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Chapter 266: Rebuilding the base

It seems to conform to the atmosphere of victory. The bright weather makes you sweat a lot, but in general the temperature must be significantly lower than in previous years. Maybe it has something to do with the cessation of all industrial production by human beings. In the humble command room, Tian Lei's face was solemn and solemn.

"Comrades, we have achieved the final victory of this battle, but now is not the time to cheer. In addition to heartfelt thanks to friends from all sides for help, we should pay tribute to the comrades who died!"

There is no objection to Tian Lei. There are too many people killed in this battle. Except for Chu Xiang, everyone's mood cannot be mentioned. Although Chu Xiang has digested the energy of the creeper, his physical fitness has been greatly improved, but At this time can not be happy to speak out, muted to make a fortune.

All that was said, Tian Lei said, "Yesterday, the head of the government and I studied for one night. In the end, the central government decided to cancel the Kaifeng base and transfer the remaining population to the surrounding bases."

Tian Lei's words immediately aroused a debate. Every base with a little strength wants to increase the population. As long as it can solve the problem of food and clothing, there are more people, and it is powerful. Whether it is defense or production, it cannot be separated from people. Especially Gao Yu, the purpose of his visit this time was nothing more than to give some benefits to the Flying Crane Base, but he did not expect to be forced to start a deadly battle with the creeper, and finally damaged the soldiers. Now when he heard Tian Lei's words, his heart immediately returned Get active.

Tian Lei waited for the following comments to be muted: "The central meaning is to let us negotiate and resolve in several aspects. Let ’s make comments below. We now count the total population of soldiers in their early 11,000s. It ’s all empty and there ’s no transportation. That ’s the case. Let ’s speak freely. ”

Gao Yu first stood up and said, "The Yellow River is safe now. If I now say that everyone will cross the Yellow River to Feihe base, will anyone still object? I will notify the base to send troops to take over, transportation and safety will not be a problem. . "

Tian Lei nodded. "I sent someone to the Yellow River to stand there yesterday. We will notify us as soon as there is any situation. But Captain Chu wiped out the creeper collar in one fell swoop. They can't organize again in this short time. Up the team, so safety should be guaranteed. "

Gao Yu said excitedly: "Then go to our Feihe base. We will make proper arrangements for more than 10,000 people. Even if the Feihe base cannot live, we still have a dozen small bases around. The living standards and safety are quite comparable. In place, you do n’t have to worry about it

Wu Junhao said: "Our base is sparsely populated. If I can, I can take part of it. Life may be a little bit bitter, but there are no major safety issues."

Although Gao Yu said it was nice, but Tian Lei, his soldiers, and the mass representatives still looked at Chu Xiang. They made Gao Yuyin afraid for a while now. In case of danger, Gao Yu was still the first soldier to escape. Are these people miserable?

Chu Xiang was silent and Tian Lei could only say: "Chu team. Talk about your opinion."

Chu Xiang said: "Isn't Kaifeng a good place. Why should we give it up? Let's not say that it is an ancient capital of several dynasties. But the nearby ground coal and natural gas and oil are abundant. This must be a scarce thing in the future. Set up a base here It ’s still very promising. "

Tian Lei said indifferently: "The central government has also analyzed the advantages in this area. But we can't solve the problems of safety and food and clothing. It has no advantage. Kaifeng bases don't have enough weapons. Now we can't even solve daily meals. So there is no France will live again. "

Chu Xiang said: "If you don't want to abandon, you can go to our Yutai base. There is no other place for us. It is more food."

Gao Yu snorted. Who knows that the Yutai Grain Depot is a large national grain depot. I really stand and talk without back pain. The same can be said if one builds a base on the basis of a grain depot. The problem is that there is no large grain depot around Feihe base. Small ground food stations can only maintain the subsistence of the surrounding bases.

A staff officer said: "It is definitely safe to go to the Yutai base. We believe the strength of the Chu team. But the swarm of so many people together will definitely cause annoyance and confusion to your base."

Li Yingjie said: "Don't worry about it, how many people we go to build a large base, in this regard our captain Chu is a specialty."

