightly guarded ring, the outposts are not doing anything at all."

Du Chengen said: "I am very surprised that the zombies have never made any ground operations against our Beijing base before. This time, they went all out to attack the base."

Hua Fuqiang shook his head and said, "Is it because the power of our base threatens their survival?"

Du Chengen said: "Maybe this is one aspect. We already know that zombies are also wise, maybe they have other plans. But Madam Chairman, we have to watch out. From the attack last night to the present, they are All t2 were dispatched. These low-level zombies were nothing more than cannon fodder. We have n’t even seen a t3, let alone t4. This is really abnormal. "

Hua Fu Qiang said: "Do you mean that the zombies are likely to accumulate power to prepare for the next strong attack?"

Du Chengen said: "Yes, I think it is very possible."

Gao Yu came over and said, "Chairman. I don't think this is possible. You can rest assured that our troops will keep the zombies out of the ring. Their strength is running out, and we have hope for victory."

Du Chengen said: "Mr. Gao, there is no impossible thing in this world. They will never stop with so many cannon fodder. Those t3 and t4 are extremely powerful. Has the chief counselor come up with a countermeasure?" Gao Yu blushed "Our approach is to use a rocket launcher with a machine gun to strike. This type of play is mainly due to the disparity of the strengths of the two sides of the battle. If we fight them one-on-one, it is simply asking for trouble."

Du Chengen told Huafu Qiang: "Chairman, this is not working at all, t3 and t4 are fast. Our play is undoubtedly fatal, and the ring block line cannot stop them at all. We must make proper preparations as soon as possible!"

Huafu Qiang said: "But I can't think of any other available strategy besides this method."

Du Chengen glanced proudly at Gao Yu. He whispered in Hua Fuqiang's ears: "I have heard about the study of terminal evolution in the central government. Since we have received reports that foreigners have evolved, can we not Gathering the Chinese evolutionists and letting them deal with high-level t3 and t4 is much safer than letting the soldiers kill their lives. "

Hua Fuqiang shook his head, "Only one of our subjects survived, and Professor Bai has not yet disclosed his information to me, saying it was to protect the subject."

Du Chengen said, "Chairman, as far as I know, there have been many weird phenomena in the base recently. I think we have hidden dragons and crouches in our base in Beijing. You may wish to try my suggestions. Without them, we can deal with t3 and t4. It will be broken soon. "

Hua Fuqiang also moved his heart, and the ordinary soldiers at t2 couldn't stop it, let alone t3 and t. If there was an evolutionary to help, they only need to delay the attack of t3 and t4 to win the war.

Hua Fuqiang hurriedly returned to his office, and only then could Professor Bai be contacted. The matter is urgent. I hope that the evolutionist is in the Beijing base.

Hua Fuqiang did not contact Bai Xiaowei with much effort. He was anxious and looked forward to saying: "Professor Bai, the Beijing base is at stake, and I hope you can send evolutionaries to let them help."

Bai Xiaowei said: "Chairman. I already know the situation. There are two reasons for the zombie invasion of the Beijing base. One is that the rapid development of the Beijing base poses a threat to them. The other is that they are looking for something critical."

Hua Fuqiang couldn't figure out: "Really, how did you know these two reasons?"

Bai Xiaowei said: "Because some of us can communicate with zombies, she understands their thinking and language, and the expansion of the Beijing base and the strengthening of the work of fighting zombies in bases across the country have made zombies threaten, so they intend to destroy the Beijing base. Messing up all our recovery work. "

Hua Fuqiang gritted his teeth and said, "I will never let their plot succeed!"

Bai Xiaowei said: "Zombies are waiting for an opportunity. After dark, there will be t3 and t4 rushing to the team. At that time, it is by no means ordinary people you can deal with."

Hua Fuqiang burst into a cold sweat: "It turns out that they do have this plan. Fortunately, I contact you in time. I don't know if Professor Bai can handle it?"

