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Chapter 273: Rebel

It is said that Hou was in the house at the moment, but he was just a female star. The big deal was that he did not meet the requirements of the British evolutionaries. But Hou learned that when he came to the exhibition hall by impersonating himself, many of his men said that What to say, although the other party may not be able to hear the voice, but in case the other party is a spy sent by the government, in case he hears anything, his conspiracy will be annoying!

Hou is a very daring person. After the t virus riot, he quickly started with his boldness. From a past stream character, he quickly became a top character on Hong Kong Island, holding nearly half of the resources on Hong Kong Island, but this did not allow Hou satisfies that his target is the entire Hong Kong Island, as well as Macau and Guangdong.

This is not an open letter. Hou relied on the highly evolved collector. He has the confidence and ability to be the king of Guangdong. By the time he is above ten thousand people, he will be able to get great satisfaction. For an ambitious person, Addictive like drugs.

However, Hou was not reckless. He knew that the SAR government and the garrison could not let him do this. At the same time, zombies were rampant outside. From time to time, there were monsters from the oceans out to harass the stability of Hong Kong Island. This made the group who originally chose to use the island to build a base. Face loss, so Hou needs support in many ways.

The princes used money, women and other means to erode a group of officials of the new SAR government and made them subordinate to themselves, which laid the first support team for him to build his empire in the future; secondly, he strengthened his security forces, even through the new The SAR government has obtained the qualifications to prepare for the new Flying Tigers team. The so-called New Flying Tigers team is also his evolutionary force, which gave him a well-established armed force. Then Hou began to attack the troops stationed in Hong Kong, but he could participate. The political qualities of the officers and men stationed in Hong Kong are excellent. They are not tempted by Hou's various means, which greatly hinders Hou's plan.

One day without control of the army, he could not dominate, because he needed a large number of soldiers to protect the stability of Hong Kong Island, which was his rear base. Only after first controlling Hong Kong Island can he further control Macao, Shenzhen, Guangdong and other places, so Hou has been unbearable.

Huang Tian lived up to his care, and Hou finally found a breakthrough. At present, Fan Tianming, the infantry brigade garrison in Hong Kong, turned out to be a fan of the big star Zhou Muqing. Hou believed that as long as he controlled Zhou Muqing, there would be a way to further control the heavy brigade commander.

However, the cunning Hou knew that this matter could not be raised directly with Zhou Muqing, and Zhou Muqing never did such a thing without saying. Even if she has been hidden before, but who knows if she will betray herself at a critical time, when the conspiracy exposes the army to arrest him, Hong Kong Island will have no place for him, so Hou must first train Zhou Muqing. It was at this time that the British offered Hou a weapon in exchange for Zhou Muqing. Hou decided to use the British to open the Zhou Muqing Pass and wait for her obedience to be controlled before she would perform the purpose of controlling Brigadier Fan Tianming in Hong Kong.

Hou layered defenses so far that Zhou Muqing didn't know what his true purpose was, but the so-called guilty conscience, Hou had ghosts in his heart was afraid that the troops stationed in Hong Kong would find his conspiracy. At that time, the people in the united SAR government who did not return to him would upset him, and it would be troublesome. After all, the time was immature and it was not time for him to do anything, but things changed suddenly tonight. Someone even faked him, and the people under his control could leak his plan, and now he has to send his arrow on the string.

Hou anxiously considered the future development in the exhibition base camp. At this time, the underground secret room had been opened again after the ventilation was closed. Instead of encouragingly capturing the counterfeit people, all the people in the news escaped, except Yi Tuo. Even the hard things were gone, not even the gold, but also the housework of Hou's hard-working family.

Money can be ignored, after all, it can be earned again. But Kim is the one who knows Hou Tongpan's plan. If he is caught and leaked a tone, he may be surrounded by the garrison troops before dawn. So Hou decided to launch a rebellion immediately. He simply ignored the Shangri-La thing and quickly called. The SAR government's gang members then sent someone to invite the British evolutionaries. At this time, if they get their support, they will be more effective.

Hou is a decisive and bold man. On the face of it, he has retired. It was imperative to launch a rebellion. The loyal people quickly arrived at the exhibition base camp. Even the British evolutionaries got the news. At this time they did not discuss the conditions. Because Hou has nothing to do with their development in Hong Kong Island. At this moment the British evolutionaries can only help. All conditions will be discussed later.

