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Chapter 339: 1 enemy 2

"Haha blind, we didn't expect us to meet again!" A laugh came from the wall of Liyang Base, Chu Xiang frowned and clenched his fists, and the small wire next to it jumped onto the flame horse and drove! She drank back to report, and it was in the signal shielding area. I don't know if it was natural influence or Shao Dahe set it up.

"Where to go!" A violent drink of a figure caught up with Xiaosi, but Xiaosi didn't even look back, and even Chu Xiang didn't take any action to rescue him. The man was so happy that he could take it with anyone, Suddenly there was a flower, and then the man and the horse disappeared.

"It's fast!" The figure stopped. He was not Bei Beggar and Dong Xie, but an evolutionary under Bei Beggar. He was good at light work, which was why he was surprised, because under his pursuit You can leave calmly, this speed is enough to surprise him.

The person standing on the wall is Dong Xie. Chu Xiang uses the induction function to form a position map in the brain. Every position that everyone is in, even the people hiding behind the wall cannot escape his reconnaissance range. No wonder It was so vicious to start the transport team that it turned out to be his own big enemy.

It ’s just that Chu Xiang is n’t clear yet. It ’s actually Shao Dahe who is vicious, but now he has to vent his anger to Dong Xie. In addition, Chu Xiang still has a clear sense. The beggar who rescued Dong Xie was there that day. The evolutionaries of the Liyang base and several younger brothers of the North beggar were also present, and the situation was not good for Chu Xiang.

Dong Xie jumped out of the wall and stood in front of Chu Xiang, he said loudly: "Blind, we didn't make a difference last time, now dare to fight against me again?"

"I'm willing to accompany you!" Chu Xiang suddenly shot. He roared, and the ultrasonic wave was emitted instantly. The attacked body of Dong Xietu flew up like a chicken feather and crashed into the wall. The wall collapsed, and the surrounding trees were under ultrasonic vibration. They turned into sawdust, and the scene was startled by the beggar.

Dong Xie did not expect that Chu Xiang suddenly grasped the ultrasonic wave he was proficient with, and when he knew it was not good, he could not hide. So he could only accept it stiffly, was hit by an ultrasonic wave, and hit his back against the wall. Dong Xie's chest was stuffy, wow a blood spurted out.

Bei Bian came out of the crack in the wall and said, "The consultants of the evolution team are really powerful. Even if they are blind, they have such great power. OK, let me show you your skills."

Bei Bian said that he was stepping back, but the brother behind him stepped in line. One of them turned out to be a weather-controlled evolutionary, and he had secretly gathered together. At this time a thunderbolt struck down. Dong Xie just calmed down, he had a few rounds of battle with Chu Xiang, and he knew Chu Xiang's skills deeply. Seeing that Bei's younger brother wanted to attack with lightning, he quickly said: "No! You are not his opponent! "

But it was too late, and the dazzling light flashed, but what Bei Beidi could not imagine was that the thunder and lightning exploded above his head. Boom, his clothes instantly turned to ashes, his body was also scorched, and the life and death were unknown when he swooped down. He could control the weather but did not mean that he could withstand the electric shock. The sun's rays of dawn had been covered by dark clouds, and the sky was overcast in Liyang Suddenly, a large number of hailstones shot down from the sky, the size of which was the size of a fist, hitting people as if they were being ejected. The trees in the entire base fell into light for a while, and even many evolutionaries were looking for shelter from hail.

Bei Bian and Dong Xie were unable to open their eyes, but Chu Xiang did not need to open his eyes. He created such a chaotic situation to let the other party know that he was only one person. But to deal with Xiao Yan effortlessly. What's more, this rain cloud was attracted by the beggar's people, and Chu Xiang saved a lot of energy.

Bei Biao questioned loudly: "What's going on? Why the ground lightning caused us to be bad for us. Hurry to disperse the hail, or the Puyang base will be destroyed!"

A younger brother covered his head with his hands and shouted in Bei'er's ear, "Master. My brother was stunned by the lightning he brought. We can't control this weather!"