Bai Xiaowei said: "The chairman will not contact me and I will contact you. There is no law, only fight with them."

Hua Fuqiang worried: "It's not that our soldiers are afraid of sacrifice, but ordinary humans are very different from t3 and t4. I can't let the soldiers die in vain. Don't you say that your experimental subject is progressing very fast, as if he still A group of friends have also evolved. Is it time for him to come out and break down the crisis for the country? "

Bai Xiaowei laughed: "Chairman, please rest assured. In fact, he is always by your side. He is still lying in your prison now. When the time comes, he will naturally go to war. If t2 consumes his power, then It will be the trick of the zombies, that's why he stays hidden. "

Hua Fuqiang was startled: "What? He is lying in my jail? How is this possible? What is going on?"

It's white, he is a wanted criminal of the Military Commission, which is why I have been reluctant to let him see you. If you are caught by the troops at that time, either you hurt him or he hurt you. Besides, he is a man who likes freedom and is not a simple experimental body. I ca n’t cultivate him into a killing machine or let him be buried. Freedom and happiness, because he is a human, not a zombie! "

Hua Fuqiang stayed for a few seconds, and he stood up and said, "I'll go out and investigate this thing right now! What a reason! Professor Bai, you know, I understand that we did not consider training a batch of killing machines when we formulated this final evolution plan. .I just want to find a better way out for the future survival of mankind. Your rational scientific view is correct, don't go away. I will come back later. "

Hua Fuqiang returned to the combat command room. Before he could find out who had locked up his best hope, two people came to him. It is natural that these two people can enter the combat command room at this moment. Hua Fu Qiang attaches great importance to these two people.

"Professor Song and Liu. Why are you here? Today is a mess. We cannot entertain them properly. Please sit down and sit down."

The people who came were Professor Song Qiao and Professor Liu Nan. These two were a nuclear weapons expert and an economic expert. They were both rare talents for Hua Fuqiang. "Chairman, we are old-fashioned today to protect our life-saving benefactors. If it wasn't for Staff Zhao to inform us, we wouldn't know that our life-saving benefactors were locked up."

At this moment, the attack of the zombies has stopped, and there is still some time in the evening. There is nothing else in the battle command room. Hua Fuqiang sat down with the two and asked, "What's going on? Who will take Your savers are locked up. "

Song Qiaodao: "Chairman, after the crash, we thank the state for condemning a troop to rescue it. One of the troop was defeated before they met us. They merged with another troop in the copper city base and another It is led by Gao Yu of the LZ Military Region. Don't blame the chairman for saying bad things about him ... "

Liu Nan rushed and said, "Lao Song, we didn't say anything bad, let's be honest, this thing Captain Chu is worthy of the world and everyone, the hero is the hero, we have not vilified anyone."

Hua Fuqiang said: "Yes, you all told me what happened, I want to listen to the real story. Recently, there are a lot of chaos in the country. Sometimes I just ignore the things around me."

Song Qiao then talked about the distress at the Poshui Bridge and later passed through the Death Bus, Gao Yu made no mistake and made reckless decisions. And Gao Yu, the chief of the then Chief of Staff's Warfare Operation, made a judgement on the situation and improper employment, which led to the entire team's despair. If it wasn't for Captain Chu of the copper city base to turn the tide, no two people would sit opposite and talk about this Something happened.

Hua Fuqiang took a sigh of relief: "It turned out that the two of you have suffered so much. I really overlooked it. Gao Yu was promoted because of his successful rescue, but I didn't know he was rectifying. It has been counterproductive! "

Liu Nandao: "Yes, it ’s still the chairman and you make sense. Gao Yu is a good guy who has no brains. He does n’t know how to unite the team members to play the cooperative power of the battlefield, and he does n’t sacrifice his courage to save everyone. We only believed in Gao Yu ’s arrogant bastard. We immediately gave up the military commission's order to go to Changzhi. As Chu Xiang returned to the copper city base, this matter had nothing to do with Captain Chu, and it was completely voluntary. "