Gao Yu disdainfully said: "Oh. Captain Chu is still a bricklayer Gao Caisheng, disrespectful." Who is Gao Yu hate most now? Of course, it was Chu Xiang. He lost two faces in a row, and now he almost ruined his team, but Gao Yu's ability is not as good as others, so now there are only a few rumors.

As soon as Wang Shaohui patted the table, he became angry. Chu Xiang held Wang Shaohui and said, "Yes, I am good at building a house and digging a foundation, and I also decided to establish a new base in Kaifeng. Those who are willing to stay can follow. Not willing Can choose where they want to go. "

"Building a new base?" Except for the people on Chu Xiang's side, Jiyu was surprised. Even Gao Yu doesn't even shout about building a new base now, because he knows that in the event of a creeper coming again, he is afraid that he will put the rest of the evolvers in Feihe base into it, and he may not be in a hurry.

Tian Leidao: "Captain Chu, aren't you kidding me, you know that you were opposed to the establishment of a new base."

Chu Xiang said: "It was the first time, and now it is now. At that time, the crawlers would launch counterattacks at any time. Now they cannot organize an effective attack team in a short time, so it is no longer appropriate to build a base."

Tian Lei frowned and said, "But once we have insufficient materials, secondly, we have no weapons and food in Kaifeng, which is difficult to do."

Wu Junhao stood up and said: "I support the Chu team, and I also agree to re-establish the base in Kaifeng. We have no shortage of weapons at our base in Luoyang, and we can support a group of them."

You do n’t need Chu Xiang to talk about Tian Lei. You know that the Yutai base in food will naturally be solved, but what about the building materials? Tian Lei was really not confident to find the materials required for the construction of the Kaifeng new base. He set his sights on Gao Yu, hoping that Gao Yu could come up with a proper solution. After all, he proposed the new base at that time, and the site selection framework It was all he had done, and maybe he knew it already.

Gao Yu had to make a statement at this time, but the change of his attitude made everyone very puzzled. Gao Yu said: "I oppose the construction of a new base in Kaifeng. If you move, we will spare no effort to share the Feihe base. If it is a new base, sorry We can't help anything. "

Why is Gao Yu's thinking changing so fast? In fact, he proposed to build a new base at that time and immediately implemented it. It was his whim. He wanted to own the rich resources of Kaifeng. Even if he laid a foundation here, it would be of great help to his future development, but now he must survive for Kaifeng. Responsible for the safety of the person. A beaten terrified man would carry such a burden on him, and he would not agree anyway. Besides, the material is really worrying. Initially, Gao Yu wanted to tamp a few earth walls to stop the zombies. After the crawler's collective charge, it is estimated that the two-finger thick steel plate is useless, let him stay to build a new base? People who want to escape when they see danger are definitely not going to do it.

Tian Leidao: "Whether to withdraw or stay, I want to follow the instructions of the Central Government."

Chu Xiang sweated heavily, and came back to this set. Ke Tianlei was a teacher and he could not order others, so he could only listen to Tian Lei's instructions to the central government. However, the results this time were a bit unexpected, and the response from the central government was that due consideration was given to the opinions of comrades, and whether to stay or stay could be decided by themselves.

Tian Lei was in distress. He knew that the central government was also afraid. What if one person accidentally decides to cause more deaths? They didn't know about Kaifeng far in Beijing, so they gave such a conservative suggestion, which was actually decentralization.

After careful consideration, Gouda Lei said, "Let's go, let's keep some people and withdraw some people."

Everyone was dizzy, and Tian Lei was cunning enough. Actually want to eat fish and bear's paw together, Tian Lei said: "I think about it this way, old and young injuries are scattered to this base, and the remaining young labor is left to build a new base, but before the new base takes shape, it still needs Your family can continue to give us security support. "

Gao Yu asked: "Master Tian, ​​did you really make a decision? It is very dangerous to build a new base. Before, I did n’t understand the power of creepers. Now everyone knows that you still insist on building a new base. Do n’t think about it carefully anymore ? "

Tian Leidao: "I don't think about it. In fact, I also think Kaifeng has a lot to do. I really give up on this. I hope that Captain Gao can continue to help us."

