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Chapter 285: Stuck at the bottom of the well

It was another night, and I was still hungry. Fortunately, Chu Xiang said that He Birou was almost dying. He could only move forward under the pull of Chu Xiang. Both were close to dehydration, and most of the bottles of drinks were left. The bottom of the bottle, but when it came out of the desert, Chu Xiang had no idea, so the bottom of the bottle had to be kept until the critical moment.

"Eat and eat some potato chips," Chu Xiang said vaguely, the vocal cords were not allowed to speak under thirst.

He Birou shook his head laboriously, "No, no, there is no water and I can't eat anything."

Seeing that he couldn't walk two kilometers in an hour like this, Chu stopped and said, "Let's rest for a while."

Fortunately, there was a moon these two nights. Chu Xiang stood on the sand and looked at the surrounding environment. It seemed that he could not see anything other than the lack of yellow sand. Could it be that his estimation was wrong? If the transmission point was not at the border of Outer Mongolia, would it be terrible to go south instead of going into the Kumtag Desert or even the Qaidam Basin?

If you bring a satellite phone, Li Haipeng will be able to pick them up with a phone call. Meimei will take a bath and drink a lot of water. Even if you ca n’t pick it up, you will know where to go if you have a navigator. Such blind cats are scrambling everywhere.

He Birou lay on the sand pile without saying a word. She had no energy. Chu Xiang thought about it and decided to break the boat. He handed the drink bottle to He Birou and said, "Drink it and eat some potato chips. We must be here today. Out of the desert late, otherwise you might really die here. "

He Birou was very guilty. She always thought that she had affected Chu Xiang. "Chu, sorry, you don't care about me. Drink this water and go out of the desert yourself."

Chu Xiang said angrily: "Do you want me to leave you? Is this what Chu Xiang did? If you drink it, you just drink it, so much nonsense!"

He Birou almost choked and drank a drink carefully and ate another potato chip. Although Chu Xiang was thirsty, he still persisted compared to He Birou. In order for He Birou not to delay his action, he must be replenished with sufficient energy, otherwise the following will not be able to go at all.

After half an hour, I drank all the drinks and ate a bag of potato chips. Chu Xiang mobilized the idea of ​​drinking his urine several times. In the end, he managed to suppress it. He admires his perseverance, but if he cannot find the source of water by tomorrow morning, he knows that he will drink it. Actually, he wants to drink now, but it is disgusting to think of it.

The two continued southbound based on the constellation. The soles of the feet were a mess early. But couldn't care less. Keep going as long as you can't die. The trip was smooth in the middle of the night. After all, He Birou had some strength. But by the middle of the night she wouldn't do it again. Half of his body was almost on Chu Xiang. Although the bouncing and soft chest was very comfortable on Chu Xiang's arm. But who else is thinking about it now? Chu Xiang almost dragged. It took another two hours. It was finally planted from the sandbag at about midnight. Grumbling, the two rolled down.

He Birou fainted before he reached Shagou. Chu Xiang is not much better. Lie under the sandbag for ten minutes before standing up. Never been so embarrassed. Chu Xiang now deeply misses the day of super powers. But these two days he kept trying. The body did not respond at all. It seems that this ordinary person should continue to be a man.

Chu Xiang looked up. Nothing but yellow sand. If you want to hurry, you can't. He lay beside He Birou and waited for her to wake up. He Birou is exhausted. It didn't take long before she woke up in a huff. This time she said she wouldn't bother Chu Xiang anymore.

"Chu Xiang. You go."

"Let's go together."

"Don't be silly. You will die in the desert with me."

"Oh, let's die together if you want to die. There is also a beautiful lady to accompany as a cadaver."

"Oh, don't make fun of me. What kind of beauty do I have, any of your girlfriends are more beautiful than me and more capable than me."