Song Qiao said: "We thought this was the end of this matter. Everyone is safe and we don't have to mention who is right and who is wrong. But we didn't expect that Director Gao would put Captain Chu into the wanted prisoner by public donation. But it ’s a reputational thing. You should know that it is not realistic to let the troops out of the base to catch people, but Captain Chu later came to Beijing, and we did not expect that Director Gao would actually meet Captain Chu in Beijing. Now Captain Chu He was arrested and heard that he was still in confinement. He would be hungry for a few days before he said. "

Liu Nandao: "This is the first case of Captain Chu from the beginning to the end. He did not make any mistakes, and Chief Gao completely mixed his personal grudges into his work. He is not suitable to stay in the Chief Staff. We even suspect that Gao Yu is It ’s not his nephew or something like that, or why would he maintain it like this ... ”

Song Qiao said: "We ask the chairman to let go and punish the real culprit. If Captain Chu is detained because of this, then our old face will not be left. How can we go to see Captain Chu in the future? Lock it up. "

Hua Fuqiang was sweating profusely. How could he go to guard these two. There are still many places to rely on their guidance in the future, and from the perspective of their narration. That Chu Xiang was indeed right. In that case, if he is not so determined to make up his mind, then it is foreseeable that the entire army will be wiped out. "Gao Kechang!" Hua Fuqiang shouted. Gao Yu, who had seen the bad situation long ago, knew that there was nothing to hide. He had to shrink and walk over. "Chairman, are you looking for me?"

Hua Fuqiang said: "Do you know these two?"

Gao Yu nodded and said, "It's Professor Song and Professor Liu. Why are you two here? The situation at the base is now very dangerous, so you should go back and rest."

Song Qiao didn't give Gao Yumian at all: "Rest? We can rest on Captain Chu better after we rest, right? Gao Yu, don't think I don't know what you are thinking, Captain Chu was totally for the safety of our team Think about it, unlike you hiding in the Beijing base, you do n’t have to worry about the ups and downs, do you know how we got here? The death man was Captain Chu who broke out with his own life! It was you who caused the situation at the time Employing mistakes! "

Gao Yu's face turned red for a while, and Hua Fuqiang said, "Coach Gao, is this the case?"

Gao Yudao: "Chairman, you know, I was not on the scene at the time, and it was normal for some things to make mistakes in judgment."

Hua Fuqiang said: "Is it true that you are arresting people? Or is it a warrant issued under the name of the Military Commission? Hi Chief, you are powerful. You will be fine in the future."

Gao Yu plunged to the ground. "Chairman, this is not the case. At that time, Chu Xiang threatened me and said that he wanted to chase me down. He also scolded our military commission as a group of mixed protein idiots. I could not issue a warrant against him, but I did n’t take him He was just drinking and chatting in the confinement room just now. I really ca n’t take him anymore. His strength is strong. I ca n’t beat him again. Instead, he was fainted twice. I really ca n’t help it. "

Hua Fuqiang said, "We will talk about your treatment later, and invite others first. I want to see this Captain Chu. Although he is not a soldier, he has greatly contributed to saving the two professors. We cannot make people suffer. Grievance. "

Gao Yu felt a sense of gratitude and went out, and he was so angry when he went out. What the fuck? He was fainted twice without saying that in the end he did not report revenge but caused a slapstick. The guy beat him up and beat him. Whoever knew how he got the food and drinks was detained by Zhao Hong, but it was all Zhao Hong ’s dead pig head, but This time he made a report. I'm afraid I can't sit on him, and it's still a question whether he can sit under him. The chairman just said very seriously. He issued a warrant for the military commission privately. This matter is beyond his authority and his future should be all over.

