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Chapter 263: Fight begins

Everyone shook their heads and pulled a fart. What if there is a creeper in the water? Isn't it to rush to death? As for the retreat west, there is the Zhengzhou base. Just received the news, where the zombies and humans were fighting. Hot, they went to the house to say whether they were able to receive it, and if they opened the door to greet the zombies, the crime would be a big one. It is far to the south, and the nearest base is also a few kilometers away, so it is the only one to go east.

Tian Leilue knew that Chu Xiang had no ego to choose to retreat to the Yutai base, but Chu Xiang said: "Now no matter where we retreat, because we do not have a means of travel, we want to let thousands of people pass by. Creeper, this matter is over, so we have to resist. "

Chu Xiang said that everyone ’s heart sank. They had just fought with the creepers. They were less than two last time, but now they are more than ten times. Although they have already helped the evolutionaries, they are so disparate. Compared with strength, the hope of victory is slim.

Suddenly Chu Xiang said, "Master Tian, ​​can you think about it quickly? Are there any large underground buildings nearby? The creepers are agile. Even if we build a line of defense, we may not be able to support it, and we cannot let our old name be in the square. Waiting for the slaughter. "

Chu Xiang's words were anxious to humane behind him before he fell into the field: "Everyone quickly think about it, check it quickly, the bigger and better the basement, one is not enough two, it is best not to be scattered, or there are not many people to protect."

As the saying goes, there are many people and powerful people, and soon someone thought, "Go to the Simao Supermarket, I have been there before, the underground supermarket space there is very large, and this crowd of more than 10,000 people will be installed when they are crowded. Stuffy. "

Chu Xiang didn't understand the relationship between Si Mao and Mao, so Li Haipeng took him and the man to look at it, not to mention that the space there was really large, but there were a lot of exits, which required the dispersal of manpower to guard. But it is better than the slaughter that stayed in the square and let the creepers bounce around. Even if the supermarket couldn't keep the creepers from rushing in at the end, it could only blame Fang Xiong for not keeping the door.

Under the policy, the creeper was not far away from the urban area at this time. Tens of thousands of surnames made a mighty move to the Simao Supermarket. The evolver had already cleared the zombies. Although Gao Yu was reluctant to stay, there were always people around Chu Xiang staring at him intentionally or unintentionally, and he could n’t even run. He had to settle down to help out together. After all, if he could n’t get away, the battle defeated his young Life is also dangerous.

The supermarket has a total of seven entrances to enter and exit the underground part. In addition to one normal entrance in each of the four directions, there is an additional entrance to the east and north main roads. In addition, there is an escalator in the middle of the lobby on the first floor. Tian Lei Already running with the main force came to arm. This time it's really hard to fight. You can make a mess by putting a creeper into the supermarket.

Although the retreating team was noisy, no one spoke. No one dared to disturb the nest workers, and the brigade rushed to complete the retreat before the creepers rushed into the city! This is really a miracle. Chu Xiang thought about sweeping tombs in large organizations before. There were only a few thousand people. He started out from 6 am to 9 am before leaving the campus.

Those who hid in the underground mall did not feel much except that the ground was shaking. Many people even hurriedly searched for food. This place is really good, in addition to hiding a lot of food. But the troops and evolvers who remained outside to guard these seven entrances were stunned. Even Chu Xiang himself secretly called out obediently. This is also the case in the opening battle of "The Return of the Mummy". Two thousand creepers are like The two thousand tigers were so aggressive that they dared to stop the Buddha and smash the Buddha into the square. The shelters they had built were like tofu residues in front of them!

Tian Lei was secretly grateful for holding the telescope. If it wasn't for Chu Xiang's proposal to withdraw into the underground mall. At this moment the entire human base is over. The creeper's impact was fierce. The square is open. No amount of soldiers could stop them. And no one stopped in the square. At this time the impact has gone. Fighting them again has a lot of advantages for humans.