"No one seems to say that you are ugly, let alone the ability to be clearly defined. I think your ability to identify things is also great. Others will not, this requires a wealth of professional knowledge to pave the way. Not everyone can do it Come."

He Birou paused, and finally said, "Chu Xiang, we are going to die. I don't want to hide it anymore. I actually like you."

Chu Xiang froze, and then smiled awkwardly: "I can't think of getting the appreciation of beautiful women before I die, so I'm also rude, or should we be the last madness in life here?"

He Birou was not angry, but she did not show any strangeness. At this time, she understood that Chu Xiang was joking. Although she confessed her inner world, the two did not show any particularly intimate gesture, but were more silent. For a long time, he no longer spoke.

In fact, Chu Xiang knew in his heart that both Fang Yuxuan and Lin had a deep affection for him, and He Birou was no exception, but he was already in a mess, and he did n’t want other girls to be affected by him, so he usually There is always an intentional or unintentional escape. The current circumstances of life and death may be a moment. He Birou is also normal to make a confession. He has no need to cover it up, but even if it is confession, it is just a matter of mind.

Bang, Chu Xiang's body shook. Although the sound was weak, it was so clear in this quiet desert. Even He Birou's body shook. The two looked at each other, the sound of gunfire! There may be someone with gunshots, which means that we are going out of the desert!

Chu Xiang lifted He Birou's hand, He Birou did not know where the strength came from, and stumbling behind Chu Xiang, Lala ran forward, bang, and another gunshot seemed to indicate the direction of the two people. The two were ecstatic under their hearts. What thirst and hunger were left behind for the time being.

The sound of the gun turned into a machine gun fire. Chu Xiang and He Birou understood what it meant. The other party must be in danger. They did not know if they were going to live or die. See, this is a guide from heaven, isn't it really here to do corpses without taking the opportunity to get out of the desert?

Chu Xiang took He Birou stumbled and ran forward, the gunshots became clearer, but also thinner and sparse, and the quiet desert turned yellow again, but the direction has been determined. Chu Xiang is not afraid to lose Target, after an hour, the two finally saw several vague shadows.

At this time Chu Xiang dare not let He Birou follow. He quietly touched it. It turned out that this was a rest station in the desert. Several dilapidated houses had long since gone to the top. The only excitement was a well surrounded by several houses, but now there are corpses around the well. There are more than twenty. From the outside skin, they are zombies.

Chu Xiang looked at the footprints. A group of men and horses had just left. It was probably that they came to fetch water and encountered the zombies in order to shoot. I do n’t know if there is still water in the well. Go down, but a rope was tied to the well, Chu Xiang pulled up to take a look. Although it was a bit shady but there were no traces of water, it seemed that the well had dried up and no wonder the houses were abandoned.

Chu Xiang checked and found no other danger. He Birou was called over, and He Birou had already seen the water well. She ran out of the sand pile excitedly, "Chu Xiang, is there any water? Quickly, I can drink this well in one breath now!"

Chu Xiang smiled bitterly: "It has been done without you drinking. It is estimated that many people came here to fetch water, otherwise, there would not be so many zombies gathered in the desert. From the previous gunfire and the dead zombies. Look. The past teams are not weak, and we really should catch up and follow them. "

He Birou was also very attentive. She looked at the traces of leaving the ground and said, "They are riding on camels. We may not be able to catch up. We just ca n’t think of unmuted camels. Their luck is not generally good. They do n’t need to be like our two feet. The boards are frayed. "

Chu Xiang said: "Anyway, they always give us hope. The two of us will follow the footprints left by them. I think we will be able to get out of the desert. The presence of this well indicates that it is on the edge of the desert."

He Birou was also greatly encouraged, and was no longer as dying as before, "Yes, let's go."

Just before leaving, Chu Xiang suddenly stumbled, and He Birou exclaimed directly. After Chu Xiang ’s physical fitness dropped, there was no such sensitive defense as before. It turned out that the two corpses on the ground were not dead, and one zombie with only the upper body caught Chu. Xiang's feet are bare, and the other stumbles up to embrace He Birou.

