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Chapter 221: Power match

The two men confronted each other, and Hua Fuqiang said, "I see. This is Wang to Wang. It turns out he is waiting for it!"

Du Chengen nodded and said, "Surprisingly and slightly daring, this evolutionary has a bright future. He is not a simple-minded machine with developed limbs, but a real master."

Hua Fuqiang looked at the strong zombie man and said, "This zombie collar is not simple. I hope Chu Xiang can kill it safely. Maybe it will be safe for our Beijing base as soon as it dies."

Chu Xiang didn't care if he would reveal his strength. To this day, he doesn't need to hide anything anymore. It's time for a duel. He Er probably thinks the same now. He took care to organize a large-scale zombie operation. To defeat the Beijing base, it also wants to get a little silk.

As for what kind of effect Xiaosi has on them, Chu Xiang and others thought about it, maybe it was really related to t5, but the event really surfaced. Everyone did n’t have a clearer answer, but there was no need for any reason. Now, although Xiao Si has the characteristics of a corpse, now she is an individual, a girl with flesh and blood and thoughts, how can Chu Xiang give her to He Er?

The short confrontation between the two has already stated their positions, and Ho Er is not indifferent. It is approaching Chu Xiang with a heavy step. Behind it are twenty t3 and two t4. This is a spectacular lineup. For Chu Xiang, he has not encountered such a strong zombie force before, but this does not mean that Chu Xiang will be afraid, because his strength is also not what it used to be. Zhang Jingyao and Zhou Muqing got off the horse. They knew that the last battle was about to start, and He would n’t let go unless he had failed to achieve his purpose. Unless it was killed, this battle was inevitable and it was useless to stay right away. The hard way is not to hit the flame horse to give it a quick blow to solve the problem. Now of course, we must come down and help Chu Xiang clean up the surrounding zombies so that he can fight with He Er at ease.

Zhou Muqing first launched a tentative attack. A powerful ultrasonic wave was fired at He ear, and Her's clothes were shattered, and even blood lines appeared on his skin. Its two feet sunk deep into the ground, but in the end it still resisted Zhou Muqing's ultrasonic attack, but t3 and t4 behind it were not so lucky, and a few zombies were too late to dodge and were blasted by ultrasound!

Zhang Jingyao also launched an attack on He Er. At this time, he could consume more of He Er's power, and Chu Xiang had an extra hope of winning it, and a strong current hit He Er. The burly He Er still used his body to be attacked by the current like that. The surface of his skin became dark, but Zhang Jingyao's continuous discharge limit exceeded. It did not fall down, shook his body or even became more energetic. Chu Xiang.

From the perspective of martial arts, Chu Xiang, He Er is a hard home, similar to kung fu like iron cloth shirts. His muscles and bones are very strong. Chu Xiang has suffered before, and his bone weapons were injured by him for a long time. Can not be used, now Chu Xiang's body has undergone an enhanced f-adhesive modification. I don't know if I can beat it.

Bang, the two finally fought, and He Er's left fist. Chu Xiang's right fist came out. Just now, the two were approaching each other with a heavy step at the same time. Why is this a heavy step? Because of the deep footprints on the soles of his feet, the two sides finally punched each other, the fists collided in midair, and a strong earthquake wave scattered around. The two also took a few steps back at the same time.

Chu Xiang looked down at his right fist. The flesh was blurred and the skin had been smashed. Fortunately, the bones did not matter, and the wound had begun to heal quickly. Looking at Ho'er again, the guy seemed uncomfortable. One of his fists was dripping black blood underground, but his sensory system was not very sensitive. So it didn't show a painful expression. Instead, he came to Chu Xiang again after he set footsteps!

Zhou Muqing raised Chu Xiang's fist with concern and said, "How about? It doesn't matter?"

Chu Xiang said to Zhou Muqing: "I'm fine. You and Jingyao yourself be careful. This hard work is quite powerful."

laugh. Zhang Jingyao sent a current again. But He Er ignored it. Although the skin was again turned black. But it doesn't care. Footsteps just continue to advance towards Chu Xiang.

Chu Xiang said to Zhang Jingyao: "Don't waste energy. It's important to deal with t4. You don't have to move at the same time. Pay attention to cooperation. Don't let those zombies get closer. I'm fine. When I kill He, these zombies will become Bereaved dogs. They will naturally recede at that time. So you just need to stick to them. Don't fight them hard. "Boom. The two fists meet again. Chu Xiang gritted his teeth. He relied on the powerful energy of the five-color liquid. This punch almost worked hard. He Er flew up a dozen feet! puff. As soon as he got up, he spit out black blood. It seems that zombies also suffered internal injuries. It's just that this internal injury is probably not life-threatening to Ho Er.

