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Chapter 283: Stuck in the desert

Hearing footsteps at the entrance of the lounge, Zheng Mo picked up the teapot and prepared to go to the toilet next to him. As long as the pot of tea was destroyed, everything would be fine. The door opened. Chu Xiang and Wei Qingchun came in together. Wei Qingchun said: "The Chu team Rest assured, I am following your old teammates, and I will definitely protect the scientific research building. "

Chu Xiang said: "If you have something to report in time, don't make your own claim. Some evolutionists may not be able to handle it."

Wei Qingchun said: "I understand."

Chu Xiang saw Zheng Mo standing by the door with a teapot and said casually: "I'm just thirsty, Zheng Gong, can you give me a cup of tea?"

Zheng Mo stunned, "Ah, oh, this tea is cold, I will change another pot for Captain Chu."

Chu Xiang said, "What's the change? The herbal tea is the best. It only quenches my thirst when it is poured. Hurry up and pour me a cup. It's exhausting and exhausting. Check it every two days and don't let go of any hidden dangers. "

Wei Qingchun nodded, seeing that Zheng Mo was still stupid not to pour tea, he stepped forward and snatched the teapot and said, "Zheng Gong, you are fascinated by the research. I can help the Chu team. You go.

Zheng Mo watched Wei Qingchun pouring out a large cup of tea. He was nervous and didn't know what to do. He wanted to warn Chu Xiang not to drink it, but in that case, his identity was exposed, and on his own understanding of Chu Xiang He hated the traitor most, maybe he could kill himself on the spot, so he must not reveal his identity.

But what happens to this cup of tea, Zheng Mo has no idea, because the r-virus experiments on normal people and evolvers have not been done. But no matter how you ca n’t tell that you ’re wrong, there is a cup of tea on the table before pouring it to the ground. Zheng Mo pretended to take a big sip to show that he also drank this pot of tea. He had an excuse for the problem, but Chu Xiang didn't know it. He groaned and consumed Wei Qingchun's cup of tea.

Wei Qingchun wanted to add another cup to Chu Xiang. It happened that Chu Xiang's communicator rang. He said, "Don't drink. I have something to go out. Do you continue to urge and supervise the inspection work, Zheng Gong, don't you get off work?"

Zheng Mo panicked, "Next, next, leave in a while."

Wei Qingchun shoved the teapot to Zheng Mo and said, "I'm going to be busy too, Zheng Gong, go slowly."

Zheng Mo's heart throbbed, and he hurriedly poured out the tea in the teapot, rinsed it with tap water more than ten times, and then returned the teapot to the lounge. Put on your clothes and hurried out of the scientific research building. You can't stay here, Zheng Mo secretly said, maybe Chu Xiang's body will change in the next minute. In case the target of doubt falls on his own head, that is the place where there is no burial body. To run quickly, I knew it would end like this, it would be better to run directly to the guy named Sun. It's not dangerous to mess with these evolutionaries for no reason.

Chu Xiang hurriedly dealt with Zhang Hongbing's affairs. Just now Zhang Hongbing called and Lu Xiaohua's family came. I didn't know which unlucky child had told Zhang Xiaobing's deeds to Lu Xiaohua. Lu Xiaohua refused. The two were in conflict, and Zhang Hongbing had no choice but to ask Chu Xiang to come forward and say a good word. It took a bit of water to observe Zhang Hongbing for a while.

Chu Xiang went to the base store and bought two bottles of iced black tea. This merchant is the industry of the base, and some of the materials returned from the outside are sold through it to the old people. Now the cauldron rice has been cancelled. Everyone depends on labor. Income to enjoy life.

"Oh, what happened to the Chu team, sweating a lot." He Birou did not know what to buy in the store, and came out behind Chu Xiang carrying a black plastic bag.

Chu Xiang handed her a bottle of iced black tea. "What else can I do? I don't know which troublemaker has brought Zhang Hongbing's picking up with Lu. The two are in conflict and they want to break up. It's hard to persuade Lai and Persuasion." under."