He Birou didn't have much strength. The zombie ran two steps in a chaotic manner and then fell over. The zombie rushed at her, and Chu Xiang was pulled barefoot and did not dare to rip it off. Lest he tear his pants and be infected by the other party, he turned back and kicked the zombies' head fiercely with the other foot.

Alas, t2 ’s head is very weak, and after all, Chu Xiang is also a strong human being after all. He just killed one half of the zombies at this time. At this time, He Birou has fallen, and the zombies will be thrown at her. Chu He was anxious, and suddenly saw an automatic rifle on the ground. He grabbed it, no matter whether there was a bomb in it, and a sniper barrel hit the zombie.

Alas, the zombie's brain was also smashed, and he fell to the ground with a splash. He Birou was pale with a scared face. He patted his chest and finally got up from the ground. At this time, Chu Xiang saw it clearly and rushed to He Birou. The only zombie was t1, because his clothes and skin showed that he was the group of players who had just died. Fortunately, the corpse had just turned into a corpse, otherwise the two would not know whether they would be injured.

In this case, Chu Xiang didn't dare to carelessly. He checked the corpses on the ground, and sure enough, he found two newly deceased humans. After smashing their heads, he was relieved. Otherwise, their corpse would be in trouble. At this scene of smashing her head, she hid aside and retched.

Chu Xiang turned the man's clothes upside down. He found nothing but two lighters and two grenade magazines. It was impossible for him to have water and food, and judging by his facial features, it was not like The Han nationality may be a minority nationality from Xinjiang.

There was only one automatic rifle left on the ground. Presumably another gun was picked up by the team. This one was ignored because of the pressure. Well, now that the weapon is available, Chu Xiang untied the clothes of the next person and put the **** The blood stains on it are carefully dried, and then the thunder bombs are put away. The future safety depends on them. They must be used carefully and must not be wasted.

"Let's go, He Birou," Chu Xiang greeted the woman who was still sick.

He Birou climbed up, and the two were helping to prepare to leave. At this time, Ling Ming's sunshine shot the first rays, and the earth would resume moxibustion for another day. If you ca n’t find water, I ’m afraid that only the urine will be maintained. Can't live without, can only hope that the line or town is ahead.

Suddenly a dull roar came, and Chu Xiang's body shook again. This shock was not as excited as the sound of the gun just heard. He had heard this roar many times, and even He Birou had experience, she said in shock: "It's t3!"

I do n’t know when T3 will not scare Chu Xiang, or even they will run around when they see Chu Xiang, but at present Chu Xiang is already an ordinary person. Maybe a thin T3 ’s flexible hands and tongue, this is by no means evolution Formerly Chu Xiang can deal with it!

Chu Xiang looked out of the broken house, and saw a t3 with round eyes under his neck on the sand pile in the distance. He was bare-chested, so he started running towards this side. t3, not to mention He Birou, it is not appropriate to fight with it, ordinary rifle bullets are not dead t3, and Chu Xiang's shooting technology is also great. But why did that t3 just roar? It must be greeting your companions! They were alarmed at this time, and there was only one dead.

Since he couldn't fight, he had to hide, Chu Xiang looked around. Only that well could hide its shape, and he did not dare to hesitate for half a second. Chu Xiang took He Birou to the well. The well rope was tied to a wooden stake at the wellhead. "Go down," Chu Xiang ordered He Birou, and He Birou also Knowing that there was no delay, he immediately grasped the rope and descended, and Chu Xiang followed closely behind. Soon the t3 appeared in these rooms, and the zombies everywhere made it roar again and again.

Chu Xiang and He Birou carefully slipped downwards. Sand flowed down the well from time to time. The two did not dare to look up. They could only hope that the zombie could not see the sight of the well. Otherwise, they really caught them. The depth of it seemed small, and soon He Birou landed on the ground, and Chu Xiang jumped down gently. The two hands were tightly pulled together, and the dark wellbore covered his body, and it seemed to be safe.