Gao Yu saw Tian Lei resolutely, and he frowned, "Sorry, Teacher Tian, ​​this time I came out and lost strength and greatly reduced the strength. The safety work of Feihe Base needs us to go back and strengthen it. I do n’t think you have anything to do with it. OK, that's it. Our Feihe base was originally here to help. Now that you are safe, we are leaving. "

Gao Yu stood up. Tian Lei wanted to stop and had no reason. He could only watch him lead the rest of the evolutionaries to leave. There was a scorn in the room, mostly scolding Gao Yuguang for wanting to take advantage and not wanting to lose money. If it was to give him five thousand young labors, he would promise to smile. Now I heard that I have to share the old, young, sick and disabled, and also take on the safety work of building a new base.

Wu Junhao said: "It's better to go. Gao Yu has been a selfish and self-loving person since we knew him. Now the rest are all their own. Don't hide it, Chu team, you Tell me what plans you have. "

Tian Lei can only rely on Chu Xiang now. He already saw that Wu Junhao regarded Chu Xiangma as a horse. Besides, Wu Junhao is not an evolutionary. Tian Lei still has a sense of security for the evolutionary. Since Gao Yu has withdrawn, then Only listen to Chu Xiang's plan.

Chu Xiang said: "In the light of Master Tian's intentions, all the old and the young were withdrawn to the Yutai base, and the remaining young laborers built a new base in Kaifeng here. Our task is to restore the production of coal and natural gas, and for other The base provided more abundant power resources. I immediately asked the food team from Yutai to send food, and then brought back the people who needed to be evacuated. "

Tian Leidao: "Okay, everything is listening to Captain Chu's arrangements, but the materials for building a new base ...?"

Fang Yuxuan couldn't help but said, "Just put your heart back in your stomach. Just now Gao Yu was unwilling to mention this matter. Brother Chu will naturally solve it. You don't need to worry about it."

Tian Lei was shocked. It seemed that Captain Chu had the ability. He had a solution to such a large project long ago, and it was okay to let himself fight. These matters are subject to his arrangement. Anyway, the central government is now treating him. It is also very impressive, let alone figure out the problem and he stands up. His strength is not blown, this is what I saw with my own eyes.

After some discussion, things were settled. Li Haipeng and Song Jun immediately returned to the Yutai base to prepare for the departure, and Tian Lei immediately arranged for the candidates to be withdrawn to the Yutai base. In addition, he also selected a thousand young people who were to be taken away by Wu Junhao. The five soldiers he brought were almost exhausted, so it should be to add some troops. Besides, Wu Junhao should also accept the issue of weapons in the Kaifeng base. Chu Xiang also promised to send a batch of food to the Luoyang base after the Kaifeng trip.

The location of the new base is still the same, but Chu Xiang has expanded and used two narrow channels to connect the coal field and the oil field gas field. This does not need to disperse a large number of people to do transportation safety work, in case of danger After the attack, after the personnel at the job site were withdrawn along the passage to the base, these passages can still be closed, which may also reduce the scope of the base to be protected to the greatest extent. Achieve concentration.

After the planned work, Tian Lei and others could not help. Chu Xiang walked around leisurely during the day. When he encountered a large group of zombies, he put five colored liquids out to suck. Then he went back to the new base for construction. After several upgrades of the five-color liquid, the area that can be built at one time has increased greatly, from one meter in the past to the current five meters, which has greatly accelerated the construction speed.

When Tian Lei followed the food delivery team from Yutai Base to the new base to unload the truck, they were stunned by the sight in front of them, because Chu Xiang said that the construction of the new base would not let them interfere, so they did not Knowing the condition of the new base, it was only two days away. A tall and thick snow-white city wall appeared in front of him, and a small half of the base had been circled.

Tian Lei stepped forward and touched the city wall and said, "I don't have any eyes. How did this come out? It doesn't look like a brick, it looks like ... it's all in one piece!"

One head said, "Yes, Master, it's amazing. I'll try its sturdiness, but it's not good to have appearance."

boom! The commander's voice had just fallen, and a Red Arrow 9 anti-tank missile was fired on the wall in the distance. The violent explosion almost made everyone fall to the ground. Zhang Hongbing poked his head out of the base car and said, "I've tried it for you. Let's go check the results. You will have to unload the car and load it in a while."