Dong Xie slammed his foot fiercely: "Alas! You are helping the aggrieved, I said that he would also control the weather, but now he was used by the other side, and quickly killed him, otherwise the ghost weather is endless, he still Controlling water is not good for us. "

The companion of Bei Bian said, "What are you still doing? Quickly kill him. I want you not to eat rice! And Shao Dahe, order your people to launch an attack immediately, as long as this person is destroyed, fish Taiwan bases are not a concern! "

Shao Dahe could only order his evolvers to attack with hail, but this group of people had not yet surrounded Chu Xiang, and the ground had already a centimeter thick hail suddenly burst out of a bunch of ice vertebrae, several evolutionaries avoided Late in the day, the soles of his feet were pierced alive, and he uttered a grieving cry. Fortunately, a metamorphic evolutionist stretched out his arm and pulled people back. However, the feet of these people were seriously injured and they were unable to move. Humans, although they think they have evolved, they are far worse than Chu Xiang.

At this time, the ice vertebra on the ground didn't seem to intend to stop growing, and Dong Xie and Bei Bian had spread over it. Dong Xie exclaimed: "How can this small strength grow so fast, I am not his opponent now."

Bingzi had reached his feet. Both Beijia and Dongxie noticed that sharp objects were stabbing the soles of the feet. The two had to step back. When backing to the wall of the collapsed ground, Beijia roared: "Break!" Then the beggar ’s palms struck forward, and the frozen ice was broken apart from the ice vertebrae of steel. The strength of this beggar was indeed higher than that of the east evil, and it was not one or two points, but today Chu Xiang has already The skills have been completely restored, and the energy has also been greatly improved, so it is not easy for the beggar to defeat Chu Xiang.

Chu Xiang is the last time to fight against the evil land principle. Do n’t rush into it. After all, Dong Xie is now joining forces with the North beggar, and they still have a lot of men. Chu Xiang has abundant energy and strong evolutionary skills. law. Chu Xiang strengthened the dense clouds and clouds in the air, and the hail fell more quickly. The target concentrated on the center of the Puyang base. The bare trees and branches that were hit by the ground began to break, and some of the buildings hidden in the trees were smashed and smashed. , But everything in the cave is intact, which makes Shao Dahe slightly put

In fact, if you really fight hard, Dong Xie's strength will not be weaker than Chu Xiang. Unfortunately, Dong Xie's self-confidence will collapse first, and Chu Xiang will make a big scene today. ^^^^ This made Dong Xie even a little bit frightened, and he was also injured. Dong Xie said to Bei Begiao, "Brother Bei, this small strength has suddenly increased greatly. The man does not suffer the immediate loss. I think we should abandon this base and withdraw. Why stay here and force the surname Shao to take the lead, but he himself caused the trouble. , Who made him greedy for others' supplies. "

Bei Bian said unpleasantly: "Brother Dong, I saved you only because you could help me. Now you want to escape if there is something, where did your courage go, if you let others know that we are dignified Both Dong Xie and Bei Bian couldn't beat each other blindly. After that, whoever in the world will listen to our orders, and if there is something wrong, we will throw it away. Think about how many people will be loyal to us in the future, Fengmo. I blow away the rain clouds from the sky, so that he can no longer make hail! Do you think he can play superpowers alone? "

A younger brother of Bei Bie immediately responded. A storm formed in the sky. It swept through a large cloud, the dark sky gradually dispersed, and a hint of sunlight passed down. Chu Xiang noticed that the other party was going to disperse his hail attack, but Dongxie did not know that Chu Xiang also had the ability to control the wind, but Chu Xiang had never used it, and now he had to compete against him.

call. The two storms met in the air. For a while, the lightning flashed and thundered, and the two strong winds twisted into a vortex. As it turned faster and faster, a tornado storm formed like this. It's just that this tornado storm is not under the control of Bei's younger brother. It wandered in the woods outside the base at first, and those thick trees were uprooted.