Hou Di troops quickly organized. Under the name of the new Flying Tigers team, they issued a false martial law order on the island of Hong Kong, which was attacked by foreign evolutionaries. Quickly controlled the new SAR government. Then ask troops in Hong Kong for military power. They will deploy troops to siege the invaders. Defend the stability and prosperity of Hong Kong Island.

The news was immediately passed by the garrison to the central government. Here comes the problem. The Central Committee did not receive information about Hou Yao's rebellion. So there was not enough warning in the position. However, the military power of the garrison in Hong Kong is not so easy to transfer. Although the zombies were blocked by sea water. But flying mutants and the recent emergence of marine monsters are also inevitable. The staff immediately weighed the pros and cons. Soon it was concluded that Chairman Hua Fuqiang should not mobilize defensive forces. Even reserve forces should not be redeployed. This is for the people of Hong Kong.

Hua Fuqiang did not understand the real situation on Hong Kong Island at this moment. He feared that there were really foreign evolutionaries interfering with the stability of Hong Kong Island. At this time, Zhao Hong's staff and Li Yang, director of the General Political Department, gave Hua Fuqiang a point. Let the eschatology team help annihilate alien evolutionaries. Anyway, they are familiar with such things. It's just that everyone has made a difficult problem in how to invite each other.

Everyone knows that Chu Xiang does not eat hard. But they helped a few times in succession. It's a bit embarrassing to speak for no reason. In the end Li Yang offered to ask for help. He was responsible for contacting Chu Xiang to explain the matter. Wang Bin has seen Li Yangdi. At that time, Li Yang returned to Beijing casually and rescued them in the high-speed bus. But Wang Bin did not know that Li Yangdi had such a large military post.

Li Yang gave a brief introduction to Wang Bin. He knew that this young man could not be underestimated. In addition to the hacking skills of the other party. He is currently the only middleman who can reach Chu Xiangdi. And he helped to say the last good word several times better than his hard work.

After listening to Li Yangdi's request, Wang Bin said, "Director Li, I don't think your old military rank is so high. I saw you in the video last time and did not introduce you. Next time we go to Beijing. Someone dare to arrest us. Let us decide. "

Li Yang shouted, "You can rest assured, even if I don't decide for you, with your Captain Chu's skill, how can anyone dare to take him in Beijing?"

Wang Bin grinned, "Director Li, don't put a cap on our captain, let's be honest. He is in Hong Kong now."

Li Yang hesitated, he said, no, is it possible that the so-called foreign evolutionary invasion in Hong Kong is Chu Xiang? Didn't this flood the Dragon King Temple?

Wang Bin said: "We don't know how Hou requested military power from the garrison, but we know that Hou is not a good thing. He threatened the celebrity Zhou Muqing to his parents and asked Zhou Muqing to accompany the British. We and Zhou Muqing are good friends, of course. Hou is not allowed to do this. So Chu team worked with him at once. "

This was inside information. Li Yang immediately reported the situation to Chairman Hua, and soon the information was transferred to the troops stationed in Hong Kong. Of course, the army had to prove this to Hou. As a result, Hou ’s face was completely exposed. He launched an attack on the headquarters of the garrison in Hong Kong. Ordinary soldiers were defenseless against these evolutionaries. Soon the headquarters had Danger of Occupation!

Li Yang ’s phone was connected to Chu Xiang ’s satellite phone. At this moment, Chu Xianggang and Song Jun found the fat in Shangri-La. In fact, the guy was not being kept under guard, but was hiding in his own room to sleep. Who cares about this at the moment? Trivia. As long as he succeeds, all the people on Hong Kong Island will listen to him, and he no longer has to worry about what people say is awesome.

"Captain Chu, in fact, we are also old friends, you must help this time." Li Yang came up to close the relationship between the two.

Chu Xiang asked Song Jun to leave with fat on his back. He said, "Director Li, it is not impossible to help, but we must always give us some motivation. We are also human. We also need to eat and drink Lazar."

Li Yangdao: "Let ’s do this. I will accept the responsibility for the chairman. In the future, you can use weapons and materials in China. Of course, missiles will not work. This must be controlled by the state."