He Birou said: "Zhang Hongbing doesn't have the blessing of your Chu team. I have never seen Sister Jingyao and Shanshan jealous of each other. It's Xiaoyu and Xiaosi. They often seem to make a little conflict."

Chu Xiang murmured two words: "Otherwise, women are troublesome, huh, I didn't say you, you have a gentle personality. They can't compare."

He Birou blushed. "Where am I gentle, Chu team. I heard that you also have a teleport function now, I want to go back to my hometown and see if you can take me there."

Chu Xiang said: "Okay, where is your hometown?"

He Birou said: "It's far away. It's close to Xinjiang in the northwest of Gansu. Can it work?"

Chu Xiang said: "The distance is not a problem. It ’s just that I have n’t been there. Now I have figured it out. The destination of this transmission must be that place. Otherwise, I can only try to move forward step by step. Anyway, today There is nothing else, let's go now? "

He Birou said happily: "Okay, thank you Chu team, you are such a good person."

Chu Xiang ’s teleportation distance is actually longer than Li Haipeng ’s, because he has enough energy, but I do n’t know why this time, he always feels wrong, the transmission process is intermittent, and there are several times that he almost failed to transmit. Teleporting skills still need to be proficient, so I don't mind.

"Where is this?" Chu Xiang looked at the desert with his eyes, and he didn't bring a satellite phone when he touched his pocket. There was a navigator on it, but He Birou did not have a satellite phone at all. She said, "I don't know, I leave my hometown. For some years, I'm not familiar with the surrounding terrain, but I think it should be in Gansu. "

Chu Xiang said: "Then we continue to wander around, maybe we can find iconic buildings. This transmission function requires the cooperation of a satellite navigator. I just hurriedly forgot to take it, and we must carry it next time."

Chu Xiang took He Birou's hand, and his brain issued a transmission instruction, but he kept his eyes open, "Well, what's the matter, is it still in place?"

He Biju said, "Did you forget how to teleport, otherwise we flew for a while, I envy them drizzly. They all flew with you."

In fact, He Birou is a very introverted girl, but she has been with Chu Xiang for a long time. She will also play some jokes. Everyone is like a family now. There is no need to cover up.

Chu Xiang said: "I'll try it twice more. If not, we can fly again." Chu Xiang forced his brain to issue a transmission command, but there was no response at all. He wanted to stretch out the bones and wing to fly, but urged the bone. The wing-grown brain issued instructions. There was no response at the back. Chu Xiang was startled. He urged the bone knife again. He still did not respond, and the bone spurs did not respond. He drew a piece from his pocket and threw it into the sand. There was still no response. Still no response ... The only reaction was the cold sweat from Chu Xiang's head.

"What's wrong?" He Birou noticed the fault, and asked anxiously.

Chu Xiang said: "The problem is serious. It seems that my super power is lost."

He Birou's scared face changed color, "How could it be? How could it be lost, try it for yourself, is it something else that disturbs you, Wen, is it warm, it's hot here."

Chu Xiang shook his head. "No need to try it. I just tried it from the beginning. My energy has all been lost, and now I am just like an ordinary person, not even the space ring."

Long yellow sand, hot waves rolling, He Birou collapsed directly to the ground, "I'm sorry Chu Xiang, I killed you ..."

Chu Xiang said: "What does this have to do with you, don't take responsibility on yourself, I have to think about what is going on

Chu Xiangjing calmed down and thought back. Intermittently during the transmission just now was a signal, but I didn't pay attention to it. It seemed that I had used superpowers once in the morning. There was no problem at all. I didn't do anything special in the afternoon. I also used space. Ring, it seems that the problem lies after that.

But after that, he didn't do anything, just inspected the scientific research building, went to the toilet with Song Jun, and later ordered Wei Qingchun to guard the door of the scientific research building. Xiaowei Bai has posted about the r virus. This will inevitably lead to the influx of evolutionary agents from all countries, so safety work cannot be ignored.