Hua Fuqiang remembered a major event, and he could not say hello to Professor Song or Qiao. He called the guards and said, "Go and find me a person in the prison right away. This person must have just been arrested, and he is still a member of the Military Commission. The wanted……"

The guards did not wait to be reminded. Hua Fuqiang himself responded, "Oh my God, Professor Bai said the natives wouldn't be him! Damn it. Gao Yu really **** it. He even caught him up and made a joke!"

Hua Fuqiang had Gao Yusheng's heart swallowed at this moment. You said that Gao Yu was not good at his own job, to provoke the ultimate experiment to do what is unique. That's all my hope, even if Gao Yu can't hurt him, but after angering him, he won't like the troops anymore, what can he do!

Song Qiao and Liu Nan don't know what's going on. The two stared nervously at Hua Fuqiang. Hua Fuqiang started to circle in the command room again. He was thinking about how to explain this to the other party, and then he met again. In what capacity did Noodle talk to each other.

"Chairman, the zombies have launched an attack," Du Chengen stepped forward to report hurriedly.

Hua Fuqiang jumped. He hurried to the podium. Judging from the video transmitted back to the front, she really did not expect Bai Xiaowei. The zombies were covered by t2 as cannon fodder. They dispatched t3 and t4. The total number is estimated to be five or six thousand, t4 is not much, not more than twenty, but t alone cannot cope, let alone The number is still so huge.

"Chairman, do I suggest you stop thinking about it, they launched the attack but it took just one minute. We have had the soldiers killed." Du Chengen was very anxious. Each soldier is his heart, let They are desperately fighting t3 and t4. Although the war is full of cruelty, the veteran general cannot accept such a one-sided battle.

Hua Fuqiang said: "How did I not think about it, but **** it is Gao Yu arrested people, now he can help us again is a question." Du Chengen said: "Chairman, isn't evolution ultimately under the control of the country? ? "

Hua Fuqiang said: "I'll tell you the truth to this day. Our final evolution plan has actually failed. Only one of the eight laboratories survived, and he is not our military. Of them, Professor Bai has also been infected with the t virus, and now there is only one intelligent program with her memory to contact us. "

Du Chengen was startled: "How can this be the case? Then, aren't we out of vitality? The t3 and t4 offensives are not what we can deal with. What should we do? Is it necessary to stop the lives of the warriors? It doesn't help. "

Gao Yu hurried back, "Chairman, it's not good."

Hua Fuqiang was disgusted and said, "What's wrong? People?"

Gao Yudao: "The man ran away, and the soldier guarding him fainted aside. He must have forcibly opened the cell door of the confinement room and escaped. Do you need to catch him back?"

Hua Fuqiang snorted coldly: "If he is going to run, can you catch it? Not at your own expense! The guy who has not done more than failed!"

Gao Yu knew that even if he had made more achievements before, it was all over now. The chairman's state undoubtedly announced everything to him. He couldn't stand anymore, and collapsed under his foot. Hua Fuqiang looked at him coldly and said nothing.

Du Chengen said: "Chairman ~ ~ Is he really so stingy? I just run away without asking?"

Hua Fuqiang said: "No, there is Professor Bai by his side. I don't think he will do this. Let's wait and see."

Du Chengen sighed fiercely, every minute means that there are a lot of soldiers killed or injured, but what can be done without waiting. Now all the heavy weapons are put into it, but the heavier the weapon, the more unable to deal with the smart t3 and t4. , But the use of flexible light weapons to t3 and t4 is not lethal.

You can't blame Du Chengen for being anxious. The battle on the ring road is indeed fierce. A large number of t2 don't rush up. They have no other purpose. It is a waste of the soldiers' attention and attention, and t3 and t4 are doped in it. With the sudden attack, the ring line has been breached in several places, and finally blocked at the expense of a large number of soldiers.

"Zuo'an outpost urgently ... Yongding outer street outpost urgently ... Lize outpost urgently ... Fucheng outpost urgently ... Zhongguancun outpost urgently ..." Each frontline command room is anxious to report, a lot The ground reserve force was put in, but the urgency continued.


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