Tian Lei and others ran over, and saw that the place bombarded by the missile was intact, except that the white wall was stained, but it disappeared with a wipe of the hand. The impact point was just a large white spot, except that there was no damage. Resist the construction of the Red Arrow 9 Strike Ground This is the first time they have seen!

"It's amazing! What kind of material is this. If you use it to make tanks and armored vehicles. Are we not world-class?" Someone proposed this great idea, listening to Chu Xiang's heart standing in the distance. At least it's no problem to build a better base car. This material is insulated from the cold and can save air conditioning money.

"But how does it stick together? Why can't the joints be seen?" Someone asked.

Tian Leidao: "Okay, no one should inquire about this matter. Since it is Captain Chu's personal action, it is not unusual to create such a fence. We hurriedly organize people to move food, and the other team's team will take another trip to the food. As for the Luoyang base, we can bring back new weapons when we return. "

Now no one will doubt Chu Xiang's ability to land, so they just hide their doubts about the new fence. After all, they do n’t know the secrets, but they only see such a majestic fence, and Tian Lei, who was still uneasy at heart. At this moment, I was completely relieved. With this external barrier, as long as it is not a bird, I can keep it for ten days and a half months. At that time, I will have enough time to ask for help from brothers.

After two days, Chu Xiang cleaned up the zombies around Kaifeng. He started to look west. Finally, he found a large number of zombies outside the Zhengzhou base. Excited five-colored liquid howled. Now it can be swallowed. The two are like In online games, you upgrade to fight against monsters, riding on the flames to **** and eat, and then add energy to add five digestion and upgrade, and then the five-color liquid goes back to poop. This is vulgar, it should be said to go back to construction, and then come back to fight Energy digestion and excretion ...

A few days later, the Kaifeng new base was completed, and the zombie siege that Zhengzhou had been struggling with had been solved. They were still wondering, thinking that the zombies had left by themselves. The siege of the Zhengzhou base was released and the food team was safer when they went to Luoyang This is why Chu Xiang is looking west for zombies to consume energy.

More than 8,000 people moved into the new base this day. The new and bright building made them stunned. Many people rubbed their eyes involuntarily when they saw the prospects. Finally, they came forward and touched the building. Not a hallucination, Tian Lei held Chu Xiang's hand and said, "A miracle, Captain Chu, you have created a miracle for us again, hey, how can I thank you, there is so much mysterious power in you, there are You are at ease in all of us! "

The high-wall courtyard this time people can live and work in peace, Zhang Hongbing and Song Jun who came to the Luoyang base to deliver food in the afternoon also returned ~ ~ They pulled back 15 container weapons, and a large amount of arms supplemented the city wall. The whole new base is in jubilation, food is available, weapons are in place, and a new, tall and secure home is in place. For the last generation of humankind, this is more exciting than anything.

The celebration ceremony was simply held. Zhang Hongbing made a video and sent it back to Wang Bin. This is a good opportunity for propaganda. The cheers of these old surnames indicate that they are happy. Come here if you want to be as happy as them. If you are willing to dig for coal, you are willing to dig for coal, and if you are willing to extract oil, you are willing to extract oil. Of course, these things can only be realized in the future. The work of restoring production needs to be further improved. Send someone to guard, in case of real danger, these people will withdraw to the base along the channel, and then close the channel in the base and stand by for assistance.

When Gao Yu saw this video, he was so angry that he understood that he was fooled. It turned out that Chu Xiang already had a plan, but he was blamed for being too cautious at the time, and he did not want to bring back some old, weak, sick He did not want to stay in danger. Otherwise, the Kaifeng base had at least one-half of his shareholding, but he also made great efforts to defend the Kaifeng base, but now it's late, and the others set up the new base in a few days. Now the credit is all for Chu Xiang. At this time, he wants to take a step, but Chu Xiang will not let it, even the old guy of Tian Lei will not do it. They are dying to worship Chu Xiang now. Going only to be blindfolded.


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