Chu Xiang sighed, this condition is no different from that, but he did not deal with Hou because of the request of the country, but because he had said that he would kill him. Chu Xiang said: "I have never been interested in missiles. Power It ’s big but it ’s bad to hurt yourself. As for other materials, you do n’t agree that we are already using it, forget it. Now I have a good heart, let alone I do n’t have a cold with Hou, he wants to threaten my friend Even if you don't mention it, I plan to ask him for trouble. Now that the hostages have safely withdrawn from our Yutai base, I will kill him. "

Switch off the satellite phone. Chu Xiang first returned to the meeting place. Fei Fei had been sent back to the base by Li Haipeng. Chu Xiang said to Song Jun and Zhang Jingyao: "I'm going to find out. This guy is making a big deal now. As for the Garrison Command, you go back first, and I'll get him in a while. Even if it is nothing else, he must threaten Zhou Muqing.

Zhang Jingyao laughed: "Since we have no scruples at the moment, let's go together and have a good time, let Hou know that we are terrific and dare to bully sister Mu Qing. He is really fat."

Li Haipeng also returned at this moment, he said: "Yes, what happened to the four King Kong, hasn't been killed by the Chu team, this one's unknown height and height, **** can destroy them all."

Song Jundao: "Jin Si's discoloration is really terrifying, everyone must be careful not to be hurt by him."

Chu Xiang knew that Song Jun and Zhang Jingyao could not be advised to return, so he could only take them to stay at the headquarters of the garrison in Hong Kong. At this time, the guards had been dumb fired. Hou commanded a group of evolutionaries to rush into the barracks building. At that time, Chu Xiang's bones and wings fell from the sky. The four evolutionaries rushed in from around Chu Xiang. Chu Xiang picked up an iron pipe from the ground, and stopped the four. Chu Xiang said, "Don't follow Hou blindly, now it's too late to turn around. . "

An evolutionist also got some anger from Hou, he cursed, "Where's the turtle?"

Bang, Chu Xiang smashed his head with one punch, no matter what skill evolutionist you are, dare to scold Chu Xiang's parents is to die!

Chu Xiang's fist awakened other evolutionaries. People with such strength are not easily able to deal with it. Everyone dared not charge at the barracks any more. At this time, Hou also appeared on the front line. He was followed by a person. One of them knew Chu Xiang, who was receiving his Jin Si at the door of the back room, but at the moment, Jin Si did not know him. Chu Xiang. Because Chu Xiang has recovered the original.

"It turned out to be you?" Hou Leng coldly said: "You are the one who fakes my land? Huh, cousin? Really treat me stupid."

Chu Xiang said: "You were originally stupid. I have rescued Zhou Muqing's parents. Now we can take a good fight. Why don't you plan to take a shot? What tricks will I follow?"

Hou is also a powerful evolutionary, but he has hardly ever made an attempt. The reason Song Jun and others followed was to help Chu Xiang set aside others and let him deal with Hou with peace of mind. After all, Hou's strength has not yet been revealed. Always guard against it.

Hou Leng laughed and said, "You are not qualified to let me do it. I can fight with my men, Jin Er. You come to deal with him and give him some lessons."

Suddenly a sharp, screaming alarm sounded throughout Hong Kong Island. An old man walked out of the command building of the barracks. He frowned and listened to the sirens: "There are marine monsters attacking our guard posts. We need to send reinforcements immediately."

Jin Er had already jumped out at this time. Huh, he sprayed a flame at Chu Xiang. From the point of view of his method of firing the flame, it was similar to Fang Yuxuan. Chu Xiang now has a wealth of waterland skills. His original ability to control the weather was an application of water skills. In the evening in Shangri-La, he also smoked a specialized water-controlling evolutionary. In the back room, he also smoked the quick-frozen man Jin, although quick-frozen is right. Wen's control, but the final result is still related to water, so Hou sent Jin Erlai to deal with Chu Xiangshi is an overwhelming strategy.

The alarm sounded that Hong Kong Island was in danger. Chu Xiang wanted to make a quick decision. There was a fountain pool in front of the barracks command building. Chu Xiang raised his hands. The water inside splashed like a pouring rain on Jin Er and the evolutionary behind him. Jin Er's flame was suddenly extinguished by the splash of the oncoming water in the pool. They all escaped such a large amount of precipitation and were poured. It's cold, even Hou hasn't avoided. When these evolutionaries had suffered such losses, they were furious for a while, but they didn't wait for them to scream, and a sudden cold came. Ga. The quack freezes one after another.

Hou's face changed greatly, he didn't expect how his Xiang Xiang evolutionary skills would be. And in the hands of the opponent, he was more than a dozen times stronger than his subordinates, and even he himself was frozen for a while. This sudden change trapped the people out of the barracks. Then they realized that the reinforcements were coming. The soldiers who were forced into the command building rushed out, and the evolutionaries under Hou did not have the powerful physique of Chu Xiang. They were hard to move after being frozen into a tudor, and they were captured.