Chu Xiang left this time with a left fist. Now he could not feel the pain in his left hand. The strength of this punch has numb his nervous system. The skin from the fist to the wrist shattered. Five colored liquids flew along the broken skin. It howled. Perhaps it was perceived that Chu Xiangdi was disadvantaged.

He Er suddenly flew up. It slammed into Chu Xiang. Chu Xiang was injured in both hands. His bone stabbed to the sky. He Er didn't know how strong Chu Xiang was today. Perhaps He's still measuring him against previous standards. It was not slow to hug Chu Xiang's bone spurs. Chu Xiang knew that He Er would pinch his bone spur with great force. He couldn't rush to recover, only two bone wings were stretched out and quickly cut to He's ear.

He Er's trick was repeated. With his strong skin and bones, he ignored the attack of Chu Xiang's bones and wings. Chu Xiang came from the spine with great pain. He's divine power wasn't covered. He could stab his bone spurs without anyone else!

Alas, Chu Xiang endured the pain from the spine. His bones and wings were cut into He's skin like a chainsaw. According to the experience of the last battle, He's bones were a little harder than its skin. Ten times, He Er defeated Chu Xiang by this point, but this time He Er underestimated Chu Xiang ’s strength. When he was holding Chu Xiang's spurs hard, his back was cut open. Chu Xiang After its strength is increased, it will break its bone defense line!

He Er was naturally taken aback. He immediately gave up Chu Xiang's bone spurs and stepped back a dozen steps to get rid of the fate of being dissected, but his back was already open. Some of the incapable organs leaked out, and the black blood kept flowing out, and the scene was a little disgusting.

"Okay!" Zhou Muqing and Zhang Jingyao shouted happily at the same time. Those t3 and t did not dare to attack the two women actively, because their skin could not withstand the attacks of the two women, and the two women complemented each other, one working and one alert. Twenty t3 were quickly eliminated by half. The rest only dare to wander around.

This was an intermission, Chu Xiang retracted the bone spurs and pressed the pain on the spine. Although He wasn't cut off, he also suffered some injuries, but fortunately, it was much lighter than last time. With the bottom last time, this injury was nothing. The five-color liquid was very excited to see a group of high-energy zombies, but Chu Xiang said to it: "Eat t2 if you want to eat. Those high-level places are not your opponents!"

The five-colored liquid understood Chu Xiang's words, it gave up t3 and t4, and of course he did not dare to touch any ears, and instead swooped on t2. A big bubble quickly formed and spread to the surrounding area. This scene was Zhang Jingyao and Zhou Muqing who were also surprised to close their mouths. It was also the first time that they had met.

He Er was accumulating strength. At the same time, he couldn't understand what Chu Xiang released. How could those apprentices suddenly melt away? It sullenly rushed into the bubble, but it was powerless and wanted to fight. Wanting to bite without knowing who to bite, He Er turned to Chu Xiang.

It was not unexpected for Chu Xiang that He Er was melted by the foam. As long as the strength is strong enough, the five-color liquid cannot decompose it. To deal with He Er, it also depends on the strength. The competition of masters, without skills and fighting, is a real energy collision!

The bodies of the two were opened at the touch. At the same time fell back dozens of steps and sat on the ground panting. He Er had a hole in his hind chest, and this collision turned out a large piece of organs inside. He pulled it back with a hand, but it was a stomach, and he blew it away from the root, then threw it aside.

Zhou Muqing and Zhang Jingyao almost spit it out. Those t3s stopped attacking for a while, but the two t4s were about to move. Teng, they leapt to the second daughter, as if they had a spirit. When the two t4s launched the attack, they left The spirit of t3 suddenly came. They attacked the second daughter together. As long as the second daughter dealt with them, the top of her head would be slammed by t4. If they dealt with t4 above her head, they would be bitten by them! Cooperating with the offensive well, this is also a strategy and tactic for zombies, they understand more and more!

Chu Xiang stood up from the ground. Of course he couldn't watch the second daughter be injured, but He Er might have waited for this opportunity. It didn't fall behind Chu Xiang. His fists came straight to Chu Xiang's chest. Chu Xiang either Turn around and run away, or you just give up saving people and fight hard again.

This is a choice that is difficult to make up, Zhang Jingyao yelled, "Focus on He Er, don't care about us!"

