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Chapter 324: Kill one first

Chu Xiang has not always attached great importance to freezing skills, and has not tried how good the frozen skills are after the repair. Today he only knows every skill, even a screw will have its great effect. The harsh sounds of icing were rising and falling in the inner harbor. Four warships and one supply ship were frozen in less than a minute. The marine mutants climbing the ship's side also turned into a icy ice body. The mutated creatures in the sea cannot escape.

However, the rapid changes in Wen were not suitable for the officers and men in the warship, and the storm general was dripping down and down, and there was water everywhere. Although Chu Xiang deliberately avoided the warship to implement freezing, the surrounding temperature still affected the survival of the officers and men. At the command of the fleet commander, all officers and men immediately returned to the cabin to find all cold shelters, and instead of finding thick clothes, they replaced it with canvas, and even set a fire on the deck to prevent personal weapons from malfunctioning when the temperature was too low.

Chu Xiang was anxious about Song Jun ’s situation, so the extra frozen energy he had not considered was powerful. After a few nautical miles around his ice, the world was full of white waves. Although the storm was not reduced, there were five ships. The ship never moved again, after all, it was impossible to blow such a large iceberg.

The soldiers on the US ship were frightened. At first they thought they had read it wrong, but after several strict confirmations, they had to believe that the Chinese ship was frozen! How is this possible? Don't say that it is frozen now, even if it is difficult to freeze in winter weather, what mysterious weapon did the Chinese come up with!

This strange thing was immediately transmitted to the Rocky Mountain base through satellite signals. The Americans just recovered from the shock of losing the nuclear bomb. They learned that this strange thing opened their mouths again. China not only has the ability to sail, but also Ability to control nature! However, because satellite communications are intermittently affected by severe weather, more information is not available.

There are a few strange fish jumping on the edge of the iceberg. They have fish heads but they are not fish bodies. They glide quickly on the ice. The target went straight to Chinese warships, and several captains ordered that all soldiers bring enough cold protection tools to snip mutant creatures on the upper deck to prevent them from approaching the warships. Because this time there was no barrier from the seawater, the shells relentlessly shot into the mutant sea creatures. They left a dead body on the ice.

Chu Xiang once again issued powerful energy to widen and thicken the ice layer. In the end, I was convinced that even if the big ice was not able to melt within an hour, I was assured to leave. As long as the sniper marine mutants were handed over to the officers and men on the warship, they could have enough ammunition. As long as the five warships were horns, they could hold it, at least Can stay for an hour or two.

Zhang Jingyao took Chu Xiang's hand. She conveyed the energy and said, "Chu Xiang, you are great. I did not expect that the frozen power would be so great."

Chu Xiang said: "Yeah, I didn't think of it myself. I thought that the freezing effect of creating a small local area was still good, but I didn't expect it to be so, which gave me a lot of experience. It was originally based on this iceberg. It is much easier to extend the freezing outward, instead of relying on my own energy to complete the icing process, otherwise I would have collapsed now. "

Zhang Jingyao said: "I will give you enough energy and rush to the retreat immediately. I'm afraid Song Jun can't support them."

Chu Xiang really did not dare to delay. He was teleported to the retreating battlefield under the leadership of Li Haipeng. At this moment, the American soldier that the Corpse King had killed had no power to fight back. The team was eroded by it a little bit, and the rear creeper led to block the team ’s retreat. . Tens of thousands of people just reduced a little.

The creeper failed to attack one after another. This annoys it abnormally. Keep an eye on Song Jun. Every attack must take Song Jun's life. Song Jun's combat effectiveness is the strongest among the crowd. But creeper territory is more powerful than anyone can imagine. Although it did not hurt the eschatology team members for the time being. But it is not easy for human beings to take their lives.

call. The creeper led everyone to keep their eyes open during the storm. It shot back after a stunned shot. Everyone was caught off guard. Li Niu was swept by the creeper. He has suffered internal injuries today. This palm made him worse. Rolled out two steps and fell to the ground. The situation in Song Jundi is even more dangerous. Because the creeper territory target is him. After defeating Li Niu, the creeper led the two front hoofs to the Song Jun's shoulders. He bit his big mouth and hit Song Jun's shoulder.