Tian Lei handed the telescope to Chu Xiang and said, "The creepers are really premeditated. They secretly transferred so many numbers from the water. This time, even t2 and t3 are not used. Fortunately, we did not stay in the square. Otherwise, the defense will soon be dispersed under their attack. "

Chu Xiang didn't use a telescope to see the situation on the ground in the square. The sniper spot in front of the supermarket has a wide view. What happened before was clear. The more he frowned, the more he said, "Master Tian. The creepers have begun to find the smell and come here. They will come sooner or later. Your mission is to let your soldiers help the evolutionary to fight to keep the seven entrances." It's impossible for these creepers to kill them all. So don't try to let the soldiers take part in the battle to kill a few more creepers. "

Tian Lei said embarrassingly: "But we don't kill them, we'll let them kill them."

Chu Xiang said: "As long as we consume their strength. When the time comes, their territories will appear. As long as they kill their territories. These creepers will lose their fighting spirit and disperse. By then we will have the possibility to gain a place.

Tian Lei was worried about the tunnel: "Ordinary creepers are already so powerful. Are their territories more powerful? What can be done about it? I'm afraid it will be difficult to kill them."

Chu Xiang didn't answer again. Why didn't he know that killing creepers is difficult to understand, but isn't this nonsense? Without killing creepers to lead these creepers, it is possible to consume all Kaifeng humans! Although they can certainly escape, the Kaifeng base is not far from the Yutai base. Who knows whether the next target of this group of creepers will be Yutai. In short, no matter for whom, this battle must be fought.

boom! Two creepers triggered Li Yingjie and Wang Shaohui to trap in the ground. The sharp-edged iron sheet struck by the explosive cut across the head of a creeper, and thumped. The creeper fell to the ground and stunned. The remaining one crawled. The situation is not good. The explosives tore its belly apart, and the dark internal organs flow out. Judging from the internal organs, if these creepers are not close relatives of the crocodile, what kind of lizard is it, but how does the lizard get into the water, Who knows this.

Hearing the sound, a dozen creepers rushed over immediately, and the gray brain of the creeper was cut off from the head to excite other creepers. Only the creepers swallowed up and swallowed, and also made a loud sound of 叽 吧 叽, the rest Several creepers around the injured one. First, one creeper stood with two hind hooves, and then stretched his forefoot into the abdominal wounded creeper. The half-hanging internal organs were completely pulled out, and the creeper who immediately followed him immediately came up to grab the food. It didn't take long for the injured creeper to eat up!

Looking at the scene, you can see that everyone here spit up, the creepers swallowed their own kind, and they can see how cruel they are, and these creepers don't know how long they have been hiding underwater. Looking at all the empty belly, the explosion did not scare them. After the two crawlers had been eaten, they continued to move forward, so the explosion sounded again, and more crawlers surrounded the injured and injured creepers. They ate while eating. Moving forward, he didn't take the danger seriously.

Finally, the creeper struck after smelling the strong smell emitted by human beings. Chu Xiang said to Tian Lei, "Master Tian, ​​since the central government has given me power, then I will issue an order. Without my order, I am not allowed to shoot and bomb. It has little effect on these creepers. Let the soldiers take the main goal of keeping the entrance and exit instead of provoking the creepers. "

Tian Lei was worried: "They have already attacked, now they can't stop them if they don't shoot until they get closer!"

Chu Xiang said: "The following battle is mainly the evolutionary attack. Your task is to protect the old name, so let me give you the right. Once the creeper wants to hit the entrance, you will shoot. Do n’t try Go hunting creepers in the distance, because your lethality is low. If you mess with them, you will only find trouble. "

Tian Lei said: "Okay, I obey your arrangements. I'll go back and direct. Let's see you after we win."

Tian Lei and his men quickly returned to the Simao Supermarket. Bang, Xu Huai and Li Xiaoming next to Chu Xiang fired. They made special improvements for their sniper steps. The bombs were also specially modified and had more lethality. Coupled with the magical skills of the two, almost all the guns hit the creeper's eyes, ejected into the creeper's eyes, and then pierced through the back of the brain. This creeper was almost judged dead.