Boom, the strength of the two collided again, and He Er began to despise Chu Xiangdi's bones and wings. He thought it was impossible to break its bones as he did last time. Now the hole in the back chest makes it extremely annoying. The pair's punches produced a strong shock wave, and Her's large intestine and small intestine were flew up and dragged to the ground as if it were a belt, which reduced its strength.

T3 and t4's tactics of seducing the enemy have been successful. Zhang Jingyao and Zhou Muqing were backed by their combined attacks. Hissing, the two t4s that flew over their heads thought they were going to succeed. T repeatedly explodes, but t3 strikes in a round attack formation. Zhou Muqing can only deal with the ground in a certain arc. It is impossible for Sonic to attack the targets behind her. Four t3s are still close to them.

Alas, the bone knife passed through, two of the four t were chopped, and the remaining two wailed back. After Chu Xiang and He Er fisted his two fists, he retreated to the two women and then escorted him. After killing two t3s, he spit out blood.

Zhou Muqing hugged Chu Xiang: "Chu Xiang, you are injured, it doesn't matter, don't scare me."

The five-color liquid was full at this time. It flew back to Chu Xiang and squeaked in concern. Chu Xiang said to him, "Come in and help me replenish my energy, otherwise you will have no home when I die."

The five-color liquid quickly penetrated from Chu Xiang's wound, and then an unexpected scene occurred. Chu Xiang's wound healed faster by dozens of times, and the blood flowing out of the wound was no longer red, but like when fighting with Zhou Wang Injured multicolored. This should be the change caused by the five-color liquid.

Chu Xiangdi's bones rattled, and he said excitedly: "Well, the five-color liquid is strengthening my bones hard. He Er's old abnormal strength is also much stronger than the last time. We can only fight with the current energy. Afraid that the day and the half won't make the difference, now the five-color liquids **** enough energy to help me. "

Zhou Muqing pushed Chu Xiang to Zhang Jingyao and said, "Let Jingyao hold you again, she will replenish you with some energy and kill the old immortal."

Zhang Jingyao pulled Chu Xiang's hand, then let go: "No, Chu Xiang's energy is now much greater than mine. I can't deliver to him."

But it took a while for Chu Xiang to drink chicken blood and stand up again. His body seemed to be covered with a colored halo. Several t3 saw him bowing his head to the side. He screamed, it commanded. After the t2 attacked, Hu Xiang, Chu Xiang's bones and wings spun out, and anyone who was within ten meters of his body was cut off. He Er stuffed the large and small intestines back into his body, then he took two ribs from a t2 body, and even put on the skin of his back. In this way, the hole that was cut by Chu Xiang was temporarily blocked, and the two women who saw this **** self-savage suture finally spit it out.

T2's attack is not very striking, but with them comes t3. The number of t3s in this batch is horrific. There are many of them, forming a magnificent battle array. Most of them are junior t3s. Surround people in a circular formation.

Chu Xiang shouted, "You two get on!"

What did Zhou Muqing want to say? Zhang Jingyao pulled her to jump on the flame horse. Zhou Muqing was angry and sent ultrasonic waves to t3. Alas, t3 burst constantly. Roaring down, they moved forward with firm steps, and even a group of two or more t arrived. This is the biggest conspiracy. He Er will use them to exhaust Chu Xiang's energy! Just kill Chu Xiang and it's easy to get Xiaosi!

Woo. A sharp tweet. The t2 suddenly stopped attacking as if receiving a signal. They looked up to see a building inside the ring. There was a petite figure standing on it, she was screaming!

Chu Xiang cursed secretly, **** it, let you hide your side out, isn't it trouble? The figure on the building suddenly jumped down, and alas, she flew straight to the battlefield over here, "Brother, I'll help you!"

Chu Xiang said: "Fuck! You should hide, why don't you listen to me."

The comer is Xiaosi. She is a bit more mature than the other day. She looks like a top ten girl. "Brother, I can't do it. You are desperate for me. I'm here to help you, let me and Hear talk. "

When He Er saw Xiaosidi's eyes glowing with dying ashes, he coughed and snarled and walked to Xiaosi's body, then knelt down reverently, but Xiaosi looked indifferent, as if she didn't see anything at all The movement of the ear seemed to convey her thoughts without speaking, but Ho Er could not do it. The fuzzy syllables were constantly emitted between her throats, and Chu Xiang's hearing could not be discerned even if it was good.