Then the eye of the storm moved near the wall of the Liyang base. As soon as the tree fell down, it was born on a hard ground and sucked out a large ditch. And the walls made from the mixed walls of rocks and mud can't resist the suction of the storm eye. The walls collapsed, and large stones were caught in them. Some humans who were too late to escape also flew into the air and accidentally encountered the swirl. The stone in the air duct is a broken blood stream. \\

The North beggar can't blame Dong Xie at all. After all, how many rounds did Dong Xie fight last time, but this time he fell short before he took the shot. If he compares himself to the loss of Dong Xie, it is only Dong Xie at this moment. He didn't calculate this at all, he was hurt too carelessly, and at this moment he was regretted by Chu Xiang's powerful skills. At this moment, his mind was full of escape thoughts.

In fact, Dong Xie also wanted to attack Chu Xiang with sound waves, so that he could create a chance for the North beggar to kill Chu Xiang, but the North beggar was always reluctant to take his own shots, and he always let his apprentices fight. This let Dong Xie Dispelled the thought, after all, his attack did not work the last time, and certainly not this time. If the North beggar did not play in person, then it is not cost-effective to consume energy in the air.

Just as Dong Xie was about to run away, Bei Bian suddenly said: "Brother Dong, cover me and attack! You can't let him be arrogant anymore, so he can really leave the feathers destroyed by Puyang!"

Dong Xie had no fighting spirit at this time. Although the beggar's proposal was answered in the mouth, in fact, the power of the sound wave was less than two-fold before. The beggar sensed that the power of Dong Xie was reduced, but he thought that Dong Xie had sprayed blood. This is the case, so the beggar can't blame it, but calmly look for opportunities to prepare for a fatal blow to Chu Xiang in the storm and hail.

Although Chu Xiang couldn't see his eyes, his induction ability improved in time to catch Dong Xie ’s sonic attacks. Plants were everywhere around him. Chu Xiang released a wave of energy to build a plant wall around him. There was a banging sound on the top, but after Chu Xiang continued to input energy, the plant blocked the ultrasonic attack of Dongxiedi.

Chu Xiang knew that Dongxie ’s ultrasonic attack would be continuous once it started, and if the defense was blind, his attack would start when he resisted this ultrasonic attack. Of course, natural forces must be used This is important to save Chu Xiang's energy, otherwise multi-faceted coping will quickly drain his energy, so a series of lightning strikes continuously to the east.

Dong Xie knows that his ultrasound cannot defeat Chu Xiang in one blow, so it must be continuously attacked to work, but now the constant explosion of thunder above his head, he may be hit if he is not careful, even if he cannot die. Disabled, and the plants under his feet suddenly attacked him. Dong Xie stumbled and noticed a dog **** without saying that his body was bound by a clump of rattan. Unfortunately, he gave up the blow to Chu Xiang and returned the palm of his hand to break up the plants on Dong Xie's body.

At this time, the beggar's brother, the wind-controlling brother, couldn't hold on. He had been working with Chu Xiang. Trying to control the tornado in his own hands, but his evolutionary energy is really weak. Alas, a spurt of blood was drawn into the air duct, and the swirling stones in the air duct gripped his head from left to right, slamming his head.

There was another high voltage current sent by a younger brother of Bei Beggar. This is a good energy-type evolver, but it was not properly used by Bei Beggar, so he can only serve as an ordinary attacker. Otherwise, focusing on training is also a source of energy supply for the team, which is of great benefit to other evolvers, but now his high-voltage current just charges Chu Xiang for nothing.

Chu Xiang passed through Zhang Jingyao ’s subtle influence. The current generated by the human bio-generator could not harm him, but would be automatically absorbed and utilized by his body, but the beggar ’s brother did not know this and thought that his Something went wrong. He took a look at his palm and sent a current to attack Xiang Xiang again, but after a few waves of trials, he didn't move. He had to experiment with an evolver under Shao Dahe.

Bang, a huge spark flashed, the evolutionist was turned over ten times by electricity. Once his body rolled out of the cover, the hail falling from the sky hit him mercilessly, because The electrified body was convulsed, and the evolutionist was unable to dodge at all. After a while, he was beaten into meat sauce, and the others watched secretly crying.

The beggar slaps the energy-type evolutionist in annoyance, "What are you doing and how do you attack yourself!"