In addition to Chu Xiang, a sniper war in another direction also started. Chu Xiang took several evolutionaries to defend the east, and Song Jun took a group of evolutionists to defend the north. These two directions are the main directions for the creepers. To the west, Gao Yu and a captain of the National Evolution Team. To the south is another national evolution team and Wu Junhao and others. Chu Xiang did not agree with Wu Junhao because they were ordinary people. But Wu Junhao didn't agree with life and death, saying that he would be no different from escaping.

Once the battle started, the creepers ignored the corpses on the ground. Although their troops had not been assembled, there were more than five rushing to the supermarket. Among them, there were at most Chu Xiang. Xu Huai and Li Xiaoming attacked After all, the power is limited. Although they shot and killed a dozen, but as their attack speed accelerated, the target's shape continuously changed, and the accuracy of the shooting decreased. It was difficult for both of them to hit the creeper's eyes. Others People are more difficult.

The evolutionaries on the side of Chu Xiang also have minders, Zhang, Wang Wu and several unknown members. This is because Gao Yu's people escaped, so his team was disbanded, but the real main force is only Chu. Xiang and Zhang Jingyao, once the shooting loses the accuracy, Xu Huai and Li Xiaoming's lethality will be greatly reduced, and other evolutionaries will not be able to kill the creepers on a large scale.

Chu Xiang knew that this time it was mainly attacking and killing, not blind defense, because the enemy is two thousand creepers, always defending to some day. Seeing that there is no reinforcement outside, only kill them more and force them The boss of the company took the shot. At that time, he decided to win the battle. It was determined that this warrior thought that Xiang Xiang had controlled the nearby convective clouds early, and the bar across the supermarket was immediately dark and scary.

boom! boom! ... The thunderous thunder combined with dazzling lightning, everyone thought that the sky was going to fall, and even Chu Xiang himself did not expect that the ability to control the weather this time in a desperate situation could be exerted to this extent! Click! The lightning strikes down, and the accuracy is higher than any time before Chu Xiang. This is an unexpected gain, and the strength really needs to be improved in battle.

The screams of crickets began to rise and fall. It was just a cry from the creeper who was leaning on the side. The creepers who were hit by the lightning target had become roast suckling pigs, although the power of lightning could not turn them into a single blow. Corpses, but this is not sophisticated technology and skill, as long as they can kill them.

The first wave of lightning strikes was completed, and even Chu Xiang couldn't believe the results. It is estimated that the last creeper was killed immediately. This is an achievement that is impossible in another direction. Tian Lei also remembered Chu Xiang at this time. The weather was abnormal when someone was waiting. It turned out that it was not good luck to help, but Chu Xiang summoned thunder and lightning!

Gao Yu was even more depressed at this time. He felt that he had always been stupid, knowing that Chu Xiang was not weak, but he was stubborn and thought that he would remain at the original level after his evolution. I did not expect that other people would not only keep at the original level. Raised to the point that he didn't even match the shoes.

The victory of the first strike greatly increased Chu Xiang's confidence. He immediately organized a second wave of lightning strikes. This time, mixed with spherical lightning, chasing scattered creepers everywhere. For a time, it was greater than the scene of the war. A few creepers who did not rush over were destroyed again.

At this time, Song Jun couldn't keep up in the north, and there were more than one creeper on his side. Compared with the south and southwest, the pressure was very light, especially there were only a dozen creepers in the west. Even Gao Yu was easy to deal with. The main forces in the north are Li Yingjie and Wang Shaohui. Although Xiao Si is also there, she seems to be unable to control these creepers at present, and there are no zombies nearby that she can control, so her strength is greatly reduced. Although Song Jun ’s hidden weapon was anxious, it was not very good to deal with these thick-skinned guys. The lethality of the steel bow was good, but it was the same as Xu Huai and Li Xiaoming. When the creeper launched a rapid attack, It is difficult to control the crosshair, and it often takes a lot of time to aim, and what the lack of when the creepers collectively charge is time.