Chu Xiang's immortality still had a glimmer of hope. He carefully scrutinized his skills from the head, tried again, took a few punches and ran a few steps, and only reached a conclusion. The fitness value has dropped back to 100 and is now a perfect human. That is to say, a normal human being slightly stronger than an ordinary human. The painstaking evolution has come to nothing.

Chu Xiang couldn't figure out what caused him to degenerate. He was holding a half-bottle of iced black tea in his hands. He opened it and smelled it, it tasted the same as normal iced black tea, and the shelf life had not passed, and the bottle cap he opened was absolutely sealed. Besides, even if someone was poisoned, what poison could poison his superpowers? ?

"How? Did you find anything?" He Birou asked anxiously, saying that it was all caused by her. If she didn't ask to return to her hometown, nothing would happen. Now looking at it all is desert. It's nothing, the key is Chu Xiang's super powers, but he has all the hopes of the Yutai base. If his super powers are really lost, how can the future pass? This is no less than falling down on the spiritual pillar.

Chu Xiang smiled bitterly: "It can be determined now that all of my energy is really lost. It seems that the two of us only walked back to the Yutai base. After seeing Bai Xiaowei, we asked what was going on. Don't worry, I think There is always a solution. "

He Birou looked around. "It's all sand, and the direction is difficult to tell now. How can we get back to Yutai Base? Sorry, Chu Xiang, I hurt you. You scold me, I blame me for having to go back to my hometown, sorry ..."

Chu Xiang pulled up He Birou's hand and said, "Okay, it really has nothing to do with you. I have transmitted many times before. Losing energy is definitely not related to transmission. Mostly, there is a problem elsewhere. I will definitely find out. Now We do n’t have a clear prescription. We must work together to overcome the difficulties. "

He Birou tearfully said: "Well, I listen to you, I will do whatever you want me to do."

Chu Xiang ’s heart was actually also afraid and bitter. He was afraid that his superpowers would never go back. After all, he was used to a life with superpowers. The bitter thing was that he had lost energy when he came so far. He left the fish now. Taiwan bases are at least thousands of kilometers, in a world full of zombies. How can I go back safely? What if the people in the Yutai base cannot find themselves? These problems are many and many.

Chu Xiang tried his best to set aside his concerns. He began to dig out the carrying objects and said, "Check our things first and see if you can persist for a few days. You must find a way to leave the desert."

He Birou also had more than half a bottle of ice black tea in her hand, which was given to her by Chu Xiang. Now these two bottles of ice black tea became the only source of water. Whether you can get out of the desert depends on it. In addition, He Birou still had some snacks in her black plastic bag, and two packs of sanitary napkins. It seemed that her aunt was here and she went to buy sanitary napkins and came across Chu Xiang.

They did n’t even have a saber, let alone a gun weapon, and the m500 runner was not brought on. The space ring had a part of the food, but now it ca n’t be opened, everything is useless. The communication tool only has a communication watch on the wrist. But that thing can only be used within a short distance, now it is equivalent to waste.

Chu Xiang wrapped his belongings on his shoulders. He looked up at Yang and said: "This should be in the northwestern part of Gansu Province, probably near the border of Outer Mongolia. Of course, we can't go to Outer Mongolia, we must find it southwards. Iron, back to S province along the Lanxin line. "

He Birou had absolutely no experience in this area, and Chu Xiang didn't delay time now. Immediately set off with Yang as the goal and guided to go south. Although Yang was about to fall, the sand was still hot, and the feet hurt. The two were too deep and shallow to walk in the sand, but fortunately, here is the yellow sand. Less than one zombie, otherwise, more than a dozen t2 would be deadly.

Chu Xiang wants to sigh for himself. God can really make a joke, is it because he wants to start over? There are many zombies on the Yutai base in the province. There are many enemies along the survivor base, and the other party is an evolutionary. In the absence of food and necessary weapons, you must enter those bases to survive. It is best to contact the Yutai base through the communication equipment of the first base, so that they can come to respond. This is probably the quickest way, otherwise I will walk back to Yutai base in s province, who knows where to go What year and month.