Bei Bian saw Shao Dahe's complexion. It would be wrong for you to change it. His men were beaten by his own soldiers, and his life was finally affected. It's a mess. The energy-type evolver covered his face and said, "I thought my current was not working, so I tried it with him. But who knows that it works well, but attacking the blind just won't work, let me try again . "

Dong Xie was rescued by the beggar by splitting the plant bushes, and his face was pale. This is an absolutely different experience from his last battle with Chu Xiang. This time, Fang Ming has clearly increased his strength, but he is falling behind and hearing energy. The words of the evolver, he understood with a little thought, saying: "Don't attack with electricity anymore! The younger shouldn't be afraid of electricity. I think he looks more energetic when he gets more electricity. You are helping."

Just as he spoke, the energy-type evolutionist sent another electric current. Of course, Chu Xiang absorbed it unceremoniously. After his energy increased greatly, he decided to open up a new front, so the surrounding air was cold, and Dong Xie first felt it. Not good, "No! It's quick freezing! Run away!"

Dong Xie can actually break Chu Xiang's quick freezing, but the low temperature will also damage his body. Besides, he knows that other evolutionaries can't stand quick freezing, so his local saying is more to remind others. Dong Xie was rescued by his skills, but at that time he only slapped a few hands with Chu Xiang, but did not directly fight, so he did not know much about Chu Xiang's strength. He heard Dong Xiedi ’s reminder and thought it was a trivial matter. However, he was startled when he heard the icy icing again. Two slow-running apprentices had become Yituo ice, and even the beggar's limbs became mahjong to lose their ability to move.

Why did Bei Beggar and Dong Xie fall under the wind everywhere today, not because Chu Xiang's ability suddenly got a qualitative ascension, but because Bei Beggar and Dong Xie did not have the desperate thoughts today. The Blue Shield troops broke out in two states of mind, but Chu Xiang is now full of anger, vowing to avenge the sacrifice of the **** soldiers, plus Chu Xiang had previously eaten the losses of the East evil and the North beggar, so today he fights It is very stable, and as a result, Bei Beggar and Dong Xie are all passive, and they are even in danger of defeat!

However, the beggar's ability to conquer Dongxie's strength was not a fame, but he was more cautious. At the moment of life and death, he didn't want to desperately, and desperately, to break free from the danger of quick freezing. If you don't attack again, continue to be beaten!

Chu Xiang does not believe that there are eighteen dragons in the world, but he believes that some people can use energy to do their palms. This is like an evolutionary such as Zhang Jingyao. Her skill is to directly use energy to combat opponents, and Bei Beggar. This should also be the case, and his energy is excreted through both palms, so it feels like a dragon and eighteen palms, which is also in line with the name of the beggar.

Chu Xiang is dealing with several scenes at this moment ~ ~ weather, plants, quick freezing, and storm, so his energy is relatively scattered, but the beggar is threatening, Chu Xiang dare not take it lightly, he takes the quick freezing skills and uses The plant built a thick barrier in front of the beggar to attack.

The beggar only showed his strength at this moment. I saw a blow from his left palm. A huge amount of energy was emitted. The energy hit the plant wall and exploded. The plant wall was smashed by a bang. Chu Xiang was As the explosion shook back, his controlling force relaxed the hail and stopped immediately, so the evolutionary who was not yet frozen by the opponent took the opportunity to escape.

The confidence of Bei Jiag's success increased greatly. He flew up again and took Chu Xiang's chest directly. Chu Xiang knew that Bei Bei relied on the skills of both palms. Without knowing the details, he could not fight hard, so he was immediately in his body. A water wall was blocked in front. The beggar's energy hit the water wall and completely deformed the water wall, as if a punch was punched into a stretch net, and the palm wind passed through the water wall to take Chu Xiang's chest straight.

Chu Xiang was taken aback. He immediately withdrew the energy added to the storm. His palms were in front of his chest, and the two energy collisions exploded. Chu Xiang and Bei Bian flew back several meters behind him at the same time. His face was a bit ugly. The energy of the beggar could still hit Chu Xiang this way through the water wall.


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