Chu Xiang originally left Li Haipeng behind him. He pointed to the north and Li Haipeng immediately understood. Alas, the two appeared next to Song Jun, hum ...! Chu Xiang drank aloud, and an ultrasonic wave hit the creeper in front of him, snoring, snoring, and continuous bursting sounds. At least twenty creepers were killed at the same time! Although Chu Xiang's ultrasound is a new skill, it can't stand the energy of others. So lethality is not comparable to ordinary sonic evolutionaries.

Alas, Song Jun shot two arrows at the same time and destroyed two scattered creepers. "Thank you."

Chu Xiang laughed: "My brother is very polite. Although this is dangerous to do, I think it is very exciting, and our strength will increase with each battle."

Song Junxuan shot five arrows in succession, and five creepers rushed up were shot to the ground. He said, "Chu Xiang, your land strength is improving the fastest. Japan is not in the same grade after coming back. Is there any test now? What level? "

Although Chu Xiang has seen Bai Xiaowei. However, everyone was busy talking about the anti-t virus solution, so I also forgot to measure how high my strength improved. "After the battle, let's test it. I will transfer a few people from my side and come back first."

Chu Xiang ’s side is not without danger. After all, there are more than one creeper. Zhang Jingyao put a few power grids out to kill a few, but the rest was still coming up. Chu Xiang was too late to let Li Haipeng transmit, call, fly, The bones and wings flew, and the projectile hit the sky. If these gadgets say that they have little effect when they are put in the barrel, they are launched by Chu Xiang and they try their best to launch. This is at least the strength of a class university. His flesh finally couldn't resist, alas, the sound of projectiles pierced everywhere.

The leader of the First Squad of the National Evolutionary, who fought side by side with Wu Junhao and others in the south, was still a bit arrogant, but now seeing the power of Chu Xiang, he sighed: "It's tough. It's enough for him to fight this war alone."

Wu Junhao fired while cooperating with the evolutionary's battle: "Brother, you can't say that. In fact, the Chu team is the one who pays the most attention to teamwork, but his strength often pushes the players below a bit deeper. However, their team is very homogeneous. No one has ever thought that who is holding the limelight. Everyone is united by his side. Such a team is invincible. "

The captain of the first squad cut off the head of a creeper and said, "I have seen the talents of He Yaohui's predecessors, and I admire him most. That is, our entire evolution team takes him as an idol. Everyone thinks he is our first in China. An evolutionary master, I didn't expect to hide here. "

Wu Junhao cooperated with another evolutionary and shot the muzzle into the eyes of a creeper! After a while, the creeper's attack on the south slowed down temporarily, but concentrated on intensifying the attack on the east. It seems that the creeper also knows that it is much simpler to get rid of this hard bone in the other direction.

The creeper has more time to retreat to chat. This is called fighting without forgetting entertainment, and the fearless revolutionary optimism. Wu Junhao said to the captain, "Oh, have you seen Xiao He? What is he busy with?"

The captain said: "Do you know each other?"

Wu Junhao said to the submachine gun in a medium-pressure bombardment: "It ’s more than just knowing, we are a fatal friendship ~ ~ You do n’t know, I, Gao Yu, and the Chu team participated in the rescue of the crashed crew Act, Xiao He is one of the members of the Chu team. Think about how quickly time passes. They have all evolved, but I am still one or two in place. "

The captain said, "You all know each other and have participated in the action together. When will I be able to work with these masters and seniors?"

Wu Junhao commanded the soldiers behind him to re-deploy the defense, and then he took out a cigarette and threw it to the captain: "Aren't you just fighting with them now?"

The captain looked at the creeper who turned to the east and said, "I want to fight side by side, it's more fun."

Wu Junhao said: "Brother, you are wrong. It seems that you have never been a soldier before. Our four directions are dependent on each other. No one can be lost. Our entire defense is a group. We are now side by side. You need to have this team spirit, only then can you bring your players well, and you can continue to evolve with your players. "

The captain froze. He carefully clamped the cigarette to his ear and held Wu Junhao's hand. "Listening to Jun is better than reading a book for ten years, thank you."


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