I am the hope for the future of their zombies. It says that it is not malicious, it will protect me, brother, what should I do. If I don't follow them, they will capture the Beijing base and kill all the humans here. "

Actually, Chu Xiang knew that Xiao Si was not one with herself. She still has human characteristics, but Xiao Si has been a zombie since she was born, or her feelings for humans have been passed on from her. She's a human or a corpse. Perhaps this choice should be left to her.

Chu Xiang said: "Xiao Si, my brother can't help you make this decision, but my brother will also protect you. Your mother entrusts you to me, and I have the responsibility to take care of you, but you have to tell Ho Er that there are no species You can kill humans, unless they are humans themselves! "

Xiaosi walked firmly behind Chu Xiang, she hugged Chu Xiang's waist and said, "Brother, I won't leave you, would you like to take care of me all my life?"

Chu Xiang said: "Okay, now that you have made a decision, you will have nothing to do with these zombies in the future. You tell them that there will be a life after leaving the Beijing base immediately, otherwise they will only die!"

Xiao Si quickly conveyed Chu Xiang's meaning, and He Er's chest kept sulking. He howled to command t3 to launch an attack. Chu Xiang pushed Xiao Si to the flame horse: "Hurry up!"

"No!" Xiao Si and Zhou Muqing strongly opposed, but Zhang Jingyao was a horse belly, the flame horse speeded up instantly, and he disappeared from the protection circle, Chu Xiang laughed: "He, today you are not dead It ’s me, and you have all the power you have! ”

He Er looked at the direction of the disappearance of the flame horse. He was so mournful that he hated Chu Xiang's bones, so he kept screaming, and the surrounding t3 and t4 quickly moved closer to this side. In terms of quantity, there were a thousand less. Above, the scene is more and more amazing, even the members of the eschatology team are holding sweat for Chu Xiang.

Iron guardrails on the ring road are everywhere. After the battle started, there were bullet shells and waste guns everywhere. Chu Xiang patted his arm. The five-color liquid jumped in response to him. Chu Xiang said: "Little guy, I do n’t know if this is the last battle "You were full just now. We are desperate. Can you stand it?"

The five-color liquid nodded in Chu Xiang's skin. Chu Xiang's blood surged. This battle was much more serious than he was in Poshuiqiao, Xigou, and grassland. There he could take a step back, but now he ca n’t retreat. Beijing base has Half of the cause of this disaster was the existence of Xiao Si. He Chuxiang was not an irresponsible man. He would be guilty for a lifetime if he did not repel the siege of the zombies, so he could not retreat.

Chu Xiang ’s huge bone wing was rolled under the ground and then unfolded in the wind. His spirit was on high alert, and the bone wing suddenly produced dense meat particles. These meat particles quickly merged together, and the kung fu did not even form on the bone wing. A film that looks a bit bat-like.

Chu Xiang tried to fan it, my God, it turned out that the bones and wings couldn't hold the airflow. Now I have a layer of periosteum, and the bones and wings are much larger than before, and I can fly! Chu Xiang was so pleased that he first made a lap at low altitude.

This sudden move of Chu Xiang can surprise He Er and other zombies. Although there are also mutant birds flying in the sky, it is the first time that a human head flying like Chu Xiang has seen a human body flying in the sky ~ www ~ Just as they burst into the air, they suddenly shot a row of dense projectiles from the sky, and those t3 who looked up were hit by the door.

Chu Xiang whirls, his body spins around in mid-air, and another batch of pellets formed at the end of the bone wing shoots down. Alas, no less than the machine gun on a fighter, and the rate of fire is only high. low! Even t4 cannot resist! This is a real fighter, what Chu Xiang has to do is to melt the scrap iron that has just been rolled up on the bones and wings, and then force it out of the body to form a projectile launch!

The t3 and t4 were unable to fly to the sky. They watched the blow from the sky and slaughtered them one by one. He Er burst into a blow and smashed a t4 brainball. However, He Er was not without reserve power. Soon it A large number of mutant birds were called in. These mutant birds usually live near the airport. Now they are about to start air combat.

"Brother Chu, you need me!" Fang Yuxuan silently read underground. Chu Xiang was worried that the battle would damage the pda, so he did not bring the contact tool with him, but seeing the emergence of mutant birds, Chu Xiang knew that he really could not cope, and he quickly locked Fang Yuxuan's position after hovering in the sky.

Fang Yuxuan yelled and rushed to Chu Xiang's back, Chu Xiang said, "Hugging tightly, we are about to take off!"


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