Song Jun's shoulders seemed to be held down by tens of thousands of pounds. At this time it is too late to take a bow and shoot arrows. Song Jun can only raise his hand to play a hidden weapon. The hidden weapon shot right through the creeper's mouth. Although it did not pierce the skull of the creeper territory. But still hurt it. This makes the creeper collar even more angry. Hold Song Jundi's two front hoofs harder. Song Jun could not stand the ground and quickly fell to the ground. The mouth of the creeper has reached Song Jun's neck!

boom! A loud gunshot. The creeper collar just opened the blood basin and closed it. Because a powerful pistol shell shattered its tongue. At the same time, a gun tube stretched out in time to block between it and Song Jun. The gun blocked the creeper's collar and made a point between them. The creeper collar made contact with Song Jun and left.

"Chu Xiang. You are here." Song Jundi's words were full of surprises. He is not a merciless monster. He also has anger, sorrow, and fear. If you ca n’t separate from the creeper just now. I'm just afraid of being swallowed by it. I'm scared when I think of it.

Chu Xiang stunned the pipeline: "You go to organize the team. Try not to provoke that American Corpse King. When we solve the creeper, let's ignore it."

Zhou Muqing reminded Chu Xiang loudly: "Be careful, it is not afraid of ultrasound and flames, it is really powerful!"

Chu Xiang knew the current strength of Zhou Muqing, Chen Kai, and others. They could not fight this creeper collar together, so its strength was definitely not ordinary. Therefore, Chu Xiang did not dare to take the enemy lightly from the beginning. In fact, the sting of the creeper is towards the creeper. Although this creeper is not as big as the one encountered at the base of Jiayuguan, it can be imagined that its strength is not lower than that of the creeper.

Huh, the creeper suddenly opened his mouth to bite the stabbed gun barrel, and groaned, the specially made gun barrel was snapped by it! Alas, the creeper collar sprayed out the gun barrel fragments, as fierce as a machine gun. Chu Xiang raised his hand to turn the rain in front of him into a barrier. The gun barrel fragments formed a groove on the barrier, although the large There was a stance that broke through the barrier, but in the end it failed.

Chu Xiang has an in-depth understanding of his super skills. Now he doesn't despise every skill of his own. Since the creeper understands that he can shoot himself, Chu Xiang waved his hands after blocking the fragment of the gun tube. The water barrier just turned into a water arrow to shoot the creeper collar.

The gurgling sound continued, and the water arrow hit the creeper's collar and turned into a drop of water. There were several water arrows that attacked the corners of the armpits and pierced the creeper's skin. However, most of the attacks failed, but the powerful firing force reversed the crawler's lead and lost the counterattack ability for a while.

Chu Xiang chased the m500 runner king in his hand without breaking the gun, and the target took the eyes of the creeper collar, but the creeper collar raised the forefoot and blocked the shot. Chu Xiang knew that the thickness of its shell was more than After the Jiayuguan one, it seems that it must be trapped first, and then resolved with high-power weapons.

Chu Xiang did not dare to hesitate, lest the creeper leader and the corpse king be together. At that time, he couldn't deal with two at the same time, and threw a handful of plants around him. At this time, the creeper led the reorganization to Chu Xiang. Chu Xiang issued a huge freezing capacity, a group of rain covered the creeper collar, and then quickly frozen at a speed visible to the naked eye, but the power of the creeper collar was so strong that the newly formed ice layer was broken with a bang, although The momentum was slightly reduced but still rushed to Chu Xiang

Alas, it was not the sound of impact, but the soft sound of the floor. It turned out that a plant wall grew out of the ground at a critical moment. The creeper collar hits it exactly. If you let it hit the steel plate, it can easily break and smash the steel plate, but these plants are carefully selected by Chu Xiang, and the creeper collar will be entangled when it plunges in. Its limbs had nowhere to borrow, and could only continue to struggle. Chu Xiang did not dare to relax. The powerful control ability was issued, and the soft rattan plants grew more densely. They wrapped up the creeper's collar, and then a large cloud of rain covered the huge plant cluster. The rain quickly frozen, and the originally twisted plant cluster stopped moving.