Suddenly the sand flowing down the well was more urgent, and the rope was pulled and shaken a few times. Chu Xiang knew that t3 was suspicious of the well. Now he was lying on the well and looked down. Assuredly inspect the rope on the wall of the well, lest people pull on the rope, but fortunately the two went down. Don't let that t3 know that someone is hiding below.

Chu Xiang nervously aimed the muzzle at the wellhead. As long as one is wrong, he will sweep up the gun, kill the t3 first, and then talk. As for other t3, it can only be left behind. The quicksand falling down the bottom of the well gradually reduced, and it seems that the vision at t3 is not good. At least there should be no people at the bottom of the well, but what happened next made Chu Xiang and He Birou almost collapse in the shaft, originally tied to a wooden stake. The rope floated down the bottom of the well!

So sinister t3! Don't worry about cutting the rope! Although this water well is not deep, it is enough to lose four to five Chu Xiangs. The walls of the wells are smooth and slippery. Chu Xiang has lost the super power rope and has been cut off. The two will be trapped under the well!

He Birou almost screamed. Fortunately, Chu Xiang had already guarded her mouth, and then heard the muffled screams from several zombies above her head. They seemed to say hello to each other. It seemed that the t3's helping hand had just arrived Fortunately, he did not fight with him, otherwise it would be dangerous, but the situation now seems more dangerous.

Soon the sound of the ground gradually drifted away. I do n’t know if the t3s were chasing before the team, or if they were looking for a place to take refuge from the sun. After waiting for a long time to hear the abnormal sounds above, Chu Xiang and He Birou dared to speak. speak.

"How do we go up if the rope breaks?" He Birou was crying anxiously.

Chu Xiang is even more anxious. If the world digs out two cadavers in a well in the future, it is really a rare thing. "Don't worry, there must be a way."

That being said, Chu Xiang tried 108 methods next time, but none of them succeeded. The most recent time he stepped on He Birou's shoulder and helped the well wall climb halfway, but there were more than two meters. The distance was not enough to reach the edge of the well, and in the end I could only give up, the wall of the well slipped, and there was no place to settle.

The two sat down at the bottom of the well with disappointment. The place was warm and humid, not to mention it was a good place to avoid the summer heat, but there was still a cold heart, and they were trapped in the bottom of the well without starving and thirsty. Speaking of thirst, Chu Xiang Suddenly he felt wet under the buttocks, he grabbed it, and the bottom of the well was full of sand, and it was estimated that it fell from the wellhead day by day.

"The humidity is very high, and there may be water down there," Chu Xiang squeezed it in his hands and sniffed it before his nose.

He Biju said, "Even if there is water below, it is useless."

Chu Xiang said: "Ignore it first, think of a way to drink water before you talk, you stand to the side, I dig down to see."

He Birou stood on the wall of the well with his rifle on his back, and Chu Xiang squatted at the bottom of the well and began to dig down. The wellbore must have been deeper than this, but the sand had drowned the bottom of the well, so there was no water on it. When digging a pit of nearly one meter, it finally leaked the cool ground water. He Birou and Chu Xiang couldn't help it. Surprise comes out!

But the next problem is still very troublesome, the sand dug out has no place to pile. In addition, there are two people at the bottom of the well, and now they can hardly even turn their butt, and through the sunlight emitted from the wellhead, you can see that the well water seeping from the bottom of the pit is turbid, and it takes at least half an hour to an hour. Suitable for drinking.