Chu Xiang himself did not expect that the joint application of water would be so powerful. It would have taken a lot of trouble to use plants to control these evolutionaries before, but now it has just been dripped with water and frozen with ice! The power of nature is really better than the same.

Zhang Jingyao, Song Jun, and Li Haipeng are also happy. After playing this way, they can capture a large area of ​​enemy. After the next rain, the temperature can be frozen at t3 and t4, let alone Chu Xiang can control the water. Then, when it is frozen, you can transfer some water to freeze it again.

Bang, bang, a few cracked ice cubes. It turned out that Hou and his Donkey Kong escaped the imprisonment and escaped. After all, Chu Xiang used these skills for the first time, and they were still lacking in proficiency. It is also common sense that powerful evolutionaries escape.

Hou saw that the new flying tiger elite army he had worked hard to pull up was captured for a moment, and he rushed to Chu Xiang madly. In addition, Donkey Kong also rushed to Song Jun, Zhang Jingyao, and Li Haipeng. Zhang Jingyao is facing Jin Yi, which is a pair of copper and iron bones, but Zhang Jingyao doesn't want to have direct contact with him. She just dodges the constant high-voltage current, and Jin Yi's copper and iron bones are continuously smelled of electricity. He had no strength to keep up, and as soon as he touched the corner of Zhang Jingyao's clothes, he was thrown out by electricity, and he couldn't take people at all.

Song Jun coped very reluctantly. After all, this fiery cloud evil **** is a bit of real kung fu. Song Jun's hidden weapon can melt him in the air! And Li Haipeng made up his mind to flee. Anyway, Jin Si's ability is also hiding in disguise. You can hide and hide between them, just like catching hide and seek in the garrison compound.

To say that the most fierce nature now is Chu Xiang and Hou. The speed of their two shots is dazzling. At this speed, Chu Xiang can't make other skills, and Hou also doesn't want to show his hidden strength. , The two are completely fighting, see who can grab the front and knock the other down.

In this contest, Chu Xiang had to admire Hou, this guy ’s evolution is not shallower than him, but Hou does not seem to have as many weapons as Chu Xiang, so after Chu Xiang used the bone knife to attack Hou, he was struggling. Xiang took the opportunity to hurt his arm, and then Chu Xiang's bone spurs came out from an unexpected location and tied directly to Hou's thigh.

"Despicable! You use a hidden weapon!"

Chu Xiang haha ​​laughed: "I want to say that I am shameless if you are shameless? You also imprisoned Zhou Muqing's parents to threaten others."

Hou Yishou boxed and said, "Okay, we dare to compare our skills!"

Chu Xiang said: "I have this intention, you come first."

Hou heihe smiled. Suddenly he tore up his coat and Chu Xiang froze. He thought Hou was going to play hooligan. Who knew that he had an eyeball on his chest! This eyeball is slightly lower than t3's eyeball position, and it is not as big as t3's eyeball, but the eyeball suddenly opens but it is a dazzling white light, and almost did not look at Chu Xiang's eyes ~ ~ chu Xiang hurriedly planted a few plants in the ground, and immediately built a plant wall in front of him. This was considered to block the dazzling white light, but the white light hit the plant wall and the plant wall was roasted through after a while. That white light is hot.

Chu Xiang urged the clouds to gather, and first gave Hou a lightning, forcing him to not hurt himself further. Then he rained heavily from the sky, and then froze. Hou Lianroll crawled out of the rain zone to avoid again. Frozen, he cursed again: "You are shameless, can you only do this trick? There is nothing but water."

Chu Xiang laughed: "What are you doing, as long as you can deal with it!"

Hou Zhanding sneered again: "You are also stunned by Hou's figure. Chu Xiang thinks he's been stunned, but he is still four Hou. Does this guy have cloning? If the four Hou are as powerful, then Misfortune, they may not be able to beat them together.

However, Chu Xiang quickly found that only one of the four Hou Lis was truly capable, and the others were retiring. However, it is difficult for Chu Xiang to find out which one is the real Hou, because obviously you think this is true. Hou, but the soft and unhurried Hou who attacked from the side is powerful again, which means that Zhen Hou's power can be passed back and forth between these four people! This is really strange.


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