Chu Xiang told Song Jun: "Is there a powerful weapon? We need to deal with it like the creeper at the Jiayuguan base. Otherwise, it is very difficult for us to completely put it to death."

Song Jun has packed up his team. Ma Xinghe just led the team for less than two kilometers. Although he avoided the attack from the creeper, he also merged with the US forces. Avoid their charge with their powerful firepower. But no one dared to go any further, where the King of the Americas killed Zheng Huan. Many American soldiers have chosen to leave the city and flee.

Song Jundao: "There are only rockets here, but I'm afraid I can't deal with them. I have to find a large equivalent missile."

Chu Xiang said: "Can't delay, let Wang Bin immediately find a way to adjust one, or notify the Americans to think of a way, I'm afraid it will soon break free."

Chu Xiang is not sensational. The creeper collar entangled with plants and added a layer of ice is not dead, and it is still trying to rush out. The ice group has made a rattling sound, which is not a good phenomenon.

Wang Bin immediately contacted the United States. The Americans were also very good at doing things. When they heard that the creeper collar was restrained, they immediately stated that as long as the target was specified, they would launch a bombardment. The actual number of US missiles seriously exceeded that of China. It is a big deal in use.

Wang Bin asked Li Haipeng to bring a signal launcher, and Chu Xiang iced it into the ice mass of the creeper's collar. At this time, the creeper collar was full of energy. It moved hard, and the ice mass cracked into a large pattern. However, this stormy weather created favorable conditions for Chu Xiang. The rainwater flowed along the cracks into the ice mass, and Chu Xiang quickly frozen again, and he again mobilized a large amount of water to strengthen the ice mass, and finally threw the ice mass toward Mid-air, and then flew up and sent it away with a bone wing. The rest was left to the Americans. They needed to track the position of the ice mass and strike it at the appropriate time. Can they crawl completely? The leader killed him, and Chu Xiang ignored it because the Corpse King had already been killed.

The storm was getting heavier and most of the satellite equipment failed. The United States has already started the ground. Due to the guidance of the signal transmitter, they quickly found the creeper leader in flight. Chu Xiang was so powerful that the target had flew away. Dozens of kilometers of battlefield, at this moment is falling in a parabolic posture.

I have to say that this monster's magical power has started to move again after so many hits and packages. From the ground detection and scanning, it can be seen that the ice layer on it is falling off rapidly. Americans dare not hesitate to press the launch button decisively, a high-equivalent tomahawk to catch up with the target, and the creeper is still flesh and blood. It has no possibility that it can stop this explosion. The United States has been unable to deal with it. It is because it cannot lock its target. But now this creeper is trapped and has a signal transmitter on his body. The possibility that it can escape a lands is no longer there.

Chu Xiang raised his hand to catch a truck thrown by the Corpse King. The two sensed the extraordinaryness of each other from the momentum, so they stopped shooting for a while. The Corpse King just hit the US troops on the ground. All weapons failed to attack it, and under the attack of its two meatballs, one fire and one corrosive liquid, the American team collapsed early. The combat effectiveness was greatly reduced. At this moment, when the King of the Americas confronted the Chinese, they were all happy to watch the fire.