Chu Xiang said: "Give me the gun, you sit down on this pile of sand, I will pile the new sand dug out on you in a moment, this will save space and expand the puddle, otherwise this water is not enough to drink Said it would not be cleared for a while. "

He Birou did what he said. She sat next to the well wall and used her thighs and body to pile up a big sandbag near the well. As a result, the pit at the bottom of the well expanded a lot, and the water penetrated faster. The upper layer became clear within 20 minutes. Chu Xiang took out the empty mineral water bottle from his backpack, and he cautiously filled a half bottle.

"He Birou, this water is not disinfected, and the zombies are on it. If I drink it, I don't know if it will be drinkable or not. Let's decide next."

He Birou snatched the bottle and said, "Chu Xiang, don't hesitate. I'd rather be a zombie for a while and have a drink."

Cooing, He Birou drank half a bottle of well water, and Chu Xiang drank another half of the bottle, and then gave it to He Birou. He Birou was grateful for his heart. From this point, we can see that Chu Xiang's Although it is only a matter of drinking one minute in the morning and one minute in the evening, Guan Guan doesn't care about the other person.

The next two of you drank a bottle for half an hour. My stomach rose like a watermelon. Fortunately, the bottom of the well was seeping quickly. Otherwise, they are not enough to drink, and they take a full snoring. Chu Xiang knows that he can no longer drink, and should consider how to get out.

Fill the bottle with water, and Chu Xiang secretly took out the other bottle. At this time, he couldn't pay attention to it. Pour the urine in the bottle at the corner of the well wall, and let it seep through. Into the bottom of the well. I'm afraid the liquid will make him drink it. Fortunately, God pity the two of them and let them drink water, but God also hurt them. The water was full but people couldn't get out.

The bottle was cleaned and the water was filled. Chu Xiang washed his face in the puddle again, and then he picked up the barrel to make a hole in the well wall. He just stepped out a row of holes on the left and right well walls and stepped out. But do n’t look at it in the desert. The wall of the well is as hard as a stone. The barrel is almost bent before it is cut out of a half nest. At this speed, it will be harder to go up. It may take a few days. Time to complete.

Of course, there is no shortage of water, but the food crisis has come again. How can such a hard work not have enough energy to do it? Chu Xiang has felt a trembling arm for a while, and it is hungry. There is a small bag of beef jerky in the bag and a bag of shallot biscuits. Besides, there is no food at all.

Chu Xiang squatted at the bottom of the well and panted, thinking about bending down and drinking a belly again, shaking his body to hear the sound of water whispering in his belly, He Birou asked with concern: "How can I do that? Or should we call for help. "

Chu Xiang shook his head and said, "If there are any survivors here, we do n’t have to call them and they will come to fetch water. If no one yells, they will cry for nothing. Fortunately, there is water below, so we can persist for a day or two. Don't worry, since we didn't thirst for both of us, I think there is always hope to escape. "

It is said that Chu Xiang continued to go to the well, whether it was successful or not, or he could sit on the bottom of the well and wait to die ~ ~ After he cut a few times, Chu Xiang needed to rest, and his energy was not enough. Think of the well walls that used bone knives as soft as tofu in the past. Hey, guys don't mention the bravery of the year, continue to do it down to earth.

"Chu Xiang ..." He Birou suddenly twisted.

"What's the matter?" Chu Xiang stopped his work. He had cut out a footwell and said it was a small step.

He Birou's face flushed, "I, I, I want convenience ..."

But do n’t say why Birou confessed that like Chu Xiang means that the two can be that and that, it ’s totally different, like and going to bed are two different things, especially He Birou, an introverted woman who has never really been in love, she can It is not easy to get up the courage to say that she likes Chu Xiang, mainly because she thought she was going to die at that time, otherwise she couldn't say it.

Of course, He Birou never thought of getting in touch with Chu Xiang. Although he pulled up and pulled up, even in the sandpit to avoid the sun, he was together. But at that time, the two did not think about it, but now they are full. When the water is gone, I don't feel so hungry for the time being. The so-called full-bodied lust, He Birou suddenly made such a request, how can I not let people want to be crooked.


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