Besides, Yutai Base did not wait for Chu Xiang until after dinner. Lin also found that He Birou was gone and asked the gatekeepers of the base. They all said that the two had never entered or exited from the gate of the base, so He Birou must have transmitted with Chu Xiang.

Lin wanted to joke about He Birou, so he called Chu Xiang for a satellite phone call. Who knew that the person who answered the call was Zhang Jingyao, and the two did not bring a satellite phone at all. And Zhang Jingyao is also looking for Chu Xiang. She was even more anxious to learn that he and He Birou left the base together. To be honest, which girl doesn't jealous, but can't eat the vinegar Zhang Jingyao doesn't, but Chu Xiang promised them that they would stop provoking other girls, how could they suddenly run away with He Birou again.

After a while everyone got together, Li Haipeng volunteered to search everywhere, but there was no result until late at night. At this time, the people were really panicked, but even Song Jun was at a loss with Chu Xiang, although he believed that Chu Xiang would not Something will happen, but this sudden departure without saying hello is not like Chu Xiang's style.

Everyone made all kinds of speculations. Even Wei Qingchun also described in detail how normal Chu Xiang was with him in the afternoon. It wasn't like having a mind or planning to elope with others. Later, they also found the store's salesperson. They It is recalled that Chu Xiang bought two bottles of iced ice black tea in the store, and seemed to stand at the door with He Birou for a while, and then left.

Everyone can't talk about the results, saying that elopement would definitely not be the first. He Birou would never agree to Chu Xiang to do this. The second Chu Xiang already has several girlfriends. The dead pig is not afraid of boiling water. Do that, and there was no abnormal relationship between the two before. Lin has a good relationship with He Birou. She can prove that although He Birou is also fond of Chu Xiang, she never speaks out and does not show up. It is even a joke when it comes to elopement.

Alas, everyone's communicator suddenly issued an alarm sound. Such a small area of ​​alarm sounds should be a small accident at the base, but it will not affect the safety of the entire base, so it is only reported in a small area. Song The army rushed out first, and Wang Bin quickly found out the results and sent them to each communicator. Someone dived out of Yutai Base at night.

Song Jun and Li Haipeng chased out and succeeded in capturing them with little effort. It seems that this enemy's special ability is not strong, it is estimated that he is not an evolutionary, or it will not be so bad, but wait to bring people back for a look, everyone is dumbfounded, that person Turned out to be Zheng Mo, the main assistant of the research room!

If it is just an ordinary person, Zheng Mo is the main researcher of anti-t virus fluid. Bai Xiaowei cannot perform experiments in person because of physical reasons, so she can only be instructed by Fang Qian and Zheng Mo and Xu Liping. This Zheng Silent is not going to sneak away. Mostly because he has done bad things to avoid being seen through, he has to run away overnight.

Xie Shanshan personally presided over the interrogation ~ ~ The interrogation was presided over by the fierce appearance of Song Jun. Under his series of intimidation, Zheng Mo could not keep his brain's defense line, and soon all the information was intercepted by Xie Shanshan. Knowing that this almost scared Xie Shanshan, and she fell to the ground with an instability.

Zhang Jingyao said puzzledly: "Shanshan, what happened? Is this guy leaking r virus? White matter can be separated sooner or later in other countries, it is not so important, it's okay, even if the separation method is leaked, it is not sky-high. Things. "

Xie Shanshan said palely: "Not Sister Di Jingyao, he, he ... he drank Chu Xiang and drank it!"

Not only was Xie Shanshan's face pale this time, everyone was pale, Chu Xiang suddenly disappeared, and now Zheng Mo wanted to escape again in the night, and found information on poisoning Chu Xiang from his brain data, a series of things All prove that things are bad.

Xie Shanshan also found a line from Zheng Mo's brain information. Some people in the Xiji base were insiders of foreign rivals. But now everyone doesn't care about these, and flocked to the research room to find Bai Xiaowei and ask, Chu Xiang drank. There is tea with r virus, which will affect him in the end!


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