Even the US government has begun discussions and speculation in the temporary bases of the Rocky Mountains. It is a pity that the storm air mass severely interfered with the satellite work. Now they can only understand the situation through intermittent audio communication on the front line. However, the Americans are pleased that a Tomahawk successfully locked the target and detonated. Although no one was sent to observe it on the ground, Presumably the creeper collar is finished. The Chinese are really unusual. The Americans can't deal with monsters. They all have a way. It seems that before they seriously underestimated this trade group, they were by no means so simple. Fortunately, there are not many conflicts. Otherwise, wouldn't it be even worse?

Austrian has recovered from the frustration of nuclear bombs. Although the nuclear bomb launch system has been banned for some reason, conventional missiles without nuclear warheads can still be used. As long as those nuclear bombs are slightly modified, all can be launched as conventional missiles, even if they cannot be launched. Determined to destroy the Corpse King, at least there is something to rely on, if only relying on machine guns and cannons. Then the extinction of Americans is not far away.

"Everyone, our intelligence work on China is seriously inadequate and erroneous. Judging from the situation over the past few hours, China's evolutionary energy seems to have surpassed ours in the United States, and the status of our U.S. world police is seriously threatened!"

Someone muttered, "When is this time? We are too busy taking care of ourselves and being a fart world policeman."

Another person said: "These little-known Chinese evolutionists are so powerful, so isn't it that the famous East-West-West poisons in their country are more powerful? Would you like to ask them to help us get rid of the dead?" Angrily: "The strength of the Chinese evolutionist is indeed amazing, but we can't grow others' ambitions to destroy our own prestige. If you really do as you say. We in the United States will be constrained by China in the future."

Someone said: "It doesn't matter who restricts who. Now we tens of thousands of American people are wiped out by the wind of the American Corpse King. The monster is confronted with the Chinese. Should we do something?"

Someone said: "Sex will fire a few more Tomahawks, and I don't believe that the Corpse King has escaped this continuous blow."

Okuma waved: "No, there are still tens of thousands of Americans on the battlefield. In addition, the Chinese will not allow us to do this. They have teleporters, and their hackers are also very powerful. They were only able to invade our network and contact us. Every move we have here will be monitored by him. Although the bad weather on the West Coast is intermittent at this moment, no one can guarantee that they will not find our place to attack. Do n’t say we are forced to cancel the launch at that time, it is to destroy It's all possible for us to lose it. You think about how many evolutionaries are available to each of you, and how our evolutionary strengths can compare with that creeper. "

Okay ’s words silenced everyone, so no one proposed to destroy everything on the battlefield. The creeper collar was just thrown away. The throwing distance was not a few meters as imagined, so the explosion had no effect on the battlefield. But the King of the Americas could not be thrown away. To kill it, only missiles were dropped on the battlefield, but this would kill the Americans. The Chinese were also dangerous, and they would naturally not allow this to happen.

"Are you fighting?" Ao Yu asked a little excitedly. He hoped that the Chinese would kill the King of the Americas and remove the big trouble for the United States. He also hoped that the Chinese would be destroyed by the King of the Americas. Worried that these high-powered evolvers will overwhelm the American international status in the future ~ ~ It took a long time to get the signal. Someone reported to Ao Huihui: "It's strange that they haven't started."

Okuma said: "How is this possible? Is the communicator broken? As far as we know, the King of the Americas did not take the shot himself. Once he shot it, there is no possibility of leaving the survivor. Poison, what disease did it commit this time. "

After a while, Au Yu asked anxiously: "If there is any progress, send someone to the battlefield to see if the satellite communication equipment is all broken, and we have been receiving the initial signal."

The staff of the communications said: "No, the President, although our communications are greatly affected, we can still receive instant messages intermittently. They are still standing there for a full minute. I think it may be our country's The Corpse King does not know foreigners, so it is hesitating. "

"Fart!" Owl scoffed at this speculation, but he really didn't understand the phenomenon, and just came out of the joy of destroying a creeper collar. Now the Americans are in doubt, of course, the nuclear bomb is inexplicably invalid. The shadows haven't faded yet.


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